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So Ildran gave me a verb idea: "rent" 
on 8/13/2004 4:30:06 PM 

Mechanically, this would be along the lines of "exchange", where the syntax would be:

rent <item> to <person | position> for <duration> at <cost> [renewable]
  • <item> could be an actual item, or it could be a property deed (Premium Home, or Player-Run Shop). In the case of a deed, full access is conferred on the target character.
  • <person | position> could be either an individual character, or an Officer of either a Player-Run Organization or CHE House; in the case of a position, the exact title must be used (i.e. "scrivener", for Twilight Hall).
  • <duration> would be in the format ##d##h##m##s, where the D H M S characters are mandatory; if you want 0 days, you put in 0d.
  • <cost> is expressed as a one-time fee, just like "exchange".
  • [renewable] is an optional flag; if present, <cost> can be paid any time during <duration> to add <duration> to the existing rental.

I would suggest adding a capability to the Bank teller accept rental renewal fees on your behalf--for a modest premium--so that you need not be in-game in order to collect.

An additional verb would also need to be added:

foreclose <item> from <person> <now | duration>

to force the return of the rented item.

  • <now | duration> would be a mandatory flag indicating whether you want the bruisers in the Bank Collections Department to go out and retrieve <item> from <person> (assuming that you actually have a rental out to that person) immediately--for a modest premium--or whether you want to allow <person> to keep <item> until the previously established rental <duration> expired.

In either case--whenever they get it back--the Brute Squad puts the item in "a <yourcharactername> box" [read: a Constabulary box] in a secure room added to the Bank.

Additional requirements:

  • The rented item would be flagged as though it were silvers belonging to a newbie: you cannot "give/exchange/sell" (or, of course, "rent"!), you cannot "drop/put".
  • The rented item would be immune to player-character maneuvers (such as "disarm").
  • If <item> is a container, anything inside the container acquires the identical attributes (such as <duration> and <nosell>). This would allow the use of such things as Girvahk's imflass greatswords [each of which has a matching case] or the short sword pair "Rhyme" and "Reason" [which also have a matching case].

Probably a recursive coding nightmare, but what the hell! I can ask, right? This would let people like Ardwen "rent vaalorn sword to krakii for 90d0h0m0s at 3000000 renewable", and let me use Sorrow (for the low, low price of a million per month) rather than keeping things stuffed in lockers or sitting on store counters.