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Category  Weapons and Armor (11) 
Topic  Breakage (2) 
On  Dec 27, 2001 at 14:11 
Message  Breakage (5698) 

Many of you have asked what our goals of breakage are and why we've been so animate about proceeding with its implementation. Tolli and I have managed to pen the following, in hopes that it'll help to answer many of the questions that you may have about the reimplementation of breakage.

The redevelopment of breakage is being done as a means to address several issues that have had chronic negative effects on the world of Gemstone III. The primary goals of this reintroduction are to create a moderate amount of item attrition, help to temper the cost of acquiring 'nice' equipment, and to reestablish a reasonable average equipment level for both players and creatures.

Breakage is intended to reintroduce item attrition, which was originally part of the more balanced design of the game, but lost when the breakage system was temporarily discontinued (a situation which lasted far longer than originally intended). This will be accomplished in a number of ways. Breakage will force the more realistic refreshing of combat-oriented items, as well as offer more complexity in hunting choices, throughout the game. Item degradation and catastrophic failure will result in a modest rate of item attrition, especially of items which are not properly maintained. Some attrition will be a result of players choosing not to use keepsake items or artifacts in combat, but save them for roleplaying purposes only. Item attrition will also come from the breakage mechanics themselves. This turnover of gear is sorely needed in order for us to be able to introduce new items into the game, counter hyperinflation, introduce new strategies and choices in hunting, and to make balanced hunting areas and creatures more widespread, especially at higher levels.

As many more powerful items eventually break, combined with limitations on the availability of repair of catastrophically broken items, there will be a constant turnover of a varying amount of hunting gear. Because of the strong sentimental and historical attachment expressed by many players, items will remain in the game as non-combat functional 'props', even after catastrophic failure. These items will retain their appearance, but will be unusable in combat. Thus, the reimplementation of breakage will not sacrifice the hard work and dedication that many players have invested in acquiring customized items that best suit and add to their character.

The introduction of powerful items has been severely limited because those items were likely to exist indefinitely, except for the tiny percentage lost through accidents. With the assurance that a steady stream of combat-oriented items will be leaving the game, it will be possible to begin reintroducing a greater number of relatively powerful items. The balancing fact, of course, is that many of these new items will eventually be cycled through the system if used regularly. The usage-based deterioration that breakage employs will allow items to be balanced not only by their combat abilities, but also by their expected longevity. This added dimension opens the door for Gamemasters to release relatively powerful items into the game in greater numbers than is presently possible. We expect to begin releasing some more powerful items after about thirty days, which will allow us time to gather data and continually tune the system if need be.

As a result of items requiring some upkeep and carrying some risk of breakage, rather than representing a one-time permanent investment, a moderate amount of deflation is expected to counter the current hyper-inflated prices common in today's player-to-player sales. Items that are regularly used in combat will, in essence, have an estimated lifespan, depending on their strength and durability. We expect that players will not be quite so willing to part with massive amounts of silver demanded for any 'good' item right now. With the ability to reintroduce such items, because they will be cycled through the game via breakage, many 'good' items will again be available for purchase via Gamemaster merchant shops, which typically have a significantly lower price than the player-to-player market does.

Along with the possibility of item attrition, there is also a guarantee that continued investment will be required to maintain and repair items after the initial purchase, in proportion to how much the item is actually used in combat. Whether the investment is through fees paid to NPC-run shops, or through the purchase of repair kits, the constant cost of use will help to control inflation and alleviate stockpiling of silver. Currently, far more silver is constantly entering the game via the treasure system than is leaving the game, which results in a self-feeding spiral effect that drives the inflation of silver prices for anything but the most basic equipment at an absurd rate.

The reintroduction of breakage will also bring a new dimension to hunting and strategy. Just as with the lockpicking system, players will begin to evaluate their equipment more stringently, rather than simply always going armed and armored in their best equipment. Breakage will force a more flexible dynamic into the strategies of hunting and choosing hunting gear. Do you risk your best weapon in an area where the creatures are heavily armored, or do you choose something a little less powerful but more stout? Do you wear your best armor in an area where the creatures carry destructive weapons, or do you shift into something sturdier but less protective and explore other tactics for dealing with the creature?

