Jeepers Creepers Spyglass: Difference between revisions

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! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Cyseagir
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Cyseagir
|Depicted as if waving in an unseen breeze, colorful awnings are painted into the canopies of towering modwir and taniks that occupy the left and right edges of the (paper adj.) (paper noun). Railings encircle platforms beneath the awnings, each decorated with <full bird> that glimmers in the sunlight.
|Dragonflies zoom in erratic circles around the border of the (paper noun), leaving faint trails of color created by chalk. <Plura Bird Full> chase after them, their wings spread wide as they catch stylized whorls designed to resemble air currents.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Glaoveln
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Glaoveln
|Grey and white whorls drift from left to right across the top of the (paper adj.) (paper noun), the delicate calligraphy strokes resembling gusts of wind as they move across a steely skyline. Though the left and right borders are devoid of objects, the windy symbols are prevalent there. The footer depicts a rocky shore where a warship has been dashed to pieces. Nesting against the keel, <full bird> hunkers down, its feathers fluffed by the wind.
|Grey and blue panels are painted as a decorative border to the (paper adj.) (paper noun), each filled with a comical scene of seal and avian interactions. In one panel, the pudgy creature is galumphing after <full plural birds>, while in another they are chasing it. The chase takes place on rocky shores, over floating ice, and even at the gates of a city.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Hinterwilds
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Icemule Trace
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Icemule Trace
|Slate grey chalks decorate the top of the (paper noun), creating a skyline that appears cold and is thick with clouds that herald snow. Oblin pines rise upon the left and right, their needles introducing vibrancy to the drab sky. Along the footer of the (paper noun), <full bird> searches for something in the snow.
|Bedecked in a woolly hat painted in blue, a baby penguin waddles across the bottom border of the (paper noun), slipping and sliding in the watercolor ice. Laughing at the penguin's antics, <full plural birds> wearing colorful scarves are drawn in the air above amid falling pine needles and snowflakes.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Kraken's Fall
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Kraken's Fall
|Blurred at the edges, the left and right sides of the (paper adj.) (paper noun) are painted in verdant hues that vaguely resemble foliage. The lower edge has incredibly detailed water rapids painted in varying shades of indigo, navy blue, and ultramarine that tumble across the grey and black stones and are capped in frothy white. At the center of the rapids, a comically depicted <adj. and noun of bird> is drawn riding a log, its wings outstretched for balance.
|Drawn amid azure, cerulean, and indigo wavy patterns, fuzzy faced otters toss clams and fish back and forth in the various panels that decorate the borders of the (paper noun). <Full plural birds> dive in and out of the scenes, attempting to steal the items as they glide through the air. One otter wears a seaweed crown and is drawn with exaggerated eyelashes.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Mist Harbor
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Mist Harbor
|Framed in grey rocks, the image of a waterfall cascades down upon the left side of the (paper adj.) (paper noun), tumbling into a cobalt blue lagoon that is painted with delicate calligraphy-like strokes. The upper edges and right side are heavy with boldly designed liana vines, where <full bird> fans its wings amid the heart-shaped leaves.
|Howler monkeys hang from the top corners of the (paper noun)'s border, one of them lazily swinging on a vine while chewing on a papaya. <Full plural birds> flit amid the simians, causing liana blossoms to tumble in a colorful array down the edges of the (paper noun).
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Ornath
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Ornath
|Bathed in <sunlight/moonlight>, the charcoal and chalk sketch upon (paper art.) (paper adj.) (paper noun) depicts travertine terraces filled with azure waters upon its left side. Upon the right is the image of a stone carved dragon scaling a cliff face. Cobbled streets decorate the lower edge, while <full bird> is drawn at the center of the upper border.
|Painted hermit crabs scuttle across the bottom border of the (paper noun), their shells leaving behind sandy scratches depicted in beige and brown. <Full plural birds> dive down to snatch the crustaceans' shells, which they hold onto with oversized claws and comically exasperated expressions. One incredibly tiny crab holds up a sign, though the words are difficult to make out.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| River's Rest
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| River's Rest
|Riparian designs dominate the left and right edges of (paper art.) (paper adj.) (paper noun), creating a pageantry of verdant hues. The lowest edge of the (paper noun) is painted in blended indigo, cerulean, and azure hues that depict a winding river. Perched upon a log on the right side of the river, <full bird> taunts an alligator on its far side.
|Drawn with charcoal and brightened with watercolors, <full plural birds> are depicted along the left and right borders of the (paper noun) and are equipped with pens and paint brushes. Each avian seems to be drawing stylistic images of aardvarks and one-eared rabbits as well as chipped bricks, bent nails, and several seashells.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Solhaven
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Solhaven
|Oak and pine trees rise along the left and right edges of the (paper adj.) (paper noun), their limbs overlapping in a mottled pattern of varying shades of green. Along the lower edge, a sprawling lake scene is depicted in blended brown, green, and azure hues. In the middle of the lake design, <full bird> perches upon a bowing cattail cleaning its feathers.
