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(Created page with "<!-- Shop:Heady_Spirits --> ==2021Q3== <section begin=2021Q3 /> {{Festshop |shopname=Heady Spirits |look=a squat stone shed with an animal skull mounted over the door |locatio...")
m (Updating most recent entry for Aug 2024 run)
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==Current Shop Listing==
<!-- Shop:Heady_Spirits -->
{{:BVShop:Heady Spirits/August 2024}}

<section begin=2021Q3 />
==Previous Shop Listings==
|shopname=Heady Spirits

|look=a squat stone shed with an animal skull mounted over the door
[[Category:Bloodriven Village shops|H]]
|location=Map Room #18, Lich# 26874, go stone shed
===Heady Spirits===<!--==={{{ [Heady Spirits] 2021-08-16 13:04:23 -0700}}}===-->
|roomname=Heady Spirits -
|desc=Cramped and musty, there isn't a whole lot of extra room within this small shed. Burning candles, their flames a dull purple, are scattered around a low ivory shrine, which is pushed up against the back wall. Sitting in one corner is a branching stand constructed from bleached bone, its tiered arms pressed flush to the stone behind it. Tiny bones and feathers litter the dirt floor, making the footing precarious.
|exits= out}}
{{sign|margin-right=40%|sign='''smooth stone sign'''<hr><nowiki>
The headgear in this room contains the trapped spirit of an animal.
Be warned - they are wild and untamed, often lashing out in anger at those they do not know.
Tame them and partner with them, however, to soothe the wild spirit within.
Initially they are very plain, providing an ability to infuse your eyes with their spiritual power and offering the ability to be seen most prominently when people LOOK at you.
Due to their special infusion, if you wield a similar weapon, shield, or armor from the shops next door with one of these head-worn items, the taming of the spirits in all of them are multiplied.
Unlock the further potential of your headgear by using the certificates on the shrine.
* Animalistic Avatar
Use the notes on the shrine to unlock the ability to let the spirit infuse your very being, briefly becoming the living avatar of the spirit within and causing targets to be rooted in place with fear. In addition, the provided papyrus will let you wield this ability on multiple targets in the room.
If you also wield an Animalistic Spirit weapon, shield, or armor, the spirit in the headgear will either add Animalistic Fury flares or Animalistic Instinct flares to the attack.
* Spiritual Imprint
Using the provided voucher, you can unlock the ability for the spirit in your headgear to "imprint" on a spirit within another of your Animalistic Spirit items, allowing it to morph into the physical features of the other spirit at-will. NOTE: You can only unlock up to 4 "imprint" slots max, and the other item's spirit must trust you to be able to imprint.
* Fluff Actions and Spirit Change
Unlock the tricks your spirit can do, or the tricks you can do with your headgear, with the provided parchment.
As well, you can change the type of animal in your headgear with the provided paper (TURN to find the one you like), which will morph the spirit within.</nowiki>}}
{{Container2||container=On the branching stand you see:||contents= an oiled leather tricorn adorned with a sleek raven feather, a layered linen turban pinned with a molded bronze serpent, a wrought silver crown adorned with a rack of tiered antlers, a delicate silver ferroniere dangling a cat's eye quartz, a flame-hued feather headdress strung with amber beads and a polished steel helm with a trailing horsehair crest.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| an oiled leather tricorn adorned with a sleek raven feather || Weight: <1 pound || head-worn
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-anoiledleathertricornadornedwithasleekravenfeather" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-anoiledleathertricornadornedwithasleekravenfeather">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the oiled leather tricorn and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
---- Animalistic Spirit Headdresses ----<br>
-General Script Information-<br>
This is headgear with the spirit of an animal trapped within it.<br>
The spirit is wild and must be tamed by unleashing attacks against like-level foes, either magical or physical.<br>
If not fully tame, the spirit within can backlash upon the owner.<br>
Allegiance can be changed, but the new owner must work off the trust gained by the previous owner.<br>
If you also wield an Animalistic Spirit weapon, shield, or wear a set of associated armor, the infusion within the tricorn allows for all spirits to be tamed faster.<br>
The spirit within the tricorn can be unlocked to allow it to morph into the appearance of the spirits within any other Animalistic Spirit item you are also bonded with.<br>
In addition, the tricorn will draw out help from other wielded Animalistic Spirit gear when performing an Animalistic Avatar attack, adding Animalistic Fury (weapons/shields) or Animalistic Instinct (armor) to its attacks.<br>
While wearing Animalistic Spirit armor, this tricorn will take the place of the associated head coverage (if the armor has no head coverage), or be appended to the head coverage's description (if the tricorn is not a helm/helmet) in the armor's messaging.<br>
-Alteration Guidelines-<br>
* Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this tricorn are fine.<br>
* Any merchant can change the adornment, adornment type, and how the adornment attaches to the tricorn.<br>
Possible adornment types are: plain (color/texture), loose/dangling (feathers/tassels), reflective attachments (pins/gems/metal), rigid protrusions (spikes/horns), or designs (embroidery/etching).<br>
* If the tricorn is NOT a helm/helmet, it is likely a merchant can change the headgear type.<br>
Possible types are: headdresses, helms/helmets, tiara/circlets, crowns, headscarves/turbans, or hats.<br>
* Customization of the line that shows up in your features when worn is also possible, but only the segment after the comma in the first sentence and the complete second sentence can be changed.<br>
NOTE: This should NOT indicate movement, glowing, or anything other than a description of how the adornment looks on the tricorn when worn, or how the tricorn is being worn.<br>
* Some merchants can change the spirit color, spirit call, spirit group, or how the spirit looks.<br>
Only the "main" spirit can be altered in this manner; any spirit imprints cannot be changed.<br>
<b>NOTE: You cannot change the general type of animal, such as changing a large feline to be a canine, except using certificates.<br>
As well, each spirit type only has certain pre-approved nouns allowed.</b><br>
* Feature-Worn<br>
When worn, this tricorn can be viewable in your features, appearing just below the line indicating your race. It is toggleable with TOUCH.<br>
<b>Feature-Worn ability is currently: ON [Toggle with TOUCH]</b><br>
* Temporary Eye Feature Change<br>
RUBbing the tricorn causes the spirit's essence to briefly infuse your eyes, turning them into "feral misty green eyes" for 4 hours.<br>
* Spirit Imprints = Locked<br>
When unlocked, the tricorn gains the ability to "imprint" with other spirits and morph into their appearance at will. The spirit within the tricorn must be attuned to you, as well as the spirit of the other piece of Animalistic Spirit gear you are trying to imprint.<br>
Use INSPECT to view any imprinted spirits, TURN to coax the spirit within the tricorn to morph into a different spirit appearance, CLEAN to remove a spirit imprint, and POINT the tricorn at the other item you want it to imprint to.<br>
NOTE: You can only unlock a maximum of 4 extra slots for imprinted spirits on this tricorn.<br>
* Animalistic Avatar = Locked<br>
When unlocked, gain access to a maneuver-based attack using WAVE that briefly turns you into the avatar of the attached spirit, potentially rooting the target to the spot in fear. This can be unleashed every 6 minutes.<br>
If the multi-opponent version is unlocked, the same attack can be unleashed on a maximum of 2 creatures in the room once an hour.<br>
If you wield an Animalistic Spirit weapon or shield, or wear Animalistic Spirit armor, the respective item's flare will be added to the tricorn's attack.<br>
* Flavor Actions (Tier 1 of 2)<br>
At this tier, this tricorn captures the following: WEAR, REMOVE, RUB (Temporary Eye Change), TOUCH (Feature-worn On/Off).<br>
Use PROD to make the spirit less visible while using these actions [Spirit is currently: Awake]<br>
* Tameness/Affinity<br>
Tame the spirit to prevent it enacting its rage upon you.<br>
Only one person can have allegiance to this tricorn's spirit at a time.<br>
The feeling of this spirit toward no one is wild (Level 0 of 12).<br>
NOTE: To start taming this tricorn, damage a like-level foe with physical or magical attacks.<br>
-Current Settings-<br>
* Spirit: raven (Type: Corvid)<br>
Available nouns for this type are: raven, crow, magpie, jackdaw, rook, jay.<br>
* Spirit Descriptor: sleek<br>
* Spirit Color: misty green<br>
* Spirit Call: caw<br>
* Spirit Group: mob<br>
* Type: Hat<br>
* Material: oiled leather<br>
* Adornment: sleek raven feather (Type:Feathers/Tassels)<br>
