Slash Protection

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Slash Protection
Available To Warriors
Mnemonic [SLASH]
Requirements Specialized armor fittings
Prerequisites None
Rank Cost
1 20
2 30
3 40
4 50
5 60
  • Description: Adjusts a person's armor so that it is more resistant to slashing attacks. The base strength of the damage resistance is equal to (Fitting Tier * 10), with common fittings having a value of 1 and masterwork fittings having a value of 5. If the armor is flared or provides a bonus to AS/TD, there is a -10 penalty to the resistance strength. If the armor is padded, there is a penalty of -5 per ASSESS level to a maximum penalty of -40. The number of slashing hits that can be taken before the resistance wears off is equal to ((Fitting Tier * 10) + (Armor Use Skill / 10)).
  • Requirements: Specialized armor fittings, which are sold in Warrior Guild workshops, are required for the Damage Specializations of Armor Specialization. They are applied by using: ARMOR <Crush/Puncture/Slash> ADJUST MY <ArmorType>. There are five quality tiers of fittings. The quality of the fittings influences the duration of the protection and the price of the fittings is given by (Fitting Rank * (3750 - 250 * (Armor Group - 5))). For example, fine fittings on plate cost 11250 and last 40 hits. If the armor is flared or provides a bonus to AS or TD, it requires sturdy fittings or better. If the armor being adjusted is padded, the quality of the fittings required and requisite ranks are:
Quality Restriction Ranks
Common May not be used with padded armor. 1
Sturdy May be used with up to fairly padded armor. 2
Fine May be used with up to decently padded armor. 3
Superb May be used with up to very heavily padded armor. 4
Masterwork No limit on level of padding. 5

Removing Armor Fittings

Applied armor fittings can be removed by using ARMOR <fitting type> REMOVE.