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'''Chapter 1: The Imperial Spark<br>
'''Chapter 1: The Imperial Spark<br>
Fashanos 5114 (February, 2014)'''
'''Fashanos 5114 (February, 2014)

* Grand Magister Pylasar, from the Hall of Mages in the Swale, arrived in Wehnimer’s Landing and opened up a portal to Talador. The portal would remain accessible the entire month, allowing adventurers to visit Talador during the Baronial Coronation Festival.
* Grand Magister Pylasar, from the Hall of Mages in the Swale, arrived in Wehnimer’s Landing and opened up a portal to Talador. The portal would remain accessible the entire month, allowing adventurers to visit Talador during the Baronial Coronation Festival.

Revision as of 09:31, 4 April 2014

Cross Into Shadows was a year-long story line taking place during 2014. Most of the event took place in Wehnimer's Landing and its environs, but other parts that tied in took place throughout Elanthia. The first chapter of the story ended with the Baronial Coronation Festival in Talador.

The following are saved posts by GM Kenstrom summarizing the event:

Teaser 1

Category: Towns
Topic: Wehnimer's Landing
Message #: 4020
Date: 3/14/2013 4:09 AM
Subject: Cross into Shadows - Teaser 1

As I stated earlier, my next storyline "Cross into Shadows" will kick off in December 2013 and last all through next year. There's a lot of work involved and a lot of things happening in it, so in order to help bridge the time gap, I'm going to be posting monthly teasers for the storyline. So here's your first teaser! This one is basically a flashback, finally showing the origin of Walkar's armor and how he came across it back when he was on the run from Grishom Stone in 2011, so we're all on the same page. Enjoy!

Eorgaen, 5111.

“Heroes get beaten and buried boy.”

His father’s final words. Before he had killed him.

He wondered now, what would be his?

The ashen sky was stretched out overhead, tangled with amorphous grey clouds and the frozen crests of the Dragonspine Mountains disappearing among the stars. Snow fell from all around, drifting along the arctic wind that chilled his bones.

But it did not numb his agony.

The demon’s black fire had burned his leg badly, all but reducing it to soupy mush. He stared up at the creature, his vision blurred from blood and tears. Clusters of spikes ran along the demon’s black skin, like ridges of jagged stones. It towered above him, a toothy monstrosity of muscles, claws and horns. Its huge dark membranous wings stretched out behind it, like a thick mantle of shadows. Its eyes were living fire, their red hot glare burning brightly as it watched him try to slowly drag himself away.

He looked past the fiend, to the snowy sky above, wishing more than anything for a sudden torrent of ice and frost to snuff out the fiery creature before him. His fingers, while broken and bent, still desperately clutched the blood-slicked handle of his waraxe. He knew he had perhaps only one final strike left, but was determined to make it count if nothing else.

The huge vathor roared, an intense heat rolling from its mouth and eyes causing the air to shimmer and the snow to melt beneath its feet. The demon stretched out its clawed hand and blood began to pour from its palm, before the crimson liquid ignited into flames, quickly shifting into the shape of a fiery sword.

It took another step closer.

“No, that’s far enough,” a voice said from the darkness. On command, the demon lowered his arm, but its sword of fire still blazed.

The snow in the sky fell down around a black silhouette as it approached, slowly walking into the light of the demon’s fiery glow. The man’s robes were red, or perhaps white but bathed in fire and he moved with an aura of arrogance and a wide smirk was painted across his face.

He looked up at the red-robed figure and immediately snarled. He recognized his hair, black as night and his eyes the deep blue of the sea. They gleamed when he spoke, which means they gleamed when he lied.

“Hello Walkar.” The robed figure smirked again, “You’ve looked better.”

He spat, his aim good, but his force weak. He got more on his chin than even close to his enemy’s feet.

The red-robed figure chuckled, “Ah, I see you are tasteful until the bitter end. Can you believe it Walkar, after all of this time, your father was a soothsayer? You should have listened to him. Perhaps it would have been someone else lying there in snow and blood.”

He swung up with his arm and brought his axe slicing through the air. The blade cut just an inch from the robed man’s face. The crimson figure laughed, but took a step back, “You never could cut it Walkar, and now you couldn’t even cut me.”

The red summoner turned and walked away, “Now you my end him.”

The demon’s inferno sword arced downward, a trail of fire burning behind it. The flaming blade slashed across his neck, scorching the flesh as it buried deep into his shoulder. With a growl, the vathor struck out with its claw, tearing open his throat as he collapsed to the ground. With a whoosh of air, the demon flapped its massive wings and soared into the sky, disappearing into the night.

His head hit the ground first and he felt his life quickly fading. Every pulse echoed in his ears and the pool of blood beneath him expanded every second. Soon the pain in his neck and shoulders were gone and the anguish in his scorched leg melted away. He felt only a deafening numbness as he stared up at the dappled sky, snow falling against the backdrop of night. In each glimmering snowflake, he saw his life. He saw the tears his father shed when his sister was brought into the world, and he saw the tears his father shed when it had cost the life of his mother.


Every single flake of snow held one. Young friends he could vaguely name, old lovers he could barely remember. The air became colder, the night even darker. Silence settled all around him and he no longer heard the beat of his pulse or felt the fire in his wounds. It was only the snow and it began to fall steadier. Soon he could barely make out the blackness of night as the snowfall grew so thick around him. The faces within each flake disappeared, replaced now by only one.

His father’s.

He thought of the end, and that when his life finally slipped away, his corpse would be buried by the snow. Buried by the faces. Buried by his guilt.

He thought of his town, of his people and his bloodhound. He thought of all of the things he should have done, and all of his failures. His father’s final words to him had come true. He was beaten, and soon he would be buried.

What had been his final words, he wondered? When death came to him, basked in the glow from a demon and garbed in a robe of crimson, he had said nothing. He had tried to spit at death. He had failed, but he had tried.

“Killing your father was righteous.” A cold and dark voice shattered the silence around him.

“He had died to the bottle long before. His curse would have ended your sister’s life that day. It would have been her blood on his hands, instead of his on yours.” The voice sounded all around him, even snaking through his mind.

“You are not beaten Walkar, nor will you be buried today.” Assured the voice, colder than the ice around him.

He tried to move, but all of the strength in his body had fled. He heard soft footsteps and crunching ice as a cloaked figure approached, his sharp eyes as silver as pewter. The figure carried something in his arms, something so polished it gleamed with the colors of the stormy grey sky above. A shield? No, a breastplate.

The voice brushed across his ears, “Will you be buried today Walkar? Or will you accept the chance I offer? Accept the opportunity to bring justice to your enemy?”

His eyes turned to the axe that had fallen to his side. He would not be beaten, he would not be buried. He would defy death and he would spit in its face.

“Excellent choice.” The voice drifted through his mind, dark and proud.

The cloaked form knelt down, holding out his metal offering. He suddenly felt hands grasping at his chest before a wave of heat coursed through his shoulders and gut. More sounds rushed back to greet him as the very air around him thrummed with life. He clenched his fists as strength flooded back through his body. He craned his neck, his flesh now whole and the pain in his throat gone.

A thick layer of sleet covered the ground, as icy flakes descended from the desolate sky. The cloaked figure faded from sight, disappearing in a rush of wind and silvery motes of light. Walkar then stood to his feet, unbridled power saturating his veins. His eyes went to his chest, where he saw the radiance of his metal breastplate, its glow now bright and crimson, a burning red star amidst a land blanketed with gloomy mist and wrapped in iron skies.

His axe rose from the ground and he reached for it.

Teaser 2

Category: Towns
Topic: Wehnimer's Landing
Message #: 4111
Date: 4/10/2013 12:11 PM
Subject: Cross into Shadows - Teaser 2

Here is the second monthly storyline teaser leading up to "Cross into Shadows" which kicks off in December.

The corpse was carted through a postern gate.

The sky was aglow from the sun, its shimmering heat bathing the landscape in warmth. Pale clouds clutched desperately on the horizon, so thin they scarcely existed. The ground, much like the air, held little life.

He was attending a horse in the stable when the ancient creak of the gate had sounded, admitting two knights pulling a battered wooden cart. From the gnarled and blackened feet barely hanging over the back, he knew they had found their scout.

The men’s golvern-studded armor glinted beneath the sun, forcing his eyes away not once, but twice from the glare. Helms removed, their hair was matted to the side of their faces with sweat and dried blood. Despite the gleam of their armor, it was dented in more places than not.

