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In either 2003 or 2004 a merchant came around who was selling game pieces. (Yes, GemStone is itself a game. We play games inside the game; metaphysicists will delight.) The game was called "Siegery", and each player would begin with some number of pieces, then use those pieces to attempt to damage the other player's pieces.

Various formats are played, such as:

Both players drop only a single miniature. This is typically used when a quick game is wanted, or in the initial round(s) of a multi-stage tournament.
Both players drop the maximum of three allowed miniatures. Since this format is more time consuming, this is typically done only for the latter rounds--such as the quarter- and semi-finals--of a multi-stage tournament.
Full up
Both players drop their castle and equip it with engines, as well as all three allowed miniatures. A very time consuming format because the castle itself cannot be damaged while any of the miniatures still protect it, this will generally only be seen for the very last round(s)--the finals, and possibly the semi-finals--of a multi-stage tournament.

Late in 2005, a contest was run to design complete sets of Siegery pieces that would be permanent fixtures in one of the Inns. These pieces could then be used by anyone in that Inn, rather than each player being required to own their own pieces.

Re: Unaltered fresh Battle Mini Sets 
on 11/9/2004 7:59:13 AM


Yes, completely interchangeable; I've only divided them into playable sets for packaging and sales purposes. Some of the sets have two ballistas, and others have two catapults, which function differently. Also, each type of soldier functions differently as well, but I put one of each in every set to provide a more balanced game. You could think of them as starter sets.

The Game of Siegery

The premise of the game is simple: Defeat your opponent through the methods available to you. The most common way the game is played is with the usage of miniature castles -- the first to destroy their opponent's inner keep is the winner. But one may make just about any variation they wish. The following is a listing of units one may employ:



One may have up to three soldiers to assault an enemy's castle. Soldiers tend to fight other soldiers first, and then assault the castle's outer walls. If the walls have fallen, then the soldiers will either attack any war machines housed within the castle or the inner keep itself. Soldiers are the most versatile of any siegery unit, as their prowess in battle has a chance of increasing if they wage successful campaigns. Soldiers are the weakest of units in terms of taking damage.

This shop offers 3 types of soldiers, however, custom work on a soldier certainly allows for a near infinite variety of professions and skills -- one's imagination is the limit when customization is done. The following is a breakdown of the three units offered:


Can deal out an impressive amount of damage, but cannot sustain large amounts of damage.


Can take a decent amount of damage and does a decent amount of damage to enemy units.


Can take some damage and do a fairly good amount of damage with their lightning bolts.

War Machines

War machines come in two varieties -- catapult-type weapons or ballistas. Ballistas tend to be more effective against troops while catapult-based weapons are best for bringing down walls or assaulting the inner keep of an enemy's castle. In order to use war machines, they must be placed within your castle. One can place up to three war machines in their castle.


Castles are the main goal of any game of Siegery. From there, one can mount assaults upon the enemy's castle with relative ease. Castles are likely to take quite a bit of damage during a game, and one can remedy some of this damage -- you have the choice to repair the outer walls, the inner keep, or any war machines positioned within the castle. Repairs, of course, will take a bit of time, and won't fix ALL the damage to one's castle. Castles have no innate offensive abilities.

All Siegery pieces will sustain damage throughout combat. This is all a careful illusion achieved through intricate craftsmanship and can easily be remedied by FIXing the specified piece while holding it in one's hand. It WILL take a while to fix a Siegery piece, however, to ensure that a sneaky enemy does not quickly do so during a game. It's generally accepted that during the course of a game, one does not fix their pieces, but rather lets the game run its course.

Hope this helps!

Re: I don't use my set anyway so... 
on 2/22/2005 3:02:44 PM

Usage of fighting minis:

  • Raise them before you put each piece on the ground, this marks them as yours until you pick them up again.
  • During battle, partial repairs are possible to the siege weapons or outer/inner keep by (I think) TURNing the castle.
20 sec RT for that.
  • Put the siege weapons (ballistas and catapults) IN your castle. To attack with them, FIRE them.
15 sec RT for that, ballistas best against opponent's miniatures, catapults best against castle walls.
  • Put the character minis on the ground. Push them to attack.
5 sec RT.
  • I believe Warriors have the most health, sorcerers the strongest attack, wizards the best defense.
  • I think Sorcerers have the least health, Warriors the least defense, wizards the weakest attack. Might be more involved than that (like warriors best at attacking castle, sorcerers better at attacking minis, wizards balanced, something like that).

When the game is complete, pick up each piece and FIX it.

120 sec RT for that

Generic Units

Here are some of the generic, straight off the merchant's shelf, unaltered pieces:


a ridged small grey stone castle
a pure white small stone castle
a dark-spired small black castle
a small silver crystal castle



a tiny curved deep black ballista
a tiny red-veined onyx ballista
a tiny bolt-edged ballista
a tiny white ivory ballista
a tiny pale sapphire ballista


a tiny leather-netted catapult
a tiny black wooden catapult
a tiny slick metallic catapult
a tiny metal-banded catapult
a tiny scorched oak catapult



a well-muscled kilted warrior miniature
a dark-haired pale warrior miniature


a pointy-hatted bearded wizard miniature
a dark-eyed blue wizard miniature


a black-robed sorcerer miniature
a raven-haired dark sorcerer miniature
a crimson robed sorcerer miniature