|Creating a comical pattern, the image of a bright red lobster fighting off the attentions of a gull are drawn along the left and right border of the (paper noun). Windows outlined in blue and white frame each small battle between the crustacean and avian, while <full plural birds> are also depicted in each scene. Unlike the former avian, this group appears to be taking bets on the outcome of each event.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Ta'Illistim
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Ta'Illistim
|Awash in sapphire hues, the borders of (paper art.) (paper adj.) (paper noun) are painted in labyrinthine vines that weave and twist together. Serrated leaves in dark green cling to the vines, while dark thorns can be seen along the bark-line curves. Pale roses, in varying states of bloom, are evenly spaced through the depiction, each paired with <full bird> in profile.
|Peacocks strut along the top border of the (paper noun), showing off their feathers with dramatic flair. <Full plural birds> are perched on the peacocks' tails, trying to mimic their majestic postures but looking more like clumsy tourists. In the bushes drawn at the corners, peahens can be seen snickering behind their wings.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Ta'Nalfein
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Ta'Nalfein
|Painted into the right-hand side of the (paper adj.) (paper noun) is the image of a sprawling port comprised of varying shades of pale blue and white. Along the left-hand side, terraced balconies are draped in blooming vines that blend into rooftop gardens. Here and there, within the foliage, <full bird> can be seen amid the blossoms.
|Brightly colored butterflies are drawn along the sides of the (paper noun), each striking dramatic poses as if they were part of a runway show. Along the lowest edges, <full plural birds> try to mimic their elegance but end up tangled in the flowers or falling over amid a spray of feathers.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Ta'Vaalor
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Ta'Vaalor
|Ebon-outlined scales decorate the golden form of a wyvern that rests in the lower left corner of the (paper adj.) (paper noun), its tail and hind quarters painted upon the left edge. Its front claws and face stretch towards the center of the lowest edge where it faces off against <full bird>.
|Golden ferrets scamper up and down the side borders, chasing each other in a game of tag captured in colorful paint upon the (paper adj.). <Full plural bird> fly overhead, taking bets on which ferret will win, while a wyvern in the corner rolls its eyes at the chaos. The ferrets leave behind a trail of golden paw prints as they tumble and frolic.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Teras Isle
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Teras Isle
|Plumes of charcoal grey, alabaster white, and pale stone grey rise along the left and right sides of the (paper adj.) (paper noun) as they depart tiny lava-lipped cracks drawn in the lower corners respectively. Sprawling across the header, the smoke meets to create an ashen sky. Along the lower border, <full bird> pecks at the dry, cracked ground.
|Lounging along the border of the (paper adj.), a lazy mule gazes with eyes half-shut in apathy. Above him, <full plural birds> flap their wings frantically, trying to wake him up to no avail. Along the right side, the mule's sleepy expression is mirrored by a series of small, comic-style z's floating above. The birds, attempting to stir the mule, look increasingly comical in their efforts as the designs are repeated in a descending pattern.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Wehnimer's Landing
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Wehnimer's Landing
|Rainclouds decorate the top border of (paper art.) (paper adj.) (paper noun), the heavy deluge filtering down to the left and right sides where the rooftops of a crowded street are drawn. Glossy cobblestones spread along the bottom where the rainwater has pooled. Wings spread wide and slicked with rain, <full bird> splashes playfully in the puddle.
|Brown, blue, and grey pigments darken the boards of the (paper adj.) (paper noun), creating the frame of a window. Along the bottom, a pie rests on a sill and is being watched over by <full plural birds>. Faint reflections in the glass show the glint of a knife and a spray of feathers.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Zul Logoth
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Zul Logoth
|Lightning scatters across a fractured sky upon the upper edges of the (paper noun), the flashes illuminating columns of mushrooms that trail down the left and right edges towards a rock-painted footer. Resting within a nest hidden behind a large boulder is <full bird> that sleeps amid cracked egg shells and scattered leaves.
|Drawn from left to right along the bottom of the (paper noun), a canary stands in front of a tiny chalkboard teaching <full bird> how to play "dead." At the far edges, comically confused dwarves watch the lesson as they scratch at their beards.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|Ebon Gate
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|Ebon Gate
|Creating wavy patterns upon the upper edges of (paper art.) (paper adj.) (paper noun), violet, cerulean, coral, and celadon chalks depict an aurora-filled skyline. Faint shadows and impressions along the left and right border lend an eerie aspect to the piece, where haunted faces and ghostly impressions can be seen. At the lowest edge, a plump jack-o-lantern with a grinning face has <bird> perched on its curling stem.
|Trails of smoke rise along the left and right borders of the (paper adj.) (paper noun), comingling along the top where they are painted in celadon, azure, coral, and violet hues. Along the bottom, a forest of dark trees decorated in scraggly moss is depicted in dark grey, green, and brown. Surrounding a cauldron set upon a roaring fire, <full plural bird> wearing with black pointed hats stand over the bubbling brew.