Voices rose up from all around at the return of the knights, and soon more men at arms rushed in to greet them and some servants hurried off with the cart and corpse in tow. He stood in the archway of the stables, squinting against sunlight as the wagon was dragged by. The body inside was indeed one of their own as evident by the loose pieces of armor, which had now been partially melted into the flesh.

The sun baked corpse had been savagely maimed and its jagged wounds inflamed and discolored. The man had met a vicious, yet quick end, he had no doubt. Plump black flies still flittered about the remnants of the scout as it was finally hauled out of sight.

“Found him three days out into the waste.” He heard one of the homecoming knights say.

“And the creature about to devour his remains.” The second knight added.

That was the third inward scout he told himself. Those that were closest to their post. Which only meant...

“They’re emboldened and getting closer than they have in some time.” One of the knights stole his words.

“Squire!” A third knight shouted, slowly striding towards him. The man was human but nearly the size of a giantman, his bald head as polished as his white field plate. A thick dark grey moustache concealed half of his nose and most of his mouth. “Fetch my sword; we’ll be manning the walls soon. The sun is out, but it won’t be long before nightfall ambushes us.”

He stowed his grooming comb and darted to the barracks, his own ringmail chaffing beneath his white and silver tabard. The knight was right; it would not be long before the heat of day turned into the dread of night.

The golvern-edged falchion was waiting where he had left it, hanging high upon a rack on the far wall of the barracks. He slipped the sword into an ivory scabbard and hurried outside, handing off the weapon to the mustached-knight before returning to his other duties.

Only a few short hours passed and the first smattering of distant stars broke through the blanket of night above. He stood with his head craned to the heavens, silently counting each speck of light as it burned into existence. It was always his favorite time, when he became raptured into the few moments of peace as the day’s labor transformed into the night’s battle.

Suddenly a warcry erupted from the wall above him. Men clamored about, and while all heavily armored, they ascended ladders and foot holds quicker than he could have imagined.

As the last fragment of the sun’s rays dropped beneath the skyline, nightfall was swiftly ushered in around them. The stars above shone as bright as the golvern ones upon each knight manning the old stone wall. It was then a flare shot up from their location, bursting into a shower of brilliant golden sparks, tiny swirling citrine embers dancing across the black banner of night.

The first flare.

The first sighting.

He slowly climbed the ladder with one hand, and with his other firmly clenching a burning torch. Others quickly called to him, demanding the service of his torch to prepare for their attack. He finally stood still, just mere feet away from the edge of the wall and the expanse of broken lands below him, broadening out far into the empty pitch black of uncertainty.

The wall that stretched out beneath him seemed so opposing from the ground, but from atop it felt so vulnerable. Blackened stones here, crumbled parapets there. Both man and rock felt the destruction of war. The area was still silent, save for the tight-lipped breaths of the knights along the ramparts, each man gripping their weapons tight.

Another flare lit up the sky, followed by a bellowing warcry from one of their own.

They’re coming, he realized. The flares, the cry. The terrors of the waste were coming.

A man shouted a command and soon a long range of flaming arrows arced up into the air, showering down on the bleak lands before them. The fiery missiles hit more ground than enemy, but served their purpose to illuminate the battle field nonetheless.

Through the volley of fiery arrows, he saw them flood in. Huge, gloomy creatures with smoke trailing from their bodies and fire burning in place of their eyes. Some came on all fours, shambling across the shattered ground like demonic ghouls. He watched the light from their arrows as gnarled three-headed beasts sauntered forward, some accompanied by blood red fiends with crimson tentacles lashing wildly about.

Another warcry, another volley of arrows.

This time more enemies were struck, but the assault did not stop them, or even slow them. He heard the chorus of a hundred blades being pulled from their scabbards, just as a cold rush of wind rolled over the field, snuffing out the flames of their arrows.

Darkness had descended upon the Demonwall.

Teaser 3

Category: Towns
Topic: Wehnimer's Landing
Message #: 4239
Date: 5/09/2013 01:32 PM
Subject: Cross into Shadows - Teaser 3

Here is the third monthly storyline teaser leading up to "Cross into Shadows" which kicks off in December.

The ship creaked beneath his feet.

Each new wave brought dark water and tangy salt over the railing’s edge. He was quite far from home, but quite close to destiny.

Bitter, arctic winds rushed over the deck, swirling up under his black robes and causing him to shiver. His hands gripped the wooden banister, quietly reflecting on the woman he had left asleep below, and how the warmth of her flesh stirred him almost as much as his work.

Not just his work. But his legacy.

His name would be carved into the legends of his people. As hallowed as Korthyr, or as cursed as Daephron, it did not matter. A true master of his arts, a pioneer for those after him. His chest swelled with pride, visualizing the children of the future uttering his name and striving for his power.

They’ll aim, but miss, he thought to himself.

But still, his achievement felt empty. The murky waters rose and fell around him like rolling hills of black glass. The sky was no brighter, its shades as deep as the void, broken up only by a smattering of stars amidst thick clouds, like freckles on the face of a god.

But not his god.

Nor the god of the seas, nor the god of his enemies, and certainly not the god of Rhoska Tor.

“Impressed with yourself?” Her voice was like music, slicing through the chaos of the ocean.

He turned from the railing to watch her ascend the ramp up to the deck. My protector, my lover, my silencer. He smiled from ear to ear.

He threw his hand back, gesturing at the clouds spreading out across the sky, like pockets of tattered black rags. “How could I not be. We stand on the precipice of glory. For us, for our people. For the betrayal that stains our history.”

Her eyes gleamed like polished feystones as she approached. He could see his reflection and the raging storm behind him in their depths. Her hair was like silk strands of moonlight, draping down from her scalp to cascade around her shoulders like a silvery waterfall. As the boat uneasily shifted beneath him, it seemed the motion did not affect her in the slightest. Her movements were graceful, making her even more beautiful in his eyes.

She stepped closer, her dark skin glistening from the spray of the ocean and her gossamer cloak thrashing wildly around her from the wind, about to be torn from her shoulders if not for the bright scarlet triskelion that held it in place. Her lips beckoned him, and for a moment he answered them. Locked in passion, he held her to his chest as the ship tilted beneath the churning storm.

The first bolt of lightning arced down from the heavens with a thunderous crash, slamming into the deck of the boat and filling the air with humming energy and wooden debris. Neither of them flinched, but merely turned to watch as a ragtag group of sailors came rushing up from their quarters, shouting commands.

“The crew grows restless.” The woman commented.

“It is not their first storm, nor their last. They have their weight in treasure, they knew the risks.”

Another bolt of lightning tore into the side of the ship, knocking one deckhand on his side as a shower of wooden shrapnel flew through the air. More shouts, more fear.

Humans. He thought, Quick to take gold, quicker to hide.

The sky suddenly groaned louder than the ship, arcs of lightning dancing beneath the clouds like a web of white light. The black of the heavens bled away like ink, peeling apart as a ruddy, copper hue infused the clouds above. Lightning became constant, like the glowing legs of spiders skittering across the ocean. The ship’s crew exploded into a frenzy, scurrying about as if they were frightened ants, working feverishly to steer to a new course.

“Don’t they realize, it’s all around them? We are safe, the crew is safe.” He smiled from ear to ear.

“Are they?” she asked.

“All of Elanthia is safe.”

“Are they?” she asked.

His response did not come. But her attack did.

Her blade shot out from her hand in a blur, slicing through the skin of his throat, neatly cutting him from ear to ear.

His matching smile turned to surprise. His eyes grew hot and his anger gurgled from his mouth, as blood from his neck seeped down over his robes, staining them from black to red. His legs gave way and he crumbled to his knees. She towered over him then, his protector, his lover...

His silencer.

Teaser 4

Category: Towns
Topic: Wehnimer's Landing
Message #: 4341
Date: 6/10/2013 03:34 PM
Subject: Cross into Shadows - Teaser 4

Here is the fourth monthly storyline teaser leading up to "Cross into Shadows" which kicks off in December.

Sand and sky melded together as the sun’s edge crept into view.

A deep golden hue bathed the rolling desert hills in its glow, accompanied by a warm breeze bringing more heat than comfort. With each passing moment, the sand beneath their caravan shifted, reshaped and redirected with the slightest of wind. The first driver brought his wagon to a halt, raising his hand to signal those behind him. Heat was not the only thing sunrise brought.