* Adornment Attachment: tucked into the left side of the tricorn<br>
* Feature Line: oiled leather tricorn, its surface worn and supple. Tucked into the left side of the tricorn is a sleek raven feather, the end curving back in line with the hat's brim.<br>
NOTE: The beginning text before the "..." is different depending on type and cannot be customized.<br>
| 15,000
| a layered linen turban pinned with a molded bronze serpent || Weight: <1 pound || head-worn
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-alayeredlinenturbanpinnedwithamoldedbronzeserpent" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-alayeredlinenturbanpinnedwithamoldedbronzeserpent">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the linen turban and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
---- Animalistic Spirit Headdresses ----<br>
-General Script Information-<br>
This is headgear with the spirit of an animal trapped within it.<br>
The spirit is wild and must be tamed by unleashing attacks against like-level foes, either magical or physical.<br>
If not fully tame, the spirit within can backlash upon the owner.<br>
Allegiance can be changed, but the new owner must work off the trust gained by the previous owner.<br>
If you also wield an Animalistic Spirit weapon, shield, or wear a set of associated armor, the infusion within the turban allows for all spirits to be tamed faster.<br>
The spirit within the turban can be unlocked to allow it to morph into the appearance of the spirits within any other Animalistic Spirit item you are also bonded with.<br>
In addition, the turban will draw out help from other wielded Animalistic Spirit gear when performing an Animalistic Avatar attack, adding Animalistic Fury (weapons/shields) or Animalistic Instinct (armor) to its attacks.<br>
While wearing Animalistic Spirit armor, this turban will take the place of the associated head coverage (if the armor has no head coverage), or be appended to the head coverage's description (if the turban is not a helm/helmet) in the armor's messaging.<br>
-Alteration Guidelines-<br>
* Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this turban are fine.<br>
* Any merchant can change the adornment, adornment type, and how the adornment attaches to the turban.<br>
Possible adornment types are: plain (color/texture), loose/dangling (feathers/tassels), reflective attachments (pins/gems/metal), rigid protrusions (spikes/horns), or designs (embroidery/etching).<br>
* If the turban is NOT a helm/helmet, it is likely a merchant can change the headgear type.<br>
Possible types are: headdresses, helms/helmets, tiara/circlets, crowns, headscarves/turbans, or hats.<br>
* Customization of the line that shows up in your features when worn is also possible, but only the segment after the comma in the first sentence and the complete second sentence can be changed.<br>
NOTE: This should NOT indicate movement, glowing, or anything other than a description of how the adornment looks on the turban when worn, or how the turban is being worn.<br>
* Some merchants can change the spirit color, spirit call, spirit group, or how the spirit looks.<br>
Only the "main" spirit can be altered in this manner; any spirit imprints cannot be changed.<br>
<b>NOTE: You cannot change the general type of animal, such as changing a large feline to be a canine, except using certificates.<br>
As well, each spirit type only has certain pre-approved nouns allowed.</b><br>
* Feature-Worn<br>
When worn, this turban can be viewable in your features, appearing just below the line indicating your race. It is toggleable with TOUCH.<br>
<b>Feature-Worn ability is currently: ON [Toggle with TOUCH]</b><br>
* Temporary Eye Feature Change<br>
RUBbing the turban causes the spirit's essence to briefly infuse your eyes, turning them into "feral misty green eyes" for 4 hours.<br>
* Spirit Imprints = Locked<br>
When unlocked, the turban gains the ability to "imprint" with other spirits and morph into their appearance at will. The spirit within the turban must be attuned to you, as well as the spirit of the other piece of Animalistic Spirit gear you are trying to imprint.<br>
Use INSPECT to view any imprinted spirits, TURN to coax the spirit within the turban to morph into a different spirit appearance, CLEAN to remove a spirit imprint, and POINT the turban at the other item you want it to imprint to.<br>
NOTE: You can only unlock a maximum of 4 extra slots for imprinted spirits on this turban.<br>
* Animalistic Avatar = Locked<br>
When unlocked, gain access to a maneuver-based attack using WAVE that briefly turns you into the avatar of the attached spirit, potentially rooting the target to the spot in fear. This can be unleashed every 6 minutes.<br>
If the multi-opponent version is unlocked, the same attack can be unleashed on a maximum of 2 creatures in the room once an hour.<br>
If you wield an Animalistic Spirit weapon or shield, or wear Animalistic Spirit armor, the respective item's flare will be added to the turban's attack.<br>
* Flavor Actions (Tier 1 of 2)<br>
At this tier, this turban captures the following: WEAR, REMOVE, RUB (Temporary Eye Change), TOUCH (Feature-worn On/Off).<br>
Use PROD to make the spirit less visible while using these actions [Spirit is currently: Awake]<br>
* Tameness/Affinity<br>
Tame the spirit to prevent it enacting its rage upon you.<br>
Only one person can have allegiance to this turban's spirit at a time.<br>
The feeling of this spirit toward no one is wild (Level 0 of 12).<br>
NOTE: To start taming this turban, damage a like-level foe with physical or magical attacks.<br>
-Current Settings-<br>
* Spirit: cobra (Type: Snake)<br>
Available nouns for this type are: snake, serpent, cobra, asp, adder, boa, boa constrictor, rattlesnake, corn snake, mamba, eel.<br>
* Spirit Descriptor: sinuous<br>
* Spirit Color: misty green<br>
* Spirit Call: hiss<br>
* Spirit Group: mass<br>
* Type: Headscarf/Turban<br>
* Material: linen<br>
* Adornment: molded bronze serpent (Type:Gems/Pins/Metal)<br>
* Adornment Attachment: pinned to the front of the turban<br>
* Feature Line: ...a layered linen turban, the loose folds of cloth falling in pleated layers over her shoulder. Prominently pinned to the front of the turban is a molded bronze serpent with emerald-set eyes, the metal surface etched with a faint scale pattern.<br>
NOTE: The beginning text before the "..." is different depending on type and cannot be customized.<br>
| 15,000
| a wrought silver crown adorned with a rack of tiered antlers || Weight: <1 pound || head-worn
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-awroughtsilvercrownadornedwitharackoftieredantlers" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-awroughtsilvercrownadornedwitharackoftieredantlers">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the silver crown and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
---- Animalistic Spirit Headdresses ----<br>
-General Script Information-<br>
This is headgear with the spirit of an animal trapped within it.<br>
The spirit is wild and must be tamed by unleashing attacks against like-level foes, either magical or physical.<br>
If not fully tame, the spirit within can backlash upon the owner.<br>
Allegiance can be changed, but the new owner must work off the trust gained by the previous owner.<br>
If you also wield an Animalistic Spirit weapon, shield, or wear a set of associated armor, the infusion within the crown allows for all spirits to be tamed faster.<br>
The spirit within the crown can be unlocked to allow it to morph into the appearance of the spirits within any other Animalistic Spirit item you are also bonded with.<br>
In addition, the crown will draw out help from other wielded Animalistic Spirit gear when performing an Animalistic Avatar attack, adding Animalistic Fury (weapons/shields) or Animalistic Instinct (armor) to its attacks.<br>
While wearing Animalistic Spirit armor, this crown will take the place of the associated head coverage (if the armor has no head coverage), or be appended to the head coverage's description (if the crown is not a helm/helmet) in the armor's messaging.<br>
-Alteration Guidelines-<br>
* Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this crown are fine.<br>
* Any merchant can change the adornment, adornment type, and how the adornment attaches to the crown.<br>
Possible adornment types are: plain (color/texture), loose/dangling (feathers/tassels), reflective attachments (pins/gems/metal), rigid protrusions (spikes/horns), or designs (embroidery/etching).<br>
* If the crown is NOT a helm/helmet, it is likely a merchant can change the headgear type.<br>
Possible types are: headdresses, helms/helmets, tiara/circlets, crowns, headscarves/turbans, or hats.<br>
* Customization of the line that shows up in your features when worn is also possible, but only the segment after the comma in the first sentence and the complete second sentence can be changed.<br>
NOTE: This should NOT indicate movement, glowing, or anything other than a description of how the adornment looks on the crown when worn, or how the crown is being worn.<br>
* Some merchants can change the spirit color, spirit call, spirit group, or how the spirit looks.<br>
Only the "main" spirit can be altered in this manner; any spirit imprints cannot be changed.<br>
