Duskruin/saved posts February 2022

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Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 14012
Author: GS4-TIVVY
Date: 11/15/2021
Subject: February 2022 Duskruin dates

I wanted to make sure everyone had plenty of notice so...

February's Duskruin will open on Friday, February 11th and close on Monday, February 28th.

GameMistress Tivvy
Wiki Manager
Duskruin Demonwrangler
RP Rubbernecker
Hyphen Slayer

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 14081
Author: GS4-TIVVY
Date: 1/13/2022
Subject: Winter's Chill

He rolled out of bed with a groan. The bite of cold in the air was his first clue that the fire had gone out while he slept and, not for the first time, he bemoaned his life as a bachelor. Huddled over the hearth, he carefully built the fire anew, ruminating on his regrets. If only she'd returned his affections, if only independence was not her guiding principle, if only he hadn't said... that thing. He might have had Belshyve to help him stay warm at night.

Still, he needed to get paid and the unreasonable winter that had arrived in Bloodriven, with its blisteringly frigid winds, miserable amounts of snow, and bone-breaking ice patches would not deter him. He ate quickly, dressed, and stepped out the door, pulling the collar of his navy blue coat more tightly closed in a futile attempt to keep out the bitter wind. The snow crunched underfoot, and the thought crossed his mind that the extraordinary chill of winter this year might not be an entirely natural occurrence. He shrugged at the idea. It didn't matter, he had work to do. Adjusting the shiny gold badge pinned to his lapel carefully, he set to preparing the arena approach for the onslaught of adventurers soon to be arriving.

OOC Note: Winter is coming to Duskruin! Look for new winter-themed wares, some spruced-up rooms, and the creatures in the arena might look a little icier than usual.

GameMistress Tivvy
Wiki Manager
Duskruin Demonwrangler
RP Rubbernecker
Winnower of Words

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 14083
Date: 1/14/2022
Subject: Tucked Away at the River's Edge

Deciding to stay for a much longer time to learn all that they can from the town of Bloodriven, the Kraet have created a small encampment on the river’s edge. Surrounded by mostly shrub-brush, brambles, and grass, the small clearing houses a large bonfire and benches for gathering during the cold Bloodriven nights, as well as offering a variety of comfort foods to share. Branching off from the main clearing, there are several shops in this area brought to you by the Kraet.

Be sure to visit and enjoy the atmosphere!

--- ~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
SGM of Events

Valence Armaments

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 14084
Date: 1/18/2022
Subject: Duskruin Teaser - Beyond Barriers

No matter the world, it always had fools.

Within moments of his arrival, the giants came. They towered over him like ancient trees, some even gnarled and bent like the blood oaks of the Deadfall itself. Their faces were grotesque at best, huge foreheads, large noses, small brains. Their weapons were crafted out of the very rock beneath his feet. Undoubtedly, he would feed that very earth with their corpses, letting the ground drink of their blood.

The first giant howled, then shouted a few commands that sounded like he was grinding sand between his teeth. The harrower was no stranger to their kind, but the sound of them speaking would never stop irritating him. He narrowed his marigold eyes and motioned with two fingers, daring the enemy to engage.

The behemoths charged, quickly crossing the distance, and roared into battle. The dark elf raised one hand as ribbons of ethereal bluish-green light burned into existence, swirling around his hand rapidly before forming into a deep black rune-etched sword. Soon coils of the same light burst out of the surroundings and twisted about his form, spinning chaotically until they shaped into some deep black leathers.

The lights did not slow the giants’ approach and the first two swung wide, bringing great stone hammers down towards the harrower. Several archaic sigils flashed along the dark elf’s armor and gnarled ethereal vines erupted form his body, lashing out at the two giants like glowing coils. Streams of yellow-white and purple-black energy ripped through the monster’s bodies, disintegrating their flesh, and burrowing through their bodies. He easily stepped aside as their lifeless, fragmented corpses fell with a thud.

The other giants began to circle him, each one more cautious now than before. But Ersix Severus showed them no mercy. He sliced through the air with his blade, the very sky darkening like a bruise before ripping open into a wide gash. A torrent of misty shadows spilled out of the hazy fissure, enveloping the head of two giants in a nebulous sphere of shadows. They bellowed in response, clawing at the darkness around their faces. He swung again, further serrating the skies as a curtain of powerful winds broke through the rifts, colliding with the blinded giants and slamming them to the ground.

