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Last night heralded the introduction of the Aelotoi race to Elanthia in the Wraithenmist near Ta'Illistim. A portal was spotted, with some winged creatures emerging and many kiramon in pursuit. After the kiramon were dispatched, Queen Myanara Illistim herself showed up with the company of her guards. Illistim decided to provide accomodations for the new creatures in a tent set up in the Wraithenmist, and for the scholars to study their language and determine from whence they came.


Witness Accounts

[Ta'Illistim, City Gate] A cavernous opening in the cliff's steep face dominates the crest of the hillside, serving as the nearly impenetrable entrance to the great city built by House Illistim. A raised portcullis is barely visible at the top of the stony maw. Intricately carved columns flank the entrance, their crowns adorned with delicate silvered glyphs and toothily grinning gargoyles. Staked torches nearby cast an amber glow across the glyphs, highlighting their curves and contours with an eerie grace. You also see a fan-tailed leaf hawk that is flying around. Obvious paths: southwest

The evening sky is illuminated by a brilliant flash in the direction of the Wraithenmist, and the light lingers eerily afterwards like a false dawn.

Cappurnicus glances to the east.

<< Insert travel to the Wraithenmist here. >> [Wraithenmist, Narrow Trail] The path leads further northward into a forest so thick with trees that little light is able to penetrate the canopy above. The area is strangely quiet, completely absent of the sounds one would expect to hear within a forest. You also see a narrow path. Obvious paths: northeast

Radiant white light continues to bathe the sky over the wraithenmist, issuing from a source deep within its heart.

<< Wandering about, until... >> [Wraithenmist, Forest Hollow] The trail winds around an ancient monir tree, its limbs covered in silvery-grey moss that has long since stolen the tree's ability to generate foliage of its own. The moss sways slightly in the breeze, giving the tree a ghostly appearance. You also see a winged creature, a winged creature, a winged creature, a small winged creature, a winged creature and a shimmering mist crackling with static blue electrical discharges. Obvious paths: south, southeast A fan-tailed leaf hawk glides into view. A winged creature shivers visibly, causing its wings to tremble and shake. A winged creature squints around the area.

You hear your own faint thoughts echoing in your head: "There are winged creatures here."

A winged creature takes a quick step backward.

You move a little closer to a winged creature, closely watching every movement.

A winged creature stares back wide-eyed.

You hear the faint thoughts of Caladrial touch your mind: "where are you?" You survey the area.

A winged creature guides some of the younger creatures away from the shimmering mist.

The winged creature is lean and very lithe, its form like that of a gaunt human. Ragged clothes swath the being from head to toe, or what the bits of cloth can cover. It appears to be a male, judging by the short grey hair atop its head. Its eyes are large pale blue, with a darker, round pupil in the center. Strangely, a pair of diaphanous wings extend down from the creature's back, the thin extensions sprinkled with the colors of shattered emeralds and rubies.

The creature appears to be very lithe and lean -- bordering on emaciated, and it's no surprise with its raggedy clothes. A torn black robe is draped across its willowy frame, and it appears to be a male, judging by the tangled crop of pale blonde hair atop its head. Its eyes are a solid dark green, with a darker, round pupil in the center. Strangely, a pair of diaphanous wings sweep down from the creature's back, its numerous facets resembling a stained glass window in pale shades of gold and blue.

Standing four and a half feet tall, this adolescent male humanoid creature has diaphanous silvery wings on its back. Haggard and harried, it bears dark green eyes without whites. It is wearing a torn black robe over a faded grey cloth shirt and some tattered knee-length breeches. A pair of mud-covered sandals cover its slender-boned feet.

Numerous scratches and bruises mar the small creature's slight build. The creature appears a young female and has large, fearful liquid black eyes with no whites at all. Slender diaphanous wings of iridescent green, gold, and blue are folded against the creature's back. She is wearing a threadbare patched brown vest and dirty breeches that offers little protection from the elements.

The rag-clad creature is roughly humanoid in shape except for the long, diaphanous wings that project from its narrow shoulderblades. The wings are faintly silvery in hue, matching the color of the stringy hair coursing from its head to its narrow waist. A ragged brown robe shrouds everything but the creature's pale-skinned back, but, combined with its gaunt features and its unnaturally large and dark eyes, the tattered garment is sufficient to obscure the creature's gender entirely.

>l mist You see nothing unusual.

A winged creature huddles against a nearby tree, squinting and cowering.

You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon defender arrives.

The mist swirls, and kiramon pour out of it!

A winged creature stands protectively in front of a small winged creature.

You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon defender arrives.

A kiramon defender charges at you! AS: +260 vs DS: +754 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +85 = -374 A clean miss. A kiramon defender heads south.

You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon defender arrives.

A winged creature gives a keening cry of fear!

You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon worker arrives. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon defender arrives.

A winged creature screams!

You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon defender arrives. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon defender arrives.

A winged creature pulls the small winged creature away from the kiramon.

You hear your own faint thoughts echoing in your head: "Kiramon are coming from this portal."

A kiramon defender hisses sharply! Its long, piercing tongue comes shooting out at you... A kiramon defender thrusts with its long tongue at you! AS: +306 vs DS: +754 with AvD: +24 + d100 roll: +66 = -358 A clean miss. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon defender arrives.

A small winged creature shrieks in terror!

You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon worker arrives. A kiramon defender claws at you! AS: +280 vs DS: +754 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +77 = -374 A clean miss. A kiramon defender clicks oddly and snaps its mandibles together. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon worker arrives. You frown. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon worker arrives. Kamalot just arrived.

[Wraithenmist, Forest Hollow] The trail winds around an ancient monir tree, its limbs covered in silvery-grey moss that has long since stolen the tree's ability to generate foliage of its own. The moss sways slightly in the breeze, giving the tree a ghostly appearance. You also see a kiramon worker, a kiramon worker, a kiramon worker, a kiramon defender, a kiramon defender, a kiramon defender, a kiramon defender, a kiramon worker, a kiramon defender, a kiramon defender, a fan-tailed leaf hawk that is flying around, a winged creature, a winged creature, a winged creature, a small winged creature, a winged creature and a shimmering mist crackling with static blue electrical discharges. Also here: Kamalot Obvious paths: south, southeast

A kiramon defender claws at Kamalot! AS: +275 vs DS: +419 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +50 = -75 A clean miss. You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Mass Calm spell... Your spell is ready. You gesture. A calm washes over a kiramon worker. A calm washes over a kiramon worker. A calm washes over a kiramon worker. A calm washes over a kiramon defender. A calm washes over a kiramon defender. A calm washes over a kiramon defender. A calm washes over a kiramon defender. A calm washes over a kiramon defender. Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds. (Forcing stance down to guarded)

<< Oh... Right. >> A kiramon defender rouses its fellow kiramon defender! A kiramon defender rouses its fellow kiramon defender! A kiramon defender rouses its fellow kiramon defender! A kiramon worker rouses its fellow kiramon worker! A kiramon worker rouses its fellow kiramon worker! A kiramon defender rouses its fellow kiramon defender! You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a mottled black kiramon defender arrives.

Kamalot cheerfully says, "That's odd.."

A kiramon defender rouses its fellow kiramon defender! A kiramon worker rouses its fellow kiramon worker!

A winged creature trembles violently as it stares at the kiramon.

A mottled black kiramon defender hisses sharply! Its long, piercing tongue comes shooting out at Kamalot...

You say, "Curious."

A kiramon worker clicks oddly and snaps its mandibles together. Loud clicking noises vibrate through you as a kiramon worker darts in.

You hear your own faint thoughts echoing in your head: "They are coming forth from Wraithenmist."

A winged creature stares almost defiantly at the kiramon, and backs up at the same time.

The mist swirls, and kiramon pour out of it!

Loud clicking noises vibrate through you as a mottled black kiramon defender darts in. Kamalot just went southeast.

A winged creature pulls another winged creature back to conceal it behind a tree. A winged creature leans around the tree to watch intently, eyes wide with fear.

Loud clicking noises vibrate through you as a mottled black kiramon defender darts in. A kiramon worker rouses its fellow kiramon worker! A kiramon defender rouses its fellow kiramon defender! A kiramon defender clicks oddly and snaps its mandibles together.

You say, "The creatures appear to fear the kiramon."

A small winged creature watches as a kiramon approaches, too frozen in fear to move.

Kamalot nods.

A grey wolf pads into the area.

A winged creature huddles in abject terror.

Kamalot cheerfully asks, "should we help em maybe?"

A winged creature says something completely unintelligible to another winged creature, its voice high and shrill with alarm.

Loud clicking noises vibrate through you as a kiramon defender darts in.

You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as an enormous black kiramon razorback arrives. You say, "They do not seem to be attacking them..."

[Wraithenmist, Forest Hollow] The trail winds around an ancient monir tree, its limbs covered in silvery-grey moss that has long since stolen the tree's ability to generate foliage of its own. The moss sways slightly in the breeze, giving the tree a ghostly appearance. You also see an enormous black kiramon razorback, a kiramon defender, a grey wolf, a mottled black kiramon defender, a kiramon defender that appears rather calm, the Kamalot coffin, a mottled black kiramon defender, a fan-tailed leaf hawk that is flying around, a winged creature, a winged creature, a winged creature, a small winged creature, a winged creature and a shimmering mist crackling with static blue electrical discharges. Obvious paths: south, southeast

A winged creature quickly darts around behind the monir tree, its head peeking out now and then.

An enormous black kiramon razorback claws at you! AS: +490 vs DS: +669 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +27 = -129 A clean miss. An enormous black kiramon razorback clicks oddly and snaps its mandibles together.

A small winged creature is quickly snatched away from harm by another winged creature.

A swirling grey-blue mist slowly fills the area. It begins to spin faster and faster, congealing into a large upright disk. The mist slows its spinning and within the swirling vapors you can make out an opening.

A mottled black kiramon defender clicks oddly and snaps its mandibles together.

You frown. Philosilan steps out of the swirling mist. The swirling mist begins to speed up as it spirals back into the opening and fades away.