Revision as of 16:13, 30 September 2024

The Jeepers Creepers Spyglass is the progenitor of items meant to bring out the child in everyone. The spyglass allows characters to wander around Elanthia PEERing into the terrain and then, with a good SHAKE, is used to capture replicas of the local birds. The spyglass debuted at Ebon Gate 2024 in the shop Piper's Peepers.

Jeepers Creepers Spyglass, Tier 1

The base spyglass allows you to make birds to apply to paper.


Welcome to the Jeepers Creepers Spyglass!
This spyglass works all across Elanthia and allows you to look at all the lovely birds that the lands have to offer.  Once you've captured one, the spyglass lets you imbue them with magic.  This magic lets you transfer designs featuring the little critters to paper.
1. PEER through the spyglass as you wander the lands
2. SHAKE the spyglass when you find a bird you'd like to capture
3. PLUCK the bird out of the spyglass to retrieve it
Once you have a bird inside, you have a few options.
1. WHISPER MY spyglass OPTION PAPER - Paper is the default, but if you move away it will get you back.
The spyglass is currently 1 of 4 Tiers.
Alterations: You may alter the spyglass provided it stays some kind of spyglass that has a long, hollow handle.


Verb First Third
PEER Peering through the spyglass, you notice a wedge-tailed celadon green jay in this area. If you would like to capture its likeness, then please SHAKE the spyglass in the next 30 seconds. N/A
PLUCK Uncapping the base of your silver spyglass's handle, you easily pluck a wedge-tailed celadon green jay out of it and then twist the end cap back into place. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
SHAKE Shaking the spyglass over the ground, you watch as ethereal skeins of light solidify within the vessel and slowly transform into a wedge-tailed celadon green jay. N/A

Jeepers Creepers Spyglass, Tier 2

The unlocked spyglass allows you to turn your paper birds into a gemstone birds.


Welcome to the Jeepers Creepers Spyglass!
This spyglass works all across Elanthia and allows you to look at all the lovely birds that the lands have to offer.  Once you've captured one, the spyglass lets you imbue them with magic.  This magic lets you transfer designs featuring the little critters to paper.
1. PEER through the spyglass as you wander the lands
2. SHAKE the spyglass when you find a bird you'd like to capture
3. PLUCK the bird out of the spyglass to retrieve it
Once you have a bird inside, you have a few options.
1. WHISPER MY spyglass OPTION PAPER - Paper is the default, but if you move away it will get you back.
2. WHISPER MY spyglass OPTION GEM   - This will let you transform your bird into a gemstone.
The spyglass is currently 2 of 4 Tiers.
Alterations: You may alter the spyglass provided it stays some kind of spyglass that has a long, hollow handle.