<b>NOTE: You cannot change the general type of animal, such as changing a large feline to be a canine, except using certificates.<br>
As well, each spirit type only has certain pre-approved nouns allowed.</b><br>
* Feature-Worn<br>
When worn, this crown can be viewable in your features, appearing just below the line indicating your race. It is toggleable with TOUCH.<br>
<b>Feature-Worn ability is currently: ON [Toggle with TOUCH]</b><br>
* Temporary Eye Feature Change<br>
RUBbing the crown causes the spirit's essence to briefly infuse your eyes, turning them into "feral misty green eyes" for 4 hours.<br>
* Spirit Imprints = Locked<br>
When unlocked, the crown gains the ability to "imprint" with other spirits and morph into their appearance at will. The spirit within the crown must be attuned to you, as well as the spirit of the other piece of Animalistic Spirit gear you are trying to imprint.<br>
Use INSPECT to view any imprinted spirits, TURN to coax the spirit within the crown to morph into a different spirit appearance, CLEAN to remove a spirit imprint, and POINT the crown at the other item you want it to imprint to.<br>
NOTE: You can only unlock a maximum of 4 extra slots for imprinted spirits on this crown.<br>
* Animalistic Avatar = Locked<br>
When unlocked, gain access to a maneuver-based attack using WAVE that briefly turns you into the avatar of the attached spirit, potentially rooting the target to the spot in fear. This can be unleashed every 6 minutes.<br>
If the multi-opponent version is unlocked, the same attack can be unleashed on a maximum of 2 creatures in the room once an hour.<br>
If you wield an Animalistic Spirit weapon or shield, or wear Animalistic Spirit armor, the respective item's flare will be added to the crown's attack.<br>
* Flavor Actions (Tier 1 of 2)<br>
At this tier, this crown captures the following: WEAR, REMOVE, RUB (Temporary Eye Change), TOUCH (Feature-worn On/Off).<br>
Use PROD to make the spirit less visible while using these actions [Spirit is currently: Awake]<br>
* Tameness/Affinity<br>
Tame the spirit to prevent it enacting its rage upon you.<br>
Only one person can have allegiance to this crown's spirit at a time.<br>
The feeling of this spirit toward no one is wild (Level 0 of 12).<br>
NOTE: To start taming this crown, damage a like-level foe with physical or magical attacks.<br>
-Current Settings-<br>
* Spirit: stag (Type: Hooved (w/ Horn)<br>
Available nouns for this type are: stag, deer, goat, antelope, buffalo, bison, bull, oryx, wildebeest, ram, moose, elk, yak, hind, hart, gazelle, caribou, muntjac, buck, reindeer.<br>
* Spirit Descriptor: antlered<br>
* Spirit Color: misty green<br>
* Spirit Call: bellow<br>
* Spirit Group: stampede<br>
* Type: Crown<br>
* Material: silver<br>
* Adornment: tiered antlers (Type:Spikes/Horns)<br>
* Adornment Attachment: rising from the apex of the crown<br>
* Feature Line: ...a wrought silver crown, the metal surface etched with intricate designs of twining ivy. Set on either side of the crown are tiered antlers, their branching tines bleached to a pale bone white.<br>
NOTE: The beginning text before the "..." is different depending on type and cannot be customized.<br>
| 15,000
| a delicate silver ferroniere dangling a cat's eye quartz || Weight: <1 pound || head-worn
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-adelicatesilverferronieredanglingacatseyequartz" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-adelicatesilverferronieredanglingacatseyequartz">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the silver ferroniere and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
---- Animalistic Spirit Headdresses ----<br>
-General Script Information-<br>
This is headgear with the spirit of an animal trapped within it.<br>
The spirit is wild and must be tamed by unleashing attacks against like-level foes, either magical or physical.<br>
If not fully tame, the spirit within can backlash upon the owner.<br>
Allegiance can be changed, but the new owner must work off the trust gained by the previous owner.<br>
If you also wield an Animalistic Spirit weapon, shield, or wear a set of associated armor, the infusion within the ferroniere allows for all spirits to be tamed faster.<br>
The spirit within the ferroniere can be unlocked to allow it to morph into the appearance of the spirits within any other Animalistic Spirit item you are also bonded with.<br>
In addition, the ferroniere will draw out help from other wielded Animalistic Spirit gear when performing an Animalistic Avatar attack, adding Animalistic Fury (weapons/shields) or Animalistic Instinct (armor) to its attacks.<br>
While wearing Animalistic Spirit armor, this ferroniere will take the place of the associated head coverage (if the armor has no head coverage), or be appended to the head coverage's description (if the ferroniere is not a helm/helmet) in the armor's messaging.<br>
-Alteration Guidelines-<br>
* Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this ferroniere are fine.<br>
* Any merchant can change the adornment, adornment type, and how the adornment attaches to the ferroniere.<br>
Possible adornment types are: plain (color/texture), loose/dangling (feathers/tassels), reflective attachments (pins/gems/metal), rigid protrusions (spikes/horns), or designs (embroidery/etching).<br>
* If the ferroniere is NOT a helm/helmet, it is likely a merchant can change the headgear type.<br>
Possible types are: headdresses, helms/helmets, tiara/circlets, crowns, headscarves/turbans, or hats.<br>
* Customization of the line that shows up in your features when worn is also possible, but only the segment after the comma in the first sentence and the complete second sentence can be changed.<br>
NOTE: This should NOT indicate movement, glowing, or anything other than a description of how the adornment looks on the ferroniere when worn, or how the ferroniere is being worn.<br>
* Some merchants can change the spirit color, spirit call, spirit group, or how the spirit looks.<br>
Only the "main" spirit can be altered in this manner; any spirit imprints cannot be changed.<br>
<b>NOTE: You cannot change the general type of animal, such as changing a large feline to be a canine, except using certificates.<br>
As well, each spirit type only has certain pre-approved nouns allowed.</b><br>
* Feature-Worn<br>
When worn, this ferroniere can be viewable in your features, appearing just below the line indicating your race. It is toggleable with TOUCH.<br>
<b>Feature-Worn ability is currently: ON [Toggle with TOUCH]</b><br>
* Temporary Eye Feature Change<br>
RUBbing the ferroniere causes the spirit's essence to briefly infuse your eyes, turning them into "feral misty green eyes" for 4 hours.<br>
* Spirit Imprints = Locked<br>
When unlocked, the ferroniere gains the ability to "imprint" with other spirits and morph into their appearance at will. The spirit within the ferroniere must be attuned to you, as well as the spirit of the other piece of Animalistic Spirit gear you are trying to imprint.<br>
Use INSPECT to view any imprinted spirits, TURN to coax the spirit within the ferroniere to morph into a different spirit appearance, CLEAN to remove a spirit imprint, and POINT the ferroniere at the other item you want it to imprint to.<br>
NOTE: You can only unlock a maximum of 4 extra slots for imprinted spirits on this ferroniere.<br>
* Animalistic Avatar = Locked<br>
When unlocked, gain access to a maneuver-based attack using WAVE that briefly turns you into the avatar of the attached spirit, potentially rooting the target to the spot in fear. This can be unleashed every 6 minutes.<br>
If the multi-opponent version is unlocked, the same attack can be unleashed on a maximum of 2 creatures in the room once an hour.<br>
If you wield an Animalistic Spirit weapon or shield, or wear Animalistic Spirit armor, the respective item's flare will be added to the ferroniere's attack.<br>
* Flavor Actions (Tier 1 of 2)<br>
At this tier, this ferroniere captures the following: WEAR, REMOVE, RUB (Temporary Eye Change), TOUCH (Feature-worn On/Off).<br>
Use PROD to make the spirit less visible while using these actions [Spirit is currently: Awake]<br>
* Tameness/Affinity<br>
Tame the spirit to prevent it enacting its rage upon you.<br>
Only one person can have allegiance to this ferroniere's spirit at a time.<br>
The feeling of this spirit toward no one is wild (Level 0 of 12).<br>
NOTE: To start taming this ferroniere, damage a like-level foe with physical or magical attacks.<br>
-Current Settings-<br>
* Spirit: cat (Type: Small Feline)<br>
Available nouns for this type are: cat, kitten, bobcat, lynx, serval, caracal, margay, ocelot, jaguarundi, snowcat.<br>
* Spirit Descriptor: sleek<br>
* Spirit Color: misty green<br>
* Spirit Call: hiss<br>
* Spirit Group: clowder<br>
* Type: Tiara/Circlet<br>
* Material: silver<br>
* Adornment: teardrop of cat's eye quartz (Type:Gems/Pins/Metal)<br>
* Adornment Attachment: dangling from the center of the ferroniere<br>
* Feature Line: ...a delicate silver ferroniere, the thin band wrought in intricate spirals. Dangling from the ferroniere on a thin chain is a teardrop of cat's eye quartz, the gem centered precisely on her forehead.<br>
