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Ebon Gate 2009

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This page contains general information about Ebon Gate 2009. For the Ebon Gate 2009 auction list or Ebon Gate merchants listing, please see those individual pages.

Ebon Gate 2009 is a festival held at the end of October. It will be tiered; there will be a section open to an unlimited number of ticketed attendees as well as an auction open to those who purchase the auction level of entry.


Platinum EG will open Friday, October 23rd.

Prime EG will open Friday, October 30th.

The auction will be held on the Saturday and Sunday of each event.


This year's EG tickets come in two flavors:

Option A

This ticket is for Velathae access -- it will allow its holder into the Ebon Gate festival grounds, with access to all general events, games, and the celebration.

$40 is for one character access
$55 is for two character access
$65 is for three character access
$75 is for four character access

In Platinum, the $40 ticket gives access to all characters on the account.

The general EG entry (non-auction) tickets will go on sale Saturday, October 10th at 7pm Eastern for all subscribers.

Option B

This ticket will allow its holder all the above, plus admission into an auction for a guaranteed auction-quality item.

These tickets are $100 in Prime. The ticket will allow four characters into the Ebon Gate grounds, but only one character will be able to access the auction area.

These tickets are $50 in Platinum. The ticket will allow all characters into the Ebon Gate grounds, but only one character will be able to access the auction area.

Auction tickets will go on sale in three staggered batches:
Friday, October 9th - 9pm Eastern
Saturday, October 10th - Noon Eastern
Saturday, October 10th - 6pm Eastern

The first 30 minutes of each batch will be limited to Premium bids only. After 30 minutes, the remaining ticket pool for that batch will be opened up to all subscribers.

The Platinum instance Option B tickets will go on sale Saturday, October 10th at 7pm Eastern for all Platinum subscribers.

Entrance Locations

There will be a bank on the fairgrounds. The bank will pull from whichever town the character entered the festival from.

Town Location
Icemule Trace Icemule Temple, Foyer
River's Rest River Road
Solhaven Liabo Plaza
Ta'Illistim Shimmarglin Var
Ta'Vaalor Amaranth Court
Teras Isle (Kharam-Dzu) Vaalin Street, Temple District
Wehnimer's Landing Town Square, Southeast
Zul Logoth Hall of Arches
Mist Harbor Oleander and Daisy Avenue