Verb Style First Third
WHISPER OPTION PAPER This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
WHISPER OPTION GEM This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Jeepers Creepers Spyglass, Tier 3

The unlocked spyglass allows you to turn your paper birds into candy birds and offers a chance to find feathers.


You analyze the silver spyglass and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to the Jeepers Creepers Spyglass!
This spyglass works all across Elanthia and allows you to look at all the lovely birds that the lands have to offer.  Once you've captured one, the spyglass lets you imbue them with magic.  This magic lets you transfer designs featuring the little critters to paper.
1. PEER through the spyglass as you wander the lands
2. SHAKE the spyglass when you find a bird you'd like to capture
3. PLUCK the bird out of the spyglass to retrieve it
Once you have a bird inside, you have a few options.
1. WHISPER MY spyglass OPTION PAPER - Paper is the default, but if you move away it will get you back.
2. WHISPER MY spyglass OPTION GEM   - This will let you transform your bird into a gemstone.
3. WHISPER MY spyglass OPTION CANDY {hard or chew or chocolate} - This will transform your bird into one of the specified candy types.
The spyglass is currently 3 of 4 Tiers.
Alterations: You may alter the spyglass provided it stays some kind of spyglass that has a long, hollow handle.


Verb Style First Third
PEER N/A Peering through the spyglass, you notice a tan-barred warm grey wren in this area. If you would like to capture its likeness, then please SHAKE the spyglass in the next 30 seconds.

As you lower a hollow-handled silver spyglass, you notice a tan-barred warm grey wren feather hiding in the environment. You think you could probably remember where it is for the next 30 seconds before you lose sight of it.

GET feather You collect a tan-barred warm grey wren feather from somewhere in the surrounding environment. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
WHISPER OPTION CANDY This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Paper Bird

Created by the Jeepers Creepers Spyglass, Paper Birds can be used to modify mailing or writing paper with a unique design.


You analyze the celadon green jay and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A wedge-tailed celadon green jay has been captured and replicated by a Jeepers Creepers Device.
It is designed to be POINTed at a piece of qualifying paper and will transfer its design to that paper.
This particular jay will change the paper's LOOK description to:
Painted in brown and sepia hues, the left and right of (paper art.) (paper adj.) (paper noun) house the image of a tall palm tree.  Its roots spread across the lower edges, where a wedge-tailed celadon green jay is depicted as rooting around in the sandy soil.  The top left and right corners display the verdant fronds of the palm and are limned in sunlight.
Once it has done this, it will disintegrate.
Due to the nature of the jay, it cannot be altered.
You may WHISPER DESIGN to the jay to change the provided paper option to BORDER, CORNERS, HEADER or WATERMARK.
You may WHISPER PLURAL to the jay to change it to SINGLE, PAIR, TRIO, or SOME.
Some designs will allow you to PUSH a foraged item into them.


Verb First Third
POINT at PAPER This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PUSH BIRD This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Gemstone Bird

Gemstone-type birds can be used in a variety of systems.