Philosilan removes a midnight black falchion from in his blue satchel. The black kiramon razorback clicks its mandible and jerks its head back and forth searching for something. You hear the voice of Kamalot cheerfully exclaim, "Whats that?!" Kamalot comes out of hiding. Kamalot points at an enormous black kiramon razorback. Philosilan joins your group.

You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell... Your spell is ready. You gesture at an enormous black kiramon razorback.

<< Doop... >> Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath an enormous black kiramon razorback! The razorback manages to get out of the way! Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Philosilan clearly exclaims, "wanna see a nasty cone?!" You frown. An enormous black kiramon razorback heads southeast.

A winged creature shivers violently as it dodges away from a kiramon, staring around in wild terror.

Your companion senses your atavistic feelings and his raw untamed emotions begin to surface and he turns his attention fully towards the kiramon defender that he believes is the source of your irritation. Philosilan grins evilly. You nod to the fan-tailed leaf hawk.

A small winged creature cowers in fear. A winged creature screams in fear, quailing and quivering at the sight of the kiramon! A winged creature looks up with an expression of fear mixed with approval.

Philosilan gestures. Philosilan hurls a powerful lightning bolt at a kiramon worker! Horrifying bolt of electricity turns chest into a smoking pulp of flesh. No life left there. The kiramon worker falls back into a heap and dies.

Philosilan hurls a powerful lightning bolt at a kiramon defender! Explosive bolt of electricity vaporized neck. Head drops to shoulders then on ground. Never knew what hit 'em. The kiramon defender falls back into a heap and dies.

Philosilan hurls a powerful lightning bolt at a kiramon worker! Hideously bright electrical bolt sends right arm into another universe. Happy traveling. The worker clicks its mandibles wildly and waves its mangled limb around uselessly. The kiramon worker is stunned!

Philosilan hurls a powerful lightning bolt at a kiramon defender! Hideously bright electrical bolt sends right hand into another universe. Happy traveling. The defender clicks its mandibles wildly and waves its mangled limb around uselessly. The kiramon defender is stunned!

Philosilan hurls a powerful lightning bolt at a mottled black kiramon defender! Massive electrical shock to the left arm destroys flesh. What remains is useless. The defender clicks its mandibles wildly and waves its mangled limb around uselessly. The kiramon defender is stunned!

[Wraithenmist, Forest Hollow] The trail winds around an ancient monir tree, its limbs covered in silvery-grey moss that has long since stolen the tree's ability to generate foliage of its own. The moss sways slightly in the breeze, giving the tree a ghostly appearance. You also see a kiramon worker that appears dead, a kiramon defender that appears dead, a kiramon worker that appears stunned, a grey wolf, a kiramon defender that appears stunned, the Kamalot coffin, a mottled black kiramon defender that appears stunned, a fan-tailed leaf hawk that is flying around, a winged creature, a winged creature, a winged creature, a small winged creature, a winged creature and a shimmering mist crackling with static blue electrical discharges. Also here: Philosilan, Kamalot Obvious paths: south, southeast

Kamalot just went southeast.

You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a massive armored kiramon soldier arrives. The grey wolf sits down.

<< Insert more kiramon entrances/deaths throughout. >>

A small winged creature screams as more kiramon approach.

A winged creature curls up into a ball and begins sobbing. A winged creature jumps out of the way of one of the kiramon, and quickly moves away from the mist. A winged creature grabs some winged children as they move through the mist, sheltering them from the kiramon and whispering, "Gh'durz!" A winged creature stands careful guard over a sobbing winged creature. A winged creature stares around fearfully, but is unwilling to leave its position protecting a sobbing winged creature. Tears begin to stream down a small winged creature's face.

<< More kiramon dispatching... >>

A winged creature drags a sobbing winged creature toward a bush by one wrist to try to pull it away from the main fighting. A winged creature pushes the winged creature under the bush and stands in front of the bush. A winged creature trembles visibly. A small winged creature bawls uncontrollably.

The mist swirls, and kiramon pour out of it!

The wings of the unfamiliar creatures turn every color of the rainbow and their emotions run from terror to hope and back to terror again.

Loud clicking noises vibrate through you as a massive armored kiramon soldier darts in. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a massive armored kiramon soldier arrives. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon defender arrives. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon worker arrives. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon defender arrives. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon worker arrives. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon worker arrives. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a massive armored kiramon soldier arrives. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a massive armored kiramon soldier arrives. Loud clicking noises vibrate through you as a kiramon worker darts in. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a massive armored kiramon soldier arrives.

A winged creature picks up a stone and throws it at one of the kiramon. Watching as it bounces off, the winged creature gives a startled cry and dashes for cover.

A fox pads into the area.

A pair of the small winged creatures dart out of the mist, looking confused and frightened. They quickly dart into the trees away from the kiramon.

You hear your own faint thoughts echoing in your head: "The winged ones appear to be fleeing the kiramon, through this portal."

The mist swirls, and kiramon pour out of it!

You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a massive armored kiramon soldier arrives. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a massive armored kiramon soldier arrives. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a massive armored kiramon soldier arrives. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon defender arrives.

A winged creature lets out a keening cry, its voice garbled and its speech coming in sobbing, unintelligble waves. A massive armored kiramon soldier lunges for a winged creature, but the creature dodges quickly to the left and then runs around behind you, leaving you face to face with the dangerous kiramon.

A swirling grey-blue mist slowly fills the area. It begins to spin faster and faster, congealing into a large upright disk. The mist slows its spinning and within the swirling vapors you can make out an opening.

Aramana steps out of the swirling mist. The swirling mist begins to speed up as it spirals back into the opening and fades away.

Your face goes blank. Aramana squints.

A winged creature shivers violently. A small winged creature cries.

A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Secilly.

A winged creature, her belly swollen with child, steps through the mist and into the path of a kiramon soldier. In the nick of time, she is pulled away by another female of her race.

Aramana glances at a winged creature. Aramana asks, "What are the kiramon causing such a fuss over?"

A maw spore floats in, oozing a clear substance from itself.

The mist swirls, and kiramon pour out of it!

You say, "These other creatures, apparently." Aramana asks, "And what are these bugs?"

You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a massive armored kiramon soldier arrives. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a massive armored kiramon soldier arrives.

A winged creature stares wide-eyed at a maw spore.

You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon worker arrives. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon worker arrives. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon worker arrives. You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as a kiramon worker arrives.

A winged creature runs around the monir tree, trying to get away from a following kiramon.

Rekarth says, "Curious."

A small winged creature huddles near the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. A winged creature is so distracted by a maw spore that it almost fails to dodge a stabbing kiramon tongue, and winds up running away just in the nick of time with no more than a bleeding arm.

Rekarth looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs. Aramana steps forward, trying to kick a winged creature. Aramana nods to Rekarth in greeting. You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.

A winged creature turns to the newcomers with a frightened and beseeching expression.

Rekarth makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements... Rekarth gestures at a shimmering mist crackling with static blue electrical discharges. Aramana says, "Never seen anything like that before. Rather pitiful things, really." You say, "So it would seem..." Rekarth says, "Curious." Rekarth begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as he utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones... Rekarth gestures at a shimmering mist crackling with static blue electrical discharges.

A small winged creature sobs. A winged creature sobs.

The mist suddenly turns black. It begins to roil violently.

Rekarth glances at a winged creature. Rekarth asks, "Do you mind?"

A winged creature gives a keening cry of pain as another winged creature strips a bit of rags quickly away from its clothing to wrap around the first creature's injured arm.

A huge deep black kiramon razorback and company just arrived!

A raven appears overhead, circling. You say, "Though their pursuers appear to be dwindling..." A swirling grey-blue mist slowly fills the area. It begins to spin faster and faster, congealing into a large upright disk. The mist slows its spinning and within the swirling vapors you can make out an opening.

A winged creature crumples to the ground and begins to murmur something repetitively in a strange language. A winged creature wails in fear and misery and dives for cover behind a tree!

You say, "Watch out for that large one."

An enormous black kiramon razorback charges at Rekarth! AS: +475 vs DS: +500 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +33 = +39 A clean miss. An enormous black kiramon razorback heads south.

A winged creature wails in hopeless desperation. A winged creature glances towards the mist, and gives off a startled cry.

Secilly playfully says, "whats a razorback" Iluna hugs Secilly, who wraps her in a warm embrace. You point at a huge deep black kiramon razorback. Iluna says, "a boar" You hear a strange clicking that makes your hair stand on end as an enormous black kiramon razorback arrives. You say, "Dangerous." Prospera narrows her eyes. Secilly playfully says, "i should kill them" Iluna says, "yes"

A small winged creature stares in absolute horror at the mist, with tears still streaming down her face.

Iluna asks, "are the creatures nice?"

Your companion senses your atavistic feelings and his raw untamed emotions begin to surface and he turns his attention fully towards the black kiramon razorback that he believes is the source of your irritation.

Aramana gestures at an enormous black kiramon razorback. CS: +345 - TD: +303 + CvA: +25 + d100: +2 == +69 Warded off! The razorback glares coldly back at you, unable to move.

Rekarth says, "I do detest these things." You say, "The winged ones have not shown aggression." Prospera says, "They're so damned noisy."

A fan-tailed leaf hawk lunges his head forward in an attempt to spear an enormous black kiramon razorback with his beak! The fan-tailed leaf hawk's beak strikes and leaves a deep gash in the black kiramon razorback! ... 25 points of damage! Strike pierces gall bladder! That's gotta hurt! The black kiramon razorback is stunned!

Iluna laughs! Prospera covers her ears.

The air abruptly grows cold, the shadows suddenly seem alive.

