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Verb:OBSERVE: Difference between revisions

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(Creating the dreaded OBSERVE (verb) article)
m (Added sylvan and half-sylvan options)
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OBSERVE {self} - Introspectively observe yourself
OBSERVE {self} - Introspectively observe yourself
OBSERVE {target} - Observe a target
OBSERVE {target} - Observe a target
OBSERVE {style} - Observe in a certain style
OBSERVE SET [option] - Shows or sets the OBSERVE verb options available.
OBSERVE SET [option] - Shows or sets the OBSERVE verb options available.

Where {style} can be one of the following:

>verb info observe
>verb info observe
Verb information for verb "OBSERVE":
Verb information for verb "OBSERVE":

'''People targets:'''
'''People targets:
STANDARD - You take a moment to observe everything you can about (target).
STANDARD - You take a moment to observe everything you can about (target).
FOREST GNOME - You observe (target) carefully, scrutinizing his/her
FOREST GNOME - You observe (target) carefully, scrutinizing his/her facial
facial movements while he/she speaks.
movements while he/she speaks.
FIRST PERSON - You gaze at through shuttered eyes, thinking of long years of
FIRST PERSON - You gaze at through shuttered eyes, thinking of long years of
mistreatment and rejection before you tighten your lips and glance
mistreatment and rejection before you tighten your lips and glance
away. It's a battle for another day.
away. It's a battle for another day.
OTHERS - (Character) narrows his eyes and gives you a cold, hard look before tightening
OTHERS - Vanah narrows her eyes and gives you a cold, hard look before
his lips and glancing away.
tightening her lips and glancing away.

'''Self target:'''
Self target:
FIRST PERSON - You turn your thoughts inward, observing your opinion on society and
FIRST PERSON - You turn your thoughts inward, observing your opinion on society
your place within it.
and your place within it.
OTHERS - A look of introspection flits across (Character)'s face.
OTHERS - A look of introspection flits across Vanah's face.
FOREST GNOME - You mouth a few words silently while trying to imitate speech
FOREST GNOME - You mouth a few words silently while trying to imitate speech
HALF-ELVEN - You tighten your lips in a bitter half-smile.
HALF-ELVEN - You tighten your lips in a bitter half-smile.
FIRST PERSON - You observe your own condition, expanding your awareness of yourself as
FIRST PERSON - You observe your own condition, expanding your awareness of
a part of your environment.
yourself as a part of your environment.
OTHERS - (Character) becomes observantly introspective.
OTHERS - Vanah becomes observantly introspective.

'''Object targets:'''
Object targets:
STANDARD - You take a moment to observe everything you can about (target).
STANDARD - You take a moment to observe everything you can about (target).
FOREST GNOME - You pause for a moment and observe (target).
GNOME - You pause for a moment and observe (target).
HALF-ELVEN - You narrow your eyes as you closely observe (target).
HALF-ELVEN - You narrow your eyes as you closely observe (target).

'''Creature targets:'''
Creature targets:
STANDARD - You take a moment to observe everything you can about (target).
STANDARD - You take a moment to observe everything you can about (target).
FOREST GNOME - You spend some time observing (target), familiarizing yourself
FOREST GNOME - You spend some time observing (target), familiarizing yourself
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FIRST PERSON - As you closely observe (target) you ponder years of rejection and
FIRST PERSON - As you closely observe (target) you ponder years of rejection and
consider taking out all your frustrations on the sorry creature.
consider taking out all your frustrations on the sorry creature.
OTHERS - As (Character) observes (target) he tightens his lips and gets a feral glint in his eyes.
OTHERS - As Vanah observes (target) she tightens her lips and gets a feral
glint in her eyes.

'''No target:'''
No target:
STANDARD - You casually observe your surroundings.
STANDARD - You casually observe your surroundings.
OUTSIDE - Crouching low to the ground, you scan your immediate
OUTSIDE - Crouching low to the ground, you scan your immediate surroundings
surroundings with a keen eye and a skilled hand. Once
with a keen eye and a skilled hand. Once convinced there are no
convinced there are no environmental traps, you slap
environmental traps, you slap your hand against your thigh decisively.
your hand against your thigh decisively.
INSIDE - With a keen eye, you scan your surroundings and are fairly
convinced that there are no environmental traps nearby.
INSIDE - With a keen eye, you scan your surroundings and are fairly
HALF-ELVEN - You narrow your eyes and take in your surroundings as you are
convinced that there are no environmental traps nearby.
HALF-ELVEN - You narrow your eyes and take in your surroundings as you are overwhelmed with
overwhelmed with feelings of bitterness.
feelings of bitterness.
SYLVAN - You observe your surroundings carefully, taking in every last detail.
SYLVAN - You observe your surroundings carefully, taking in every last detail.

