CIShop:Flesh and Bones: Difference between revisions

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{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| some layered linen robes with a bone-adorned front panel || Weight: 8 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| robes ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 2)
| some layered linen robes with a bone-adorned front panel || Weight: 8 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| robes ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 2)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-somelayeredlinenrobeswithabone-adornedfrontpanel" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
|[[Bone Shaman Clothing]] <div class="mw-customtoggle-somelayeredlinenrobeswithabone-adornedfrontpanel" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-somelayeredlinenrobeswithabone-adornedfrontpanel">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the linen robes and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-somelayeredlinenrobeswithabone-adornedfrontpanel">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the linen robes and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
Line 104: Line 104:
| a buckskin shirt beaded with a geometrical pattern of bones || Weight: <1 pound || chest-worn
| a buckskin shirt beaded with a geometrical pattern of bones || Weight: <1 pound || chest-worn
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-abuckskinshirtbeadedwithageometricalpatternofbones" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
| [[Bone Shaman Clothing]]<div class="mw-customtoggle-abuckskinshirtbeadedwithageometricalpatternofbones" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-abuckskinshirtbeadedwithageometricalpatternofbones">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the buckskin shirt and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-abuckskinshirtbeadedwithageometricalpatternofbones">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the buckskin shirt and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
Line 135: Line 135:
| a dark linen bodice braced along the back with crossed bones || Weight: <1 pound <br>Pocketed: Small (5-7)<br>any number of items of very small size|| front-worn<br>functional
| a dark linen bodice braced along the back with crossed bones || Weight: <1 pound <br>Pocketed: Small (5-7)<br>any number of items of very small size|| front-worn<br>functional
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-adarklinenbodicebracedalongthebackwithcrossedbones" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
|[[Bone Shaman Clothing]] <div class="mw-customtoggle-adarklinenbodicebracedalongthebackwithcrossedbones" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-adarklinenbodicebracedalongthebackwithcrossedbones">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the dark linen bodice and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-adarklinenbodicebracedalongthebackwithcrossedbones">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the dark linen bodice and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
Line 166: Line 166:
| a long vest of glossy black raven feathers and curved talons || Weight: 2 pounds <br>Pocketed: Fairly small (8-11)<br>any number of items of very small size|| front-worn<br>functional
| a long vest of glossy black raven feathers and curved talons || Weight: 2 pounds <br>Pocketed: Fairly small (8-11)<br>any number of items of very small size|| front-worn<br>functional
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-alongvestofglossyblackravenfeathersandcurvedtalons" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
|[[Bone Shaman Clothing]] <div class="mw-customtoggle-alongvestofglossyblackravenfeathersandcurvedtalons" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-alongvestofglossyblackravenfeathersandcurvedtalons">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the long vest and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-alongvestofglossyblackravenfeathersandcurvedtalons">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the long vest and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
Line 197: Line 197:
| a leather apron adorned in a looping pattern of bone chips || Weight: 2 pounds <br>Pocketed: Medium (20-39)<br>|| front-worn<br>functional
| a leather apron adorned in a looping pattern of bone chips || Weight: 2 pounds <br>Pocketed: Medium (20-39)<br>|| front-worn<br>functional
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-aleatherapronadornedinaloopingpatternofbonechips" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
|[[Bone Shaman Clothing]] <div class="mw-customtoggle-aleatherapronadornedinaloopingpatternofbonechips" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-aleatherapronadornedinaloopingpatternofbonechips">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the leather apron and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-aleatherapronadornedinaloopingpatternofbonechips">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the leather apron and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
Line 228: Line 228:
| an ahmdir blue muslin dress with layered bone-adorned skirts || Weight: <1 pound || chest-worn
| an ahmdir blue muslin dress with layered bone-adorned skirts || Weight: <1 pound || chest-worn
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-anahmdirbluemuslindresswithlayeredbone-adornedskirts" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
|[[Bone Shaman Clothing]] <div class="mw-customtoggle-anahmdirbluemuslindresswithlayeredbone-adornedskirts" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-anahmdirbluemuslindresswithlayeredbone-adornedskirts">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the muslin dress and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-anahmdirbluemuslindresswithlayeredbone-adornedskirts">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the muslin dress and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
Line 262: Line 262:
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| some thick walrus hide breeches decorated with scrimshaw || Weight: <1 pound || leg-worn
| some thick walrus hide breeches decorated with scrimshaw || Weight: <1 pound || leg-worn
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-somethickwalrushidebreechesdecoratedwithscrimshaw" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
|[[Bone Shaman Clothing]] <div class="mw-customtoggle-somethickwalrushidebreechesdecoratedwithscrimshaw" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-somethickwalrushidebreechesdecoratedwithscrimshaw">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the walrus hide breeches and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-somethickwalrushidebreechesdecoratedwithscrimshaw">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the walrus hide breeches and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
Line 293: Line 293:
| some fitted doeskin pants cuffed with interlinked bones || Weight: <1 pound || leg-worn
| some fitted doeskin pants cuffed with interlinked bones || Weight: <1 pound || leg-worn
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-somefitteddoeskinpantscuffedwithinterlinkedbones" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
|[[Bone Shaman Clothing]] <div class="mw-customtoggle-somefitteddoeskinpantscuffedwithinterlinkedbones" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-somefitteddoeskinpantscuffedwithinterlinkedbones">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the doeskin pants and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-somefitteddoeskinpantscuffedwithinterlinkedbones">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the doeskin pants and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
Line 324: Line 324:
| a thick tartan kilt overlayed with strings of small skulls || Weight: <1 pound || leg-worn
| a thick tartan kilt overlayed with strings of small skulls || Weight: <1 pound || leg-worn
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-athicktartankiltoverlayedwithstringsofsmallskulls" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
|[[Bone Shaman Clothing]] <div class="mw-customtoggle-athicktartankiltoverlayedwithstringsofsmallskulls" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-athicktartankiltoverlayedwithstringsofsmallskulls">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the tartan kilt and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-athicktartankiltoverlayedwithstringsofsmallskulls">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the tartan kilt and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
Line 355: Line 355:
| some layered natural linen skirts beaded with knucklebones || Weight: <1 pound || leg-worn
| some layered natural linen skirts beaded with knucklebones || Weight: <1 pound || leg-worn
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-somelayerednaturallinenskirtsbeadedwithknucklebones" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
|[[Bone Shaman Clothing]] <div class="mw-customtoggle-somelayerednaturallinenskirtsbeadedwithknucklebones" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-somelayerednaturallinenskirtsbeadedwithknucklebones">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the natural linen skirts and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-somelayerednaturallinenskirtsbeadedwithknucklebones">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the natural linen skirts and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>
~Bone Shaman Clothing~<br>