[Wraithenmist, Forest Hollow] The trail winds around an ancient monir tree, its limbs covered in silvery-grey moss that has long since stolen the tree's ability to generate foliage of its own. The moss sways slightly in the breeze, giving the tree a ghostly appearance. You also see an enormous black kiramon razorback, a gigantic crimson kiramon soldier, a huge deep black kiramon razorback, a kiramon defender that appears stunned, a mottled black kiramon defender, a maw spore, a kiramon worker, a kiramon defender that appears stunned, a kiramon defender, a massive armored kiramon soldier, a raven that is flying around, a mottled black kiramon defender, some polished red coral, a spiderweb turquoise, a fox that is sitting, a green errisian topaz, an ultramarine glimaerstone, a deep red carbuncle, a pink topaz, a fan-tailed leaf hawk that is flying around, a winged creature, a winged creature, a winged creature, a small winged creature, a winged creature and a shimmering mist crackling with static blue electrical discharges. Also here: Prospera, Iluna, Lord Rekarth, High Lady Secilly, Lady Aramana Obvious paths: south, southeast

Aramana gestures at a gigantic crimson kiramon soldier. CS: +345 - TD: +257 + CvA: +25 + d100: +17 == +130 Warding failed! Aramana blasts a gigantic crimson kiramon soldier for 10 points of damage. The crimson kiramon soldier scoffs at the heat! The crimson kiramon soldier is knocked over by the blast!

Iluna says, "that is fun"

Rekarth gestures at a gigantic crimson kiramon soldier. CS: +290 - TD: +250 + CvA: +25 + d100: +97 == +162 Warding failed! Blast disintegrates left foreleg and savagely shucks huge chunks of flesh from throat! +78 damage. The soldier clicks its mandibles wildly and waves its mangled limb around uselessly. It is stunned!

A small winged creature screams in terror, huddling with several other small winged creatures.

Iluna stands in front of a winged creature.

A smaller winged creature runs behind Iluna's legs for a minute before dashing off for a bush.

The air abruptly grows cold, the shadows suddenly seem alive.

A winged creature wails in misery!

You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Sun Burst spell... Your spell is ready. Suddenly, small writhing tendrils of shadow reach out towards Secilly! Secilly deftly avoids the writhing tendrils of shadow. You gesture. A sudden burst of bright light emanates from your hand! You reveal a darken from hiding! You reveal a darken from hiding! Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You say, "Darkens."

Rekarth glances at a darken.

Secilly gestures at a darken. A sickly, violet haze encompasses a darken. CS: +558 - TD: +93 + CvA: +25 + d100: +47 == +537 Warding failed! A triad of ebony orbs cojoined by crackling ribbons of violet energy suddenly appear out of nowhere. The pulsating orbs take up a position directly in front of the darken, and slowly begin to move apart, stopping when they form a triangular shape of equal height to the creature. Encasing the darken within this framework, the triangle begins to rotate with tremendous speed, binding the darken with a cocoon of energy ribbons. A blur of violet and black obscures a darken from view and as mysteriously as the orbs appeared, they fade away. All that remains of the darken is a charred ashen figure of its former self lying upon the ground.

Rekarth says, "Curious thing."

Secilly searches a darken. The chill in the air fades.

A small winged creature sobs pitifully.

You say, "They are indiginous." The chill in the air fades.

A family of winged creatures steps through the mist together, only to scatter when they spot the violence taking place around them.

Rekarth says, "No less curious for that." You nod.

A winged creature huddles behind the monir tree with a couple other creatures.

Prospera says, "This is a very odd place for the kiramon."

Iluna says, "they came from a portal" Rekarth says, "I assume that they come from... Yes." Prospera exclaims, "And they're so damned noisy!" Iluna says, "yes it is" Prospera asks, "So they chased the winged things OUT of the mist?" You say, "I believe they fled."

A winged creature clings to a nearby tree, its legs buckling as it tries to stand up. It seems to be having a great bit of difficulty doing so.

Rekarth asks, "Curious, is it not?"

A darken claws at a winged creature! AS: +232 vs DS: +254 with AvD: +52 + d100 roll: +93 = +123 ... and hits for 8 points of damage! Weak slash to the winged creature's lower back!

Iluna says, "these winged ones are not violent" Rekarth raises an eyebrow. Aramana says, "Who knows, all they can do is lay here and sob." Prospera just tried to pull a winged creature.

A small winged creature shrieks in terror at the shadows!

Prospera smiles at the winged creature. The air abruptly grows cold, the shadows suddenly seem alive. You say, "Now then..." Iluna stands in front of a winged creature.

The air abruptly grows cold, the shadows suddenly seem alive. You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs. You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Sun Burst spell... Your spell is ready. Iluna says, "We will aid you from them."

You gesture. A sudden burst of bright light emanates from your hand! You reveal a darken from hiding! Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds. (Forcing stance down to guarded)

A darken rapidly shifts from shadow to shadow, looking for an escape.

Iluna says, "they are very interesting" Secilly gestures at a darken. A sickly, violet haze encompasses a darken. CS: +558 - TD: +84 + CvA: +25 + d100: +74 == +573 Warding failed! The violet haze chaotically swirls around the darken, the tremendous force causing the victim to crumple inward upon itself! The darken is hit for 191 points of damage! The chill in the air fades.

A winged creature runs away from the mist, dodges behind Rekarth, and clings to the shelter of Rekarth's cloak for a moment before suddenly realizing that he is alive rather than being a convenient bush or tree. With a cry of fright, it leaps away from him and dodges into the shelter of the underbrush.

Prospera says, "Quite..." The chill in the air fades. Rekarth folds his arms over his chest with an air of superiority. Prospera says, "Breathtaking." You cock your head at Rekarth. Aramana begins chuckling at Rekarth! Rekarth blinks. Aramana says, "I think they like you." Rekarth surveys the area.

Shadows loom ominously before retreating.

A winged creature begins to ramble on and on in a tone of panicked anguish, though its words are utterly unintelligble to you.

You listen, but don't hear anything unusual. Secilly playfully says, "they are talking" You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.

A small winged creature stumbles backward, nearly tripping on a rock. Iluna begins pouting. Aramana says, "They seem to be speaking." Iluna asks, "they are?" Prospera looks thoughtfully at a winged creature. Aramana says, "Interesting." You say, "Panicking, more like..." Rekarth asks, "Would you be so kind as to speak something other than gibberish?" Iluna says, "Poor things" Rekarth raises an eyebrow. Aramana smirks. Daergard blushes and babbles a few incoherent words, looking sincerely flustered.

A winged creature keens miserably, wings trembling violently, and gathers some of the other winged creatures near to it to shelter them in its arms. It stares protectively over their heads despite its own trembling, watching the adventurers present with a mix of fear and defiance.

Prospera says, "Calm down, you're safe with us." Iluna asks, "can we go into the mist?" You say, "It does not seem so." Prospera looks over at Iluna and shakes her head.

A winged creature nods approvingly at the strangers through tears, but does not leave the protection of its own huddled arms.

Secilly playfully asks, "anyone mind if i sant?" Prospera says, "Good idea." Rekarth says, "I suspect that traveling through the mist would take you somewhere that you would likely prefer not to be."

A winged creature shudders.

You say, "I do not think they would mind." Iluna says, "don't hon" Prospera nods to Secilly. Rekarth glances at a shimmering mist crackling with static blue electrical discharges.

A winged creature shudders and squints its eyes up at the sky, a look of complete bafflement on its face as it studies the surroundings. After a moment, it seems to realize it isn't panicking, and promptly continues to do so.

Secilly playfully says, "ok i wont" Rekarth looks thoughtfully at a winged creature.

One of the bushes shakes violently nearby, though the wind is suspect - two diaphanous wings peek out from the leafy shelter.

Iluna says, "The poor things" Aramana squints.

A winged creature says something unintelligible in a low, reassuring tone to the other creatures near it, though its wings continue to shudder and jerk spasmodically.

You move a little closer to a winged creature, closely watching every movement. Rekarth says, "Curious creatures." Iluna says, "oh look this one is very small."

A small winged creature tries to wipe the tears from its eyes, but one good glance at the surroundings set it bawling again.

Rekarth says, "A bit strange-looking." Secilly peers quizzically at a winged creature.

A winged creature twitters its wings and shivers a bit.

Aramana asks, "Would you stop with that pitiful moaning?" Aramana glances at a winged creature. Rekarth says, "I wonder if they are intelligent." Philosilan clearly says, "kiramon type races" Iluna says, "sure it will"

A winged creature stares around warily.

Rekarth looks thoughtfully at a winged creature. Aramana says, "They look nothing like the kiramon, save for the..." Aramana raises an eyebrow. Rekarth nods to Aramana. Prospera says, "A sanctuary would be a good idea for the moment." Aramana says, "Maybe they are part kiramon. Some odd breeding experiment" You say, "Rather haggard..." Philosilan clearly says, "they're end up mating" Secilly gestures. A sense of peace and calm settles over the area. Philosilan leans on Aramana. Aramana says, "They look a bit like slyphs." Prospera says, "It would reassure them." Daergard says, "I ran into a few kiramon on my way here. What's left of em is on here." Daergard taps a naginata.

A winged creature turns to another winged creature and rasps, "Fhrii'lo bjendovar."

Rekarth says, "You give the insects far too much credit, I think." Rekarth nods to Aramana. You give your eyebrow a little workout.

A winged creature wraps a protective arm around several of the smaller creatures.

Aramana grins wryly.

A winged creature looks over towards a winged creature and nods.

Philosilan clearly asks, "bjendovar?" Philosilan clearly asks, "bendover?"

A winged creature takes a step backward and runs into a bush. A high, frightened yelp comes from its throat as it stumbles a few frightened steps forward, and then it apparently realizes its mistake and mutters something in an embarrassed fashion under its breath.

Secilly smiles at the winged creature. Rekarth says, "'Fhrii'lo bjendovar?'" Philosilan squints at a winged creature. Your face goes blank. Philosilan hoots. Rekarth raises an eyebrow. Prospera shrugs. Aramana says, "Sound like trolls." You say, "Not so much, no..." Prospera says, "Not a language I've ever heard." You look at Aramana and shake your head. Philosilan nods to Prospera.

A winged creature looks over towards Rekarth and nods.

Rekarth says, "No, trollish sounds far more gutteral."

A winged creature speaks clearly but unintelligibly to another winged creature.

Philosilan clearly says, "a tiny one" Secilly playfully says, "creatures where do you come from"

A winged creature points at Aramana. A winged creature points at Philosilan. A winged creature points at Secilly.