Candy Bird

Additional Information

Paper Bugs


Realm Bird was found in Single Plural
Brisker's Cove Painted in brown and sepia hues, the left and right of (paper art.) (paper adj.) (paper noun) house the image of a tall palm tree. Its roots spread across the lower edges, where <full bird> is depicted as rooting around in the sandy soil. The top left and right corners display the verdant fronds of the palm and are limned in <sunlight/moonlight>. Painted in long brush strokes along the border of the paper, fuzzy ornamental grass is depicted as if waving in the breeze. <Full plural bird> are drawn in various poses amid the grass, ranging from comical battle scenes to failed attempts at hiding.
Cyseagir Depicted as if waving in an unseen breeze, colorful awnings are painted into the canopies of towering modwir and taniks that occupy the left and right edges of the (paper adj.) (paper noun). Railings encircle platforms beneath the awnings, each decorated with <full bird> that glimmers in the sunlight. Dragonflies zoom in erratic circles around the border of the (paper noun), leaving faint trails of color created by chalk. <Plura Bird Full> chase after them, their wings spread wide as they catch stylized whorls designed to resemble air currents.
Glaoveln Grey and white whorls drift from left to right across the top of the (paper adj.) (paper noun), the delicate calligraphy strokes resembling gusts of wind as they move across a steely skyline. Though the left and right borders are devoid of objects, the windy symbols are prevalent there. The footer depicts a rocky shore where a warship has been dashed to pieces. Nesting against the keel, <full bird> hunkers down, its feathers fluffed by the wind. Grey and blue panels are painted as a decorative border to the (paper adj.) (paper noun), each filled with a comical scene of seal and avian interactions. In one panel, the pudgy creature is galumphing after <full plural birds>, while in another they are chasing it. The chase takes place on rocky shores, over floating ice, and even at the gates of a city.
Icemule Trace Slate grey chalks decorate the top of the (paper noun), creating a skyline that appears cold and is thick with clouds that herald snow. Oblin pines rise upon the left and right, their needles introducing vibrancy to the drab sky. Along the footer of the (paper noun), <full bird> searches for something in the snow. Bedecked in a woolly hat painted in blue, a baby penguin waddles across the bottom border of the (paper noun), slipping and sliding in the watercolor ice. Laughing at the penguin's antics, <full plural birds> wearing colorful scarves are drawn in the air above amid falling pine needles and snowflakes.
Kraken's Fall Blurred at the edges, the left and right sides of the (paper adj.) (paper noun) are painted in verdant hues that vaguely resemble foliage. The lower edge has incredibly detailed water rapids painted in varying shades of indigo, navy blue, and ultramarine that tumble across the grey and black stones and are capped in frothy white. At the center of the rapids, a comically depicted <adj. and noun of bird> is drawn riding a log, its wings outstretched for balance. Drawn amid azure, cerulean, and indigo wavy patterns, fuzzy faced otters toss clams and fish back and forth in the various panels that decorate the borders of the (paper noun). <Full plural birds> dive in and out of the scenes, attempting to steal the items as they glide through the air. One otter wears a seaweed crown and is drawn with exaggerated eyelashes.
Mist Harbor Framed in grey rocks, the image of a waterfall cascades down upon the left side of the (paper adj.) (paper noun), tumbling into a cobalt blue lagoon that is painted with delicate calligraphy-like strokes. The upper edges and right side are heavy with boldly designed liana vines, where <full bird> fans its wings amid the heart-shaped leaves. Howler monkeys hang from the top corners of the (paper noun)'s border, one of them lazily swinging on a vine while chewing on a papaya. <Full plural birds> flit amid the simians, causing liana blossoms to tumble in a colorful array down the edges of the (paper noun).
Ornath Bathed in <sunlight/moonlight>, the charcoal and chalk sketch upon (paper art.) (paper adj.) (paper noun) depicts travertine terraces filled with azure waters upon its left side. Upon the right is the image of a stone carved dragon scaling a cliff face. Cobbled streets decorate the lower edge, while <full bird> is drawn at the center of the upper border. Painted hermit crabs scuttle across the bottom border of the (paper noun), their shells leaving behind sandy scratches depicted in beige and brown. <Full plural birds> dive down to snatch the crustaceans' shells, which they hold onto with oversized claws and comically exasperated expressions. One incredibly tiny crab holds up a sign, though the words are difficult to make out.
River's Rest Riparian designs dominate the left and right edges of (paper art.) (paper adj.) (paper noun), creating a pageantry of verdant hues. The lowest edge of the (paper noun) is painted in blended indigo, cerulean, and azure hues that depict a winding river. Perched upon a log on the right side of the river, <full bird> taunts an alligator on its far side. Drawn with charcoal and brightened with watercolors, <full plural birds> are depicted along the left and right borders of the (paper noun) and are equipped with pens and paint brushes. Each avian seems to be drawing stylistic images of aardvarks and one-eared rabbits as well as chipped bricks, bent nails, and several seashells.