Revision as of 09:21, 4 October 2020


a salt-stained hut made of sinew-tied bones, [Map Room 49], Lich #26474, go hut (Hollow Ridge)

Flesh and Bones

[Flesh and Bones -]
Made of a plethora of sinew-tied bones, the rickety walls of this hut rattle and shake with every gust of wind from outside. Reinforcing the structure at random intervals are some tall wooden poles studded with chips of bone, the surface of each one holding various wares for sale. A mammoth skull looms in one corner, its long curving tusks festooned with various garments, while a line of hooks made from crossed rib bones have been attached to one wall. A hanging bone curtain blocks off the back section of the hut, the strings of bone beads clattering together with every movement of air.
Obvious exits: north, out
bleached bone sign
All of these garments are adorned with bone and can make some of your movements extra fancy. If you wear one of the cloaks/coats/robes with a combination of the clothing in the next room, things get even fancier. I will be around sometimes to customize the bone adornments and closures, or to add bones to plain cloaks or clothing. Certificates to unlock the potential of these garments can be found in the Jangling Junker. ~Ulda PS, My husband, Magnus, is still upset at being dead. Don't mind him.

On the line of hooks you see: an asymmetrical silk cloak with multiple bone-adorned layers, a bone-adorned ahmdir blue linen burnoose, a short silk cape adorned with plumed feathers and talons and a tusk-adorned leather cloak mantled with shaggy seal fur.

an asymmetrical silk cloak with multiple bone-adorned layers Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
Bone Shaman Cloak - tier 1 of 4 100,000
a bone-adorned ahmdir blue linen burnoose Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
Bone Shaman Cloak - tier 1 of 4 100,000
a short silk cape adorned with plumed feathers and talons Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
Bone Shaman Cloak - tier 1 of 4 100,000
a tusk-adorned leather cloak mantled with shaggy seal fur Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
Bone Shaman Cloak - tier 1 of 4 100,000

On the tall wooden poles you see: a wide-sleeved silk robe with tiny bones around the collar, a cowled linen robe tied with a sash of small linked skulls, some bone-hemmed white cotton robes and a feather-adorned robe with talons encircling the shoulders.

a wide-sleeved silk robe with tiny bones around the collar Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
Bone Shaman Cloak - tier 1 of 4 100,000
a cowled linen robe tied with a sash of small linked skulls Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
Bone Shaman Cloak - tier 1 of 4 100,000
some bone-hemmed white cotton robes Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
Bone Shaman Cloak - tier 1 of 4 100,000
a feather-adorned robe with talons encircling the shoulders Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
Bone Shaman Cloak - tier 1 of 4 100,000

On the mammoth skull you see: a scrimshaw-buttoned caribou hide parka, a mantled dark leather duster with bone-adorned split tails, a supple doeskin jacket braced with a line of rib bones and a fitted dark suede coat with cuffs of interlinked bones.

a scrimshaw-buttoned caribou hide parka Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
Bone Shaman Cloak - tier 1 of 4 100,000
a mantled dark leather duster with bone-adorned split tails Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
Bone Shaman Cloak - tier 1 of 4 100,000
a supple doeskin jacket braced with a line of rib bones Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
Bone Shaman Cloak - tier 1 of 4 100,000
a fitted dark suede coat with cuffs of interlinked bones Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
Bone Shaman Cloak - tier 1 of 4 100,000

, [Map Room #], Lich# <room # outside shop>, <go adjective noun>

Flesh and Bones, Niche

[Flesh and Bones, Niche -]
Created by bracing the large rib bones of some gigantic creature against the rickety walls of the hut, this secluded niche is cramped and tiny. Shoved into one corner is an articulated dolphin skeleton, its bony body covered in draped pieces of clothing, while a squat bone armoire is crammed directly across from it. Bones litter the floor in various places, some small and some large, while a few scattered candles in skull lanterns provide scant lighting.
Obvious exits: south
bleached bone sign
The robes in the armoire are armor and have been enchanted to the level of vultite. Some things are worn around your torso, other things over your front, and still more things over your legs. Please be sure to INSPECT all wares closely before buying. No refunds! ~Ulda

In the squat bone armoire you see: some layered linen robes with a bone-adorned front panel, a buckskin shirt beaded with a geometrical pattern of bones, a dark linen bodice braced along the back with crossed bones, a long vest of glossy black raven feathers and curved talons, a leather apron adorned in a looping pattern of bone chips and an ahmdir blue muslin dress with layered bone-adorned skirts.

some layered linen robes with a bone-adorned front panel Weight: 8 pounds
Enchant: +20
robes (AsG 2) Bone Shaman Clothing
You analyze the linen robes and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

~Bone Shaman Clothing~
Bone-adorned shamanistic clothing with customizable adornments.
This clothing can work in tandem with Bone Shaman Cloaks, but they also work well on their own.
Alterations to this are fine as long as you heed the restrictions below.
* Item MUST indicate it is decorated with some sort of bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* Bone adornment CAN be:
- Bones/bone fragments
- Claws/talons
- Teeth/fangs
- Beaks
- Skulls (small)
- Horn/antler pieces
* Bone adornment can NOT be:
- Specific to a race (NO elven finger bones, for example)
- An entire skeleton
- Large bones/skulls
* Currently works with ONLY:
- Leg-worn [skirts, pants, etc.]
- Torso-worn (robes, dresses, shirts, etc.)
- Front-worn (bodices, vests, tabards, etc.)
~Item Information~
This item is setup for robes messaging.
This item is currently Tier 1 of 2. (Off the Shelf)
At this tier, you have access to the following actions: WEAR, REMOVE, SHAKE, POUND.