NOTE: The beginning text before the "..." is different depending on type and cannot be customized.<br>
| 15,000
| a flame-hued feather headdress strung with amber beads || Weight: <1 pound || head-worn
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-aflame-huedfeatherheaddressstrungwithamberbeads" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-aflame-huedfeatherheaddressstrungwithamberbeads">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the feather headdress and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
---- Animalistic Spirit Headdresses ----<br>
-General Script Information-<br>
This is headgear with the spirit of an animal trapped within it.<br>
The spirit is wild and must be tamed by unleashing attacks against like-level foes, either magical or physical.<br>
If not fully tame, the spirit within can backlash upon the owner.<br>
Allegiance can be changed, but the new owner must work off the trust gained by the previous owner.<br>
If you also wield an Animalistic Spirit weapon, shield, or wear a set of associated armor, the infusion within the headdress allows for all spirits to be tamed faster.<br>
The spirit within the headdress can be unlocked to allow it to morph into the appearance of the spirits within any other Animalistic Spirit item you are also bonded with.<br>
In addition, the headdress will draw out help from other wielded Animalistic Spirit gear when performing an Animalistic Avatar attack, adding Animalistic Fury (weapons/shields) or Animalistic Instinct (armor) to its attacks.<br>
While wearing Animalistic Spirit armor, this headdress will take the place of the associated head coverage (if the armor has no head coverage), or be appended to the head coverage's description (if the headdress is not a helm/helmet) in the armor's messaging.<br>
-Alteration Guidelines-<br>
* Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this headdress are fine.<br>
* Any merchant can change the adornment, adornment type, and how the adornment attaches to the headdress.<br>
Possible adornment types are: plain (color/texture), loose/dangling (feathers/tassels), reflective attachments (pins/gems/metal), rigid protrusions (spikes/horns), or designs (embroidery/etching).<br>
* If the headdress is NOT a helm/helmet, it is likely a merchant can change the headgear type.<br>
Possible types are: headdresses, helms/helmets, tiara/circlets, crowns, headscarves/turbans, or hats.<br>
* Customization of the line that shows up in your features when worn is also possible, but only the segment after the comma in the first sentence and the complete second sentence can be changed.<br>
NOTE: This should NOT indicate movement, glowing, or anything other than a description of how the adornment looks on the headdress when worn, or how the headdress is being worn.<br>
* Some merchants can change the spirit color, spirit call, spirit group, or how the spirit looks.<br>
Only the "main" spirit can be altered in this manner; any spirit imprints cannot be changed.<br>
<b>NOTE: You cannot change the general type of animal, such as changing a large feline to be a canine, except using certificates.<br>
As well, each spirit type only has certain pre-approved nouns allowed.</b><br>
* Feature-Worn<br>
When worn, this headdress can be viewable in your features, appearing just below the line indicating your race. It is toggleable with TOUCH.<br>
<b>Feature-Worn ability is currently: ON [Toggle with TOUCH]</b><br>
* Temporary Eye Feature Change<br>
RUBbing the headdress causes the spirit's essence to briefly infuse your eyes, turning them into "feral misty green eyes" for 4 hours.<br>
* Spirit Imprints = Locked<br>
When unlocked, the headdress gains the ability to "imprint" with other spirits and morph into their appearance at will. The spirit within the headdress must be attuned to you, as well as the spirit of the other piece of Animalistic Spirit gear you are trying to imprint.<br>
Use INSPECT to view any imprinted spirits, TURN to coax the spirit within the headdress to morph into a different spirit appearance, CLEAN to remove a spirit imprint, and POINT the headdress at the other item you want it to imprint to.<br>
NOTE: You can only unlock a maximum of 4 extra slots for imprinted spirits on this headdress.<br>
* Animalistic Avatar = Locked<br>
When unlocked, gain access to a maneuver-based attack using WAVE that briefly turns you into the avatar of the attached spirit, potentially rooting the target to the spot in fear. This can be unleashed every 6 minutes.<br>
If the multi-opponent version is unlocked, the same attack can be unleashed on a maximum of 2 creatures in the room once an hour.<br>
If you wield an Animalistic Spirit weapon or shield, or wear Animalistic Spirit armor, the respective item's flare will be added to the headdress's attack.<br>
* Flavor Actions (Tier 1 of 2)<br>
At this tier, this headdress captures the following: WEAR, REMOVE, RUB (Temporary Eye Change), TOUCH (Feature-worn On/Off).<br>
Use PROD to make the spirit less visible while using these actions [Spirit is currently: Awake]<br>
* Tameness/Affinity<br>
Tame the spirit to prevent it enacting its rage upon you.<br>
Only one person can have allegiance to this headdress's spirit at a time.<br>
The feeling of this spirit toward no one is wild (Level 0 of 12).<br>
NOTE: To start taming this headdress, damage a like-level foe with physical or magical attacks.<br>
-Current Settings-<br>
* Spirit: phoenix (Type: Avian (Magical))<br>
Available nouns for this type are: phoenix, firebird, griffin, storm griffin, gryphon, grifflet.<br>
* Spirit Descriptor: fiery<br>
* Spirit Color: misty green<br>
* Spirit Call: shriek<br>
* Spirit Group: band<br>
* Type: Headdress<br>
* Material: feather<br>
* Adornment: strings of amber beads (Type:Feathers/Tassels)<br>
* Adornment Attachment: trailing from the ends of the headdress<br>
* Feature Line: ...a flame-hued feather headdress, the overlapping hues of the trailing end making a fiery pattern. Woven amongst the scarlet and crimson feathers of the headdress are several strings of carved amber beads.<br>
NOTE: The beginning text before the "..." is different depending on type and cannot be customized.<br>
| 15,000
| a polished steel helm with a trailing horsehair crest || Weight: 4 pounds || armor accessory; protects head
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-apolishedsteelhelmwithatrailinghorsehaircrest" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-apolishedsteelhelmwithatrailinghorsehaircrest">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the steel helm and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
---- Animalistic Spirit Headdresses ----<br>
-General Script Information-<br>
This is headgear with the spirit of an animal trapped within it.<br>
The spirit is wild and must be tamed by unleashing attacks against like-level foes, either magical or physical.<br>
If not fully tame, the spirit within can backlash upon the owner.<br>
Allegiance can be changed, but the new owner must work off the trust gained by the previous owner.<br>
If you also wield an Animalistic Spirit weapon, shield, or wear a set of associated armor, the infusion within the helm allows for all spirits to be tamed faster.<br>
The spirit within the helm can be unlocked to allow it to morph into the appearance of the spirits within any other Animalistic Spirit item you are also bonded with.<br>
In addition, the helm will draw out help from other wielded Animalistic Spirit gear when performing an Animalistic Avatar attack, adding Animalistic Fury (weapons/shields) or Animalistic Instinct (armor) to its attacks.<br>
While wearing Animalistic Spirit armor, this helm will take the place of the associated head coverage (if the armor has no head coverage), or be appended to the head coverage's description (if the helm is not a helm/helmet) in the armor's messaging.<br>
-Alteration Guidelines-<br>
* Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this helm are fine.<br>
* Any merchant can change the adornment, adornment type, and how the adornment attaches to the helm.<br>
Possible adornment types are: plain (color/texture), loose/dangling (feathers/tassels), reflective attachments (pins/gems/metal), rigid protrusions (spikes/horns), or designs (embroidery/etching).<br>
* If the helm is NOT a helm/helmet, it is likely a merchant can change the headgear type.<br>
Possible types are: headdresses, helms/helmets, tiara/circlets, crowns, headscarves/turbans, or hats.<br>
* Customization of the line that shows up in your features when worn is also possible, but only the segment after the comma in the first sentence and the complete second sentence can be changed.<br>
NOTE: This should NOT indicate movement, glowing, or anything other than a description of how the adornment looks on the helm when worn, or how the helm is being worn.<br>
* Some merchants can change the spirit color, spirit call, spirit group, or how the spirit looks.<br>
Only the "main" spirit can be altered in this manner; any spirit imprints cannot be changed.<br>
<b>NOTE: You cannot change the general type of animal, such as changing a large feline to be a canine, except using certificates.<br>
As well, each spirit type only has certain pre-approved nouns allowed.</b><br>