Minutes, feeling like hours, passed as the golden orb rose in the sky, its rays angling down on the sand which captured and reflected its light in an iridescent, fiery effect. Between the wind and the sun, the light and grit danced across the dunes like tiny flames swirling across the hills of sand.

The wagon’s driver squinted his eyes against the scorching sun, doing well to cover and protect his face from the scratching hot wind. The air shimmered as the heat rippled across the wasteland before him. There, just on the blurry edge of a dune, silhouettes appeared. The man shouted, alerting the rest of his group. A dozen lightly armored Imperial guards exited their prospective wagons, sunlight glinting off their longswords as they drew them.

From the dune, the band of Tehir came more clearly into view, quickly galloping down the sandy hill on the backs of snarling yierkas. Black veils covered their faces, their dark eyes burning with wild intensity to match the heat of the sun. Another raider emerged ahead of his companions, his veil blood red and strikingly similar to the dark crimson blade of his takouba. His skin was as dark as the onyx hilt of his weapon.

His deep voice cried out, “Ebiemj o eizh!”

A shrill song of steel erupted as the raiders clashed with the caravan. Blood splattered upon the sand, as the cries of man, horse and yierka filled the blistering air. In the mere passing of seconds, the battle was over. The last remaining Imperial guard threw down his weapon and tightly gripped his bleeding and nearly severed left arm. The red-veiled raider strode purposely up to him, slicing deep across his chest and pushing the man over, leaving him to redden the sand and die.

The Tehir searched the wagons, shepherding out the passengers into a line. Among them were a handful of children, men, and three women, one of them full with child. Aware of their fate, the survivors lowered their heads and did not resist as the Tehir bound their hands and collared their necks. The red-veiled raider spit at the feet of the prisoners, “Teuriz gojor, iebri lovib.”

With that, the slaves were stripped bare, then garbed in simple cloths and lifted back into the wagons. Two horses died in the conflict, so one wagon was emptied of possessions and left behind to warp beneath the sun, surrounded by a ring of imperial corpses.

As the band of Tehir and their acquired caravan moved through the wasteland, the bright rose-gold sky became infused with deep carmine hues, trails of orange and purple streaking across the horizon. The horses whinnied and struggled, uncomfortable with their new owners. In the back of the wagons, many of the captured women and children could be heard whimpering, a stark contrast to the silence coming from the raiders as their march continued.

Twilight had bled across the sky before the darkness of night was ushered in. The scorching heat of the day began to peel off of the sands, as the air grew cold and uncomfortable. The slaves huddled together beneath the coverings of their wagons, too chilled to cry. For an hour they suffered beneath the blanket of the desert’s cold, black sky. It was then the red-veiled raider drew their caravan to a stop, finally reaching their campsite. Large sand-hued pavilions rose in a half-circle around a fire pit, where a Tehir woman stood roasting a goat, while pouring a mug of rum over the sticky innards of a massive sand flea.

Without command or question, the Tehir broke into their routine, quickly unloading and sorting the inventory of the wagons, and just as hurriedly leading the slaves into their holding cage near the fire. There, the cold and tired prisoners were left to watch their captors feast, while riffling through their belongings and mocking them in their ancient tongue. The tribe wasted no time in devouring the goat meat and many grew frustrated when it went so quickly. More than a few of the warriors turned their eyes to the slave pen at the sight of the frightened children.

The red-veiled raider rose to his feet, the light of the fire flickering across the black pools of his eyes. He withdrew a crude bone dagger from his belt and dragged its sharpened tip along the bars of the cage. The Tehir woman approached him, her warm eyes twinkling beneath her dark linen shawl, the edges of the fabric decorated with archaic symbols. She touched the raider’s arm gently, and he glared at her before lowering his weapon and returning to the fire.

The radiance of stars broke through the black sky overhead, twinkling like thousands of glowing diamonds in a sea of shadows. The fire in the pit had almost burned out, its dying flames bringing only a small sphere of light to the campsite. The faint crackling of the logs was the only sound as both Tehir and slaves succumbed to sleep.

The silent night was shattered with the piercing cry of the pregnant woman in the pen. The Tehir warriors burst out of their tents, weapons drawn, their old steel like curved silvery glass beneath the moonlight. From her cage, the woman cried out, having fallen upon her knees and clutching her stomach in anguish. Water and blood stained the sand around her.

The red-veiled raider stormed forward, his weapon arm out to his side as he hastily approached the pen. Before he could reach the cage, the woman’s screaming turned to a low, throaty rattle as her eyes rolled up into her head and she collapsed onto her back. The absence of her cry was then replaced by the pitched wailing of a newborn.

The babe’s skin was insipid, almost translucent to reveal flecks of blood and tendons below its thin surface. Fine, silken hair, more silver than the moon crowned his head. Between fits of sobbing, he opened his eyes to reveal irises, orange and pale.

The red-veiled Tehir leaped back, eyes wide with alarm and shouted, “Keke vyitz! Keke vyitz! Eizh koka!”

The black-shawled Tehir woman spun into action, snatching a small blade from her boot and plunging it into the small of the red-veiled man’s back. He cried out, falling over to his knees. The other warriors stood motionless, unwilling to move against the woman. She stepped over to the crying baby, his tiny and frail body covered in the blood of his birth. His mother was an inch away, her body already growing as cold as the desert night.

The Tehir woman unwrapped her shawl and picked up the babe, swaddling it among the black linen folds. The ring of warriors lowered their heads, ignoring the defiant screams of their red-veiled leader as the Tehir woman wandered off into the cover of darkness, with two watery pale orange eyes staring up at her face.

Teaser 5

Category: Towns
Topic: Wehnimer's Landing
Message #: 4400
Date: 7/10/2013 06:01 PM
Subject: Cross into Shadows - Teaser 5

Here is the fifth monthly storyline teaser leading up to "Cross into Shadows" which kicks off in December.

The blue canvas flag flapped wildly, snapping and twisting against the rising winds.

The strong scent of salt and sea drifted in from the docks, where the dark silhouettes of ships floated purposefully in the bay, many departing from the piers despite the late hour. The moon shone bright and full in the night sky, casting ripples of silver across the water beyond and illuminating the west market beneath his balcony.

Along the square below, the moonlight bathed the potted wildflowers in its pale glow. But it was the light of the torches that caught his attention. First came three, and then soon they were joined by four more. Within moments over two dozen fiery lights appeared at the edge of the market, their fires burning like the angry eyes of demons.

They might as well be demons, he thought to himself. They are just as heartless as one.

“They would not even give us this night, would they?” A woman’s voice spoke softly from behind him.

He turned to see his half-elven bride, her shapely body still snugly fit into her wedding gown. His grey eyes came alive and he smiled at her. She moved near to him, tracing one finger across his cheek and his trimmed beard that was more grey than brown. Her coral blue eyes sparkled, his own reflection so small and misshapen in their pale azure depths. Tears formed at their corners.

It was his turn now, as he brushed her skin, smearing the tear across her ivory cheek. He held her arms with his hands, squeezing her tightly while placing a kiss on her forehead. For a moment they stood in sweet silence, before the shouting protests rang up from the courtyard.

He let go of his wife and walked over to his nightstand, “We knew this would happen Alendrial. Go to the cellar, Cantorly will be waiting for you. She’ll escort you to the ship.”

“I will not leave without you.” Sadness, more than anger in her voice.

“I will be with all of you shortly, I have no desire to die today.” He watched his wife leave the chamber, the train of her gown trailing behind her gracefully as she almost glided out.

He took a cigar from the stand and lit it, breathing deeply as the faint wisps of smoke curled up before his face. Again he stood on the balcony, the night air alive with the smell of sea salt and burning wood. The faces of the mob could be seen now, the light from their torches causing their skin to glow red and orange.

He watched as his loyal guards stood their ground, defending themselves only when a protestor got too close. Their uproar echoed throughout the grounds, like a chorus of growling monsters. Death to the half-elf, they would shout. Burn the human traitor!

His eyes twitched with anger and he dropped his cigar when the first stone flew. The mob had taken notice of him and a rock came inches from his face, hitting the wall beside him and landing with a thud. The uprising grew louder as men and women, even some young children, pointed up to him and cried out their insults and threats.

A protestor then stormed the gate of the manor, sprinting for only a few seconds before being impaled on the tip of a guard’s spear. The death did not deter the crowd, but instead fueled them. The mob rushed the gate like a sea of flesh and fire, some of the angry cries turning to howls of pain as steel met guts and bone. He stepped back from his balcony at the sight of a crossbow in the crowd being reloaded.