This item currently has the default adornment: small bones
a buckskin shirt beaded with a geometrical pattern of bones Weight: <1 pound chest-worn Bone Shaman Clothing
You analyze the buckskin shirt and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

~Bone Shaman Clothing~
Bone-adorned shamanistic clothing with customizable adornments.
This clothing can work in tandem with Bone Shaman Cloaks, but they also work well on their own.
Alterations to this are fine as long as you heed the restrictions below.
* Item MUST indicate it is decorated with some sort of bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* Bone adornment CAN be:
- Bones/bone fragments
- Claws/talons
- Teeth/fangs
- Beaks
- Skulls (small)
- Horn/antler pieces
* Bone adornment can NOT be:
- Specific to a race (NO elven finger bones, for example)
- An entire skeleton
- Large bones/skulls
* Currently works with ONLY:
- Leg-worn [skirts, pants, etc.]
- Torso-worn (robes, dresses, shirts, etc.)
- Front-worn (bodices, vests, tabards, etc.)
~Item Information~
This item is setup for shirt messaging.
This item is currently Tier 1 of 2. (Off the Shelf)
At this tier, you have access to the following actions: WEAR, REMOVE, SHAKE, POUND.

This item has a custom adornment: bone beads
a dark linen bodice braced along the back with crossed bones Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Small (5-7)
any number of items of very small size
Bone Shaman Clothing
You analyze the dark linen bodice and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

~Bone Shaman Clothing~
Bone-adorned shamanistic clothing with customizable adornments.
This clothing can work in tandem with Bone Shaman Cloaks, but they also work well on their own.
Alterations to this are fine as long as you heed the restrictions below.
* Item MUST indicate it is decorated with some sort of bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* Bone adornment CAN be:
- Bones/bone fragments
- Claws/talons
- Teeth/fangs
- Beaks
- Skulls (small)
- Horn/antler pieces
* Bone adornment can NOT be:
- Specific to a race (NO elven finger bones, for example)
- An entire skeleton
- Large bones/skulls
* Currently works with ONLY:
- Leg-worn [skirts, pants, etc.]
- Torso-worn (robes, dresses, shirts, etc.)
- Front-worn (bodices, vests, tabards, etc.)
~Item Information~
This item is setup for bodice messaging.
This item is currently Tier 1 of 2. (Off the Shelf)
At this tier, you have access to the following actions: WEAR, REMOVE, SHAKE, POUND.

This item currently has the default adornment: small bones
a long vest of glossy black raven feathers and curved talons Weight: 2 pounds
Pocketed: Fairly small (8-11)
any number of items of very small size
Bone Shaman Clothing
You analyze the long vest and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

~Bone Shaman Clothing~
Bone-adorned shamanistic clothing with customizable adornments.
This clothing can work in tandem with Bone Shaman Cloaks, but they also work well on their own.
Alterations to this are fine as long as you heed the restrictions below.
* Item MUST indicate it is decorated with some sort of bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* Bone adornment CAN be:
- Bones/bone fragments
- Claws/talons
- Teeth/fangs
- Beaks
- Skulls (small)
- Horn/antler pieces
* Bone adornment can NOT be:
- Specific to a race (NO elven finger bones, for example)
- An entire skeleton
- Large bones/skulls
* Currently works with ONLY:
- Leg-worn [skirts, pants, etc.]
- Torso-worn (robes, dresses, shirts, etc.)
- Front-worn (bodices, vests, tabards, etc.)
~Item Information~
This item is setup for vest messaging.
This item is currently Tier 1 of 2. (Off the Shelf)
At this tier, you have access to the following actions: WEAR, REMOVE, SHAKE, POUND.

This item has a custom adornment: curved talons
a leather apron adorned in a looping pattern of bone chips Weight: 2 pounds
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
Bone Shaman Clothing
You analyze the leather apron and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

~Bone Shaman Clothing~
Bone-adorned shamanistic clothing with customizable adornments.
This clothing can work in tandem with Bone Shaman Cloaks, but they also work well on their own.
Alterations to this are fine as long as you heed the restrictions below.
* Item MUST indicate it is decorated with some sort of bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* Bone adornment CAN be:
- Bones/bone fragments
- Claws/talons
- Teeth/fangs
- Beaks
- Skulls (small)
- Horn/antler pieces
* Bone adornment can NOT be:
- Specific to a race (NO elven finger bones, for example)
- An entire skeleton
- Large bones/skulls
* Currently works with ONLY:
- Leg-worn [skirts, pants, etc.]
- Torso-worn (robes, dresses, shirts, etc.)
- Front-worn (bodices, vests, tabards, etc.)
~Item Information~
This item is setup for tabard messaging.
This item is currently Tier 1 of 2. (Off the Shelf)
At this tier, you have access to the following actions: WEAR, REMOVE, SHAKE, POUND.