* Feature-Worn<br>
When worn, this helm can be viewable in your features, appearing just below the line indicating your race. It is toggleable with TOUCH.<br>
<b>Feature-Worn ability is currently: ON [Toggle with TOUCH]</b><br>
* Temporary Eye Feature Change<br>
RUBbing the helm causes the spirit's essence to briefly infuse your eyes, turning them into "feral misty green eyes" for 4 hours.<br>
* Spirit Imprints = Locked<br>
When unlocked, the helm gains the ability to "imprint" with other spirits and morph into their appearance at will. The spirit within the helm must be attuned to you, as well as the spirit of the other piece of Animalistic Spirit gear you are trying to imprint.<br>
Use INSPECT to view any imprinted spirits, TURN to coax the spirit within the helm to morph into a different spirit appearance, CLEAN to remove a spirit imprint, and POINT the helm at the other item you want it to imprint to.<br>
NOTE: You can only unlock a maximum of 4 extra slots for imprinted spirits on this helm.<br>
* Animalistic Avatar = Locked<br>
When unlocked, gain access to a maneuver-based attack using WAVE that briefly turns you into the avatar of the attached spirit, potentially rooting the target to the spot in fear. This can be unleashed every 6 minutes.<br>
If the multi-opponent version is unlocked, the same attack can be unleashed on a maximum of 2 creatures in the room once an hour.<br>
If you wield an Animalistic Spirit weapon or shield, or wear Animalistic Spirit armor, the respective item's flare will be added to the helm's attack.<br>
* Flavor Actions (Tier 1 of 2)<br>
At this tier, this helm captures the following: WEAR, REMOVE, RUB (Temporary Eye Change), TOUCH (Feature-worn On/Off).<br>
Use PROD to make the spirit less visible while using these actions [Spirit is currently: Awake]<br>
* Tameness/Affinity<br>
Tame the spirit to prevent it enacting its rage upon you.<br>
Only one person can have allegiance to this helm's spirit at a time.<br>
The feeling of this spirit toward no one is wild (Level 0 of 12).<br>
NOTE: To start taming this helm, damage a like-level foe with physical or magical attacks.<br>
-Current Settings-<br>
* Spirit: stallion (Type: Equine)<br>
Available nouns for this type are: horse, pony, stallion, mare, zebra, donkey, mule.<br>
* Spirit Descriptor: muscular<br>
* Spirit Color: misty green<br>
* Spirit Call: whinny<br>
* Spirit Group: herd<br>
* Type: Helm<br>
* Material: steel<br>
* Adornment: horsehair crest (Type:Feathers/Tassels)<br>
* Adornment Attachment: adorning the top of the helm<br>
* Feature Line: ...a polished steel helm, its sturdy frame bracketing her face. Adorning the top of the helm is a thick horsehair crest, the trailing end falling down to her mid-back.<br>
NOTE: The beginning text before the "..." is different depending on type and cannot be customized.<br>
| 15,000
{{Container2||container=On the low ivory shrine you see:||contents= a yellowed Multi-Opponent papyrus, a black Animalistic Avatar note, a dark Animalistic Avatar note, a pale Animalistic Avatar note, a light Animalistic Avatar note, a faded spirit change paper, a curled Spirit Imprint voucher and a simple fluff parchment.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| a yellowed Multi-Opponent papyrus || Weight: <1 pound || || Unlock - <div class="mw-customtoggle-ayellowedMulti-Opponentpapyrus" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-ayellowedMulti-Opponentpapyrus">'''Analyze:'''<br> Your papyrus is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.<br><br>This will unlock the Multi-Opponent version of the Animalistic Avatar feature on an Animalistic Spirit headdress.<br><br> You need only RAISE your papyrus while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.<br><br> Your papyrus may not be altered or changed in any way.<br>
'''Examine:'''<br>Unlocks the Multi-Opponent version of the Animalistic Avatar ability on an Animalistic Spirit headdress. NOTE: The Animalistic Avatar ability MUST be unlocked to at least T1 for this to work.
| 15,000
| a black Animalistic Avatar note || Weight: <1 pound || || Unlock - <div class="mw-customtoggle-ablackAnimalisticAvatarnote" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-ablackAnimalisticAvatarnote">'''Analyze:'''<br> Your note is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.<br><br>This will unlock the power of the Animalistic Avatar ability on an Animalistic Spirit headdress from T3 to T4 (Fully Unlocked).<br><br> You need only RAISE your note while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.<br><br> Your note may not be altered or changed in any way.<br>
'''Examine:'''<br>Unlocks the Animalistic Avatar feature on an Animalistic Spirit headdress from T3 to T4.
| 10,000
| a dark Animalistic Avatar note || Weight: <1 pound || || Unlock - <div class="mw-customtoggle-adarkAnimalisticAvatarnote" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-adarkAnimalisticAvatarnote">'''Analyze:'''<br> Your note is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.<br><br>This will unlock the power of the Animalistic Avatar ability on an Animalistic Spirit headdress from T2 to T3 of 4.<br><br> You need only RAISE your note while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.<br><br> Your note may not be altered or changed in any way.<br>
'''Examine:'''<br>Unlocks the Animalistic Avatar feature on an Animalistic Spirit headdress from T2 to T3.
| 10,000
| a pale Animalistic Avatar note || Weight: <1 pound || || Unlock - <div class="mw-customtoggle-apaleAnimalisticAvatarnote" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-apaleAnimalisticAvatarnote">'''Analyze:'''<br> Your note is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.<br><br>This will unlock the power of the Animalistic Avatar ability on an Animalistic Spirit headdress from T1 to T2 of 4.<br><br> You need only RAISE your note while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.<br><br> Your note may not be altered or changed in any way.<br>
'''Examine:'''<br>Unlocks the Animalistic Avatar feature on an Animalistic Spirit headdress from T1 to T2.
| 10,000
| a light Animalistic Avatar note || Weight: <1 pound || || Unlock - <div class="mw-customtoggle-alightAnimalisticAvatarnote" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-alightAnimalisticAvatarnote">'''Analyze:'''<br> Your note is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.<br><br>This will unlock the power of the Animalistic Avatar ability on an Animalistic Spirit headdress from locked (OTS) to T1 of 4.<br><br> You need only RAISE your note while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.<br><br> Your note may not be altered or changed in any way.<br>
'''Examine:'''<br>Unlocks the Animalistic Avatar feature on an Animalistic Spirit headdress to T1.
| 10,000
| a faded spirit change paper || Weight: <1 pound || || Unlock - <div class="mw-customtoggle-afadedspiritchangepaper" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-afadedspiritchangepaper">'''Analyze:'''<br> Your paper is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.<br><br>This will change the spirit within an Animalistic Spirit headdress to a Small Feline.<br>
<b>NOTE: You will lose any custom spirit descriptions already present when using this.<br>
This only changes the spirit's overall type - TURN the paper to change the type.</b><br><br> You need only RAISE your paper while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.<br><br> Your paper may not be altered or changed in any way.<br>
'''Examine:'''<br>This will change the spirit type within an Animalistic Spirit headdress. TURN to change the spirit type you wish to change to, ANALYZE to see the current spirit type it is focused on. WARNING: This will clear any custom spirit settings already on the headdress.
| 1,000
| a curled Spirit Imprint voucher || Weight: <1 pound || || Unlock - <div class="mw-customtoggle-acurledSpiritImprintvoucher" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-acurledSpiritImprintvoucher">'''Analyze:'''<br> Your voucher is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.<br><br>This will add a Spirit Imprint slot to an Animalistic Spirit headdress, up to a maximum of 4 slots total.<br><br> You need only RAISE your voucher while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.<br><br> Your voucher may not be altered or changed in any way.<br>
'''Examine:'''<br>Add 1 (one) Spirit Imprint slot to an Animalistic Spirit headdress.<br>
<br>NOTE: You may only have up to a maximum of 4 (four) total imprint slots on each headdress.
| 1,500
| a simple fluff parchment || Weight: <1 pound || || Unlock - <div class="mw-customtoggle-asimplefluffparchment" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-asimplefluffparchment">'''Analyze:'''<br> Your parchment is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.<br><br>This will unlock the Fluff Actions on an Animalistic Spirit headdress from T1/OTS to T2.<br><br> You need only RAISE your parchment while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.<br><br> Your parchment may not be altered or changed in any way.<br>
'''Examine:'''<br>T1/OTS to T2 Fluff Actions for Animalistic Spirit headdresses.
| 2,500
<!-- Other Rooms Here -->
<section end=2021Q3 />