Solhaven Oak and pine trees rise along the left and right edges of the (paper adj.) (paper noun), their limbs overlapping in a mottled pattern of varying shades of green. Along the lower edge, a sprawling lake scene is depicted in blended brown, green, and azure hues. In the middle of the lake design, <full bird> perches upon a bowing cattail cleaning its feathers. Creating a comical pattern, the image of a bright red lobster fighting off the attentions of a gull are drawn along the left and right border of the (paper noun). Windows outlined in blue and white frame each small battle between the crustacean and avian, while <full plural birds> are also depicted in each scene. Unlike the former avian, this group appears to be taking bets on the outcome of each event.
Ta'Illistim Awash in sapphire hues, the borders of (paper art.) (paper adj.) (paper noun) are painted in labyrinthine vines that weave and twist together. Serrated leaves in dark green cling to the vines, while dark thorns can be seen along the bark-line curves. Pale roses, in varying states of bloom, are evenly spaced through the depiction, each paired with <full bird> in profile. Peacocks strut along the top border of the (paper noun), showing off their feathers with dramatic flair. <Full plural birds> are perched on the peacocks' tails, trying to mimic their majestic postures but looking more like clumsy tourists. In the bushes drawn at the corners, peahens can be seen snickering behind their wings.
Ta'Nalfein Painted into the right-hand side of the (paper adj.) (paper noun) is the image of a sprawling port comprised of varying shades of pale blue and white. Along the left-hand side, terraced balconies are draped in blooming vines that blend into rooftop gardens. Here and there, within the foliage, <full bird> can be seen amid the blossoms. Brightly colored butterflies are drawn along the sides of the (paper noun), each striking dramatic poses as if they were part of a runway show. Along the lowest edges, <full plural birds> try to mimic their elegance but end up tangled in the flowers or falling over amid a spray of feathers.
Ta'Vaalor Ebon-outlined scales decorate the golden form of a wyvern that rests in the lower left corner of the (paper adj.) (paper noun), its tail and hind quarters painted upon the left edge. Its front claws and face stretch towards the center of the lowest edge where it faces off against <full bird>. Golden ferrets scamper up and down the side borders, chasing each other in a game of tag captured in colorful paint upon the (paper adj.). <Full plural bird> fly overhead, taking bets on which ferret will win, while a wyvern in the corner rolls its eyes at the chaos. The ferrets leave behind a trail of golden paw prints as they tumble and frolic.
Teras Isle Plumes of charcoal grey, alabaster white, and pale stone grey rise along the left and right sides of the (paper adj.) (paper noun) as they depart tiny lava-lipped cracks drawn in the lower corners respectively. Sprawling across the header, the smoke meets to create an ashen sky. Along the lower border, <full bird> pecks at the dry, cracked ground. Lounging along the border of the (paper adj.), a lazy mule gazes with eyes half-shut in apathy. Above him, <full plural birds> flap their wings frantically, trying to wake him up to no avail. Along the right side, the mule's sleepy expression is mirrored by a series of small, comic-style z's floating above. The birds, attempting to stir the mule, look increasingly comical in their efforts as the designs are repeated in a descending pattern.
Wehnimer's Landing Rainclouds decorate the top border of (paper art.) (paper adj.) (paper noun), the heavy deluge filtering down to the left and right sides where the rooftops of a crowded street are drawn. Glossy cobblestones spread along the bottom where the rainwater has pooled. Wings spread wide and slicked with rain, <full bird> splashes playfully in the puddle. Brown, blue, and grey pigments darken the boards of the (paper adj.) (paper noun), creating the frame of a window. Along the bottom, a pie rests on a sill and is being watched over by <full plural birds>. Faint reflections in the glass show the glint of a knife and a spray of feathers.
Zul Logoth Lightning scatters across a fractured sky upon the upper edges of the (paper noun), the flashes illuminating columns of mushrooms that trail down the left and right edges towards a rock-painted footer. Resting within a nest hidden behind a large boulder is <full bird> that sleeps amid cracked egg shells and scattered leaves. Drawn from left to right along the bottom of the (paper noun), a canary stands in front of a tiny chalkboard teaching <full bird> how to play "dead." At the far edges, comically confused dwarves watch the lesson as they scratch at their beards.
Ebon Gate Creating wavy patterns upon the upper edges of (paper art.) (paper adj.) (paper noun), violet, cerulean, coral, and celadon chalks depict an aurora-filled skyline. Faint shadows and impressions along the left and right border lend an eerie aspect to the piece, where haunted faces and ghostly impressions can be seen. At the lowest edge, a plump jack-o-lantern with a grinning face has <bird> perched on its curling stem. Trails of smoke rise along the left and right borders of the (paper adj.) (paper noun), comingling along the top where they are painted in celadon, azure, coral, and violet hues. Along the bottom, a forest of dark trees decorated in scraggly moss is depicted in dark grey, green, and brown. Surrounding a cauldron set upon a roaring fire, <full plural bird> wearing with black pointed hats stand over the bubbling brew.