Aramana glances at a winged creature. Philosilan blinks. Aramana asks, "What?" Rekarth furrows his brow. Secilly waves to the winged creature. Philosilan clearly asks, "can I help you?" You calmly say, "Perhaps a bit of non-verbal communication..." Philosilan peers quizzically at a winged creature. Daergard points at a shimmering mist crackling with static blue electrical discharges. Aramana stands in front of a winged creature. Philosilan just edged a little closer to the creature!

A winged creature babbles quietly to another winged creature, looking wary but nonhostile.

Daergard says, "there prolly" Philosilan stands in front of a winged creature. Rekarth shakes his head. Secilly playfully says, "nonhostile" You glance at a shimmering mist crackling with static blue electrical discharges.

A small winged creature looks up at another creature between sobs and asks, "Eps'odil kerirol erp?"

Philosilan flails his arms about. Secilly smiles at the winged creature.

A winged creature says, "Drenlo. Drenlo wloso." A winged creature looks over towards a winged creature and nods.

Philosilan clearly says, "i dont understand this...." Secilly playfully says, "how can we help you" Aramana asks, "Drenlo?"

A winged creature reaches a frail hand carefully toward the mist, but jerks it back again quickly as lines of blue electricity crackle and snap toward its fingertips.

Philosilan falls over. Prospera says, "They're obviously upset and confused." Secilly playfully says, "im secilly" Philosilan stands up. Secilly playfully asks, "your name drenlo?" Philosilan clearly exclaims, "Im phil!" Daergard says, "They aren't from around here and this environment seems to frighten them immensly." You calmly say, "That mist... was a one-way passage." Prospera nods to you. You kneel down. Secilly playfully asks, "anyone have food?"

A winged creature softly tells a small winged creature, "Ajdhal ingterral khemet fi'yonthebe."

Prospera says, "To their dismay." Philosilan clearly asks, "mr. creature.. Your name Drenlo?" Secilly playfully says, "offer them food"

A winged creature squints closely around the area.

Gumpas says, "always" Gumpas smiles at Secilly. Caladrial softly says, "Gumpas has tarts" Rekarth put a bronze-chased wavy obsidian dagger in his grey suede boots. You calmly say, "Introductions... perhaps a good idea." Rekarth removes a kiramon mandible from in his rolaren chain satchel. Gumpas says, "shhhhhh" Philosilan nods to you. Aramana put a rolaren antler-hilted long-knife in her trimmed leather backpack. Aramana removes a glass of clear spring water from in her trimmed leather backpack. You tap yourself on the chest. Rekarth gazes thoughtfully at his kiramon mandible.

A winged creature motions toward the bushes, which shake with the fear of the winged creatures hiding there.

You calmly say, "Cappurnicus." You nod to the winged creature. Aramana taps a glass of clear spring water. Aramana says, "Water." Secilly playfully says, "We are elanthians, do you have knowledge of us" Philosilan taps himself on the chest. Aramana drops a glass of clear spring water. Rekarth put a kiramon mandible in his rolaren chain satchel.

A winged creature shakes its head at another winged creature and stands in front of the bushes.

Aramana just edged a little closer to the water! Gumpas taps himself on the chest. Gumpas says, "Gumpas" Secilly playfully says, "food , water is good" Prospera smiles quietly to herself. Philosilan taps himself on the chest. Secilly points at a glass of clear spring water. Philosilan clearly says, "Philosilan"

A small winged creature peeks at Secilly between the gaps in its fingers.

Aramana says, "Most things drink water." You nod.

A winged creature firmly says, "Teynkothethir sehnktarra mijo ser ahlantalanas kannis."

Philosilan grins at Secilly. Secilly grins at a winged creature. Secilly playfully says, "hiya you peeker" Philosilan clearly says, "ahlantalanas..." Secilly grins. Philosilan clearly says, "elanthians"

A winged creature pulls some of the branches closed to better conceal the winged creatures hiding in the bush.

You nod. Philosilan ponders. Philosilan sits down.

A small winged creature quickly covers its eyes again.

Gumpas removes a fresh lemon tart from in his tart satchel. Prospera glances around, looking a bit less confident. Gumpas taps a fresh lemon tart. Secilly playfully says, "is it too light in here" Philosilan clearly asks, "should we put our weapons away?"

A winged creature thumps itself on the chest in imitation and promptly collapses, gasping for breath.

Philosilan raises an eyebrow. Gumpas asks, "anyone?" Secilly traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition... Philosilan appears less confident. Rekarth looks thoughtfully at a winged creature.

A winged creature squints closely around, "Einnaventa ja'neunta, ebbinta klantei jar."

Caladrial softly says, "wish i could understand what its trying to say"

A winged creature winces as it looks at the fallen winged creature.

Rekarth says, "They don't seem terribly sturdy." Aramana says, "They don't seem to be too intimidated. They arent fleeing from us." Secilly playfully says, "is that better"

A winged creature says something unintelligible in a rather reproachful tone.

Secilly playfully asks, "who is fallen?" Prospera glances at a winged creature.

A small winged creature exclaims, "Junda elokklin preil!"

Caladrial softly says, "i'll put mine away" You calmly say, "They are a bit worn from their escape, it would seem." Aramana grins at Rekarth.

More of the winged creatures peer out from the surrounding foliage, frightened but warily curious.

Philosilan flails his arms about. Secilly playfully says, "mine been away" Caladrial softly says, "I dont want to frighten them" Philosilan nods to Caladrial. Philosilan put a midnight black falchion in his blue satchel. Philosilan slings a glistening sea-blue buckler over his shoulder. Rekarth smiles. Rekarth nods to Aramana. Secilly playfully says, "ah the small one is hurt" Aramana says, "Don't give them liquor." Gumpas put a translucent rainbow glaes flagon in his tart satchel. Gumpas gazes in wonder at his surroundings. Rekarth says, "It might kill them." Aramana says, "May harm them. Or scare them. Don't want that to happen." Rekarth glances at a winged creature. Secilly playfully says, "i dont know how to help you small one" Aramana smirks. Philosilan clearly says, "female" Caladrial softly says, "they are lovely" Philosilan clearly says, "the small one is a female" Gumpas ponders.

<< (Non-standard AC script) >> A fan-tailed hawk swoops low over the bushes, producing a cacophany of variously-pitched screams.

A winged creature puts its hand on a small winged creature's head, little more than the size of a halfling, and pushes it firmly into the bush again, giving a few sharp but incomprehensible words to a female winged creature near the small one in the bush. The female blushes and ducks back into the bush, whereupon the first winged creature resumes its wary stare over the area.

Philosilan gawks at a winged creature. Philosilan clearly exclaims, "be nice!" Prospera says, "She's protecting it." Philosilan removes a midnight black falchion from in his blue satchel. Philosilan slings a glistening sea-blue buckler off from over his shoulder. Rekarth says, "I am not certain that I would go that far, but they are certainly interesting-looking." Philosilan clearly says, "he's got a wary stare...." Gumpas says, "lets see here" Prospera says, "Or he is."

A small winged creature glances around nervously and asks, "Junda okwynneila inaia? Junda woskisillor tem sien?"

Aramana asks, "Maybe drop some herbs?" Rekarth gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Rekarth gestures. Some cactacae spine suddenly appears at your feet. Caladrial nods. Secilly removes some ambrominas leaf from in her suede trinket satchel.

A winged creature touches the small winged creature's shoulder lightly.

Aramana asks, "Acantha leaf or the like?" Caladrial gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Secilly drops some ambrominas leaf. Caladrial gestures. Some torban leaf suddenly appears at your feet. Caladrial gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Caladrial gestures. Some cactacae spine suddenly appears at your feet. You calmly ask, "Where was it injured?"

<< A bit more herb-growing. >> Secilly playfully says, "scratches it has" Philosilan clearly asks, "Mist?" Philosilan peers quizzically at a winged creature. Philosilan points at a shimmering mist crackling with static blue electrical discharges.

Queen Myasara's group just arrived.

[Wraithenmist, Forest Hollow] The trail winds around an ancient monir tree, its limbs covered in silvery-grey moss that has long since stolen the tree's ability to generate foliage of its own. The moss sways slightly in the breeze, giving the tree a ghostly appearance. You also see some torban leaf, some aloeas stem, some woth flower, some cactacae spine, some torban leaf, some ambrominas leaf, some cactacae spine, a glass of clear spring water, a fox that is sitting, a pale blue moonstone, a piece of rose quartz, a star sapphire, a green sapphire, some polished red coral, a spiderweb turquoise, a green errisian topaz, a deep red carbuncle, a pink topaz, a fan-tailed leaf hawk that is flying around, a winged creature, a winged creature, a winged creature, a small winged creature, a winged creature and a shimmering mist crackling with static blue electrical discharges. Also here: Scholar Meachreasim, Scholar Gwennelen, Guard Captain Vatheras, Guard Taidra, Guard Aorame, Guard Divis, Guard Sebandel, Renowned Lord Methais, Great Lady Kaprina, Great Lord Fizzan, Queen Myasara, Daergard, Gumpas, Lady Caladrial, Philosilan, Lady Aramana, Prospera, Lord Rekarth, High Lady Secilly Obvious paths: south, southeast

Philosilan gasps. You stand back up. Meachreasim says in Elven, "Messy out here." Meachreasim sniffs. Fizzan quietly says in Elven, "Bloody..." Aramana raises an eyebrow. Prospera furrows her brow. Gwennelen says in Elven, "Indeed" You take a few steps back. Methais glances at a winged creature. Philosilan bows to Myasara. Rekarth bows to Myasara.

A winged creature sobs.

You bow to Myasara. Aramana says in Elven, "What on earth.." Fizzan nods to Philosilan in greeting.

You see Myasara Illistim of House Illistim. She appears to be ageless. A soft cloud of wavy black hair hangs nearly to her waist and is pulled back slightly by the slender sapphire and silver circlet upon her head, exposing her high cheekbones and delicate ears. Her bare feet peek from beneath the silvery hem of her gown. Her brilliant blue-grey eyes return your gaze unblinkingly. She is holding a bejewelled silver sceptre in her right hand. She is wearing a glimmering grey silk shawl accented with tiny silver beadwork, a long flowing sapphire velvet gown embroidered with tiny glimmering silvery stars along the trailing skirts and an engraved silver circlet inset with dark shimmarglin sapphires and pale blue diamonds.