Latest revision as of 10:27, 29 August 2024

Current Shop Listing

a squat stone shed with an animal skull mounted over the door, [Map Room 18], Room# 8214518, Lich# L26874, go stone shed

Heady Spirits, Entry

[Heady Spirits, Entry - 8212729]
Cramped and musty, there isn't a whole lot of extra room within this small shed. Burning candles, their flames a dull purple, are scattered around several stone figures sitting on the floor, which are decorated with various types of hats and headdresses. Sitting in one corner is a branching stand constructed from bleached bone, its tiered arms pressed flush to the stone behind it. Tiny bones and feathers litter the dirt floor, making the footing precarious. You also see a smooth stone sign and a dark opening.
Obvious exits: out
a smooth stone sign

In the Common language, it reads:
The headgear in this room contains the trapped spirit of an animal.
Be warned - they are wild and untamed, often lashing out in anger at those they do not know.
Tame them and partner with them, however, to soothe the wild spirit within.
Initially they are very plain, providing an ability to infuse your eyes with their spiritual power and offering the ability to be seen most prominently when people LOOK at you.
Due to their special infusion, if you wield a similar weapon, shield, or armor from the shops next door with one of these head-worn items, the taming of the spirits in all of them are multiplied.
Actual helms and greathelms are located on the stand, while the pieces adorning the various figures are more decorative and will not provide you protection as armor.
Visit the shrine through the opening to unlock their further potential.