As a result of all of these facets of breakage, it will be easier to balance hunting areas and the abilities of creatures, instead of having to modify them to compensate for an elevated average quality of equipment. Not having to engage in that series of tweaks, in an attempt to balance the challenge a creature presents, will allow characters who do not choose to invest countless hours in obtaining the finest in armor and weaponry to be on a far more even playing field.

The motivation for the reimplementation of breakage is to begin to balance aspects of Gemstone III that have become difficult to manage without the originally intended item attrition, and above all to create a better gaming experience for all our players.


Category  GemStone III Announcements (5) 
Topic  Important Announcements (1) 
Message  Breakage Returns (156) 
On  Oct 8, 2001 at 19:01 


It's time to get friendly with the weapon merchants! Weapon and armor degradation and breakage is returning on October 26th.

In an unprecedented act of good will, the weapon and armor merchants of Elanthia have elected to offer all weapon and armor repair services for free! They will be extending this offer to the citizens of Elanthia for the week of October 26th through November 1st.


Breakage is system by which weapons and armor deteriorate or break. The mechanics that determine breakage are based loosely on normal kinetic physics. Items deteriorate with every contact with another item, which occurs most often in combat, but may occur in other situations as well.

Most situations involve two items “clashing.” The mechanics of breakage involve comparing the difference of item strengths (STR) modified by their integrity. Both items incur degradation, with the weaker item suffering a larger magnitude of degradation. Degradation affects item integrity, and in turn, item integrity affects strength and durability (DU). In addition, the item with a lower strength also undergoes a “catastrophic failure” roll.


Catastrophic failure (CF) is where an item suffers irreparable harm and is rendered totally useless. The CF roll is an open die 100. (An open die 100 roll involves a random roll of a number between 1 and 100. If that number is above 95, then another random number between 1 and 100 is generated and added to the previous number. If the second roll is above 95, another random number between 1 and 100 is generated and added to the total. And so on. The sequence comes to an end when a number of less than 95 is rolled.) The sum total of the open die 100 roll must exceed the effective durability value of the item in order for catastrophic failure to occur. The effective durability of an item is the Durability of that item modified by the item integrity.

Some items that undergo catastrophic failure may be repairable.


Weapon and armor deterioration will be repairable using repair kits that will be made widely available in all towns. Profession and skills will be taken into account when determining the success of any repair.

Professional maintenance services will also be available in most major towns for a fee. Some broken items that have undergone CF will also be repairable in the same locations. However, only special merchants will be able to repair advanced or special weapons and armor that have been broken.


Q - Will clashing not effect weapons and shields if the defensive strength is much higher then the attacking strength?

A - AS/DS does not affect breakage. As long as the hands are clear and the attacker cannot damage you, there is no breakage occurrence. The AS/DS model is independent and exclusive of the breakage system.

Q - Are we going to continue to have the numbers showing?

A - We're discussing that topic in development. We may replace the actual valuation with an adjective equivalent that is less precise.

Q - About clashes, you said nothing a player does will affect the random roll between whether it'll be hitting the shield, weapon or just pure avoidance. Will we see a skill or a stance in the future that will allow players greater control on which items clash?

A - No. Our combat system currently does not have that degree of flexibility.

Q - Do greaves or aventails only add to the weight of full coverage armor? And if so, does breakage affect the covering part or the armor?

A- Whole armor coverage supercedes component coverage. Where the main armor worn does not offer coverage, if there is a component armor worn, the component armor will take the damage. Armor components worn over existing main armor coverage iare considered cosmetic and do not affect combat determinations.

Q -Will any "artifact" items in game be exempt?

A - There will be no exemptions from breakage.

Q - Are combat maneuvers involved in this process?

A- If a weapon makes contact, breakage occurs. Maneuvers are not involved once contact is made.

Q - Sword swingers are at a huge disadvantage as they have to hit to kill something. Have you considered the possibility of adding training into the equation?