As he rushed down the stairwell, he heard the glass of his front doors shatter and the creak of wood splintering as the throng of people tried to press their way inside. He snatched a polished longsword from an ornamental rack on the wall, for all the good it would do. It hadn’t seen a day of combat and neither had he.

He almost slipped on the marble tiles as he picked up speed, once even bumping his shoulder when he overcompensated his turn through a hall archway. He arrived in the kitchen, the giant room appearing all the more spacious with the absent staff and activity.

Good, they’ve made off for the ship then safely.

Shouts echoed from down the hallway.

But will I?

He reached the back of the kitchen, beyond hanging strips of seaweed and wedged the sword up under a trapdoor, pushing to free it. As the trapdoor opened, the sword snapped in half, and he cursed overpaying for shoddy steel and tossed the hilt aside. His tailored cloak tore on the rough-hewn walls as he descended the ladder into the tunnel below.

The passage was smothered in darkness, broken up by the small flickering fires of mounted torches. The underground smelled of old fish and he could hear the faint lapping of the ocean in the distance. He ran down the tunnel, sweat stinging his eyes as he went. The air became wet, adding to the moisture clinging to his skin. The opening had come into view and his strides picked up, pushing himself forward to his escape and to his love.

Out on the water, his ship shifted on the waves. The silhouettes of his crew and passengers had flocked to the side, watching and waiting, some likely more concerned than others. Along a sandy stretch of broken shells and jagged rocks, his wife Alendrial and their maid Cantorly stood beside a rowboat. His wife smiled, her gown now stained and tattered, and her eyes gleaming with tears.

Wracked with desperation and consumed with their purpose, the three climbed into the rowboat and hurriedly reached the awaiting ship and crew. He stood at the edge of his ship, his knuckles whitening as he gripped the wooden railing tight. He heard the captain shout orders and the crew explode into a frenzy, using the cold night breeze to their advantage.

The ship slowly set off, rippling the dark waters as it began to glide away. He heard some of his hired staff whisper among themselves in fear, and his bride begin to sob. His fingernails dug into his palms, breaking the skin as he clenched his fists. He saw his home, high above the Antler rock, begin to glow with a warm orange light. He could swear he still heard their uproar.

Flames consumed the home, rising like a living bonfire against the star-filled night. But the fire was not nearly as hot or bright as the hate spreading through his heart like poison. He watched the home of his family, the home of his name, turn into a giant blazing forge and uttered a curse to the winds.

As he closed his eyes, he could still see the light of their torches burning before him.

Previous Events

Category: Towns
Topic: Wehnimer's Landing
Message #: 4589
Date: 8/06/2013 03:32 PM
Subject: Wehnimer's Landing

December marks the beginning of Cross into Shadows, the final part of the story arc that's been going on since Sept 2010. In a continued effort to keep everyone informed and encourage involvement, I'm making one post with a link to the summaries of all of the other parts of this story. Warning, it's a lot of information to read. But hey, we've still got a few months left. So read on if you want to know what previously Wehnimer's Landing.

Beyond the Arkati: Sept 2010-Jan 2012's%20Landing/view/2059

The Star of Khar'ta: May 2012-July 2012's%20Landing/view/2733

All the Lich King's Men: Dec 2012-Feb 2013 Part 1 -'s%20Landing/view/3241 Part 2 -'s%20Landing/view/3551 Part 3 - I realized today...I never finished the final update. So summed up version? The heroes defeated the Lich King Barnom Slim, who warned them against the shadows and named it Althedeus before he burst apart. Drangell helped the heroes defeat the Lich King, in exchange for a pardon from Mayor Walkar and claimed to no longer lead the Rooks. Before a crowd of townspeople, Walkar fell over in agony, the flesh of his right arm peeling away to bone and never healing since then.

Buy deeds.

-GM Kenstrom- Wehnimer's Landing Guru Giantmen Guru

Teaser 6

Category: Towns
Topic: Wehnimer's Landing
Message #: 4599
Date: 8/8/2013 05:27 PM
Subject: Cross into Shadows - Teaser 6

Here is the sixth monthly storyline teaser leading up to "Cross into Shadows" which kicks off in December.

While monsters had taught the world cruelty, none had mastered betrayal like the humans.

That thought remained constant in his mind as he pulled himself up over the edge of the gulch, the skin along his hands being scraped by the jagged rocks. He stayed crouched to the ground, his flat nose inhaling the scent of dirt and urnon.

She was close, and he knew he wasn’t far behind now. He would not forget that scent, he could not forget that scent. Oily, alien, and metallic. It lingered in his nostrils and his blood came alive with the thrill of the hunt. The stalking of prey wasn’t his original desire, but as a man it was his trade. Now as an orc, he made it his duty.

He stood slowly, his old grey cloak loose and tired around his brutish frame. The sun was setting behind the Crown of Koar, the jagged mountainous peaks blackening to shadowy spires before a reddish-purple sky. His narrow yellow eyes thinned even more, adjusting to the approaching twilight. His prey’s track began to wane, soon overcome by the crisp scent of rain in the air.

A crack of thunder rippled through the crags, soon followed by a gust of wind that tugged at his cloak and carried the first drop from the heavens above. The blackness of night bled across the sky, the highest reaches of the mountains being submerged in billowing clouds.

Another storm, he thought. Always following him. Or were they following her?

He began his descent, warily moving along, skillfully lowering from one foothold to the next. The tempest churned heavily above him, deep bellows of thunder swelling outward like the fuming wrath of a god. A torrent of rain poured down from the clouds as slender bolts of white lightning danced around, slicing through the storm and illuminating his position.

The rock side became slick, its entire surface glistening from the downpour. He increased his caution, but it slowed his movement. Nothing hindered the storm. The rain stung his eyes, the wind scraped his face. Soon it felt like shards of glass were falling around him, so sharp was the assault.

He began to climb quicker, scrambling downward as he took the risk of speed over the storm. A few more moments and he would reach the ground and find shelter. Another thunderclap sounded above, leaving his ears humming in its wake. He reached for an outcropping and his hand slipped. He saw a flash of lightning as he fell, his body tumbling in the air before he hit rock and slid. He desperately grabbed for any hold, his hands slicing open from the rough stones as he began to slow his fall.

He landed on his shoulder and snarled with pain, his discolored fangs biting into the side of his mouth. He was alive, but anguish surged through his veins. He put his hands to the ground, his blood mixing with the earth and rain. He staggered to his feet, and strained to see the surroundings, looking for any safety to outlast the storm. He began to limp towards a crevice when he heard a faint cry.

His nose twitched and through the dirt and storm he smelled human blood. Another scream sounded and he painfully strode forward, pushing through the agony of his wounds and the relentless pounding of the storm.

He came upon the dying remnants of a campfire, the last of its burning embers drowning beneath the rain. The bodies of women were sprawled about the site, each wearing white robes embroidered with a golden crown, their garments now stained from rain and blood. Many of the corpses were dismembered, limbs and flesh flayed and scattered aside.

He clenched his jaw, staring at the massacre and instantly knowing the source, even before the metallic scent reached him. He looked up, his eyes malevolent and wide. There, behind the corner of a wagon he saw her. Incandescent green eyes returned his gaze, colorful specks flashing across them, first blue, then gold, then red. Her skin was smooth, almost fluid as it shifted from ivory, to grey to black. Small, crystalline shards protruded from her flesh, reshaping in size as he looked on. Her perfect, flawless lips curved into a sinister grin when they both heard the approaching shouts of men.

His prey stepped back, disappearing from his sight. He began to step forward just as the men came into view, their torchlight fighting against the steady wind and rain. Their imperial tabards were soaked and their chainmail glistened. Horror swirled in their eyes at the sight of the bodies, before their faces molded into growling rage. He knew what they saw and he knew what they thought.

The soldiers shouted amongst each other, their words partially drowned out by the chorus of thunder in the sky. As they encircled him and advanced, he gritted his teeth and unsheathed two longswords. Blood from his palms trickled down the hilts of his blades.

He was a man among orcs, and a monster among men.

Recap 1

Category: Quests/Sagas/Events
Topic: Cross Into Shadows
Message #: 50
Date: 1/3/2014 4:02 PM
Subject: Cross into Shadows: Recap 1

Here is a recap of what has happened in the last month involving the storyline, Cross into Shadows. I've also included some events happening in other towns, since there will be some tie-ins in various places, each essentially their own adventure, but connected in some ways. I will keep doing monthly updates as the chapters and overall story develop.