You see Guard Captain Vatheras the Guardian of House Illistim. He appears to be an Illistim Elf. He appears to be mature and tall. He has steely deep blue eyes and flawlessly tanned skin. He has long, wavy deep golden blonde hair that falls to his shoulders in perfect waves. He is in good shape. He is holding a basket-hilted silvery steel longsword in his right hand and a brilliantly polished silver shield in his left hand. He is wearing a dark sapphire blue leather cape edged in silver thread, a silver-edged deep sapphire surcoat, a high-collared crisp silver cotton shirt adorned with sapphire blue buttons, some shiny silver breastplate, a silver-edged black leather pouch, a sapphire studded black leather sheath, some silver buttoned dark sapphire blue pants, and some cuffed black leather boots.

You see Guard Taidra. She appears to be an Illistim Elf. She appears to be very young and taller than average. She has deep-set blue-grey eyes and tanned skin. She has shoulder length, braided grey-brown hair worn in a single braid. She has a bony face, a broken nose and thin-tipped pointed ears. She is in good shape. She is holding a basket-hilted silvery steel longsword in her right hand and a brilliantly polished silver shield in her left hand. She is wearing a dark sapphire blue leather cape edged in silver thread, a silver-edged deep sapphire surcoat, a high-collared crisp silver cotton shirt adorned with sapphire blue buttons, some shiny silver breastplate, a silver-edged black leather pouch, a sapphire studded black leather sheath, some silver buttoned dark sapphire blue pants, and some cuffed black leather boots.

You see Guard Aorame. She appears to be an Illistim Elf. She appears to be very young and average height. She has piercing crystal blue eyes and fair skin. She has long, wavy dark blonde hair worn in a bun. She has an angular face and thin pointed ears. She is in good shape. She is holding a basket-hilted silvery steel longsword in her right hand and a brilliantly polished silver shield in her left hand. She is wearing a dark sapphire blue leather cape edged in silver thread, a silver-edged deep sapphire surcoat, some shiny silver breastplate, a high-collared crisp silver cotton shirt adorned with sapphire blue buttons, a silver-edged black leather pouch, a sapphire studded black leather sheath, some silver buttoned dark sapphire blue pants, and some cuffed black leather boots.

You see Guard Divis. He appears to be an Illistim Elf. He appears to be senescent and tall. He has almond-shaped stormy grey eyes and tanned skin. He has long, flowing platinum hair worn in a ponytail. He has a gaunt face, an aquiline nose and tall upswept pointed ears. He is in good shape. He is holding a basket-hilted silvery steel longsword in his right hand and a brilliantly polished silver shield in his left hand. He is wearing some cuffed black leather boots, some silver buttoned dark sapphire blue pants, a sapphire studded black leather sheath, a silver-edged black leather pouch, a high-collared crisp silver cotton shirt adorned with sapphire blue buttons, some shiny silver breastplate, a silver-edged deep sapphire surcoat, and a dark sapphire blue leather cape edged in silver thread.

You see Guard Sebandel. He appears to be an Illistim Elf. He appears to be mature. He has pale blue eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder length, tied back dark blonde hair. He has a classical nose and thin-tipped pointed ears. He is in good shape. He is holding a basket-hilted silvery steel longsword in his right hand and a brilliantly polished silver shield in his left hand. He is wearing a dark sapphire blue leather cape edged in silver thread, a silver-edged deep sapphire surcoat, some shiny silver breastplate, a high-collared crisp silver cotton shirt adorned with sapphire blue buttons, a silver-edged black leather pouch, a sapphire studded black leather sheath, some silver buttoned dark sapphire blue pants, and some cuffed black leather boots.

You see Scholar Meachreasim Illistim. He appears to be an Illistim Elf. He appears to be ancient and tall. He has piercing violet eyes and ivory skin. He has long, flowing silver hair with a white streak running through it. He has a narrow face, an aquiline nose and thin pointed ears. He is in good shape. He is wearing a sapphire blue medallion embossed with a silver scroll, some long silver-threaded white robes with sapphire accents, and some supple white leather boots.

Myasara glances at a shimmering mist crackling with static blue electrical discharges.

Gumpas blinks. Philosilan turns towards Fizzan and renders a sharp salute with his black falchion.

Aorame slowly scans the area with her eyes, barely moving her form in the process. Divis slowly scans the area with his eyes, barely moving his form in the process. Taidra slowly scans the area with her eyes, barely moving her form in the process.

Myasara asks in Elven, "Meachreasim, have you ever seen anything such as this?" Meachreasim says in Elven, "Her majesty, Queen Myasara is here to investigate this disruption."

A small winged creature stumbles back as it notices the larger crowd. Vatheras gives the creatures a harsh, studying look.

A winged creature glances with startlement at the approaching group and ducks behind the tree again.

Meachreasim squints. A winged creature looks warily on the newcomers, muttering "Drago lo'vrashdikoth."

Gumpas says, "hmmmm" Secilly smiles at the winged creature. Aorame glances at a winged creature. Aramana asks in Elven, "You came yourself, out here? Why?" Meachreasim says in Elven, "A magical mist of some sort." Aramana raises an eyebrow in Myasara's direction. Meachreasim gazes thoughtfully at the shimmering mist.

A winged creature takes up a wary stance in front of a suspiciously moving bush. A few diaphanous wingtips can be seen protruding from the bush in odd places.

Gumpas says, "you know...they have the same colors of some gems" Rekarth says in Elven, "These creatures appear to have fled the kiramon through this mist." Myasara says in Elven, "Curiosity." Sebandel sharply stands at attention. You nod. Daergard says, "well, it's obvious these few are protecting the lil ones in the bush" Meachreasim asks in Elven, "Through the mist you say?" Fizzan quietly asks, "Do they speak any of our languages?" Philosilan looks over at Fizzan and shakes his head. You calmly say in Elven, "It does not appear so."

A small winged creature squeaks out, "Apinla d'akrin."

Secilly playfully says, "someone good do a search please"

A string of "Janti hunten drago likaminatan" comes from behind the monir tree.

Philosilan clearly says, "a very rare language" Fizzan quietly says, "Well..." Gumpas searches around for a moment. Fizzan coughs. Secilly playfully says, "see if anything out there" Prospera looks over at Fizzan and shakes her head. Fizzan quietly says, "My language would be the oldest." Fizzan grins wryly. Rekarth nods to Meachreasim. Philosilan clearly says, "wow.. look at all these guards....." Rekarth says in Elven, "Most curious." Philosilan cowers.

Meachreasim appears to study the creatures in great detail.

(Secilly offers the water to the winged creatures) Sebandel glances at Philosilan.

Aorame takes a few steps to her left. Vatheras gives Meachreasim a strange, slow look for but a second, then continues to study the creatures for a moment before surveying the area.

Aorame sharply stands at attention. Methais searches around for a moment. Philosilan glances at Sebandel.

A winged creature casts around for a moment before picking up a fallen monir branch. Although silvery moss covers part of the branch, it still seems sturdy enough, and the creature holds it with a two-handed grip that might readily be seen as threatening.

Myasara exchanges quiet conversation with Scholar Gwennelen, gesturing towards the mist. Meachreasim raises an eyebrow. Taidra slowly scans the area with her eyes, barely moving her form in the process.

Gumpas begins to twitch. Caladrial softly says, "i think they are getting frightened" Meachreasim asks in Elven, "Are they threatening us Captain?"

A winged creature trembles violently, its wingtips fluttering and bobbing as it clings to its stick.

Kaprina squints. Gwennelen nods to Myasara. You calmly say, "I believe our numbers are a bit... overwhelming." Prospera says, "Now, now." Secilly playfully says, "weapons away" Caladrial nods to you. Aorame glances at a winged creature. Gumpas sits down. Prospera says, "We're frightening them." Fizzan sits down. Caladrial kneels down. Vatheras says in Elven, "Guards. Set up a perimeter. We do not need to be meeting any of the more darker denizens of this forest." Secilly playfully says, "no need for weapons in this sanctuary" Fizzan moves to a kneeling position.

A small winged creature shivers noticeably in the night air, trying to pull its tattered rags protectively around it.

Philosilan clearly asks, "you related to those krolvin?" Philosilan peers quizzically at Sebandel. Rekarth blinks. Meachreasim says in Elven, "What odd looking creatures." You calmly say, "These creatures have fled the kiramon, kin to those which inhabit the caves out the west Postern Gate." Prospera says, "You're not going to take them." Fizzan coughs. Rekarth nods to Meachreasim.

A winged creature takes a step backward toward the bush, but does not turn its fear-widened eyes away from the elves, humans, and other assembled people around it. Aorame takes a few steps back.

Myasara says in Elven, "They seem to be in poor condition." Meachreasim nods to you. Fizzan quietly says, "Someone loan the thing a cloak." Rekarth says in Elven, "Quite." Caladrial nods to Myasara. Thaxius's group just arrived. Vatheras says in Elven, "Very poor. One wonders what they were doing in the company of kiramon." Secilly playfully says, "how can we help you" Thaxius squints at a winged creature. Philosilan clearly says, "mating" Meachreasim asks in Elven, "They have spoken some of you say?" Secilly smiles at the winged creature. Philosilan nods to Vatheras.

The few bushes on the left side of the trail shake occasionally as a few whispered unintelligible words drift into the air.

Secilly playfully says, "i think one is named"

Vatheras gives Philosilan a reproachful look.

Prospera says, "No, they weren't." Meachreasim raises an eyebrow in Secilly's direction. Rekarth says in Elven, "Yes, they have babbled something in whatever tongue they speak."

A small winged creature trembles.

Thaxius nods to Bulrabye. Philosilan cowers. Aramana folds her arms over her chest. Methais furrows his brow. Fizzan shifts his eyes to Myasara. Myasara asks, "Meachreasim, is there anything in the libraries discussing such a creature as these?" Secilly playfully says, "We are elanthians, do you have knowledge of us" Caladrial stands up. Secilly peers quizzically at a winged creature. Vatheras says in Elven, "I do suggest you not let your mind wander into such places among royalty." You raise an eyebrow in Meachreasim's direction. Caladrial curtsies to Myasara. Meachreasim says in Elven, "Not to me immediate recollection."