This item has a custom adornment: bone chips
an ahmdir blue muslin dress with layered bone-adorned skirts Weight: <1 pound chest-worn Bone Shaman Clothing
You analyze the muslin dress and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

~Bone Shaman Clothing~
Bone-adorned shamanistic clothing with customizable adornments.
This clothing can work in tandem with Bone Shaman Cloaks, but they also work well on their own.
Alterations to this are fine as long as you heed the restrictions below.
* Item MUST indicate it is decorated with some sort of bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* Bone adornment CAN be:
- Bones/bone fragments
- Claws/talons
- Teeth/fangs
- Beaks
- Skulls (small)
- Horn/antler pieces
* Bone adornment can NOT be:
- Specific to a race (NO elven finger bones, for example)
- An entire skeleton
- Large bones/skulls
* Currently works with ONLY:
- Leg-worn [skirts, pants, etc.]
- Torso-worn (robes, dresses, shirts, etc.)
- Front-worn (bodices, vests, tabards, etc.)
~Item Information~
This item is setup for dress messaging.
This item is currently Tier 1 of 2. (Off the Shelf)
At this tier, you have access to the following actions: WEAR, REMOVE, SHAKE, POUND.

This item currently has the default adornment: small bones

On the articulated dolphin skeleton you see: some thick walrus hide breeches decorated with scrimshaw, some fitted doeskin pants cuffed with interlinked bones, a thick tartan kilt overlayed with strings of small skulls and some layered natural linen skirts beaded with knucklebones.

some thick walrus hide breeches decorated with scrimshaw Weight: <1 pound leg-worn Bone Shaman Clothing
You analyze the walrus hide breeches and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

~Bone Shaman Clothing~
Bone-adorned shamanistic clothing with customizable adornments.
This clothing can work in tandem with Bone Shaman Cloaks, but they also work well on their own.
Alterations to this are fine as long as you heed the restrictions below.
* Item MUST indicate it is decorated with some sort of bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* Bone adornment CAN be:
- Bones/bone fragments
- Claws/talons
- Teeth/fangs
- Beaks
- Skulls (small)
- Horn/antler pieces
* Bone adornment can NOT be:
- Specific to a race (NO elven finger bones, for example)
- An entire skeleton
- Large bones/skulls
* Currently works with ONLY:
- Leg-worn [skirts, pants, etc.]
- Torso-worn (robes, dresses, shirts, etc.)
- Front-worn (bodices, vests, tabards, etc.)
~Item Information~
This item is setup for pants/trousers messaging.
This item is currently Tier 1 of 2. (Off the Shelf)
At this tier, you have access to the following actions: WEAR, REMOVE, SHAKE, RAISE.

This item has a custom adornment: pieces of scrimshaw
some fitted doeskin pants cuffed with interlinked bones Weight: <1 pound leg-worn Bone Shaman Clothing
You analyze the doeskin pants and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

~Bone Shaman Clothing~
Bone-adorned shamanistic clothing with customizable adornments.
This clothing can work in tandem with Bone Shaman Cloaks, but they also work well on their own.
Alterations to this are fine as long as you heed the restrictions below.
* Item MUST indicate it is decorated with some sort of bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* Bone adornment CAN be:
- Bones/bone fragments
- Claws/talons
- Teeth/fangs
- Beaks
- Skulls (small)
- Horn/antler pieces
* Bone adornment can NOT be:
- Specific to a race (NO elven finger bones, for example)
- An entire skeleton
- Large bones/skulls
* Currently works with ONLY:
- Leg-worn [skirts, pants, etc.]
- Torso-worn (robes, dresses, shirts, etc.)
- Front-worn (bodices, vests, tabards, etc.)
~Item Information~
This item is setup for pants/trousers messaging.
This item is currently Tier 1 of 2. (Off the Shelf)
At this tier, you have access to the following actions: WEAR, REMOVE, SHAKE, RAISE.

This item currently has the default adornment: small bones
a thick tartan kilt overlayed with strings of small skulls Weight: <1 pound leg-worn Bone Shaman Clothing
You analyze the tartan kilt and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

~Bone Shaman Clothing~
Bone-adorned shamanistic clothing with customizable adornments.
This clothing can work in tandem with Bone Shaman Cloaks, but they also work well on their own.
Alterations to this are fine as long as you heed the restrictions below.
* Item MUST indicate it is decorated with some sort of bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* Bone adornment CAN be:
- Bones/bone fragments
- Claws/talons
- Teeth/fangs
- Beaks
- Skulls (small)
- Horn/antler pieces
* Bone adornment can NOT be:
- Specific to a race (NO elven finger bones, for example)
- An entire skeleton
- Large bones/skulls
* Currently works with ONLY:
- Leg-worn [skirts, pants, etc.]
- Torso-worn (robes, dresses, shirts, etc.)
- Front-worn (bodices, vests, tabards, etc.)
~Item Information~
This item is setup for skirt/kilt messaging.
This item is currently Tier 1 of 2. (Off the Shelf)
At this tier, you have access to the following actions: WEAR, REMOVE, SHAKE, RAISE.

This item has a custom adornment: small skulls
some layered natural linen skirts beaded with knucklebones Weight: <1 pound leg-worn Bone Shaman Clothing
You analyze the natural linen skirts and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

~Bone Shaman Clothing~
Bone-adorned shamanistic clothing with customizable adornments.
This clothing can work in tandem with Bone Shaman Cloaks, but they also work well on their own.
Alterations to this are fine as long as you heed the restrictions below.
* Item MUST indicate it is decorated with some sort of bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* Bone adornment CAN be:
- Bones/bone fragments
- Claws/talons
- Teeth/fangs
- Beaks
- Skulls (small)
- Horn/antler pieces
* Bone adornment can NOT be:
- Specific to a race (NO elven finger bones, for example)
- An entire skeleton
- Large bones/skulls
* Currently works with ONLY:
- Leg-worn [skirts, pants, etc.]
- Torso-worn (robes, dresses, shirts, etc.)
- Front-worn (bodices, vests, tabards, etc.)
~Item Information~
This item is setup for skirt/kilt messaging.
This item is currently Tier 1 of 2. (Off the Shelf)
At this tier, you have access to the following actions: WEAR, REMOVE, SHAKE, RAISE.