'''Styles: (Sylvan only)'''
Styles: (Sylvan only)
FIRST PERSON - Looking around, you can't help but feel that something is wrong with your
FIRST PERSON - Looking around, you can't help but feel that something is wrong
with your surroundings.
OTHERS - (Character) looks around with concern.
OTHERS - Vanah looks around with concern.
FIRST PERSON - You look around, every sense on the alert for possible foes.
FIRST PERSON - You look around, every sense on the alert for possible foes.
OTHERS - (Character) surveys his surroundings warily.
OTHERS - Vanah surveys her surroundings warily.
FIRST PERSON - You look around, taking note of all the signs of life nearby.
FIRST PERSON - You look around, taking note of all the signs of life nearby.
W\ CREATURES - You look around, and can't help but focus on the creatures nearby.
W\ CREATURES - You look around, and can't help but focus on the creatures nearby.
OTHERS - (Character) looks around, a serene expression on his face.
OTHERS - Vanah looks around, a serene expression on her face.
W\ CREATURES - (Character) looks around, a disturbed expression on his face.
W\ CREATURES - Vanah looks around, a disturbed expression on her face.
FIRST PERSON - You quickly scan your surroundings, taking keen note of the flora and
FIRST PERSON - You quickly scan your surroundings, taking keen note of the flora
fauna in the area.
and fauna in the area.
OTHERS - (Character) glances around, his eyes falling briefly on each aspect of his
OTHERS - Vanah glances around, her eyes falling briefly on each aspect of
her surroundings.
FIRST PERSON - You observe your surroundings very slowly, not wanting to miss a single
FIRST PERSON - You observe your surroundings very slowly, not wanting to miss a
single detail.
OTHERS - (Character) observes his surroundings with an almost excruciating slowness.
OTHERS - Vanah observes her surroundings with an almost excruciating slowness.
OUTSIDE - You observe the ground, searching for tracks.
OUTSIDE - You observe the ground, searching for tracks.
Line 97: Line 101:
INSIDE - You look up, but are unable to see the sky from in here.
INSIDE - You look up, but are unable to see the sky from in here.
FIRST PERSON - You observe every detail of the air, from its scent to its direction to
FIRST PERSON - You observe every detail of the air, from its scent to its
its ambient temperature.
direction to its ambient temperature.
OTHERS - (Character) pauses in an observational trance.
OTHERS - Becca pauses in an observational trance.
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IN TOWN - You observe the inherently foreign nature of your environment.
IN TOWN - You observe the inherently foreign nature of your environment.
W/ TREES - (Character) relaxes as he observes his environment.
W/ TREES - Vanah relaxes as she observes her environment.
W/O TREES - (Character) observes his environment carefully.
W/O TREES - Vanah observes her environment carefully.
IN TOWN - (Character) appears uncomfortable as he observes his environment.
IN TOWN - Vanah appears uncomfortable as she observes her environment.
FIRST PERSON - You look around for possible escape routes.
FIRST PERSON - You look around for possible escape routes.
OTHERS - (Character) looks around nervously, ready to bolt.
OTHERS - Vanah looks around nervously, ready to bolt.

'''NOTE: ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions. Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging. Messaging without an option shown applies to all options. Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.'''
'''NOTE: ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions. Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging. Messaging without an option shown applies to all options. Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.'''

Revision as of 11:48, 12 March 2016

The OBSERVE verb allows the character to watchfully check out objects, self and others.


General verb help information
>help observe

    OBSERVE                            - Casually observe your surroundings
    OBSERVE {self}                     - Introspectively observe yourself
    OBSERVE {target}                   - Observe a target
    OBSERVE {style}                    - Observe in a certain style
    OBSERVE SET [option]               - Shows or sets the OBSERVE verb options available.