With a final shuddering crackle the mist seems to lose its coherence, dissolving rapidly into a fog that settles to the ground.

Rekarth says, "'Drago lo'vrashdikoth' comes to mind." Caladrial sits down. Philosilan grins smugly. Rekarth says, "Or something that sounded like that." Meachreasim says in Elven, "I shall of course have to do some research." Aramana says, "And Drenlo." Secilly playfully says, "the mist is gone" Prospera asks, "In the library?" Myasara gazes thoughtfully at the creatures. Aramana says, "Drenlo something." Rekarth nods to Aramana.

A winged creature quickly steps away from the spreading mist, tightening its grip on its mossy monir stick.

Meachreasim asks in Elven, "Did anyone see the mist arrive here?" Rekarth says in Elven, "They appear to be intelligent, more or less." Meachreasim raises an eyebrow.

A winged creature whimpers.

Myasara blinks. You calmly say in Elven, "I believe that light was the signal of its arrival." Myasara says, "My." Prospera says, "I rarely come out here." Fizzan gazes in amusement at a winged creature. Meachreasim asks in Elven, "But you did not witness it?" Meachreasim raises an eyebrow in your direction. Rekarth says in Elven, "I saw only the glow from the forest. Cappurnicus was amongst the first here, I believe."

Taidra slowly scans the area with her eyes, barely moving her form in the process.

Philosilan clearly says, "i guess not.." You calmly say in Elven, "Not from near, no."

pleadingly asks, "Junda gruins'lonarvip ilnoa?"

Secilly playfully asks, "drenlo?" Meachreasim nods to Rekarth. Vatheras says in Elven, "The guards in the towers spoke of seeing strange lights. That would likely be the herald of its arrival." Gwennelen asks in Elven, "Perhaps we can take one to study more closely?" Secilly playfully says, "is one named drenlo amoung you" Rekarth nods to Vatheras.

Aorame slowly scans the area with her eyes, barely moving her form in the process. A winged creature gathers two young winged creatures behind it and pushes them gently toward the shelter of the bush that several others of its kind seem already to have taken.

You calmly say in Elven, "When I arrived, I noted the creatures being pursued by the kiramon, all spilling from the portal." Meachreasim says in Elven, "This will need a full investigation your majesty." Meachreasim nods to you. Gwennelen nods to Meachreasim.

Myasara crosses the clearing, approaching one of the winged creatures.

Meachreasim asks in Elven, "But no hint as to the source of the portal?" You shake your head. Secilly playfully says, "where is that bush they are hiding in" Fizzan quietly asks, "These are all that have come?" Fizzan raises an eyebrow.

A winged creature scratches its head at the strange sounds it hears.

Gwennelen says in Elven, "Be careful my Queen" Prospera says, "Please, move cautiously." You calmly say in Elven, "These may not have been the only ones to have come out." Myasara says, "I think many are hiding. There are many dark places in this forest." Meachreasim nods to Gwennelen. Meachreasim says in Elven, "Do not get too close." Bulrabye peers quizzically at a winged creature. Prospera says, "They're still edgy." Myasara says, "They do not seem dangerous to me..." Meachreasim asks in Elven, "The creatures have not threatened any of you?" You calmly say in Elven, "They are merely defensive." Daergard looks over at Myasara and shakes his head. Philosilan shakes his head.

Myasara tilts her head slightly.

Gwennelen says in Elven, "But they are ... unwashed" You look at Meachreasim and shake your head. Secilly playfully says, "no not at all" Myasara sighs. Philosilan looks over at Myasara and shakes his head. Secilly playfully says, "they are peaceful" Rekarth says in Elven, "Not that I have noted. One can never be too careful, however." Meachreasim nods to Gwennelen. Philosilan clearly says, "so far" Meachreasim says in Elven, "Quite a stench." Philosilan nods to Secilly. Philosilan sniffs. Philosilan flinches. Gwennelen nods to Meachreasim. Myasara says, "Yes, they are that. Still, they seem harmless enough, and I do hate to see any creature suffer." Gumpas shrugs. Gumpas ponders.

Taidra slowly scans the area with her eyes, barely moving her form in the process.

Gwennelen nods to Myasara. You calmly say, "Indeed."

A winged creature leans its head into its mother's side and cries piteously. A small winged creature clutches protectively to the leg of another winged creature.

Vatheras says in Elven, "They seem to have gone through a rather terrifying ordeal. If their heels were indeed being nipped at by pursuing kiramon..." Thaxius says in Elven, "Very kind of you to consider that, your majestry."

A winged creature stares up at Myasara, seeming briefly transfixed, and then scuttles quickly backward, giving a sharp, keening cry. Several of the creatures duck deeper into the bush in response.

Vatheras says in Elven, "They're very lucky to be alive." Prospera nods to Vatheras. Myasara says, "Captain Vatheras." Gwennelen says in Elven, "Very lucky" Vatheras asks in Elven, "Your Grace?"

Myasara glances over her shoulder towards the Captain. Vatheras stands tall and alert.

Meachreasim says in Elven, "Gwennelen, we shall have to go back over all of our kiramon records when we return to the city." Myasara says, "Please see to it that these creatures are fed and receive some empathic attention. I believe they are in sore need of both." Rekarth says in Elven, "All in rags..." Rekarth ponders. Thaxius gazes up into the sky. You give your eyebrow a little workout.

Divis slowly scans the area with his eyes, barely moving his form in the process.

Caladrial softly says, "very kind of you, your grace" Vatheras says in Elven, "Of course, Your Majesty." Caladrial nods. Meachreasim says in Elven, "Yes, and clean them up a bit if you can too." Gwennelen says in Elven, "Aye, this is indeed a curious thing worthy of our attention"

Vatheras dips into a graceful bow and turns around sharply on his heel.

(Secilly offers some healing leaf to the young creature) Philosilan clearly exclaims, "tis why we all here!" Bulrabye says in Elven, "I see kiramon often." Bulrabye says in Elven, "I would gladly help study them." Aramana glances at a glass of clear spring water. Vatheras exclaims in Elven, "Guards! Bring in supplies, medicine and construct a suitable shelter!" Secilly playfully says, "it is safe" Vatheras exclaims in Elven, "Hop to it!" Taidra sharply stands at attention. Caladrial nods to the winged creature. Methais snaps his fingers. Methais snaps his fingers. Myasara says, "Yes, they are quite curious. I've never seen any creature like them... even filthy as they are, their wings are quite beautiful." Aorame sharply stands at attention. Rekarth shrugs. Caladrial softly says, "it is safe" Sebandel snaps smartly to attention! Caladrial softly says, "those are for you"

A winged creature speaks quickly and sharply to a small winged creature in an unintelligible language as it points at the herbs.

Daergard nods. You nod.

A winged creature shakes its head firmly at a small winged creature. A small winged creature blinks.

Secilly frowns at a winged creature. Gwennelen nods to Myasara. Meachreasim asks in Elven, "Have these creatures indicated they possess more than rudimentary intelligence?" (Thaxius pushes the water towards the winged creatures and takes a couple steps back.) Prospera says, "Well.." Aramana says, "Is it best to do such things here? The kiramon may simply come back and destroy it all."

A winged creature leans over and whispers sharply to another creature standing next to it, then glances warily at the group before them.

A small winged creature asks, "Junda olartiwil apzon'rissiq?"

You say in Elven, "They speak, they communicate, they care for their fallen..." Rekarth says in Elven, "They speak. I have seen them tend one another's wounds."

A winged creature glances at the water.

Philosilan clearly says, "Ill take care of those kiramon" Philosilan nods to Aramana. Aramana nods to the winged creature. Philosilan marches back and forth, sharply turning at the end of each stride. Meachreasim cocks his head at a winged creature. Bulrabye says in Elven, "They are taking cover." Aramana says, "Drink it." Prospera says, "They appear to have a complex language." Methais leans forward on his thanot walking stick, listening intently. Secilly playfully says, "teh creatures speak and cummonicate quite well amoung themselves i would say they are quite intelligent" Bulrabye says in Elven, "That is intelligent." Meachreasim nods to Rekarth. Rekarth says in Elven, "They make use of rudimentary clothing." Gwennelen says in Elven, "They run well, from all I've heard" Meachreasim nods to Prospera. Myasara says, "Perhaps they will be an interesting study. And they do seem to be somewhat intelligent, for such a beast." (Gumpas repeats 'rissiq)

A winged creature pushes the flagon of water away, shivering sharply, and then straightens back up again as it steps back to take up a guarding position in front of the others.

Meachreasim begins chortling at Gwennelen.

Divis slowly scans the area with his eyes, barely moving his form in the process.

You say, "The portal is no more..." Secilly playfully says, "they also display intelligence by being frightened by this mass of ruble" Meachreasim nods to Myasara. Aramana glances at a winged creature. You say, "I do not believe the kiramon will be coming through that particular entry." Philosilan marches back and forth, sharply turning at the end of each stride. A winged creature takes a piece of torban leaf, rubbing it between its finger and thumb and sniffing curiously, before dropping it in dismay. Philosilan frowns at a winged creature. Rekarth rolls his eyes.

Taidra slowly scans the area with her eyes, barely moving her form in the process.

Meachreasim says, "Our guards can handle any incursions." Vatheras says in Elven, "As long as they pose no threat to the beauty of our lands." Secilly playfully says, "we need to be welcoming them as guests" (Philosilan nudges the leaf towards the small creature.) Meachreasim asks, "Guests?" Meachreasim sniffs.

A winged creature pushes the leaf away with the tip of its monir stick and glares reproachfully. A small winged creature cowers and retreats at all the attention.

Prospera says, "We have no reason to assume otherwise." Meachreasim moves a little closer to a winged creature, closely watching every movement. Philosilan leans softly against Secilly. Secilly playfully says, "they have fled horrible monsters and i dont see any way for their return home"

A winged creature speaks clearly and sharply in an unintelligible language as it stands guard over a small winged creature.