This item has a custom adornment: knucklebone beads


a salt-stained hut made of sinew-tied bones, [Map Room 49], Lich #26474, go hut (Hollow Ridge)

Flesh and Bones

[Flesh and Bones - 27530]
Made of a plethora of sinew-tied bones, the rickety walls of this hut rattle and shake with every gust of wind from outside. Reinforcing the structure at random intervals are some tall wooden poles studded with chips of bone, the surface of each one holding various wares for sale. A mammoth skull looms in one corner, its long curving tusks festooned with various garments, while a line of hooks made from crossed rib bones have been attached to one wall. A hanging bone curtain blocks off the back section of the hut, the strings of bone beads clattering together with every movement of air.
Obvious exits: out
All of these garments are adorned with bone and can make some of your movements extra fancy.
If you wear one of the cloaks/coats/robes with one of the pants/skirts, things get even fancier.
I will be around from time to time to customize the bone adornments and closures.
I can also unlock the potential of any of these garments.
PS, My husband, Magnus, is still upset at being dead.  Don't mind him.

Bone Shaman Cloak

On the line of hooks you see:

a shaggy seal fur mantle clasped with a piece of scrimshaw Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
~ Bone Shaman Cloaks ~
Bone-adorned shamanistic cloaks with customizable parts.
This mantle can accept alterations to the long and/or show description, but MUST:
* Always have some indication of being decorated with bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* NOT be form-fitting or tight.
This script only works with cloak-worn items (cloak-type items, coat-type items or robe/robes-type items.)
This is currently setup to be a cloak-type item.
~Customization Settings~
Currently set to a custom closure. The closure will appear as: scrimshaw clasp
As a cloak-type item, the closure must remain a clasp, pin or other singular noun that could feasibly be expected to close a cloak.
NOTE: All closures must be made of bone or incorporate bone somehow.
Currently set to default adornment. The adornment will show up as: bones.
* Adornments must be bone or made of bone.
* Adornments must be plural, as there are many adorning the clothing.
* Acceptable adornments: bone/bone pieces, beaks, claws/talons, teeth/fangs, horn/antler pieces, small skulls
* Adornments CANNOT be specific to a race (IE elven finger bones) and must be small enough to be feasible as a decoration.
This item is currently tier 0 of 3. Off the Shelf.
This tier captures: WEAR, REMOVE, OPEN, CLOSE.
a billowing bone-adorned linen greatcloak Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
~ Bone Shaman Cloaks ~
Bone-adorned shamanistic cloaks with customizable parts.
This greatcloak can accept alterations to the long and/or show description, but MUST:
* Always have some indication of being decorated with bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* NOT be form-fitting or tight.
This script only works with cloak-worn items (cloak-type items, coat-type items or robe/robes-type items.)
This is currently setup to be a cloak-type item.
~Customization Settings~
Currently set to default closure. The closure will appear as: carved bone clasp
As a cloak-type item, the closure must remain a clasp, pin or other singular noun that could feasibly be expected to close a cloak.
NOTE: All closures must be made of bone or incorporate bone somehow.
Currently set to default adornment. The adornment will show up as: bones.
* Adornments must be bone or made of bone.
* Adornments must be plural, as there are many adorning the clothing.
* Acceptable adornments: bone/bone pieces, beaks, claws/talons, teeth/fangs, horn/antler pieces, small skulls
* Adornments CANNOT be specific to a race (IE elven finger bones) and must be small enough to be feasible as a decoration.
This item is currently tier 0 of 3. Off the Shelf.
This tier captures: WEAR, REMOVE, OPEN, CLOSE.
a layered yierka hide burnoose fringed with morduska fangs Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
~ Bone Shaman Cloaks ~
Bone-adorned shamanistic cloaks with customizable parts.
This burnoose can accept alterations to the long and/or show description, but MUST:
* Always have some indication of being decorated with bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* NOT be form-fitting or tight.
This script only works with cloak-worn items (cloak-type items, coat-type items or robe/robes-type items.)
This is currently setup to be a cloak-type item.
~Customization Settings~
Currently set to default closure. The closure will appear as: carved bone clasp
As a cloak-type item, the closure must remain a clasp, pin or other singular noun that could feasibly be expected to close a cloak.
NOTE: All closures must be made of bone or incorporate bone somehow.
Currently set to a custom adornment. The adornment will show up as: curved morduska fangs.
* Adornments must be bone or made of bone.
* Adornments must be plural, as there are many adorning the clothing.
* Acceptable adornments: bone/bone pieces, beaks, claws/talons, teeth/fangs, horn/antler pieces, small skulls
* Adornments CANNOT be specific to a race (IE elven finger bones) and must be small enough to be feasible as a decoration.
This item is currently tier 0 of 3. Off the Shelf.
This tier captures: WEAR, REMOVE, OPEN, CLOSE.
a silk-lined pewter grey cloak with a knucklebone clasp Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
~ Bone Shaman Cloaks ~
Bone-adorned shamanistic cloaks with customizable parts.
This cloak can accept alterations to the long and/or show description, but MUST:
* Always have some indication of being decorated with bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* NOT be form-fitting or tight.
This script only works with cloak-worn items (cloak-type items, coat-type items or robe/robes-type items.)
This is currently setup to be a cloak-type item.
~Customization Settings~
Currently set to a custom closure. The closure will appear as: knucklebone clasp
As a cloak-type item, the closure must remain a clasp, pin or other singular noun that could feasibly be expected to close a cloak.
NOTE: All closures must be made of bone or incorporate bone somehow.
Currently set to default adornment. The adornment will show up as: bones.
* Adornments must be bone or made of bone.
* Adornments must be plural, as there are many adorning the clothing.
* Acceptable adornments: bone/bone pieces, beaks, claws/talons, teeth/fangs, horn/antler pieces, small skulls
* Adornments CANNOT be specific to a race (IE elven finger bones) and must be small enough to be feasible as a decoration.
This item is currently tier 0 of 3. Off the Shelf.
This tier captures: WEAR, REMOVE, OPEN, CLOSE.