Another giant rushed in, screaming with rage. The dark elf spun fluidly and with one word his blade crackled like shifting ice and the metal faded to a frosty opaque hue. Barbs of black ice burst out of the air, sinking into the monster’s flesh like venomous fangs. The creature’s legs froze, encapsulated in ice and stopping his charge. The harrower swung fast with his blade, tearing a deep gash into the giant’s stomach. As the metal bit flesh, it sparked with power and curls of bluish-green light struck the giant, then another stream of bluish-grey light, then two more powerful blasts of energy and the giant fell face to the dirt.

A frothing trio of giants pressed in, caution to the wind, all senses lost to the blood lust running through their veins. Ersix danced between them, dodging their heavy strikes, slipping away just mere seconds before their weapons hit. A rune flashed along his armor and the dark elf’s body began to blink in and out of existence as he continued his whirling, while the sky above bled to a citrine glow. The giants persisted, their stone hammers passing through the dark elf as he moved between worlds.

He tired of the game. The cat no longer wished to toy with the mice. The harrower’s body solidified for just a moment before it collapsed into a swirl of ethereal mist, where it swirled away before the dark elf reformed behind one of the giants. His blades tore across the giant’s legs, sending him lumbering to the side before another clean strike cut through its thick neck and sent its lumpy head rolling away.

The remaining two giants stood, spending the last few seconds of their life debating between fighting or fleeing. Ersix Severus the Harrower finally smiled and touched a rune upon his armor. Ethereal slits breached the air around him as humid winds stirred forth. From out of the planar fissures came dozens of razor-sharp verlok feathers, ripping into the world and launching towards the giants. The deadly volley tore into the monsters, flaying their flesh as they tried to scramble away, one falling right after the next in a bloody onslaught.

The harrower’s armor melted off his form like heated wax, quickly dissipating into the air as he stepped over the corpses, one by one, continuing his journey beyond barriers.

I’m happy to announce a new shop coming to Duskruin in February! It is called Beyond Barriers and it will sell the all-new Valence Weapons and Valence Armor! Each will have several abilities (only some of them showcased in the teaser above). There will also be some set abilities when using both as well! I will release more details as we get closer to the event! I would like to give a giant-sized shoutout to GM Mestys who without his coding ninja abilities could not have made these happen!

Go forth and conquer…worlds.

-GM Kenstrom-
Waylayer of Wehnimer's Landing

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 14099
Date: 1/31/2022
Subject: Duskruin - Valence Gear - Beyond Barriers

As promised weeks ago, here is the full reveal of Valence Gear, newly introduced for the Feb run and exclusive to Duskruin!

Harrower Ersix of the Extrachthonic Cartographer’s Guild has harnessed his magical studies and dimensional powers into creating valence gear, in the form of blades and armor. You will find a vast assortment of bladed weapons and armor at the new shop, Beyond Barriers, at Duskruin in Feb! Why settle for just one valence? Grab a little slice of all worlds!

The weapons and armor are all 5x. There will be several one-handed and two-handed bladed weapons available, and almost every armor type. Valence gear may be freely altered or lightened by any merchant.

The blades have the default ability to fire off Disintegration flares, up to 4 times per strike based on tier level. The first strike is standard flare chance, with a 20% chance to fire a 2nd time at Tier 2, a 15% chance to fire a 3rd time at Tier 3, and a 10% chance to fire a 4th time at Tier 4.

The armor’s first ability, “Lash of Lorae’tyr” throws out new reactive “temporal” flares that cause disintegration damage plus adds Roundtime to the target (slowing them down.)

Below you’ll find every tier verb and ability and a quick breakdown of what they do. There are also 2 set bonus abilities detailed further below as well.

I will post pricing in a follow up post.