Myasara says, "Meachreasim, Gwennelen, you are to stay here and study the beasts for a few days. Report your findings to me before the moon swells full." Secilly playfully asks, "do you?" Methais says in Elven, "I think they want real food, not those horrible tasting herbs." Meachreasim bows to Myasara. Secilly playfully says, "we need to welome them" Caladrial nods. Gwennelen nods to Myasara.

A winged creature says a few soft, reassuring words to a young creature, though it does not relax its wary stance.

Meachreasim says, "As you wish your majesty." Gwennelen says in Elven, "As you command, My Queen"

A winged creature stares in almost fascination at the fox sitting near.

The red fox digs into the ground looking for something. Gwennelen curtsies to Myasara. Aramana pets Methais's fox.

Taidra slowly scans the area with her eyes, barely moving her form in the process. The fox looks at Aramana with confusion.

Thaxius smiles at Zorcous. Daergard cocks his head. Secilly playfully asks, "creature do the Pets we have frighten you?" Gumpas glances at Gwennelen. Secilly points at a fox. Zorcous drops a fresh cherry tart. The red fox raises its ears.

Aorame slowly scans the area with her eyes, barely moving her form in the process. Methais pets his fox. Daergard pets Methais's fox. Methais nods to the fox. Methais says, "No need to worry." Gwennelen raises an eyebrow in Gumpas's direction.

A small winged creature sadly says, "Ghoranik junda wo..."

Philosilan pets Methais's fox. Secilly playfully says, "they are harmless and helpful" Philosilan clearly exclaims, "purr fox, purr!" (Zorcous pushes the fresh tart towards the creatures) Thaxius asks in Elven, " about simple communication?" Myasara says, "I will return to the city. Captain, I leave this situation in your capable hands." Methais turns an inquisitive ear towards a winged creature.

A small winged creature sniffs back tears.

Vatheras nods to Myasara.

A winged creature says, "Texlakele."

Caladrial stands up.

A winged creature shakes its head.

Gumpas nods to Gwennelen. Meachreasim asks, "Does anyone else have anything of interest to report on what they have observed?" (Thaxius stands in front of a winged creature and taps himself on the chest.) You bow to Myasara. Vatheras says in Elven, "Of course, Your Majesty." Thaxius says, "Thaxius." Rekarth bows to Myasara. Meachreasim bows to Myasara. Bulrabye points at a winged creature. Daergard ponders. Aorame places a hand over her heart. Gwennelen curtsies to Myasara. Aorame bows to Myasara. Gumpas looks over at Meachreasim and shakes his head. Philosilan bows to Myasara. Prospera says, "The kiramon were retreating when I arrived." Secilly playfully asks, "can we ask the pets to move next door as a gesture of good faith?" Rekarth says in Elven, "Nothing that I have not already related, I believe." Aorame sharply stands at attention. Caladrial kneels down.

Vatheras makes a sweeping bow toward Myasara, then turns on his heel and goes about barking various orders. Meachreasim nods slowly, watching the creatures all the while. A few of the guards break off and begin to set up a large green tent in the clearing. Myasara signals for a few guardsmen to follow, and departs through the trees. A winged creature looks at the water with unmistakable longing, then glances back at the older males with an eyebrow raised. Queen Myasara just went south. A winged creature says, "Keyantemir velash mirrtilimirae sal tebas mirak torrnin sula sendirki melias temian tegado zykandeterisa." Sebandel marches south. A small winged creature shivers.

Meachreasim squints at a winged creature. Philosilan sits down. Philosilan clearly says, "study that...." Bulrabye squints at a winged creature. Philosilan flails his arms about. Meachreasim says, "Hmm..." You ponder the meaning of a winged creature's existence. Gwennelen says in Elven, "Perhaps after they are cleaned up a bit and that wide-eyed look of terror leaves them we can learn more of them" Secilly playfully asks, "anyone working on the language?" Gwennelen nods to Meachreasim. Gumpas turns an inquisitive ear towards a winged creature. Meachreasim nods to Gwennelen. Prospera nods to Gwennelen. Bulrabye squints at a winged creature. Secilly smiles at the winged creature. Aramana smirks. Meachreasim says, "They do appear to be intelligent enough to have a language." Rekarth points at a flagon of spring water.

Several elves begin setting up a large green tent.

Rekarth says, "Water." Meachreasim says, "We shall have to study that as well." Rekarth nods to the winged creature.

A winged creature says, in a clear, inquisitive tone, "Chela?" Nevertheless, despite its apparent curiosity, it does not put down its mossy monir stick.

You remove a leaf-embossed dark leather journal from in your grimy leather backpack. Fizzan rubs his chin thoughtfully. Sebandel marches in. Sebandel nods. Philosilan clearly says, "hmmm" Philosilan clearly says, "chela" You carefully open a leaf-embossed dark leather journal. Gwennelen says in Elven, "We can try out a few of our new techniques" You remove a russet-hued raptor feather quill from in your dark leather journal. Caladrial softly asks, "water?" Philosilan clearly asks, "the small creature name is chela?" Prospera says, "Can't blame them for being on guard." You turn the page in your dark leather journal. You turn the page in your dark leather journal. Fizzan traces the lines of his symbol of Fash'lo'nae. Secilly playfully asks, "chela?"

A winged creature says, "Chela tyblago du'qr."

Meachreasim says, "We will have an expert in languages assist us in our studies." Philosilan nods to Secilly. Philosilan nods to Secilly. You rub your chin thoughtfully. Secilly playfully says, "nice to meet you chela" Fizzan points at a winged creature. Fizzan points at a tattooed symbol of Fash'lo'nae. (Gumpas sputters out the word Chela, not doing it justice.) You glance at a winged creature. Fizzan raises an eyebrow. Gwennelen says in Elven, "We will learn more away from the crowd" You idly scrawl something on a page in your dark leather journal. Gwennelen nods to Meachreasim. Philosilan clearly says, "chela sounds like a females name"

[Wraithenmist, Forest Hollow] The trail winds around an ancient monir tree, its limbs covered in silvery-grey moss that has long since stolen the tree's ability to generate foliage of its own. The moss sways slightly in the breeze, giving the tree a ghostly appearance. You also see the Bulrabye coffin, a large green tent, a fox that is sitting, a cheese-covered breadstick, a fresh cherry tart, some basal moss, some ambrominas leaf, some calamia fruit, some wolifrew lichen, a flagon of spring water, some ambrominas leaf, a glass of clear spring water, a pale blue moonstone, some torban leaf, some aloeas stem, some woth flower, some cactacae spine, some torban leaf, some cactacae spine, a fox that is sitting, a piece of rose quartz, a star sapphire, a green sapphire, some polished red coral, a spiderweb turquoise, a green errisian topaz, a deep red carbuncle, a pink topaz, a fan-tailed leaf hawk that is flying around, a winged creature, a winged creature, a winged creature, a small winged creature and a winged creature. Also here: Lord Bulrabye, Guard Sebandel, Tsin, Zorcous, Thaxius, Scholar Meachreasim, Scholar Gwennelen, Guard Captain Vatheras, Guard Taidra, Guard Aorame, Guard Divis, Great Lord Fizzan who is kneeling, Daergard, Gumpas who is sitting, Lady Caladrial who is kneeling, Philosilan who is sitting, Lady Aramana, Prospera, Lord Rekarth, High Lady Secilly Obvious paths: south, southeast

A winged creature looks over towards Gwennelen and nods.

Philosilan points at a small winged creature. You turn the page in your dark leather journal. Rekarth says in Elven, "Undoubtedly." Philosilan bows to the winged creature. Bulrabye nods to Gwennelen. You make a drawing motion at the dark leather journal. Philosilan stands up. You idly sketch something on a page in your dark leather journal.

A winged creature says, "Ikatrelie junda mor'deqin sei balashae." Aorame slowly scans the area with her eyes, barely moving her form in the process.

Secilly playfully says, "they speak elvin" Gwennelen says in Elven, "ah, this one understood" Philosilan clearly asks in Elven, "do they?" Meachreasim raises an eyebrow. Secilly playfully says, "id say thats smarter then half here" Bulrabye asks in Elven, "You do?" Gumpas squints at Secilly.

A small winged creature asks, "Essula nor?" With military quickness and precision the guards finish erecting the field tent, pulling the nearly camouflage green canvas taunt and kicking in spikes with their boots.

Bulrabye peers quizzically at a winged creature. Gumpas asks, "Why speak elven?"

The tent is very large, and is guarded by stern looking Elven soldiers. Long silver banners flutter from the top of the tent. You carefully inspect a large green tent. Gumpas coughs. Prospera asks, "What?" Gumpas smiles at Secilly. Philosilan clearly says in Elven, "Nor"

A winged creature tries to make a strange sign toward Gwennelen, then breaks down into fits of ragged coughing.

Secilly grins at Gumpas. Philosilan gasps. Thaxius frowns. Aramana glances at a winged creature. Meachreasim asks, "Captain, can you somehow herd these creatures into the tent?" You give your eyebrow a little workout. Vatheras says in Elven, "I'll...see what I can do." Gumpas squints at Caladrial. Caladrial softly says in Elven, "offer them food" Fizzan furrows his brow. Thaxius says, "Captain." Caladrial softly says in Elven, "perhaps that would help" Kaitara nods to Thaxius in greeting. Secilly playfully says, "we tried to offer them food" Prospera says, "They're probably brought some horrid strain of some foreign disease we've never known as well."

A winged creature rubs a winged creature's back reassuringly between the bases of its wings.

Secilly playfully asks, "try again though?" Vatheras exclaims in Elven, "Guards! Escort these creatures into the tent, and be gentle about it! Do not make any sudden movements!" Secilly frowns at Prospera.

A small winged creature sneezes violently as it continues to shiver. Taidra sharply stands at attention. Aorame sharply stands at attention.