On the tall wooden poles you see:

some bone-hemmed white cotton robes Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
~ Bone Shaman Cloaks ~
Bone-adorned shamanistic cloaks with customizable parts.
These robes can accept alterations to the long and/or show description, but MUST:
* Always have some indication of being decorated with bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* NOT be form-fitting or tight.
This script only works with cloak-worn items (cloak-type items, coat-type items or robe/robes-type items.)
These are currently setup to be a robes-type item.
~Customization Settings~
Currently set to default closure. The closure will appear as: bone bead belt
As a robe/robes-type item, the closure must be a sash, belt or another singular noun that could be expected to tie around the waist of a robe to close it.
NOTE: All closures must be made of bone or incorporate bone somehow.
Currently set to default adornment. The adornment will show up as: bones.
* Adornments must be bone or made of bone.
* Adornments must be plural, as there are many adorning the clothing.
* Acceptable adornments: bone/bone pieces, beaks, claws/talons, teeth/fangs, horn/antler pieces, small skulls
* Adornments CANNOT be specific to a race (IE elven finger bones) and must be small enough to be feasible as a decoration.
This item is currently tier 0 of 3. Off the Shelf.
This tier captures: WEAR, REMOVE, OPEN, CLOSE.
a pale linen robe with a bone-decorated panel down the front Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
~ Bone Shaman Cloaks ~
Bone-adorned shamanistic cloaks with customizable parts.
This robe can accept alterations to the long and/or show description, but MUST:
* Always have some indication of being decorated with bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* NOT be form-fitting or tight.
This script only works with cloak-worn items (cloak-type items, coat-type items or robe/robes-type items.)
This is currently setup to be a robe-type item.
~Customization Settings~
Currently set to default closure. The closure will appear as: bone bead belt
As a robe/robes-type item, the closure must be a sash, belt or another singular noun that could be expected to tie around the waist of a robe to close it.
NOTE: All closures must be made of bone or incorporate bone somehow.
Currently set to default adornment. The adornment will show up as: bones.
* Adornments must be bone or made of bone.
* Adornments must be plural, as there are many adorning the clothing.
* Acceptable adornments: bone/bone pieces, beaks, claws/talons, teeth/fangs, horn/antler pieces, small skulls
* Adornments CANNOT be specific to a race (IE elven finger bones) and must be small enough to be feasible as a decoration.
This item is currently tier 0 of 3. Off the Shelf.
This tier captures: WEAR, REMOVE, OPEN, CLOSE.
a long scarlet silk robe belted with linked small skulls Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
~ Bone Shaman Cloaks ~
Bone-adorned shamanistic cloaks with customizable parts.
This robe can accept alterations to the long and/or show description, but MUST:
* Always have some indication of being decorated with bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* NOT be form-fitting or tight.
This script only works with cloak-worn items (cloak-type items, coat-type items or robe/robes-type items.)
This is currently setup to be a robe-type item.
~Customization Settings~
Currently set to a custom closure. The closure will appear as: belt of linked small skulls
As a robe/robes-type item, the closure must be a sash, belt or another singular noun that could be expected to tie around the waist of a robe to close it.
NOTE: All closures must be made of bone or incorporate bone somehow.
Currently set to default adornment. The adornment will show up as: bones.
* Adornments must be bone or made of bone.
* Adornments must be plural, as there are many adorning the clothing.
* Acceptable adornments: bone/bone pieces, beaks, claws/talons, teeth/fangs, horn/antler pieces, small skulls
* Adornments CANNOT be specific to a race (IE elven finger bones) and must be small enough to be feasible as a decoration.
This item is currently tier 0 of 3. Off the Shelf.
This tier captures: WEAR, REMOVE, OPEN, CLOSE.
a voluminous dark silk robe with wide bone-fringed sleeves Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
~ Bone Shaman Cloaks ~
Bone-adorned shamanistic cloaks with customizable parts.
This robe can accept alterations to the long and/or show description, but MUST:
* Always have some indication of being decorated with bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* NOT be form-fitting or tight.
This script only works with cloak-worn items (cloak-type items, coat-type items or robe/robes-type items.)
This is currently setup to be a robe-type item.
~Customization Settings~
Currently set to default closure. The closure will appear as: bone bead belt
As a robe/robes-type item, the closure must be a sash, belt or another singular noun that could be expected to tie around the waist of a robe to close it.
NOTE: All closures must be made of bone or incorporate bone somehow.
Currently set to default adornment. The adornment will show up as: bones.
* Adornments must be bone or made of bone.
* Adornments must be plural, as there are many adorning the clothing.
* Acceptable adornments: bone/bone pieces, beaks, claws/talons, teeth/fangs, horn/antler pieces, small skulls
* Adornments CANNOT be specific to a race (IE elven finger bones) and must be small enough to be feasible as a decoration.
This item is currently tier 0 of 3. Off the Shelf.
This tier captures: WEAR, REMOVE, OPEN, CLOSE.

