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Revision as of 09:54, 2 November 2009

Chronomage daggers were sold at the Ebon Gate 2009 auction.


Three daggers were sold at the Ebon Gate 2009 Auction (only two were sold in the platinum instance). They were all sold with the following description:

  • a crystal-edged vultite dagger

Cut from a single, slender sliver of vultite, the polished, crystal-edged blade of this delicate weapon glimmers faintly in the light. Silver thread is tightly wound around the lower half of the dagger, forming a comfortable, if makeshift grip. Attached beneath this is a solid silver butt stamped with the highly detailed sigil of the Chronomages Guild of Elanthia. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.


  • 6x
  • Returns to hurler when HURLed
  • Triple Strike Flare: There is a 15% chance to slow time and strike twice more when hurled, for additional roundtime.


Normal throw:

>hurl zuz
As you loose your vultite dagger into the air, everything around you suddenly slows down to a noticeable crawl.
With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a crystal-edged vultite dagger into flight.
You throw a crystal-edged vultite dagger at Zuzana!
 AS: +65 vs DS: +68 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +6 = +23
 A clean miss.

As a crystal-edged vultite dagger sails past its Zuzana, its trajectory through the air slows suddenly, so much so that the dagger appears to be hanging there in stasis. You move over to it and snatch the dagger from its flight-path, then jog back to where you were previously. Suddenly everything returns to normal speed as time catches up with itself.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

Triple strike:

>hurl zuz
As you loose your vultite dagger into the air, everything around you suddenly slows down to a noticeable crawl.
With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a crystal-edged vultite dagger into flight.
You throw a crystal-edged vultite dagger at Zuzana!
 AS: +65 vs DS: +68 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +99 = +116
 ... and hit for 3 points of damage!
 Poked in the tummy.

Zuzana doesn't seem to react as your dagger slashes her body. Instead Zuzana just stands there, like a statue, moving so slowly you could barely notice it. Falling from Zuzana's body, the vultite dagger drops so slowly that you can casually saunter over and snatch it from the air before it even hits the ground. You jog back to where you were previously and suddenly everything returns to normal speed as time catches up with itself.

Taking a chance you hurl the dagger at Zuzana again and suddenly everything returns to normal speed as time catches up with itself!
With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a crystal-edged vultite dagger into flight.
You throw a crystal-edged vultite dagger at Zuzana!
 AS: +65 vs DS: +68 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +52 = +69
 A clean miss.

As a crystal-edged vultite dagger sails past its Zuzana, its trajectory through the air slows suddenly, so much so that the dagger appears to be hanging there in stasis. You move over to it and snatch the dagger from its flight-path, then jog back to where you were previously. Suddenly everything returns to normal speed as time catches up with itself.

Taking a chance you hurl the dagger at Zuzana again and suddenly everything returns to normal speed as time catches up with itself!
With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a crystal-edged vultite dagger into flight.
You throw a crystal-edged vultite dagger at Zuzana!
 AS: +65 vs DS: +68 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +89 = +106
 ... and hit for 1 point of damage!
 Strikes a fingernail.
 Bet she'll lose it now.

Zuzana doesn't seem to react as your dagger slashes her body. Instead Zuzana just stands there, like a statue, moving so slowly you could barely notice it. Falling from Zuzana's body, the vultite dagger drops so slowly that you can casually saunter over and snatch it from the air before it even hits the ground. You jog back to where you were previously and suddenly everything returns to normal speed as time catches up with itself.
Roundtime: 4 sec.



You reach inside a sheath to retrieve the dagger, but stop yourself as you realize it's already there in your hand.
Person reaches inside a sheath and then blinks confusedly for a moment.


You move to put your dagger in your sheath but stop yourself when your hand is empty. Looking inside your sheath, you discover your vultite dagger.
Person moves to put his dagger into a sheath and then blinks confusedly for a moment.


You notice a smudge on the blade of your pristine dagger. It disappears after a quick rub.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Person looks down at the vultite dagger in his hand. He stares at it intently.

You glance down and notice a smudge on the blade of your vultite dagger. Using your sleeve you give it a quick polish, and it is soon shining brightly again.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Person continues to stare blankly at the vultite dagger in his hand.

You notice an annoying smudge across the blade of your vultite dagger. You move to obliterate it, then stop and blink. This all seems too familiar.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
An annoying fly buzzes around Person's head, eventually landing on his nose. He ignores it, and instead simply peers obsessively at his vultite dagger.

Blinking, you peer down at the vultite dagger again. It is clear and free of smudges, dust or marks or any kind. Odd.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A look of consternation flashes over Person's face. He blinks, then looks up, looking slightly confused for a moment.