Valence Blades:

Tier 1 Verbs: DROP, GET
Tier 1 Ability: Slice of Shien'tyr (WAVE) - An AoE SMR attack to reduce foes' defenses, by -30 DS temporarily.
Cooldown: 6 minutes (-1 per tier above 1, minimum 3 minutes).
Tier 2 Verbs: POKE, TOUCH
Tier 2 Ability: The War Winds (RAISE) - An AoE SMR attack to knock down foes. Up to 5 creatures or a player.
Cooldown: 5 minutes (-1 per tier above 2, minimum 3 minutes).
Tier 3 Verbs: PROD, RUB
Tier 3 Ability: The Void's Grip (POINT) - An SMR attack to do cold damage and root a foe in place.
Cooldown: 5 minutes (-2 per tier above 3, minimum 3 minutes).
Tier 4 Verbs: CLENCH, TAP
Tier 4 Ability: Life and Death (PUSH - Increase AS/CS per successful attack for 30 seconds, costing health. AS (+10) and CS (+6) from each successful attack, but drains HP (-3) from the user as it goes. A cap on both AS/CS (+50/+30) and HP loss (-15) is set.
Cooldown: 30 minutes.
Extraplanar Bane Affinity - Increases potency of extraplanar bane by +10 AS.
Special Ability: Incision of the Igaesha (TURN) - Only available when used in conjunction with Valence Armor
Allows for follow-up double attacks for 60 seconds, based on the average total
tiers unlocked between the weapon and armor.
Cooldown: 60 minutes (-5 per total unlocked tiers, minimum 20 minutes).

Valence Armor:

Tier 1 Verbs: REMOVE, WEAR
Tier 1 Ability: Lash of Lorae'tyr (Passive) - Reactive Disintegration flares + RT.
Cooldown: Standard flare rate.
Tier 2 Verbs: POKE, TOUCH
Tier 2 Ability: Surge of the Rift (PUSH) - HP/Mana regen buff for 15 minutes. (+5 per tier, maximum +20 HP/Mana).
Cooldown: 60 minutes.
Tier 3 Verbs: PROD, RUB
Tier 3 Ability: Shroud of Shien'tyr (PULL) - Summon Darkness and bestow a defensive effect. Adds a Darkness effect in the room and hides the player with a +25 DS/+15 TD defensive effect.
Cooldown: 10 minutes (-5 per tier above 3, minimum 5 minutes).
ier 4 Verbs: CLENCH, TAP
Tier 4 Ability: Light of Kol Tar'sken (BESEECH) - Continual Evasiveness for 10 seconds.
Cooldown: Twice per login day.
Special Ability: Volley of the Verlok (KNOCK - Only available when used in conjunction with a Valence Weapon
Releases a number of SMR attacks on a target, based on the average total tiers
unlocked between the armor and weapon. Inflicts Blindness on the target.
Cooldown: 30 minutes.

Verb Glimpse:

The air around your rune-etched handaxe begins to shimmer and the blade flickers in and out of existence for a few brief moments.

You swing your rune-etched handaxe and tear open a gash into the air before you, which leaves a trail of black ice shards that shatter on the ground. A moment later the gash closes.

You touch your enruned armor and a miasma of shadows bleeds into view, wrapping around your body like a cloud of ink before melting away.

Golden runes begin to glow around you, drifting like glistening particles of joined light, each one shifting and reshaping until they burn away.

In Action Glimpse:

You swing a deep black rune-etched handaxe at a massive troll king!
AS: +726 vs DS: +94 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +7 = +671
... and hit for 219 points of damage!
Massive blow punches a hole through the troll king's chest!
The troll king continues to struggle for life!

* A coil of spectral bluish-green energy bursts out of thin air and strikes the troll king! *
... 25 points of damage!
Long, wide strip eliminated from chest, giving blood a much-needed vacation.

* A coil of ghostly greyish-blue energy bursts out of thin air and strikes the troll king! *
... 5 points of damage!
Flesh painfully vaporized from side!

* A coil of eerie purple-black energy bursts out of thin air and strikes the troll king! *
... 20 points of damage!
Groove etched into skin of chest and quickly fills with blood.

* A coil of celestial yellow-white energy bursts out of thin air and strikes the troll king! *
... 35 points of damage!
Deep, penetrating wound etched into chest, exposing ribs and lung tissue!
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You point your rune-etched handaxe at a massive troll king and the very air around the blade begins to crackle like shifting ice before the entire metal fades to a frosty opaque hue.
[SMR result: 232 (Open d100: 20)]
Suddenly, barbs of black ice burst out of the air around a massive troll king and sink into its form!
... 25 points of damage!
The troll king staggers as your icy attack shatters its left leg.
It is knocked to the ground!
Bands of shadowy ice form around a massive troll king's legs!
A massive troll king is rooted in place!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You turn your rune-etched handaxe and a smoky ethereal mist forms out of thin air and begins to churn about your body before flowing into your skin!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You swing a deep black rune-etched handaxe at a massive troll king!
AS: +776 vs DS: +247 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +28 = +589
... and hit for 172 points of damage!
Shield arm removed at the shoulder!
A massive troll king screams in pain as its arm falls to the ground!