Eorgaen 5113 (December, 2013)

  • For weeks, the heroes witnessed sporadic attacks on Arkati shrines in or around Wehnimer's Landing. At the beginning of Eorgaen, the sorcerer Nysorm showed up in town, claiming he had located an outpost housing some of these crazy anti-Arkati zealots and quickly needed help to strike at them. Nysorm was once a follower of Grishom Stone's, in the Arcane Eyes, before he eventually betrayed him because Grishom's actions led to the corruption and death of Nysorm's lover. The heroes followed Nysorm through a magical portal to attack a stone fortress among a thick woodland area. They were quickly met by orc, goblin, and kobold defenders, archers and warriors. The monsters were even more quickly slaughtered, as the heroes pushed into the fortress where they encountered more orcish defenders, before coming upon a kitchen cellar full of sobbing orc and goblin women and their whimpering children. Many soon realized the duplicity that had occurred, but it was too late. Others among the group did not hesitate and cut down the women and children. It was then that Stiletto, the goblin trader and rogue appeared. Everyone learned that the inhabitants of the fortress were not the zealots as they had been told, but were in fact members of Thrayzar's clan, who were allied with Wehnimer's Landing. Stiletto, wracked with agony, demanded the heroes leave and was left behind to bury a large majority of their tribe. During the conflict, Nysorm disappeared, many speculating he must be working for Elithain Cross.
  • A large storm churns in the Darkstone Bay near the Coastal Cliffs of Wehnimer's Landing, and heroes go to investigate the activity. Ship debris, and waterlogged human corpses are found littering the Black Sands. Loresongs on the corpses reveal that they had been imperial seafarers who had been captured and enslaved by the krolvin, but then the krolvin ship they were on had been hit by the storm. Shortly after, a wave of krolvin scouts, pyromancers and slavers invaded the Black Sands before eventually be killed by the heroes. After the danger had passed, a lone surviving seafarer came out of hiding, wounded and malnourished. He informed the heroes that in recent months the krolvin had been increasing their attacks along the western seas, but apparently only targeting imperial vessels, while going out of their way to ignore others. Furthermore, the krolvin appeared to be far more organized and better equipped than history has shown. The wounded human was escorted to Wehnimer's Landing, fed and provided room and board until he could heal and return home to the Turamzzyrian Empire. On some of the krolvin scouts, maps of the Greymist Woods on Teras Isle are found.
  • Earl Jovery, the Sentinel of the North, had been tasked months earlier to travel to Talador to oversee the transition of power from Jantalar back to Talador's own people. Earl Jovery then sought to right past sins and declared Talador's Merchant Council to become a Noble Council, granted with more lands, influence and the ability to appoint their trusted mercenaries and warriors into Knights. The Northern Sentinel and the new Noble Council worked together to select Lord Kuligar Gardane to become the new Baron of Talador, set to occur during a month long festival in Talador.
  • More zealots, members of a cult worshipping Althedeus, make continued strikes at the Temple of Lorminstra in Wehnimer's Landing. Their attack is defeated, but some of the temple is left charred.
  • Amid rumors of the krolvin fleets being supplied weapons and commands from a source within Wehnimer's Landing, the Earl of Estoria dispatches his second cousin, Lord Rinhale Hurrst, a highly reputable imperial inquisitor. Lord Rinhale's nickname is "The Bluecoat" among many locals in the Turamzzyrian Empire, and he has a known reputation for cruel treatment, torture, and even falsifying evidence to further progress his own success. Councilman Stephos and his wife Alendrial inform the heroes of Rinhale's coming arrival, and his checkered past, as they all hail from Idolone.
  • Krolvin scouts and warriors invade the Greymist Beach on Teras Isle. They are pushed back, but have left behind a cage filled with building equipment.
  • Lord Rinhale begins to question a number of citizens and visitors in town, most questions focusing on the town's current leadership of Mayor Walkar, and Councilman Deylan and Stephos, along with the Brotherhood of Rooks and dark magic being practiced in the town.
  • Shimmering crimson portals appeared near Ta'Vaalor and Ta'Illistim, with droves of undead elves pouring out of them and attacking the two towns.
  • Prince Voregrek of Kharam Dzu tells his citizens that he will take a trip to visit the mayor of Wehnimer's Landing so that they might discuss their shared krolvin enemy and what the two towns can do to help each other.
  • More undead legions pour out of the crimson portals in the Elven Nations, simultaneously launching attacks on Ta'Vaalor and Ta'Illistim almost nightly. Tiope, the elven traitor who assassinated King Tyrnian Vaalor, is seen coming out of the portals and commanding the undead armies. Tiope demands the Elven Nations surrender, and that under her, the Elven Empire will be reborn. She mentions an attack on Ta'Ardenai by her forces.
  • Mayor Nihala of Icemule Trace informs her citizens that Mayor Walkar of Wehnimer's Landing has agreed to send supplies and weapons to help in their conflict against the growing ice troll menace. She is unsure when exactly to expect it.
  • Prince Voregrek of Kharam Dzu arrives in Wehnimer's Landing and meets with Mayor Walkar, and a room full of citizens in audience. The dwarven prince explains that not only have the krolvin been launching skirmishes on his island, but his own hired mercenaries have abandoned him, apparently hired away by someone with deeper pockets than his own. Mayor Walkar says he has no warriors to spare, but has an abundance of lumber earmarked for local construction that he is willing to send to Teras to help build archery towers along the Greymist Beach to defend against the krolvin. Prince Voregrek agrees and promises to aid Mayor Walkar when the day comes for a favor to be asked in return. The Prince returns to Teras.
  • A caravan is ambushed from Wehnimer's Landing to Icemule Trace, never making it further than the Glatoph. When the heroes see the smoke in the distance they rush to investigate. The wagon's manifest reads grain, fruit and winter clothing, but crates and chests of fruit and grain are all that is left behind. A small red rook was found drawn in chalk on the charred wagon, indicating the Brotherhood of Rooks' involvement. Mayor Walkar surveyed the scene with the heroes and grew angry, finally explaining that there was no winter clothing, and that the wagon also carried a large cache of exploding fire orbs, once owned by Grishom Stone. Some of the orbs were being supplied to the defenders in Icemule Trace, while the other orbs were going to be secreted away from the prying eyes of Lord Rinhale the inquisitor.
  • A herald from Talador visits Wehnimer's Landing, Solhaven, River's Rest and Kharam Dzu, inviting everyone to attend the Baronial Coronation Festival for the entire month of Fashanos in Talador. The messenger explains that when the festival begins, the Hall of Mages will provide a portal from Wehnimer's Landing to Talador, for all those wishing to celebrate.
  • More anti-Arkati cultists and zealots, worshipping the Shadows/Althedeus, make a powerful attack against Imaera's Shrine near Wehnimer's Landing. The lake's waters, surrounding the island shrine, turn blood red. The heroes and defenders rally before the shrine and fight off the attackers, finally pushing them back and protecting the shrine from damage. The lake of blood remained.
  • In the Elven Nations, the undead forces of Tiope focus their strikes on Ta'Vaalor, heavily assaulting the fortress city. Tiope offered the Vaalorians a chance to surrender and bow to her, but they refused. Tiope offered Kakoon of the Legionnaires a chance to join her ranks and lead her undead army. He refused.
  • Zevaphim, a crazy priest is found outside of the Temple of Koar in Solhaven, spouting about how the Arkati are weak, have used the lesser races, and how true power lies beyond the so-called gods.
  • During his weeks of initial investigations, Lord Rinhale questioned the following people: Avalera, Raincail, Maags, Glyhne, Seomanthe, Balantine, Sareyna, Rowmi, Reawing, Azimar, Cruxophim, Myharl, Bisco, Loralaii, Anru, Alasatia, Masrath, Kiske, Bellaja, Talman, Wariquan, Greganth, Raelee, Neathon, Ichiko, Greycrown, Shanng, Cryheart, Eleonore, Leozande, Giogionni, Rhayveign, Rtune, Chamorr, Savaard, Constal, Bekke, Wintersylph, Alesse, Nairdin, Kaedra, Guerand, Oritori, Bristenn, Roelaren, Riend, Gnazzy, Zeminar, Alafaya, Caence, Praytus, Malrocky, Kerl, Sovine, Puptilian, Xoryl, Mohrgan, Rozy, Geijon, Ewin, Evialla, and Jynai. He also questioned the merchant Edwina, and was refused by the merchant Tykel. A few townspeople refused to answer any of his questions, and they were Tykeara, Chamorr, Sarvia and Ravashaak.
  • The body of a Wehnimer's town guard was found hanging from a tree in the Lower Dragonsclaw forest. Speculation swirled around his death.
  • Reporting to have seen strange shadows following them, Seomanthe, Kiske, Maags and Cruxophim are assaulted by darkness, their bodies wracked with agony and then left disconnected from the mana essences around them. They are cursed by the Shadows and unable to use magic.
  • Lord Rinhale announced he intends to begin questioning local shopkeepers in Wehnimer's Landing, while still continuing to question townspeople. He went on to stress that because of the alliance between the Turamzzyrian Empire and Wehnimer's Landing, he expects everyone to comply with his investigation.