Methais says, "There's some strange shimmering fungus to the southwest of here. Anyone know anything about it? I've never seen anything like it before." Aorame glances at a winged creature. Bulrabye says, "They ignore my offers." You say, "Be careful with it." You nod to Methais. Sebandel glances at a winged creature. Philosilan clearly says in Elven, "there's a few around" Philosilan nods to Methais. You say, "They tend to... multiply." You say, "And explode." Aorame takes a few steps to her left. Gumpas says, "get some of it and see if they recognize it" Divis glances at a large green tent. Taidra leans to her left slightly. Methais chuckles. Gumpas says, "explode? well, nevermind then" Gumpas coughs. Sebandel shows a winged creature his silvery steel longsword. Philosilan clearly says in Elven, "can't grab it" Gwennelen nods to Meachreasim. Methais says, "I can't seem to pick it up. It's too slick to get a grip on it." Secilly glances at Sebandel. Aorame stares at Sebandel. Sebandel put a basket-hilted silvery steel longsword in his studded leather sheath.

Vatheras picks up a glass of water and raises it above his head, pointing at it while making a few soothing noises in the creature's general direction.

Sebandel nods to the winged creature. Secilly nods.

Vatheras points to the tent, then back to the water, nodding to the creatures. Meachreasim appears to be trying hard not to grin. A winged creature wraps an arm over the shoulders of a shivering winged creature, but its tattered robes do not seem to make very good blanketing.

Caladrial nods to Vatheras. Caladrial grins.

A winged creature squints at Vatheras warily.

Aorame strides a few steps forward. Meachreasim says, "Very good Captain." Methais moves a little closer to a winged creature, closely watching every movement. Caladrial softly says in Elven, "a blanket perhaps" Gwennelen says in Elven, "Please be gentle with them, they have been through much already" Fizzan stands up. Philosilan trudges up to a large green tent.

A winged creature points at Vatheras's longsword, then raises its stick. A small winged creature asks, "Iso?"

Aorame put a basket-hilted silvery steel longsword in her studded leather sheath. Taidra walks to stand behind a winged creature. Divis inquires, "Shall I offer one of them my cape, Captain?" Philosilan clearly exclaims in Elven, "Iso!" Vatheras stares off into space.

A winged creature squints closely at Vatheras.

Aorame shifts her weight. Vatheras nods to Sebandel.

A winged creature makes a great show of setting its stick slowly down, and then looks around warily. A small winged creature blinks.

Philosilan nods to the winged creature. Aorame picks up a fresh cherry tart. Vatheras put a basket-hilted silvery steel longsword in his studded leather sheath. Aorame glances at a fresh cherry tart. (Bulrabye nudges a cheese-covered breadstick towards a winged creature.) Aorame shows a winged creature her cherry tart. Philosilan clearly says in Elven, "Safe" Daergard says, "put your weapons away if ye haven't already folks" Philosilan nods to the winged creature. Aramana holds up her hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture. Philosilan put a midnight black falchion in his blue satchel.

A winged creature makes a quiet, relieved noise, and its wingtips flutter violently. Sebandel slowly offers one of the winged creatures his hand. Kaitara put a fel-hafted silver alloy warmace in her leopard pelt sheath. Thaxius slings a deep blue veniom-bound war-bow over his shoulder. Prospera put a black steel dagger in her lavender shawl. Vatheras asks, "There. See?"

A winged creature jerks its hand away from Sebandel's, looking frightened. Aorame slings a brilliantly polished silver shield over her shoulder. One of the young male creatures takes up some of the water, drinks a bit, and dashes into the tent. The other winged creatures gasp in dismay.

Taidra slings a brilliantly polished silver shield over her shoulder. Sebandel frowns. You nod. Secilly playfully says, "yes" Sebandel slings a brilliantly polished silver shield over his shoulder. Thaxius beams! Taidra strides a few steps forward. Secilly beams!

A small winged creature blinks.

Gumpas smiles. Daergard nods. Meachreasim says, "Gwennelen, let us retire to the tent and begin discussing how we shall go about this." Caladrial softly says in Elven, "aww they are tired and hungry" Zorcous says, "perhaps we should sit down to show we mean them no harm" Thaxius just edged a little closer to the water! Gwennelen nods to Meachreasim.

Vatheras takes a piece of food up from one of the sacks on the ground, displays it clearly to the creatures, then walks into the tent, leaving empty-handed. A winged creature gives a loud cry of fright and hurries after the young male creature, ducking into the tent in its fear for the other winged creature. Vatheras nods emphatically toward the creatures. Meachreasim enters the large tent. (Gumpas looks at zorcus from a sitting position)

A winged creature screws up its courage and runs into the tent.

Taidra glances at a large green tent. Sebandel kneels down. Gwennelen enters the large tent.

Vatheras mouths slowly, "Gooooo. Innnn."

Sebandel nods to the winged creature. Philosilan clearly asks in Elven, "what was that mist?" Taidra strides a few steps toward a winged creature. Vatheras nods to the winged creature. You calmly say, "That's right..." Bulrabye says, "No threat at all."

A small winged creature exclaims, "Porbialwey! Iso aghortink!"

Prospera says, "Seems curiosity is a strong trait among them." Sebandel smiles at the winged creature.

A winged creature screeches and scurries into the tent. A small winged creature runs into the tent. A winged creature glances at the other creatures walking into the tent, its mouth slightly ajar.

Taidra nods to the winged creature. Taidra points at a large green tent. You say, "The mist was the portal from which the creatures and the kiramon emerged." Caladrial grins. Rekarth chuckles. Bulrabye waves to the winged creature. Philosilan nods to the winged creature. Secilly playfully says, "go its safe" Sebandel nods. Philosilan points at a large green tent.

Aorame grudgingly takes a small bite of her tart, showing the creature before motioning to the tent. The bush rustles noisily as, one by one, the winged creatures warily come out and hurry into the tent, following their comrades with a combination of fear and trust.

You nod. You stride a few steps toward a large green tent. Secilly playfully says, "you will find shelter and food in there"

Vatheras points to a few glittering wingtips visible inside the tent, and continues to nod emphatically toward the remaining creatures.

Sebandel stands up. Taidra put a basket-hilted silvery steel longsword in her studded leather sheath. Aramana gazes thoughtfully at the large green tent. Secilly points at a large green tent. Taidra turns towards Vatheras and renders a sharp hand salute. Aorame wrinkles her nose. Vatheras says, "There." Aorame glances at a fresh cherry tart. Aorame drops a fresh cherry tart. Aorame dusts off her hands. Aorame takes a few steps back. Secilly playfully says, "they are gone" Rekarth smiles. Gumpas stands up.

The last winged creature, heavily round in the belly, waddles carefully into the tent, led by the hand of another winged creature that seems to be taller and stronger.

Prospera asks, "Are we going to trust the authorities with them?"

[Wraithenmist, Forest Hollow] The trail winds around an ancient monir tree, its limbs covered in silvery-grey moss that has long since stolen the tree's ability to generate foliage of its own. The moss sways slightly in the breeze, giving the tree a ghostly appearance. You also see a fresh cherry tart, a fox that is sitting, a cheese-covered breadstick, a red fox that is sitting, the Bulrabye coffin, a large green tent, some basal moss, some ambrominas leaf, some calamia fruit, some wolifrew lichen, a flagon of spring water, some ambrominas leaf, a glass of clear spring water, a pale blue moonstone, some torban leaf, some aloeas stem, some woth flower, some cactacae spine, some torban leaf, some cactacae spine, a fox that is sitting, a piece of rose quartz, a star sapphire, a green sapphire, some polished red coral, a spiderweb turquoise, a green errisian topaz, a deep red carbuncle, a pink topaz and a fan-tailed leaf hawk that is flying around. Also here: Great Lady Kaitara, Great Lady Kaprina, Renowned Lord Methais, Lord Bulrabye, Guard Sebandel, Tsin, Zorcous, Thaxius, Guard Captain Vatheras, Guard Taidra, Guard Aorame, Guard Divis, Great Lord Fizzan, Daergard, Gumpas, Lady Caladrial, Philosilan, Lady Aramana, Prospera, Lord Rekarth, High Lady Secilly Obvious paths: south, southeast

Kaprina shrugs. Vatheras says, "Guards will be posted. I'm certain the scholars will be quite busy for the time being."

Kaprina winks at Methais.

Rekarth asks in Elven, "Why not?"

Tsin asks, "how come some people can go in but I can't?"

You say, "The Queen's intention was fairly succinct."

Tsin chuckles.

Secilly playfully says, "seems we have little choice"

Tsin points at a large green tent. Thaxius nods to Vatheras. Methais pokes Tsin in the ribs. Daergard nods to Vatheras. Gumpas grins at Caladrial.

Rekarth says in Elven, "I certainly wouldn't care to be saddled with the things."

Secilly playfully says, "i cant either tsin"

Fizzan quietly says, "I would argue with that, actually."

You idly scrawl something on a page in your dark leather journal.

Vatheras says, "I must attend to my Queen and my city."

Methais tips his long scarlet hat to Vatheras.

Daergard bows to Vatheras.

Prospera says, "She did seem to respect what she didn't know."

Vatheras says in Elven, "Thank you for the aid."

Caladrial nods to Vatheras.

Rekarth says in Elven, "Curious as they are. One, perhaps, but not so many as that."

You turn the page in your dark leather journal.

Thaxius bows to Vatheras.

Secilly playfully says, "vatheras some of us would like to attent"

Bulrabye nods to Vatheras.

Vatheras turns sharply and strides off into the forest.

You put a russet-hued raptor feather quill in your dark leather journal. Secilly playfully says, "are any admitted" You gently close a leaf-embossed dark leather journal. Secilly scowls. Caladrial softly says in Elven, "be well Captain" You put a leaf-embossed dark leather journal in your dark leather longcoat. Aorame turns around. Aorame marches south. Philosilan ponders. Kaitara rubs her chin thoughtfully. Prospera says, "At least they didn't bind them and haul them off." Secilly playfully says, "looks like its ofer"

Taidra slowly scans the area with her eyes, barely moving her form in the process.

Bulrabye says in Elven, "We can help you guard."

Rekarth nods to Aramana.

Prospera says, "Good thing they landed here and not in the west."

Thaxius says in Elven, "The queen is a benevolent ruler, I'm sure she would never allow that to happen."

Sebandel sharply stands at attention.

You say in Elven, "I will be available for any inquiries, if you wish."

Taidra sharply stands at attention.

Taidra marches south.