On the mammoth skull you see:

a mantled bone-fringed leather duster Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
~ Bone Shaman Cloaks ~
Bone-adorned shamanistic cloaks with customizable parts.
This duster can accept alterations to the long and/or show description, but MUST:
* Always have some indication of being decorated with bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* NOT be form-fitting or tight.
This script only works with cloak-worn items (cloak-type items, coat-type items or robe/robes-type items.)
This is currently setup to be a coat-type item.
~Customization Settings~
Currently set to default closure. The closure will appear as: carved bone buttons
As a coat-type item, the closure must be buttons, toggles or another plural noun that could feasibly be expected to close a coat.
NOTE: All closures must be made of bone or incorporate bone somehow.
Currently set to default adornment. The adornment will show up as: bones.
* Adornments must be bone or made of bone.
* Adornments must be plural, as there are many adorning the clothing.
* Acceptable adornments: bone/bone pieces, beaks, claws/talons, teeth/fangs, horn/antler pieces, small skulls
* Adornments CANNOT be specific to a race (IE elven finger bones) and must be small enough to be feasible as a decoration.
This item is currently tier 0 of 3. Off the Shelf.
This tier captures: WEAR, REMOVE, OPEN, CLOSE.
a fleece-lined doeskin jacket buttoned with antler fragments Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
~ Bone Shaman Cloaks ~
Bone-adorned shamanistic cloaks with customizable parts.
This jacket can accept alterations to the long and/or show description, but MUST:
* Always have some indication of being decorated with bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* NOT be form-fitting or tight.
This script only works with cloak-worn items (cloak-type items, coat-type items or robe/robes-type items.)
This is currently setup to be a coat-type item.
~Customization Settings~
Currently set to a custom closure. The closure will appear as: antler buttons
As a coat-type item, the closure must be buttons, toggles or another plural noun that could feasibly be expected to close a coat.
NOTE: All closures must be made of bone or incorporate bone somehow.
Currently set to default adornment. The adornment will show up as: bones.
* Adornments must be bone or made of bone.
* Adornments must be plural, as there are many adorning the clothing.
* Acceptable adornments: bone/bone pieces, beaks, claws/talons, teeth/fangs, horn/antler pieces, small skulls
* Adornments CANNOT be specific to a race (IE elven finger bones) and must be small enough to be feasible as a decoration.
This item is currently tier 0 of 3. Off the Shelf.
This tier captures: WEAR, REMOVE, OPEN, CLOSE.
a dark leather longcoat with bones encircling each sleeve Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
~ Bone Shaman Cloaks ~
Bone-adorned shamanistic cloaks with customizable parts.
This longcoat can accept alterations to the long and/or show description, but MUST:
* Always have some indication of being decorated with bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* NOT be form-fitting or tight.
This script only works with cloak-worn items (cloak-type items, coat-type items or robe/robes-type items.)
This is currently setup to be a coat-type item.
~Customization Settings~
Currently set to default closure. The closure will appear as: carved bone buttons
As a coat-type item, the closure must be buttons, toggles or another plural noun that could feasibly be expected to close a coat.
NOTE: All closures must be made of bone or incorporate bone somehow.
Currently set to default adornment. The adornment will show up as: bones.
* Adornments must be bone or made of bone.
* Adornments must be plural, as there are many adorning the clothing.
* Acceptable adornments: bone/bone pieces, beaks, claws/talons, teeth/fangs, horn/antler pieces, small skulls
* Adornments CANNOT be specific to a race (IE elven finger bones) and must be small enough to be feasible as a decoration.
This item is currently tier 0 of 3. Off the Shelf.
This tier captures: WEAR, REMOVE, OPEN, CLOSE.
a wide-sleeved suede coat with split bone-adorned tails Weight: 7 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
~ Bone Shaman Cloaks ~
Bone-adorned shamanistic cloaks with customizable parts.
This coat can accept alterations to the long and/or show description, but MUST:
* Always have some indication of being decorated with bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* NOT be form-fitting or tight.
This script only works with cloak-worn items (cloak-type items, coat-type items or robe/robes-type items.)
This is currently setup to be a coat-type item.
~Customization Settings~
Currently set to default closure. The closure will appear as: carved bone buttons
As a coat-type item, the closure must be buttons, toggles or another plural noun that could feasibly be expected to close a coat.
NOTE: All closures must be made of bone or incorporate bone somehow.
Currently set to default adornment. The adornment will show up as: bones.
* Adornments must be bone or made of bone.
* Adornments must be plural, as there are many adorning the clothing.
* Acceptable adornments: bone/bone pieces, beaks, claws/talons, teeth/fangs, horn/antler pieces, small skulls
* Adornments CANNOT be specific to a race (IE elven finger bones) and must be small enough to be feasible as a decoration.
This item is currently tier 0 of 3. Off the Shelf.
This tier captures: WEAR, REMOVE, OPEN, CLOSE.

Bone Shaman Clothing

On the articulated dolphin skeleton you see:

a bone-adorned dark leather skirt Weight: <1 pound leg-worn
~Bone Shaman Clothing~
Bone-adorned shamanistic clothing with customizable adornments.
This clothing can work in tandem with Bone Shaman Cloaks, but they also work well on their own.
Alterations to this are fine as long as you heed the restrictions below.
* Item MUST indicate it is decorated with some sort of bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* Bone adornment CAN be:
- Bones/bone fragments
- Claws/talons
- Teeth/fangs
- Beaks
- Skulls (small)
- Horn/antler pieces
* Bone adornment can NOT be:
- Specific to a race (NO elven finger bones, for example)
- An entire skeleton
- Large bones/skulls
* Currently works with ONLY:
- Leg-worn [skirts, pants, etc.]
~Item Information~
This item is setup for skirt/kilt messaging.
This item is currently Tier 0 of 1. (Off the Shelf)
At this tier you have access to:
This item currently has the default adornment: small bones
a thick woolen kilt decorated with various small skulls Weight: <1 pound leg-worn
~Bone Shaman Clothing~
Bone-adorned shamanistic clothing with customizable adornments.
This clothing can work in tandem with Bone Shaman Cloaks, but they also work well on their own.
Alterations to this are fine as long as you heed the restrictions below.
* Item MUST indicate it is decorated with some sort of bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* Bone adornment CAN be:
- Bones/bone fragments
- Claws/talons
- Teeth/fangs
- Beaks
- Skulls (small)
- Horn/antler pieces
* Bone adornment can NOT be:
- Specific to a race (NO elven finger bones, for example)
- An entire skeleton
- Large bones/skulls
* Currently works with ONLY:
- Leg-worn [skirts, pants, etc.]
~Item Information~
This item is setup for skirt/kilt messaging.
This item is currently Tier 0 of 1. (Off the Shelf)
At this tier you have access to:
This item has a custom adornment: small skulls
some long skirts of layered linen and strings of bone beads Weight: <1 pound leg-worn
~Bone Shaman Clothing~
Bone-adorned shamanistic clothing with customizable adornments.
This clothing can work in tandem with Bone Shaman Cloaks, but they also work well on their own.
Alterations to this are fine as long as you heed the restrictions below.
* Item MUST indicate it is decorated with some sort of bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* Bone adornment CAN be:
- Bones/bone fragments
- Claws/talons
- Teeth/fangs
- Beaks
- Skulls (small)
- Horn/antler pieces
* Bone adornment can NOT be:
- Specific to a race (NO elven finger bones, for example)
- An entire skeleton
- Large bones/skulls
* Currently works with ONLY:
- Leg-worn [skirts, pants, etc.]
~Item Information~
This item is setup for skirt/kilt messaging.
This item is currently Tier 0 of 1. (Off the Shelf)
At this tier you have access to:
This item has a custom adornment: bone beads
some bone-fringed doeskin leggings Weight: <1 pound leg-worn
~Bone Shaman Clothing~
Bone-adorned shamanistic clothing with customizable adornments.
This clothing can work in tandem with Bone Shaman Cloaks, but they also work well on their own.
Alterations to this are fine as long as you heed the restrictions below.
* Item MUST indicate it is decorated with some sort of bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* Bone adornment CAN be:
- Bones/bone fragments
- Claws/talons
- Teeth/fangs
- Beaks
- Skulls (small)
- Horn/antler pieces
* Bone adornment can NOT be:
- Specific to a race (NO elven finger bones, for example)
- An entire skeleton
- Large bones/skulls
* Currently works with ONLY:
- Leg-worn [skirts, pants, etc.]
~Item Information~
This item is setup for pants/trousers messaging.
This item is currently Tier 0 of 1. (Off the Shelf)
At this tier you have access to:
This item currently has the default adornment: small bones
some canvas breeches adorned with a zigzag pattern of bones Weight: <1 pound leg-worn
~Bone Shaman Clothing~
Bone-adorned shamanistic clothing with customizable adornments.
This clothing can work in tandem with Bone Shaman Cloaks, but they also work well on their own.
Alterations to this are fine as long as you heed the restrictions below.
* Item MUST indicate it is decorated with some sort of bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* Bone adornment CAN be:
- Bones/bone fragments
- Claws/talons
- Teeth/fangs
- Beaks
- Skulls (small)
- Horn/antler pieces
* Bone adornment can NOT be:
- Specific to a race (NO elven finger bones, for example)
- An entire skeleton
- Large bones/skulls
* Currently works with ONLY:
- Leg-worn [skirts, pants, etc.]
~Item Information~
This item is setup for pants/trousers messaging.
This item is currently Tier 0 of 1. (Off the Shelf)
At this tier you have access to:
This item currently has the default adornment: small bones
some suede pants with spirals of small bones around the legs Weight: <1 pound leg-worn
~Bone Shaman Clothing~
Bone-adorned shamanistic clothing with customizable adornments.
This clothing can work in tandem with Bone Shaman Cloaks, but they also work well on their own.
Alterations to this are fine as long as you heed the restrictions below.
* Item MUST indicate it is decorated with some sort of bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* Bone adornment CAN be:
- Bones/bone fragments
- Claws/talons
- Teeth/fangs
- Beaks
- Skulls (small)
- Horn/antler pieces
* Bone adornment can NOT be:
- Specific to a race (NO elven finger bones, for example)
- An entire skeleton
- Large bones/skulls
* Currently works with ONLY:
- Leg-worn [skirts, pants, etc.]
~Item Information~
This item is setup for pants/trousers messaging.
This item is currently Tier 0 of 1. (Off the Shelf)
At this tier you have access to:
This item currently has the default adornment: small bones


a salt-stained hut made of sinew-tied bones, [Map Room 49], Lich #26474, go hut (Hollow Ridge)

Flesh and Bones. Entry

[Flesh and Bones] RNUM: 27530
Made of a plethora of sinew-tied bones, the rickety walls of this hut rattle and shake with every gust of wind from outside. Reinforcing the structure at random intervals are some tall wooden poles studded with chips of bone, the surface of each one holding various wares for sale. A mammoth skull looms in one corner, its long curving tusks festooned with various garments, while a line of hooks made from crossed rib bones have been attached to one wall. A hanging bone curtain blocks off the back section of the hut, the strings of bone beads clattering together with every movement of air.
Obvious exits: out
These garments are adorned with bone and can make some of your movements extra fancy.
I will be around from time to time to customize the bone adornments and closures.
I can also unlock their potential further.
PS, Don't mind my husband, Magnus.  He's still annoyed at being dead.

Prices in Ebon Gate seashells

Bone Shaman Cloak

On the line of hooks you see:

a thick bear hide mantle clasped with a curved fang Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a voluminous buckskin greatcloak hemmed with bones
a bone-decorated yierka hide burnoose
a layered pale linen shroud adorned with finger bones

On the tall wooden poles you see:

a wide-sleeved cotton robe hemmed with jagged bone shards Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
some bone-trimmed black silk robes
a floor-length black linen robe belted with linked vertebrae
a flowing stygian robe trimmed with various bones

On the mammoth skull you see:

a split-tailed buckskin jacket buttoned with rat skulls Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a bone-buttoned dark leather longcoat
a thigh-length leather coat with wide bone-adorned sleeves
a long black leather duster with a bone-fringed mantle

You need to purchase a service pass to enter the curtain.