A - No. The mechanic does not allow exemptions. All hits are determined with the same kinetic physics.

Q - There have been questions about engravings not allowing people to see the integrity of their shields. Is that being worked on as well?

A - We're working on those scripts that disallow the LOOK.

Q - What about STR and DU numbers on weapons that have been altered by merchants (like strengthening / lightening) but still have STR/DU values comparable to weapons that weren't altered?

A - Item weight affects the magnitude of the degradation, lightening affects weight, strengthening affects STR or DU values. Some merchants take away from one to give to the other.

Q - Will there be a maintanence system?

A- Yes, field repair kits will be made available. There are only 3 possible states for an item: undamaged, degraded, or CF. When an item is degraded, it may be repaired to a certain extent from field repair kits. Skill in weapons, armor, guild and profession bonuses apply to the magnitude of the 'fix'. A fix may or may not be beneficial.

Merchants and shops will be available to make repairs (for a fee) as well.

Items that undergo catastrophic failure (CF) items will not be removed from the game. Merchants may repair some items that undergo CF. (It is safe to assume that weapons that are not scripted, do not have any additional abilities and have an enchantment bonus less than 25 can be repaired.) Special live merchants may be able to repair more advanced broken weapons.

Q - Will items that are easier to break be easier to repair?

A - The ease of repair involves a number of factors, including the material type.

Q - Is there any plan to reconsider the DU of leathers?

A- Yes.

Q- You had mentioned catastrophic failure coming down to 2 D100 rolls vs. the items durability, 1 95+ leading to another open?? Can I (not a math major) read that to mean that an item with over 200 DU and at newly FIXed or high integrity would have 0 chance of CF?

A- No the roll is an open d100. A 100 sided die is rolled, a value greater than 95 results in a subsequent d100 roll. All rolls are summed to give the new result, repeat the process ad infinitum.

Q - Any allowance being planned merchant weapons that don't seem to coordinate with similar weapons of other merchants?

A- No. The weapons STR and DU are as is, unless it's < 1.

Q - You mentioned strengthening and lightening of items, but will padding play any part in either its strength or durability?

A - Padding does not affect any breakage component.

Q - Items will be able to be repaired by anyone, but will any profession be better at repairing an item or will it be a skill that gets built up as time goes on and some professions will gain skill in it quicker than others?

A - Repair is not profession specific, though some professions will gain bonuses.

Q - Will the percent chance of CF be reduced? Seems to me that despite the quoted percentage that there is an unusually high amount of breakage right now. This might be attributed to the number of players currently in the game compared to the past.

A- Anecdotal reports will present a higher occurrence than what is true.

Q - You will not be adjusting any STR or DUs on any weapon unless it's less than 1?

A - That is correct. When the dwarf said annealed weapons were weak, he meant it

Q - If an item is altered at a merchant, is the new alteration taken into consideration on the breakage system? For example, if he has a normal vultite falchion altered into a veil iron falchion. Or is the original metal still what will be used?

A - Unless the merchant specified otherwise, the change was likely only cosmetic in nature. As a rule, alterations do NOT alter material properties into another material type.

Q - Does age/training factor into the breakage equation at all?

A - No. Neither age nor training factors into breakage.

Q - Does AS/DS factor into the breakage equation?

A - No AS/DS is independent from breakage.

Q - If alterations for items were cosmetic, would we be able to get them changed to meet the integrity of what they should be made of in the alterations now?

A - No.

Q - Why do bows break?

A - A bow counts as a staff weapon for determinations of melee.

Q - Will DB items break?

A - When breakage is initially released, DB items will not be affected at all. However, in the future some DB items (for instance, DB items that are worn in armor slots) may be affected. We do not currently have any specifics.

Q - Will physical damaging spells such as bolts, Mana D, etc effect armor and weapons during breakage?

A - Not at this time.

Q - If a weapon has an edge from one of the merchants, for example: A golvern edged vultite longsword, would the golvern edge add to the strength of the item at all?

A - No. That change is cosmetic.