Items sold in this shop may be purchased with account attunement for a discounted price (Prime only). Attunement is permanent and cannot be removed.

Attunement Discount Legend
* Account attunement available for a 25% discount.

On the branching stand you see: a rough leather arming cap topped with a turtle shell, a dark leather hood lined with plush wolverine fur, a cinereous steel helm molded into the shape of a wolf head, and a polished steel horseman's pot topped with a braided crest.

Item Type Info Details Price
a rough leather arming cap topped with a turtle shell leather helm 4 lbs
Material: leather
head-worn (functional)
Animalistic Spirit Headdress - turtle
Spirit: turtle (Turtle)
Spirit Descriptor: burly
Spirit Color: misty green
Spirit Call: grunt
Spirit Group: bale

Temporary Eye Feature Change: feral misty green eyes

Feature Line: ...a rough leather arming cap, its sturdy frame bracketing her face.  Affixed to the top of the cap is an entire turtle shell, the thick dome standing out slightly from the leather beneath it.

Accessory Type: Helm
Material: leather
Adornment: thick turtle shell (type: Spikes/Horns)
Adornment Attachment: affixed to the top of the cap

Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, TOUCH

Animalistic Apparition = Locked
Spirit Imprints = Locked
Animalistic Avatar = Locked
a dark leather hood lined with plush wolverine fur visored helm 4 lbs
Material: leather
head-worn (functional)
Animalistic Spirit Headdress - wolverine
Spirit: wolverine (Mustelid)
Spirit Descriptor: stocky
Spirit Color: misty green
Spirit Call: growl
Spirit Group: band

Temporary Eye Feature Change: feral misty green eyes

Feature Line: ...a dark leather hood, the edge partially shading her features.  Plush wolverine fur lines the interior of the hood, the black-tipped silver pelt framing her face.

Accessory Type: Hood
Material: leather
Adornment: plush wolverine fur (type: Color/Texture)
Adornment Attachment: lining of the hood

Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, TOUCH

Animalistic Apparition = Locked
Spirit Imprints = Locked
Animalistic Avatar = Locked
a cinereous steel helm molded into the shape of a wolf head leather helm 4 lbs
Material: steel
head-worn (functional)
Animalistic Spirit Headdress - wolf
Spirit: wolf (Canine)
Spirit Descriptor: rangy
Spirit Color: misty green
Spirit Call: howl
Spirit Group: pack

Temporary Eye Feature Change: feral misty green eyes

Feature Line: ...a cinereous steel helm, the sturdy frame molded to appear like the head of a wolf.  Etched into the helm's visor is the detailed design of bared teeth, creating the illusion of a snarling canine visage.

Accessory Type: Helm
Material: steel
Adornment: snarling wolf face (type: Design)
Adornment Attachment: etched on the visor of the helm

Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, TOUCH

Animalistic Apparition = Locked
Spirit Imprints = Locked
Animalistic Avatar = Locked
a polished steel horseman's pot topped with a braided crest visored helm 4 lbs
Material: steel
head-worn (functional)
Animalistic Spirit Headdress - stallion
Spirit: stallion (Equine)
Spirit Descriptor: muscular
Spirit Color: snowy white
Spirit Call: whinny
Spirit Group: herd

Temporary Eye Feature Change: feral snowy white eyes

Feature Line: ...a polished horseman's pot, its sturdy frame bracketing her face.  Sprouting from the crest of the pot is a braided length of snowy white hair, the trailing end falling down her back.

Accessory Type: Helm
Material: steel
Adornment: braided white crest (type: Feathers/Tassels)
Adornment Attachment: sprouting from the top of the pot

Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, TOUCH

Animalistic Apparition = Locked
Spirit Imprints = Locked
Animalistic Avatar = Locked

On the stone figures you see: a voluminous suede cowl dyed in stygian black tones, a honey-hued metal crown topped with slender amber spikes, a sable leather tricorn with a hawk feather tucked into the brim, an ahmdir blue linen headscarf set with a segmented bronze scorpion pin, a delicate silver ferroniere suspending a petrified crystal butterfly, and a horned rolton skull headdress dangling strips of fleece.

Item Type Info Details Price
a voluminous suede cowl dyed in stygian black tones < 1 lb
Animalistic Spirit Headdress - valravn
Spirit: valravn (Avian (Magical))
Spirit Descriptor: gaunt
Spirit Color: stygian black
Spirit Call: shriek
Spirit Group: band

Temporary Eye Feature Change: feral stygian black eyes

Feature Line: ...a voluminous suede cowl, the edge partially shading her features.  Supple and well-made, the surface of the cowl is dyed in shadowy hues of stygian black.

Accessory Type: Hood
Material: suede
Adornment: supple stygian black (type: Color/Texture)
Adornment Attachment: surface of the cowl

Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, TOUCH

Animalistic Apparition = Locked
Spirit Imprints = Locked
Animalistic Avatar = Locked
a honey-hued metal crown topped with slender amber spikes < 1 lb
Animalistic Spirit Headdress - bee
Spirit: bee (Insect (Flying))
Spirit Descriptor: fuzzy
Spirit Color: misty green
Spirit Call: buzz
Spirit Group: swarm

Temporary Eye Feature Change: feral misty green eyes

Feature Line: ...a honey-hued metal crown, the surface polished to a dull gleam.  Set along the upper edge of the crown is a line of spikes crafted out of slender nodules of amber, the petrified sap containing a multitude of tiny trapped bubbles.

Accessory Type: Crown
Material: metal
Adornment: slender amber spikes (type: Spikes/Horns)
Adornment Attachment: set along the upper edge of the crown

Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, TOUCH

Animalistic Apparition = Locked
Spirit Imprints = Locked
Animalistic Avatar = Locked
a sable leather tricorn with a hawk feather tucked into the brim < 1 lb
Animalistic Spirit Headdress - hawk
Spirit: hawk (Predatory Avian)
Spirit Descriptor: angular
Spirit Color: misty green
Spirit Call: screech
Spirit Group: flock

Temporary Eye Feature Change: feral misty green eyes

Feature Line: ...a sable leather tricorn, its surface worn but supple.  Tucked neatly into the folded left brim of the tricorn is a sleek hawk feather, the edges smooth and pristine.

