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*[[Ascension Skill System/Tier Lists]]
*[[Ascension Skill System/Tier lists|Skill tier lists]]
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*[,%20Magic,%20and%20Character%20Mechanics/Ascension/view Ascension Skill System Official Forums] - Official forums to discuss and brainstorm.
*[,%20Magic,%20and%20Character%20Mechanics/Ascension/view Ascension Skill System Official Forums] - Official forums to discuss and brainstorm.

Revision as of 11:49, 17 September 2020

The Ascension Skill System is a Post-Cap development, but it will not be restricted to level 100 characters.

Ascension is a new system that allows you to divert experience into an Ascension Training Point (ATP) pool, which can then be spent on Ascension Skills to further define your character. Ascension is focused on Post-Cap Development, but is not restricted to level 100 characters. Starting at level 20, you can divert up to your level as a percentage of your experience gain towards Ascension Experience (AEXP). Every 50,000 AEXP will net you 1 ATP, which may then be spent on Common, Elite, or Legendary skills.

This initial phase is limited to the Common tier, and more details on Elite/Legendary will be released at a later date.

Ascension Training Points (ATPs) are then spent to unlock a number of passive and active abilities. They function very similar to the Combat Maneuver List (CML) system.

There are 3 tiers of abilities: Common, Elite, and Legendary. The Common abilities are intended to be very generic and apply to things that most characters might be interested in. It includes things like boosts to stats, skills, resistances, etc. Just those 3 different areas represent 71 different abilities, since each stat/skill/damage type is a separate ability. Elite abilities are designed for certain builds and character types (such as Squares, Semis, Pures, archers, locksmiths, etc). It includes things like rapid health/mana/stamina/spirit regeneration, elemental arrows for archers, locksmiths detecting traps when being handed a box, etc. Finally, Legendary abilities are designed for specific abilities/spells and usually tailored to a specific profession. It includes things like Rangers being able to tame one of each animal companion type (and separate ability to temporarily summon them all in combat), Warriors being able to manually stop a Berserk, Bards being able to create higher enchant sonic armaments, double attacks/spells, etc.

Characters will be required to invest a certain amount of points into the Common tier before they can access the Elite tier. They will then also be required to invest a certain amount of points into the Elite tier before they can access the Legendary tier. The abilities in each tier will get more expensive to unlock as the power those abilities represent grows. In addition, we intend to have a lot of chained abilities to promote certain builds. Some abilities may be exclusive of each other (so if you learn X, you can't learn Y).

Ascension is now live in all instances. Please see the various topics available on the official forums located here.


Number Name Details
1 A Noble Effort Reach level 20
2 Great Expectations Reach level 40
3 Master of My Fate Reach level 60
4 High and Mighty Reach level 80
5 A Grand Triumph Reach level 100
6 Up to the Task 1,000,000 Bounty Points
7 Class-specific Differs by Class
8 Master of your Craft Master an Artisan Skill
9 All the World's a Stage... Acquire 10 Full RPAs (multipliers, orbs do not count)
10 Big Game Hunter Kill a Challenging Creature (Currently not available)


  • Cleric, Empath, Rogue, Sorcerer, Warrior, Wizard: Daily Grind -- Master a Guild Skill
  • Bard: Virtuoso -- Master an Instrument
  • Monk: The Art of War -- Tattoo 500,000 Motes
  • Paladin: A Sacred Bond -- Fully Bond with Holy Weapon
  • Ranger: Kindred Spirit -- Fully Bond with Companion


USAGE: ASCENSION [option] [args]

EXP - View your Ascension experience and ATP
SET {#} - Set the percent of experience to absorb as Ascension experience
LEARN {skill} - Trade in Ascension Training Points to unlock an skill
UNLEARN {skill} - Trade in an Ascension skill for Ascension Training Points
LIST {tier} - Lists Ascension skills by tier available for you to unlock
INFO - Displays your current Ascension skills
MILESTONES - View your Ascension Milestone progress
HELP {skill} - Lists information about the selected skill

Note: All {skill} references above require use of the skill mnemonic.