Schedule of Events

Time Event Location
Friday/Day of the Huntress
9:00 p.m. Gates Open
10:30 p.m. Raffle:Scrying Bowl The Silver Scryer
Room 44
11 p.m. Game:Jack O'Lantern Carving
Categories for the contest will be split into two groups. The first group will be Detailed and the second will be Bold. Pumpking Carving will be judged on the following: uniqueness, adherence to theme, and creation process. All contestants will be given 3 minutes to carve, with penalties for any that exceed the time limit.
Apple Orchard
12 p.m. Auction Tower Hill
4 p.m. Auction Tower Hill
8 p.m. Auction Tower Hill
8 p.m. Raffle:EZ Script
The merchant Loehli, of Bound for Fashion, will be raffling off one custom verb to be applied to an item of the winner's choice (within usual restriction guidelines). There will be 3 winners drawn, and the tickets will be 15,000 silvers each.
Bound for Fashion
Room 60
12 p.m. Auction Tower Hill
4 p.m. Auction Tower Hill
4 p.m. Raffle:Scripted Male Outfit
The merchant Yansio, of Distinguished Presence, will be raffling off one custom-designed outfit for a male. This outfit is pre-designed by the merchant and will feature unique zests. There will be 1 winner drawn, and the tickets will be 15,000 silvers each.
Distinguished Presence
Room 58
8 p.m. Auction Tower Hill
11 a.m. Game:Bubbling Brews
Hosted by Beulyne, Reimyra, Milad, and Caleer. Forty participants will get to play play a game of chance by taking a sip of a variety of potions. Last people standing win prizes.
Apple Orchard
8 p.m. Ebon Gate Costume Contest
With numerous categories to attract even the most outrageous costumes, this is your chance to show off for your fellow adventurers! Make sure to come prepared with an explanation, or short skit to explain your outfit, but nothing over a minute please! Prizes will be awarded in categories to be revealed at the event!
Felfire House
crystal-domed chateau
South Winter's Road
9 p.m. Game:Sing Me an Epitaph
Open to twenty participants, this contest is about songs of death - but with a fun twist. Can you be witty enough to work with what you are given?
This year, the Ghosts have decided to preregister for this event. Only twenty (20) positions will be able to be filled. Watch for these ghosts when Velthae materializes so that you can register with them AND get your theme!
Apple Orchard
9 p.m. Auction: For the approximately 40 auction ticket holders who didn't win anything, the previously passed over items will be up for grabs in the silvers room. Tower Hill
12 p.m. Raffle:Customized Platters and Service for Four
Ziethsmet raffles off two sets of fully customized platters/cases with a service for four one one seasonal set.
The Painted Teacup
a prim whitewashed shop
1 p.m. Game:Entrails Toss
Hosted by Caleer, Rackam, and Milad. Like playing with your food? Then this is the game for you! Come join the fun when forty participants will be given bags of crunch treats to "flip" at a ghost.
Apple Orchard
9 p.m. Game:Creepy Anagrams
Hosted by Amna, and Rolarg. Unlimited participants can come to play this fast-paced twenty-round game where every word unraveled gains you a point!
Apple Orchard
10:30 p.m. Sylnorilla spins for 15 [Necking]
room 45,
a small grey granite boutique
8 p.m. Game:What Was I?
Test your memory with trivia on ten different creatures! Five clues will be provided to help you properly identify the beast, each one designed to be progressively easier. Can you get the answer before anyone else?
Apple Orchard
9 p.m. Third Annual Reunion Masquerade
All dressed up for the season, and no where to go? Join the Felfire family in their distinguished residence and dance among the dead! Music, refreshments, and conversation will appeal to those seeking solace from the night. Elegance is a must, and prizes will be awarded to those with the most tasteful attire in multiple categories. Please be aware that this is a masquerade, and not a costume contest. Formal attire is expected, and bring your mask! Prizes will be awarded for best couple, as well as several winners for best male attire, best mask, and best female attire.
Felfire House
crystal-domed chateau
South Winter's Road
10 p.m. Game:Entrails Toss
Hosted by Caleer, Rackam, and Milad. Like playing with your food? Then this is the game for you! Come join the fun when forty participants will be given bags of crunch treats to "flip" at a ghost.
Apple Orchard
Thursday/Day of the Huntress
8 p.m. Storytelling
Bring us your tales of ghostly thrills and chills, or unknown horrors that creep after midnight! Share your story, song, poem, or simply listen, but come prepared for an evening filled with the grisly and the ghoulish! Prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third place. Please keep your performance under six minutes in length!
Felfire House
crystal-domed chateau
South Winter's Road
8:30 p.m. Sylnorilla spins for 10 [Necking]
room 45,
a small grey granite boutique
10 p.m. Game:Bubbling Brews
Hosted by Beulyne, Reimyra, Milad, and Caleer. Forty participants will get to play play a game of chance by taking a sip of a variety of potions. Last people standing win prizes.
Apple Orchard
Friday/Day of the Huntress
9 p.m. Auction Mini-Event
There are five auction items that need to be released: a thin brown leather quiver, an ethereal string, an engraved silver box, a shining glowbark quarterstaff, and a ten-petaled copper and ivory windflower clasp.

The event will run as follows: an item will be put "on the block", and a spinner will be used to determine a winner from the people in the room. That person can either elect to trade their item for the item on the block, or pass, but the spinner will be set to NOT re-select you once you've been spun. The items that are traded in will subsequently be put "on the block" until there are no more interested parties for the traded items. There is no silver cost associated with these items, nor will silvers you paid for your existing item be refunded to you. It's a direct item-for-item trade.

Any interested auction ticket holder may participate, but you must bring an auction item to "trade up". It doesn't have to be YOUR original auction item, as I realize many people have done some trading around, but it does have to be an item from THIS year's auction, and it has to be complete. (Alterations or other services to items are fine if you wish to forfeit them in favor of another item.)
Gates Close

See also