Accessory Type: Hat
Material: sable leather
Adornment: sleek hawk feather (type: Feathers/Tassels)
Adornment Attachment: tucked into the left brim of the tricorn

Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, TOUCH

Animalistic Apparition = Locked
Spirit Imprints = Locked
Animalistic Avatar = Locked
an ahmdir blue linen headscarf set with a segmented bronze scorpion pin < 1 lb
Animalistic Spirit Headdress - scorpion
Spirit: scorpion (Arachnid)
Spirit Descriptor: giant
Spirit Color: misty green
Spirit Call: chitter
Spirit Group: swarm

Temporary Eye Feature Change: feral misty green eyes

Feature Line: ahmdir blue linen headscarf, the loose folds of colorful cloth falling over her shoulder in pleated layers.  Affixed to the front of the headscarf is a segmented scorpion pin molded from bronze, the creature's stinger arched back in preparation to strike.

Accessory Type: Headscarf/Turban
Material: linen
Adornment: segmented bronze scorpion pin (type: Gems/Pins/Metal)
Adornment Attachment: affixed to the front of the headscarf

Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, TOUCH

Animalistic Apparition = Locked
Spirit Imprints = Locked
Animalistic Avatar = Locked
a delicate silver ferroniere suspending a petrified crystal butterfly < 1 lb
Animalistic Spirit Headdress - butterfly
Spirit: butterfly (Insect (Flying))
Spirit Descriptor: majestic
Spirit Color: misty green
Spirit Call: buzz
Spirit Group: swarm

Temporary Eye Feature Change: feral misty green eyes

Feature Line: ...a delicate silver ferroniere, the band wrought in complicated loops.  Suspended from the center of the ferroniere on a thin chain is a petrified crystal butterfly, the intricate wings spread partially across her forehead.

Accessory Type: Tiara/Circlet
Material: silver
Adornment: petrified crystal butterfly (type: Gems/Pins/Metal)
Adornment Attachment: suspended from the center of the ferroniere

Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, TOUCH

Animalistic Apparition = Locked
Spirit Imprints = Locked
Animalistic Avatar = Locked
a horned rolton skull headdress dangling strips of fleece < 1 lb
Animalistic Spirit Headdress - rolton
Spirit: rolton (Hooved (w/ Horn)
Spirit Descriptor: plump
Spirit Color: misty green
Spirit Call: bleat
Spirit Group: stampede

Temporary Eye Feature Change: feral misty green eyes

Feature Line: ...a horned rolton skull headdress, the top crowned by a set of curved horns.  Dangling from the base of the headdress are several strips of fleece, the fluffy wool woven together into an intricate braid.

Accessory Type: Headdress
Material: bone
Adornment: strips of fleece (type: Feathers/Tassels)
Adornment Attachment: dangling from the base of the headdress

Verbs: Tier 1 (of 3) - WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, TOUCH

Animalistic Apparition = Locked
Spirit Imprints = Locked
Animalistic Avatar = Locked

Heady Spirits, Shrine

[Heady Spirits, Shrine - 8212730]
Dark and squat, a makeshift alcove has been gouged into the wall of the shed to create this tiny nook. While there is little space to move, enough room has been made to house a low ivory shrine against one wall. The air is stuffy and humid, the overpowering smell of mildew pervasive in the cramped quarters. You also see a smooth stone sign.
Obvious exits: out
a smooth stone sign

In the Common language, it reads:
Unlock the further potential of your headdresses by using the certificates on the shrine.
* Animalistic Avatar
Use the notes on the shrine to unlock the ability to let the spirit infuse your very being, briefly becoming the living avatar of the spirit within and causing targets to be rooted in place with fear.  In addition, the provided papyrus will let you wield this ability on multiple targets in the room.
If you also wield an Animalistic Spirit weapon, shield, or armor, the spirit in the headgear will either add Animalistic Fury flares or Animalistic Instinct flares to the attack.
* Animalistic Apparition
Using the scroll, you can unlock the ability of the spirit within your headdress to show through when people LOOK at you.  When activated with SPIN, a version of the animal can be seen with you.
* Spiritual Imprint
Using the provided voucher, you can unlock the ability for the spirit in your headgear to "imprint" on a spirit within another of your Animalistic Spirit items, allowing it to morph into the physical features of the other spirit at-will.  NOTE: You can only unlock up to 4 "imprint" slots max, and the other item's spirit must trust you to be able to imprint.
* Fluff Actions and Spirit Change
Unlock the tricks your spirit can do, or the tricks you can do with your headgear, with the provided parchments.
As well, you can change the type of animal in your headgear with the provided paper (TURN to find the one you like), which will morph the spirit within.

Items sold in this shop may be purchased with account attunement for a discounted price (Prime only). Attunement is permanent and cannot be removed.

Attunement Discount Legend
* Account attunement available for a 25% discount.

On the ivory shrine you see: a curled Spirit Imprint voucher, a faded spirit change paper, a light Animalistic Avatar note, a pale Animalistic Avatar note, a dark Animalistic Avatar note, a black Animalistic Avatar note, a yellowed Multi-Opponent papyrus, a simple fluff parchment, a complex fluff parchment, and an embossed Animalistic Apparition scroll.

Item Type Info Details Price
a curled Spirit Imprint voucher unlock certificate
Animalistic Spirit Headdress

This will add a Spirit Imprint slot to an Animalistic Spirit headdress, up to a maximum of 4 slots total.

a faded spirit change paper unlock certificate
Animalistic Spirit Headdress

This will change the spirit within an Animalistic Spirit headdress to a Small Feline. NOTE: You will lose any custom spirit descriptions already present when using this. This only changes the spirit's overall type - TURN the paper to change the type.

a light Animalistic Avatar note unlock certificate
Animalistic Spirit Headdress

This will unlock the power of the Animalistic Avatar ability on an Animalistic Spirit headdress from locked (OTS) to T1 of 4.

a pale Animalistic Avatar note unlock certificate
Animalistic Spirit Headdress

This will unlock the power of the Animalistic Avatar ability on an Animalistic Spirit headdress from T1 to T2 of 4.

a dark Animalistic Avatar note unlock certificate
Animalistic Spirit Headdress

This will unlock the power of the Animalistic Avatar ability on an Animalistic Spirit headdress from T2 to T3 of 4.

a black Animalistic Avatar note unlock certificate
Animalistic Spirit Headdress

This will unlock the power of the Animalistic Avatar ability on an Animalistic Spirit headdress from T3 to T4 (Fully Unlocked).

a yellowed Multi-Opponent papyrus unlock certificate
Animalistic Spirit Headdress

This will unlock the Multi-Opponent version of the Animalistic Avatar feature on an Animalistic Spirit headdress.

a simple fluff parchment unlock certificate
Animalistic Spirit Headdress

This will unlock the Fluff Actions on an Animalistic Spirit headdress from T1/OTS to T2.

a complex fluff parchment unlock certificate
Animalistic Spirit Headdress

This will unlock the Fluff Actions on an Animalistic Spirit headdress from T2 to T3.

an embossed Animalistic Apparition scroll unlock certificate
Animalistic Spirit Headdress

This will unlock the Animalistic Apparition feature on an Animalistic Spirit headdress.


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