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Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8960
Date: 5/24/2018
Subject: The Time For Duskruin Approaches...

Boy, we sure are getting remarkably close to June. Who all is ready for some Duskruin this time around?

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8967
Date: 5/24/2018
Subject: The Time For Duskruin Approaches...

Both the arena and are keepers for June.

Hopefully we will have some other surprises as well.

Arena format is 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3. A hardmode isn't in the cards at this time.

Sewers are pretty close to the same.

Moonshards have run dry!

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 9033
Date: 6/8/2018
Subject: Bank Heist: Coming Soon

The Bank Heist is finally coming! For those that haven't been in this topic since the beginning, it was part of the original conception of this event that never could get the detail it deserved. I didn't want to rush this just to push it out, so it sat in a design phase for a few years. It's definitely evolved quite a bit, and I think it will be enjoyed.

I'll have more details about it soon, but just some quick tidbits to hold everyone over.

  • You will choose if you want to aid in the heist, stop the heist, or stop those trying to prevent the heist.
  • The Bank Heist is a solo adventure.
  • There is a mix of puzzles (mild) and combat (like level and bosses).
  • Some tasks are skill based, but have optional ways to complete if you are without the proper skill.
  • There will be some unique rewards that tie-in the arena and sewers.
  • Bloodscrip is a reward, as is incidental loot and a new collectible.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 9136
Date: 6/15/2018
Subject: The Bank Heist: A Primer

First off, huge thank you to Platinum for their diligent testing. They uncovered a lot of things that vastly improved the experience.

The Bank Heist is split into three factions, the Silent Investors (SI), the Poisoned Heretics (PH), and the Ophidian Cabal (OC). Each have their own tasks they are set to do in the bank. You have roughly 5 minutes to complete the your mission. There is combat and some minor puzzles in each that are similar, but different. Each have their own set of skill checks. The SI also has a stat check. These will make your time easier in the bank, but aren't required. Each group is trying to make it to the vault. To enter the bank, you'll need a stamped voucher (from the SimuCoin Store) and you'll want to GO with the various faction members in the hideouts.

The SI are a hired militia/vigilantes that are tasked to stop the bank heist from happening. They're targeting the OC, but they also have to deal with the PH. Their job is to find and track the threats inside the bank. Once they complete their mission (or maybe failed), they will be awarded with a prize pouch.

The PH are a band of assassins that are working to stop the SI. They aren't allied with the OC, and their motives are unknown. Their job is to watch and sneak around the bank and assassinate the SI marauders. Like above, they will be rewarded with a prize pouch.

The OC are bandits who just want one thing. The riches inside the vault. They observe their surroundings, looking for things to steal. Unlike the above, they aren't awarded a prize pouch, but whatever they steal they keep.

Each of the factions also give special awards that can make things easier for activities throughout Duskruin. They aren't too common, so keep an eye out for these trinkets.

There is a new collectible for the heist, which you'll want to talk with the OC's ringleader about to get started. The collectibles needed are found only inside the bank.

Improvements to the final quest reward can be found in the sewers.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 9138
Date: 6/15/2018
Subject: Updates to Duskruin

There were a large number of updates to the event with the Bank Heist. There will be a few more updates staggered with the opening.

  • There is a supernode inside the Viridian Coil.
  • Each lounge in the Bank Heist's hideouts are normal nodes and sanctuaries.
  • The DUSKRUIN verb will be updated later tonight or early tomorrow.
  • Your progress with the Bank Heist will be stored in the DUSKRUIN verb.
  • You receive bonus bloodscrip doing the sewers, arena, or heist if you worked the Bank Heist. The SI get a bonus to the arena. The PH get a bonus to the heist. The OC get a bonus to the sewers. This will be displayed in the DUSKRUIN verb.
  • The arena now tracks your last time and your fastest time. This will be displayed in the DUSKRUIN verb.
  • More titles will be added early next week!
  • You gain additional exp in the Bank Heist for completing it.
  • You now gain a very small amount of exp in the sewers.

And as a reminder, HESS will be open Saturday after 9pm ET. We will try to make sure it is as close to 9pm ET as possible.

Wyrom, PM