Q - Bashing and breakage. Will bashing boxes using the warrior bash system effect breakage?

A - Not at this time.

Q - Will degradation of a weapon lower the STR/DU at any time?

A - Yes. Take the integrity value and multiply it by the STR/DU to get their respective effective STR/DU.

Q - There are some concerns that faenor, the metal that was touted as elven unbreakable, needs to be looked at. It seems a bit low.

A - The material is set to its proper designated parameters.

Q - Items that were strengthened by merchants or lightened don't seem to be a factor in the items ST/DU, will this change? Also does crit weighting and padding currently have any factor in the ST/DU of items?

A - Strengthening is a modification to the item's STR/DU. Lightening affects the item‘s encumbrance values. Both aspects are criteria for breakage assessment. Crit weighting and padding is not considered by the breakage system.

Q - How can I determine the STR/DU of my weapon or armor?

A - LOOK is the designated verb to determine item integrity.

Q - Are the metals listed in game under shift metals and shift woods the only true metals? Metals like titanium and adamantite are they only cosmetic?

A - Yes and Yes.

Q - What does it exactly mean when it states after an attack. "Not even close."?

A - This indicates that the miss was sufficient enough to not even involve the defending weapon or shield. Physical contact between the two items was avoided.

Q - What do I do if I’m sure that my weapon has incorrect breakage numbers?

A - If your breakage numbers are clearly exceptionally wrong (for instance, 0/0, 1/1, 2/900) then please assist to have a GameMaster help you. However, GameMasters will only manually adjust bizarrely inaccurate weapons. Do not assist simply because you believe your weapon should be stronger. A GM will not help you.

Q - How soon should we expect the reintroduction of padders, weighters, enchanters, etc?

A - A month or so, minimum.

Category  GemStone III Announcements (5) 
Topic  Important Announcements (1) 
Message  More Breakage Questions and Answers (157) 
On  Oct 12, 2001 at 17:23 

Q: Will the repair shops be new or will they be in existing armor/weapon shops?

A: The shops will be new shops with locations separate from the existing armor and weapon shops in towns.

Q: Wil shops be available in all towns.

A: All major towns will include repair shops. At this time those towns include River's Rest, Zul Logoth, IceMule Trace, Teras Isle, Wehnimer's Landing, Solhaven, Ta'Illistim, and Ta'Vaalor. Not all shops may be available immediately. Shops merchants may have greater and lesser degrees of skill.

Q: Will it be necessary to repair all items prior to breakage going live, or will everything be reset to 100%?

A: The system should be restoring all items right now.

Q: Will an item always be able to be repaired to its fullest, original strength and durability stats?

A: The answer depends on the success of the attempt at repair. A successful repair wcan restore an item to it's full integrity. However, a failure may degrade the item.

Q: How will repair kits work?

A: The command to use a repair kit will be: repair <object> with <kit>

Q: What is the cost of the repair kit?

A: There will be a wide range of kits available for a wide range of prices. More valuable kits will likely have higher success modifiers.

Q: What is the cost of the automerchant?

A: The cost of the repair will depend on the damage done as well as the item.

Q: What is the planned cost for special merchant repair?

A: Fixing broken high level items will be very expensive.

Q: What skills will affect repair?

A: Particular weapon skills affect repair attempts on weapons. Armor use/shield use affect armor and shield repair. There are aggregate bonuses for multiple skills.

Q: Will repair have a possibility of catastrophic failure that could further damage the object?

A: Repair does not have CF determination. It can degrade an item's integrity, but not its STR/DU values.

Q: Will repair have a short RT, or be a several hour process?

A: It will be a short RT.

Q: Will the autorepairer be instantaneous, or will it be like the current lockpick repair process?

A: Depending on the item being repaired, the repair should either be instantaneous, or be up to an hour long. (This is an estimate.)

Q: How can a person determine whether a catastrophically broken object can be repaired at a shop?

A: Ask the repairer to appraise the item.

Q: Will the STR/DU numbers be turned on again before breakage goes live?

A: No. Players can determine an item STR/DU values with LOOK now.