Immediately following your attack, your body quickly melts into a nebulous ethereal mist and you rapidly reform on the other side of a massive troll king, where you solidify and strike again!
You swing a deep black rune-etched handaxe at a massive troll king!
AS: +776 vs DS: +247 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +68 = +629
... and hit for 218 points of damage!
A mighty hit turns the troll king's insides to outsides!
The troll king continues to struggle for life!
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You touch your finger to an archaic rune along your enruned armor and humid air begins to seep in from dozens of ethereal slits that breach the very air all around you!
[SMR result: 280 (Open d100: 68)]
Dozens of razor-sharp, dazzling brass verlok feathers fly out from the ethereal fissures in the air and launch toward a massive troll king, striking it!
... 30 points of damage!
Deft strike to the back cracks vertebrae!
It is knocked to the ground!
... 20 points of damage!
Well placed strike shatters a rib!
... 15 points of damage!
Loud crack as the troll king's sternum breaks!
... 25 points of damage!
Damaging strike to chest, several ribs shattered!
You blinded a massive troll king!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

-GM Kenstrom-
Waylayer of Wehnimer's Landing

Fuzzy Warm Parka Updates

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 14082
Date: 1/13/2022
Subject: Duskruin Teaser - My Fuzzy Warm Parka Gets an Update

Given the winter chill that has touched upon Duskruin, My Fuzzy Warm Parka has been given an update. It now has 3 tiers instead of just the two previously offered.

With the third tier, you will get the following (at least, according to the sign in the shop you will)!

>read sign

In the Common language, it reads: ~*~ My Fuzzy Warm Parka

Tier 1/OTS - Sold on the Racks

Tier 2 - Terrain Condition - Breath, Clean, Rub, Wave

Tier 3 - Hides inventory when closed and provides the following look:

Closed Only (hidden inventory feature) - He/She is wearing (a fuzzy warm parka), which swaddles his/her form in its thick layers.

Hood Up and Closed (inventory hidden feature) - His/Her (face descriptor) face is framed by a hood lined in polar bear furs and his/her (body descriptor) frame is swaddled by the (fuzy warm parka) that he/she is wearing.

Hood Up and Open (no inventory hidden) - His/Her (face descriptor) face is framed by the soft polar bear lining of the hood attached to (his/her) (fuzzy warm parka).


You see GameMaster Thandiwe the Guardian of Sunfist.
He appears to be a Dwarven Survivor of Caligos Isle.
He is very short and has a petite frame. He appears to be very young. He has starburst-striated winter grey eyes and freckle-dusted skin. He has long, wavy coppery red hair swept back beneath an intricately woven headband of faceted diamond beads and speckled ecru vanilla blossoms and tucked behind the ears. He has a youthful face.
He has an aging woman portrait tattooed on the arm on his arm, a black tattoo on his arm, and a silver-limned indigo eel-shaped mark on his ankle.
He is in good shape.
His youthful face is framed by a hood lined in polar bear furs and his petite frame is swaddled by the sinew-laced walrus hide parka that he is wearing.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
SGM of Events

Legendary Bloodrune and Cloak

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 14089
Date: 1/24/2022
Subject: Enter the Snow Spectre

This DR, the Legendary Bloodrune is the Snow Spectre...

>look Thandiwe

Haunting winter grey eyes gaze with a disturbing vacancy from Thandiwe's eerie visage, which morphs between expressions of abject horror and fractured sanity from one moment to the next. His waif-like limbs float in a current of frosty air that spirals around him, transforming his appearance between states of flickering, semi-translucency to near blinding white and icy solidity. A mane of coppery red hair frames his gaunt head, the scraggly tendrils falling away from his gaunt face in erratic lengths.