Realm Bird was found in Single Plural
Brisker's Cove Bold sepia brushstrokes decorate each of the (paper adj.) (paper noun)'s corners, creating a neutral backdrop for a fully bloomed cactus flower framed in long white cactus spines. Perched upon edge of each bloom, its wings spread wide for balance, is a stylized <full bird>. Ornamental bluebells and sea holly bloom in delicate chalk in the corners of the (paper noun), each curling against soft dunes where sea breezes ripple faintly in the backdrop. <Bird Adj. Plural noun>, cast in subtle watercolors, flutter through wisps of sea grass. In one corner, a bird chases a blowing petal, in another one hovers above a shimmering wave, while the remaining two corners house <Bird Plural> balancing on sea holly as they peer into the surf.
Cyseagir This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Glaoveln This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Hinterwilds This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Icemule Trace This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Kraken's Fall This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Mist Harbor This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Ornath This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
River's Rest This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Solhaven This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Ta'Illistim This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Ta'Nalfein This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Ta'Vaalor This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Teras Isle This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Wehnimer's Landing This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Zul Logoth This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Ebon Gate This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!


Realm Bird was found in Single Plural
Brisker's Cove Streaks of inky black form jagged lines along the top of the (paper adj.) (paper noun), creating a rugged coastline where distant ships are mere silhouettes. Cascading waves, drawn in soft grey, lap at the horizon. Suspended just above, <Full Bird> is depicted mid-flight, wings catching the faint glow of <sunlight/moonlight>, adding subtle shimmers to the storm-darkened skies. Painted in sepia hues across the header of the (paper adj.) (paper noun), dunes rise and fall within a desert landscape. An azure sky has faint, chalk-drawn clouds scattered across its expanse, where <Bird Adj. Plural Noun> glide on spread wings, casting shadows upon the dusky ground. Incredibly tiny, a caravan of veiled men can be seen traveling from left to right.
Cyseagir This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Glaoveln This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Hinterwilds This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Icemule Trace This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Kraken's Fall This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Mist Harbor This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Ornath This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
River's Rest This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Solhaven This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Ta'Illistim This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Ta'Nalfein This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Ta'Vaalor This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Teras Isle This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Wehnimer's Landing This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Zul Logoth This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Ebon Gate This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!


Realm Bird was found in Single Plural
Brisker's Cove Faint outlines of windswept cliffs and choppy waves form a circle in the center of the (paper noun). <Full Bird> drifts lazily in the sky, wings catching the soft glow of a distant horizon. Thin strokes represent sea grasses and stones along the shoreline near the bottom. A torn sail flutters subtly over the waves, blending into the sky in gentle shades of grey and soft blue. Creating a faint impression at the heart of the (paper adj.) (paper noun), pale hues depict fuchsia desert rose in exquisite detail. Forming a circle around the rose, <Bird Adj. Plural Noun> are drawn in varying poses, their wings detailed with fine pencil lines.
Cyseagir This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Glaoveln This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Hinterwilds This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Icemule Trace This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Kraken's Fall This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Mist Harbor This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Ornath This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
River's Rest This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Solhaven This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Ta'Illistim This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Ta'Nalfein This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Ta'Vaalor This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Teras Isle This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Wehnimer's Landing This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Zul Logoth This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Ebon Gate This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

See Also

Jeepers Creepers Spyglass Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Miscellaneous
Item(s) Applied to
Alterable Yes
Original Release Venue Ebon Gate
Original Release Year 2024
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 3
How to Unlock Certificate
Corresponding Item Scripts Jeepers Creepers Bird Cage
Jeepers Creepers Feather Holder
Item Verbs