Recap 2

Category: Quests/Sagas/Events
Topic: Cross Into Shadows
Message #: 335
Date: 2/5/2014 1:38 PM
Subject: Cross into Shadows: Recap 2

Here is a recap of what has happened in the last two months involving the storyline (Editor's note: previous months not included), Cross into Shadows. I've also included some events happening in other towns, since there will be some tie-ins in various places, each essentially their own adventure, but connected in some ways. I will keep doing monthly updates as the chapters and overall story develop.

Lormesta 5114 (January, 2014)

  • Shadowy voidlings and imps attack Wehnimer’s Landing, engaging and distracting the defenders while the anti-Arkati cultists assaulted the Temple of Ivas in the Vipershroud. Parts of the temple were burned, and the statue of Ivas was defiled. When adventurers arrived and finally fought off the zealots, they found two delimbed Ivasian priestesses. One of the bodies became animated, eerily spoke to those gathered, before both corpses exploded into blood red globules, before finally be dispatched.
  • It was announced that Lord Rinhale Hurrst was now conducting some audits of the local merchant’s guild in Wehnimer’s Landing, claiming some financial discrepancies were noted.
  • Maags was abducted in Wehnimer’s Landing and taken to the brass tower near the east side of town. Adventurers searched all over for her, until finally discovering her in the tower, where she claimed to have been tortured and flayed by Rinhale and some of his Estorian knights.
  • Upon receiving a letter from Sir Cryheart, the Northern Sentinel, Earl Jovery issues a response politely reminding Lord Rinhale to hurry along with his investigation in Wehnimer’s Landing, while also strongly encouraging the Landing’s local authorities to cooperate.
  • Mayor Walkar declared that all of Rinhale’s questioning of townspeople must have town militia members in attendance, to ensure protection of the citizens. Days later, repairs to the Raging Thrak Inn are announced, and Rinhale’s room and his knights are relocated to Wayside Inn.
  • In the Elven Nations, waves of undead continued to assault both Ta’Vaalor and Ta’Illistim. Tiope once again gave the Legionnaires a chance to join her cause, warning the Elven Houses would fall, and that Ta’Ardenai already had. Her offer was refused.
  • Krolvin ships arrive on Teras, dropping off a wave of skilled warriors. Battle ensues on the isle, as Prince Voregrek joins his citizens in the conflict. After the krolvin are beat back, the dwarven Prince assess the new archery towers that had been setup along the beach, and informs those gathered that additional archers had been hired to help man the towers.
  • Lord Rinhale engaged in a heated exchange on the steps of Hearthstone Porch in Wehnimer’s Landing. He received a number of open threats, and even volleyed with a few insults of his own. Many demanded he leave town, to which he informed them that the town leaders were delaying their meetings with him, therefor prolonging his investigation. Lord Rinhale retired for the evening, escorted away by Sir Cryheart, who he had asked to meet with in private.
  • In Ta’Illistim, Tiope’s undead forces pushed into the city, surrounding the dais as forces clashed on the streets of the elven city.
  • After a drill in Ta’Vaalor, the Legionnaires recruited all who would aid them and made a push to take back the Ravelin. They were met with a tremendous undead force and after a lot of bloodshed, turned back unsuccessful.
  • Rumors began to circulate that Rinhale had gone missing, having never returned to his quarters after the confrontation with many adventurers on the Hearthstone Porch nights before. Mayor Walkar announced an investigation into his disappearance would be conducted.
  • Invasions continued to hit Ta’Vaalor and Ta’Illistim, while siege engines were deployed by the undead and made both the Dais and King’s Court perilous places to be.
  • Mayor Walkar announced the plan to build new mobile ballista towers for the defense of Wehnimer’s Landing, and will be giving the local Cooperative Houses of Elanthia a chance to donate funds to their creation.
  • A successful counter strike was launched against the undead out of Ta’Vaalor, and the Ravelin was finally reclaimed.
  • Khylon, the town marshal of Wehnimer’s Landing, began to question a few suspects in the disappearance of Rinhale Hurrst. His lists of suspects at the time were the following: Walkar, Deylan, Stephos, Drangell, Tykel, Sarvia, Ravashaak, Uskeye, Cruxophim, Greganth, Xoryl, Sareyna, Giogionni, Tykeara, Riend, Azimar, Zeminar, Kerl, Masrath, Hapenlok, Neovik, Psystahldar, Myharl, Ewin, Bekke, Cryheart and Maags.
  • Illistim mages performed a spell outside of the crimson portals in the Elven Nations, in a hope to destroy them. Their magic had ill-desired effects, destroying all of them, and opening the portals to the other side. King Qalinor Vaalor and Lord Legionnaire Commander Jaranzair led the assault through the portals, discovering that the ancient ruins of ShadowGuard awaited them. A bloody conflict ensued.
  • Khylon continued more questioning of suspects in Wehnimer’s Landing, then helped to organize a massive search party. Five groups were formed to cover the town and its environs, and they were led by Dakris the furrier, Puptilian, Vrairdrick, Uskeye and Cryheart. The areas they were assigned included the Burrow Way, Coastal Cliffs, Lowe Dragonsclaw, Upper Trollfang, Wehntoph, Spider Temple, and the Mine Road. Among the search party, was the unscrupulous assassin known as Vleg, who claimed he wish to aid in preventing the Turamzzyrian Empire from turning its sights on the Landing. Later into the night, Ondreian located a poor concealed pile of dirt and dozens of adventurers descended onto the location, digging away to find the corpse of Rinhale Hurrst. Loresinging by Ariandae and Archales revealed that Rinhale had a secret lover’s tryst with Lady Alendrial in the woods. The lore discovered that a shadowy figure had attacked Rinhale and killed him, leaving Alendrial behind as the sole witness to the murder. When the information was presented to town officials, Marshal Khylon arrested Alendrial, detaining her for protection, and questioning. Despite the discovery of the corpse, the magical black coral amulet Rinhale had was not found with the body.
  • Councilman Stephos angrily told adventurers on the Hearthstone Porch that his wife Alendrial could rot in jail for her infidelity. A messenger then arrived and informed him that Mayor Walkar intended to free his wife from jail. The councilman stormed off.
  • Mayor Walkar and a crowd of adventurers gathered at the North Docks in Wehnimer’s to watch the Estorian knights slowly move their way through town, carrying a crate with Rinhale’s body inside. The procession ended at the docks, where the knights placed Rinhale’s body and crate on a ship. The knights turned to face the gathered crowd, many reaching for their swords, and the threat of a bloody conflict drawing near. The heroes present withdrew their weapons and prepared, just as members of the Brotherhood of Rooks also appeared along warehouse rooftops, lending their bows for support. Outnumbered, the knights boarded their ship and sailed home to Idolone.
  • After the presence of Estorian knights were out of Wehnimer’s Landing, Mayor Walkar released Lady Alendrial from jail and she was escorted home by local adventurers. Alendrial had explained that she was afraid to tell anyone of what happened, because she feared her husband Stephos’ wrath at finding out about the affair with Rinhale, one of his old enemies. A little later, Kilron came around and told the heroes that someone came in and sold a cracked black coral amulet to his pawnshop, apparently not knowing what it was. Kilron had the heroes help him find the museum curator Glethad, who agreed to research the amulet with the help of Magister Raelee and Aurla.
  • That same night, after the research of the amulet had begun, Thrayzar the orc was spotted running along the rooftops of Wehnimer’s Landing. Guards were told not to attack, but soon Rooks appeared on the rooftops, hunting down the orc. Cries filled the streets as some guards ran into view, their faces melted with acid. Madelyne, the urnon golem was spotted slipping through the shadows of the town, killing guards as she passed. After attacking some of the adventurers, the golem escaped through a red portal near the town gates. Soon after, Thrayzar the orc reappeared and explained to those present that he had been hunting the golem, and tracked her here. He had very strong words for many present, in regards to the misguided slaughter of his clan. The orc did not linger, and left minutes later, to continue his hunt.
  • Days later, Glethad, Raelee and Aurla gathered a large crowd inside of the Landing Museum to report on the information they gleaned from Rinhale’s amulet. They had learned the amulet was an ancient artifact from before the Wizardwaste was created, and that blood magic and demonic materials was required in its original creation, making it a curious item for an imperial inquisitor to be using. Glethad then activated the amulet, and all those present were able to hear a partial report of Rinhale’s skewed findings, which many feared were going to be reported back to someone of great importance in the Empire, or perhaps already had. At the end, the heroes are able to see through Rinhale’s eyes, and discover his murderer was actually Madelyne, the urnon golem. The amulet then crumbles into ash, taking any evidence with it.
  • The adventurers learned of krolvin forces on the Coastal Cliffs and rushed in to fight them. Pushing back the krolvin, they heroes venture out into the waters of Darkstone Bay and board two krolvin ships. Large crates of weapons are found on board, along with maps of Teras and other cities along the coastline of the Turamzzyrian Empire. The first ship is set on fire. The second ship is not as easily destroyed, and exploration of it reveals a summoning chamber below deck, where the heroes encounter a massively powerful oculoth. Once the demon is killed, a rift instantly teleports the heroes into scattered locations in the wilds, and the ship is torn apart. A weapons crate, matching the ones found on the krolvin warships, is found tucked into the Burrow Way caverns near the Coastal Cliffs.
  • Teuriz, the wandering Tehir shaman who had been in Wehnimer’s Landing for a few months, pushing around his cart, offered a possible means to cure the four adventurers who had been cursed and severed from their magic. Seomanthe and Cruxophim refuse to partake in a blood ritual, while Kiske and Maags agree, with the promise that no one protecting them gets hurt. The shaman performs his ritual, requiring many in the crowd for assistance, including Sarvia, Ravashaak, Sareyna, Avalera, Rozy, Giogonni, Kaldonis, Astru, Raincail and Cryheart. After a gruesome, challenging ritual, Kiske and Maags are cured of their affliction.
  • Mayor Walkar announced that Grand Magister Pylasar of the Hall of Mages is set to appear soon in Wehnimer’s Landing, and will be responsible for opening and maintaining the portal to Talador so everyone may participate in the upcoming festivities and baronial coronation.
  • The Estorian knights arrived back at Idolone with Rinhale’s body, and the Earl of Estoria announced a few days of mourning, before meeting with his advisors to weigh options for seeking justice against Wehnimer’s Landing, whom he considers personally responsible for Rinhale’s demise.