The Legendary Cloak this time around is a frosty gossamer shroud. For the finer details, of which there are some, you can view it in the Trove. However, if you have the Snow Spectre Bloodrune in your Moonshard Pendant, then this is what you can expect when wearing the shroud.

blink my shroud
You allow your eyes to drift closed briefly, a sense of calm settling over you.
Thandiwe closes his winter grey eyes briefly, transforming his visage from one tinged with horrific insanity to divine serenity. The moment of peacefulness is lost the moment he opens his eyes.

chuckle my shroud
You chuckle slightly, amazed at the timber of your own voice, and briefly dissolve into maniacal laughter.
A chuckle bubbles out of the haunted visage of Thandiwe, transforming the look of abject horror etched across his face into an expression of guileless insanity. The chuckle expands into a laughter of unbridled mania.
(hidden) A chuckle bubbles out of the shadows, expanding into a laughter of unbridled mania.

get bracelet
Reaching into the shroud that adorns your waif-like, semi-ethereal form, you pull out an insubstantial silver bracelet, which slowly gains solidity with the passage of time.
Thandiwe reaches into the shroud that adorns his waif-like, semi-ethereal form and pulls out an insubstantial silver bracelet, which slowly gains solidity with the passage of time.

glance my shroud
You glance about, your eyes flashing with icy hatred.
Thandiwe glances about, his winter grey eyes flashing with icy hatred.

pinch my shroud
With a shriek of dismay, you pull a bit of lint from your gossamer shroud and watch as ice crystals form upon it. You hurl it from you, causing it to shatter upon the ground.
With a shriek of dismay, Thandiwe pulls a bit of lint from his gossamer shroud and watches as ice crystals form upon it. He hurls it from him, causing it to shatter upon the ground.

point my shroud
Stretching your arm out before you, you point into the distance, noting as you do that hoarfrost spreads in the shadow that your gossamer shroud-covered arm casts upon the ground.
Stretching his arm out before him, Thandiwe points into the distance, causing hoarfrost to spread upon the ground in the shadows that his gossamer shroud casts upon his arm.

preen my shroud
You comb your fingers through the wild coppery red mane that is your hair, preening despite your ravaged appearance.
Thandiwe combs his fingers through the wild coppery red mane that is his hair, preening despite his obviously ravaged appearance

pull my shroud
You draw your arms around you, the chill of your form pervading the gossamer shroud that enshrouds your form.
A chill swath of air exudes from Thandiwe as he draws his arms about his gossamer-shrouded form.

put bracelet in my shroud
Cradling silver bracelet in your hand, you slowly allow it to grow insubstantial and then merge it with the shroud adorning you.
Thandiwe reaches into the shroud that adorns his waif-like, semi-ethereal form and pulls out an insubstantial silver bracelet, which slowly gains solidity with the passage of time.

rub my shroud
You brush your fingers against a frosty gossamer shroud, the talon-like ends of your fingertips creating a grating sound that is similar to a sword scraping across ice.
Thandiwe brushes his fingers against a frosty gossamer shroud, creating a sound similar to that of a sword being scraped across ice.

scratch my shroud
You scratch at your neck, causing frost to slough from your skin and fall to the ground.
Thandiwe scratches at his neck, causing frost to slough from his skin and fall to the ground.

shake my shroud
You give yourself a little shake, the gossamer shroud draped from your body shifting on your skin and your form transitioning between incorporeal to icy in seconds.
Thandiwe suddenly shakes, like a dog shedding water, causing his form to transition between incorporeal to icy in seconds.

snap my shroud
You snap your fingers, generating a booming sound that is reminiscent of sheets of ice colliding.
The booming, grating sound of sheets of ice colliding emanates from Thandiwe.
(hidden) The booming, grating sound of sheets of ice colliding emanates from somewhere nearby.

stretch my shroud
You stretch your arms before you, a bubbling cackle spilling from your lips as hoarfrost forms in the shadows you create.
Thandiwe stretches his arms before him, a bubbling cackle spilling from his lips as hoarfrost forms in the shadows he create

thump my shroud
Balling your hand into a fist, you thump it hard against your thigh, causing the crackling sound of falling icicles to fill the air.
Thandiwe balls his hand into a fist and thumps it into his thigh, causing fractures all upon his leg and filling the air with the crackling sound of shattering icicles.

wave my shroud
You wave your hand in the air, snowflakes drifting in its wake.
Thandiwe waves his hand in the air, snowflakes drifting in its wake.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
SGM of Events