Where {style} can be one of the following:
    GROUND  LIFE     QUICK   SKY          SLOW

>verb info observe
Verb information for verb "OBSERVE":

People targets:
  STANDARD       - You take a moment to observe everything you can about (target).
  FOREST GNOME   - You observe (target) carefully, scrutinizing his/her facial
                   movements while he/she speaks.
    FIRST PERSON - You gaze at  through shuttered eyes, thinking of long years of
                   mistreatment and rejection before you tighten your lips and glance
                   away.  It's a battle for another day.
    OTHERS       - Vanah narrows her eyes and gives you a cold, hard look before
                   tightening her lips and glancing away.

Self target:
    FIRST PERSON - You turn your thoughts inward, observing your opinion on society
                   and your place within it.
    OTHERS       - A look of introspection flits across Vanah's face.
  FOREST GNOME   - You mouth a few words silently while trying to imitate speech
  HALF-ELVEN     - You tighten your lips in a bitter half-smile.
    FIRST PERSON - You observe your own condition, expanding your awareness of
                   yourself as a part of your environment.
    OTHERS       - Vanah becomes observantly introspective.

Object targets:
  STANDARD       - You take a moment to observe everything you can about (target).
  FOREST GNOME   - You pause for a moment and observe (target).
  HALF-ELVEN     - You narrow your eyes as you closely observe (target).

Creature targets:
  STANDARD       - You take a moment to observe everything you can about (target).
  FOREST GNOME   - You spend some time observing (target), familiarizing yourself
                   with his/her/its unique behavior and qualities.
    FIRST PERSON - As you closely observe (target) you ponder years of rejection and
                   consider taking out all your frustrations on the sorry creature.
    OTHERS       - As Vanah observes (target) she tightens her lips and gets a feral
                   glint in her eyes.

No target:
  STANDARD       - You casually observe your surroundings.
   OUTSIDE       - Crouching low to the ground, you scan your immediate surroundings
                   with a keen eye and a skilled hand.  Once convinced there are no
                   environmental traps, you slap your hand against your thigh decisively.
   INSIDE        - With a keen eye, you scan your surroundings and are fairly
                   convinced that there are no environmental traps nearby.
  HALF-ELVEN     - You narrow your eyes and take in your surroundings as you are
                   overwhelmed with feelings of bitterness.
  SYLVAN         - You observe your surroundings carefully, taking in every last detail.

Styles: (Sylvan only)
    FIRST PERSON - Looking around, you can't help but feel that something is wrong
                   with your surroundings.
    OTHERS       - Vanah looks around with concern.
    FIRST PERSON - You look around, every sense on the alert for possible foes.
    OTHERS       - Vanah surveys her surroundings warily.
    FIRST PERSON - You look around, taking note of all the signs of life nearby.
    W\ CREATURES - You look around, and can't help but focus on the creatures nearby.
    OTHERS       - Vanah looks around, a serene expression on her face.
    W\ CREATURES - Vanah looks around, a disturbed expression on her face.
    FIRST PERSON - You quickly scan your surroundings, taking keen note of the flora
                   and fauna in the area.
    OTHERS       - Vanah glances around, her eyes falling briefly on each aspect of
                   her surroundings.
    FIRST PERSON - You observe your surroundings very slowly, not wanting to miss a
                   single detail.
    OTHERS       - Vanah observes her surroundings with an almost excruciating slowness.
    OUTSIDE      - You observe the ground, searching for tracks.
    INSIDE       - You examine the ground in a futile search for tracks.
    DAYTIME      - You look up at the sky, taking note of the position of the sun.
    NIGHTTIME    - Your eyes scan the heavens, reading stories in the stars.
    INSIDE       - You look up, but are unable to see the sky from in here.
    FIRST PERSON - You observe every detail of the air, from its scent to its
                   direction to its ambient temperature.
    OTHERS       - Becca pauses in an observational trance.
      W/ TREES   - You observe the comfortingly natural feel of your environment.
      W/O TREES  - You observe the details of your environment and do your best to adapt.
      IN TOWN    - You observe the inherently foreign nature of your environment.
      W/ TREES   - Vanah relaxes as she observes her environment.
      W/O TREES  - Vanah observes her environment carefully.
      IN TOWN    - Vanah appears uncomfortable as she observes her environment.
    FIRST PERSON - You look around for possible escape routes.
    OTHERS       - Vanah looks around nervously, ready to bolt.

NOTE:  ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions.  Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging.  Messaging without an option shown applies to all options.  Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.
Sample OBSERVE output
You casually observe your surroundings.
>observe ts
You turn your thoughts inward, observing your opinion on society and your place within it.
>observe sign
You take a moment to observe everything you can about an embroidered sign.