Chapter 1 Thanks

Category: Quests/Sagas/Events
Topic: Cross Into Shadows
Message #: 620
Date: 3/3/2014 11:55 AM
Subject: Chap 1: The Imperial Spark - Thank You!

The first chapter of Cross into Shadows, aptly named “The Imperial Spark” is officially over. Which means, we'll gradually ease into the events of the second chapter, titled “Gathering Darkness." So far, Cross into Shadows has been a lot of fun for me, and I really hope for you all as well! In addition, the festival of Talador, as part of the storyline, was a ton of fun! All of this said, I want to thank some people who really helped out!

First, without a doubt, thank you to all of the players. You guys keep the stories going, you invest the most time, even when GM's aren't around, your plots, your plans, your roleplaying never turns off. Many of you have gone out of your way to include others, to educate others, to really get people involved. Thank you!

A lot of GM's helped out in the first chapter of the storyline, whether it was NPC's, QC of huge blocks of rooms, item and monster approvals, creative contributions, sounding boards, script checking, script creating, Talador shops, Talador merchants, bug fixes, oh sweet lord those pesky bug fixes, and more! So many did so much, so a big THANKS (in no particular order) to the GameMasters Haliste, Mikos, Marstreforn, Qortaz, Lydil, Mariath, Wyrom, Tamuz, Keios, Vanah, Aulis, Galene, Izzea, Mestys, Mazreth, Cyraex, Kaikala, Paersi, Scribes, Luneth, Reidyn, Bessie, Kynlee and Zoelle!

For the volunteers of the Talador NPC's, you have my utmost gratitude and eternal thanks. I don't think anyone would argue that your roles, your activity and your time helped create a very immersive and enjoyable environment in Talador that really made the entire festival. I cannot thank you enough.

I'm working on updating the outline of the storyline events so far, as well as working up a post to go over the details of Talador, with the monsters report and also a tally of the sales in the Talador shops I owned. I'll get those up as soon as I can!

Next up…Cross into Shadows: Chapter 2 - Gathering Darkness.

Buy deeds.

After the Spark

Category: Quests/Sagas/Events
Topic: Cross Into Shadows
Message #: 625
Date: 3/3/2014 5:53 PM
Subject: After the Spark

At the climax of the baronial coronation in Talador, Lordship Kuligar was struck down by a shadowy assailant. The assassin proved to be an urnon golem, who had emerged from a shadow that peeled off of the back of a known Sheruvian named Grhim. The honor guests, priests, and nobility upon the stage were horrified when the new Baron’s body collapsed, but even more surprised when it morphed into the corpse of a pale orange-eyed humanoid. After visiting guests were escorted out of Talador, Mayor Walkar had the portal in Wehnimer’s Landing quickly destroyed.

It was later confirmed by officials in Talador that the orange-eyed corpse belonged to the man named Deylan, a councilman of Wehnimer’s Landing and known spy with the ability to shift his form. For days, search parties sought out the whereabouts of the real Kuligar in an attempt to learn if he was indeed still alive. No discovery has yet been made. In light of the recent chaos, Lord Thermon the head of the Noble Council has been placed in an interim governing position.

Word has spread that Earl Jovery, Baron Malwind, and Lady Athalia have departed from Talador early this morning, en route to the Vornavis Keep, to discuss the troubling implications coming out of Wehnimer’s Landing. The Baroness of Jantalar is said to have left for home shortly after.

In a bold statement, Lord Thermon, the interim Potentate of Talador, said, “We have learned of a profound act of espionage which has threatened both Talador and the Turamzzyrian Empire at large. We will not suffer any act of betrayal, and with the voice and might of Talador behind me, I declare Wehnimer’s Landing to be our enemy. Retribution will be swift and unmerciful.”

Hours after the declaration from Talador, the Earl of Estoria issued a warm condolence to the people of Talador and proclaimed, “Our brothers in the north, we are saddened by the great loss that has befallen your people. Know that Estoria will stand united with you, and within a fortnight I shall dispatch my fleets to aid in this crusade for justice.”

Recap 3

Category: Quests/Sagas/Events
Topic: Cross Into Shadows
Message #: 732
Date: 3/13/2014 3:32 PM
Subject: Cross into Shadows: Recap 3

Chapter 1: The Imperial Spark
Fashanos 5114 (February, 2014)

  • Grand Magister Pylasar, from the Hall of Mages in the Swale, arrived in Wehnimer’s Landing and opened up a portal to Talador. The portal would remain accessible the entire month, allowing adventurers to visit Talador during the Baronial Coronation Festival.
  • In Talador, adventurers got to explore parts of the town, shop at a number of local and traveling merchants, and even brave the dangers of the haunted silver mines, ogre and orc infested woodlands, an old battlefield, and even the gnarled minions of a witch in a dark forest named the Murkwoods.
  • Adventurers met many flavorful townspeople in Talador, including Glissando a wandering minstrel, Dowager Paiva a local healer, the chocolatier Tootzy, Jalup the owner of the Bitter Bite, Khazhim the ex-captain of the Taladorian Guard, Zaestreos a local drunk and shady individual, Achner the silversmith, Saesi a dwarven widow, Old Winniefred a retired lady of the night from the Honey Mine, Asvith a dwarven scout and member of the Sunfist, Madam Ardenale of the Honey Mine brothel, Brumahrn a local blacksmith, the spinster Mareika, the confectioner Darelle, wife to Burchard, a local baker, Middala, who had moved from Wehnimer’s Landing to Talador, the cartographer Debes, a swindler and speculator named Codsworth, the street waif Tzigen, and Lady Cosima the daughter of Lord Thermon, the leader of the Noble Council of Talador.
  • During the time in Talador, Lordship Kuligar, who was selected to be become the new Baron, frequently visited adventurers in town, often stopping by the Bitter Bite tavern, despite such behavior typically unexpected from nobility.
  • During the time in Talador, Lord Thermon was seen consistently trying to arrange the marriage of his daughter Lady Cosima, to Lordship Kuligar. After a while, it also became apparent that Sir Davard, the Captain of the Taladorian Guard, was madly in love with Cosima and resentment for Kuligar had grown.
  • Meanwhile, in the Elven Nations, elven forces continued to push into the recently opened Shadowguard, going back and forth against the seemingly endless tide of undead.
  • Rumors spread like wildfire in Talador, some suggesting an evil witch lived in a cabin nearby, some suggesting a vein of a new gem discovered named blood marble in the haunted mines, and even some talking of monster hordes growing in power in the DragonSpine mountains.
  • Lordship Kuligar, with little fanfare, was escorted through the portal to Wehnimer’s Landing and met with Mayor Walkar, and Stephos, Jenkins and Khylon of the town council. They discussed plans to establish stronger trade and alliances between Talador and Wehnimer’s Landing.
  • Lord Eldurn Winter from Brisker’s Cove spent some time in Talador, spending some time handling some merchant business. One night in the Bitter Bite, the traveling wine merchant Juramis confronted Lord Winter about the rumors of him seeking Juramis’ death. The matter was discussed openly among the two men, ending with Lord Winter dismissing such rumors and offering a chance for Juramis to return to Brisker’s Cove and come work with him.
  • Huge black owls were seen one night, soaring down and snatching up children and eventually even Taladorian guards, lifting off and carrying them into the night. Adventurers tracked them down and discovered the entrance to the Murkwoods, where they eventually found the witch’s cabin and were confronted by Raznel, an old enemy presumably thought killed years ago in Wehnimer’s Landing.
  • Days later, in another confrontation, adventures were able to storm Raznel’s cabin and discovered four ossuaries, two of them already destroyed. Upon inspecting, the remaining two ossuaries contained etchings of Seomanthe and Cruxophim, and the adventurers eventually destroyed the urns, causing pain to Seomanthe and Cruxophim, but eventually breaking the curse that had previously blocked their magic. The other two urns presumably belonged to Maags and Kiske, whose curses had been lifted by the Tehir shaman Teuriz weeks before. After the raid on the cabin, Raznel avoided future conflict and the path to her cabin had magically disappeared.
  • During one of the battles with Raznel and her minions, the witch had mentioned for her attackers to ask Lordship Kuligar if Saralyn would be making it to the coronation. Later, when Lordship Kuligar was asked about Saralyn, he denied recognizing the name and dismissed the witch’s words. Days later, Lordship Kuligar announced his engagement to Lady Cosima.
  • Using the name of Lord Ulest, Vleg had been spending time in Talador. After a few days, his identity was figured out and locals reported the sighting of the known assassin Vleg. Taladorian guards found the wanted criminal in the Bitter Bite tavern and apprehended him, planning to execute him publically after the coronation.
  • For a few nights, the ghosts of dead Jantalarian soldiers invaded outside of Talador. Eventually adventurers discovered the spirits were tied to a candle an old widow was burning in her home in Talador. The candle was revealed to be made out of the melted skin of old Jantalarian soldiers, who had been killed by the woman’s sorcerer husband, after the soldiers tortured and killed their daughter. The candle was eventually destroyed, and the spirits released.
  • During the time in Talador, Sir Davard led a few patrols, joined by some visiting adventurers, to hunt down and bring justice to the roaming bandits in the area. Many of the bandits were said to be ex-Jantalarian soldiers, who had found no home or purpose to return to after Jantalar’s failed conquests a decade before, so had been forced into a life of thievery.
  • Meanwhile, on Teras Isle, a few more incursions happened with the krolvin along the beaches of the volcanic island.
  • The Church of Koar announced it was sending high priest Chaston Griffin to become the new Prelate of Talador, to oversee the rebuilding and expansion of the Church of Koar in Talador. Days later, Prelate Chaston arrived to Talador, accompanied by a following of loyal priests and priestesses of Koar.
  • Visitors in Talador reported seeing half-eaten aelotoi wings around town and in the wilds. After days of a few more sightings, heroes adventured out into the wilds and located a horde of monsters, led by a huge ogre that had been capturing and eating aelotoi. The adventures eventually dispatched the ogre and its minions.
  • After finishing his business in Talador, Lord Winter returned through the portal to Wehnimer’s Landing, where his ship waited for him to carry him back to Brisker’s Cove.
  • Over a hundred adventurers, and thousands of townspeople, gathered at Doggoroth Keep to witness the coronation ceremony of Baron Kuligar Gardane. Visiting nobility were slowly escorted up to a stone dais, including Baron Malwind, his daughter Lady Athalia, his guard captain Gurbah, Earl Jovery, Baroness Delphinuria and a grouping of Taladorian, Hendoran, Vornavian and Jantalarian knights. Among the knights in attendance on the dais, were Sir Cryheart, Sir Metadi, Sir Bristenn, Dame Yviara and Dame Deavon, who had escorted Baron Malwind and his daughter. Shortly after the visiting nobility took their places, the priests of Koar and Prelate Chaston joined the stage, followed by Lord Thermon and the future bride of the Baron, Lady Cosima. Jeers erupted in the crowd when Sir Davard escorted the criminal Vleg up to the dais, bound in chains, where it was expected he would be publically executed after the coronation for crimes in the Empire. Greeted by a thousand cheers and thundering applause, Lordship Kuligar took the stage and was anointed by chrism from Prelate Chaston, and then appointed and proclaimed Baron by Earl Jovery. Lord Thermon then announced the wedding date for Cosima and Kuligar to be on the 15th of Charlatos, and that everyone is invited to return to celebrate the event. Following that announcement, Glissando the minstrel performed a new song created specifically for the coronation. Baron Kuligar then gave a riveting speech about Talador’s bold and prosperous new future, which was cut short when a patch of shadows peeled off of Grhim’s back, who had been standing on the observation deck above. The shadow shifted to reveal the urnon golem Madelyne Cross, who leapt down onto the stone dais, rushed past Sir Davard who did not budge to stop her, and stabbed Baron Kuligar.
  • Knights rushed in to aid Baron Kuligar and stop the golem, but Madelyne escaped in a flash of crimson light. The crowd half erupted into cries of shock, the other half silenced in awe. As Baron Kuligar’s body hit the ground, it transformed into the corpse of Deylan, the orange-eyed humanoid spy who worked for Mayor Walkar.
  • Immediately following the chaos of the assassination and shapeshifter revelation, Earl Jovery sought to gain control of the situation and warned all visitors to return to where they came from, that the danger in Talador might still be on the loose. Sir Davard rushed Cosima off the stage to get her to safety, and Vleg was escorted back to his prison cell.
  • Back in Wehnimer’s Landing, Mayor Walkar called on Grand Magister Pylasar to destroy the portal to Talador, after all of the visitors had returned. Mayor Walkar then revealed to the baffled and angry crowd that Kuligar had went to meet a secret lover, Saralyn, in the Talador forest months ago and had fallen off his horse, resulting in his death. Deylan had been tasked to spy on the Taladorian leadership, to learn who might be best to work with in brokering alliances and trade. Deylan had followed Kuligar to the secret meeting in the forest, and had seen him fall. It was then that Saralyn stepped out of the forest, and having seen Deylan, the shapechanging spy had no choice in his mind, but to silence her. Using Kuligar’s unfortunate death as an opportunity, Deylan took on Kuligar’s form and continued on with the plan for Kuligar to become Baron, who would then become the staunchest ally of Wehnimer’s Landing, with the ability to provide imperial soldiers and resources that Wehnimer’s lacked. Mayor Walkar promised that he did not instruct Deylan to do any of this, but once he was made aware, he allowed the deception to continue. Mayor Walkar promised to do what he could to ease the troubles with imperial allies he had created.
  • On the heels of the Tragedy in Talador, Estoria announced it would sent an imperial fleet to launch an attack on Wehnimer’s Landing, joined by the declaration of Lord Thermon, who had also declared that Taladorian forces would march, embarking on a crusade for justice against Wehnimer’s Landing.
  • The adventurers and townspeople of Wehnimer’s Landing are left divided, as some work to squelch imperial anger, and others prepare for war.

To be Chapter 2: Gathering Darkness

Recap 4