Opalina's Diary - Book 2

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This is a personal accounting of Opalina's experiences during the year of 2023--these are her personal views, and actions from her perspective, logs are being recorded/and transcribed occasionally.

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Ta'Vaalorian Dinner

Entry Dated                                                                                                        January 4, 2023

Invited to a dinner isn't the worst way to spend an evening out on the town. Especially one with folks from Ta'Vaalor. I love that town it's always so warm and welcoming. Even now as our delegates are trying to show power and gain respect at the same time. They have concerns that feel important so a small town in a cold wilderness where life every day is a struggle. Ta'Vaalor is a larger town than Icemule with power wisdom and concerns like ours seem tiny in their eye's. Hopefully this dinner will allow them to see us as more than just inferior peasants but people with strong ideas, big plans, and the desire for growth.

Our ragtag group of people come from all walks of life. Some of us are princesses, some are elders, some are criminals, some are scholars, and some warriors. We manage to survive together in a small community in a barren cold environment surrounded by Giants, Undead, Vampires, Rotting corpses, Bandits and so many more horrors. But deep in town we have banded together for a common vision of survival, raise our children, Share our hearths and our food. We have pride in our accomplishments and the battles we've won against liches and those who would control our town with evil intent. Time and time again as a whole we've managed to sustain life and prevail. Now we are not all perfect by any means. We have our thieves, murderers, and warmongrals. Our goal is simple. We want to be seen as an Independent equal town with rights for trade and control of our area as our community believes for the safety and well being of the people who live there. We want say in what happens in and around our small community. We have a Town Mayor, We have a City Council that represents the wants and desires of the town, and an active thriving small and growing community.

The Invite.

An invite was provided to me through mail from a gentleman I've never met before. I am curious as to who he is and why me. I was not part of the delegates who represented Icemule. But I do have friends in Ta'Vaalor. And the King was very kind to me. Perhaps my name was shared as someone known to be a kindred spirit.

Lady Opalina,
I wish to extend an invite to a dinner to you, any delegate, and any community members who wish to attend. I hope to host this dinner on the 4th of Lormesta at seven in the evening elven standard time in the Ilynov Manor. I hope to hear from you shortly letting me know of availability.
Honor before all else,
Kakoon Arakhor

I'd never met Kakoon before this night. I have since learned that he is a powerful land owner and community member of the Ta'Vaalor. He is supporting the efforts of Dezter and his sister Aphaedra of Ta'Vaalor to help Icemule and their current efforts to be heard. Dezter is a long time friend of mine. We met in landing through several other friends and have since kept in touch. It was through him that Kakoon learn of me and felt comfortable to reach out.

I brought a gift from Falvicar's and My personal collection of Wines and spirits. We thought it would be rude not to bring something to honor the host. We also gave one to Dezter to share with his family. It was my great pleasure to meet Aphaedra and her husband Jaydo.

The dinner itself was so elaborate Three courses appetizer, dinner, and dessert served in different areas along with lovely live music performed by Carew She had the most beautiful silvery mistwood flute encrusted with faceted firestones. I absolutely love listening to the flute, and she is a master at her art.

So many things were shared and people were able to connect. Though I think during dinner Hazelnut might have had a little too much to drink as he started to show his frustrations and started making elaborate demands like stating that Ta'Vaalor should stop their trade with Briarmoon Cove. I don't feel that's fair at all! That's not what the delegates were sent to do! Not stop anyone from trading.

I left the dinner full and confident we made new friends. I only hope the delegates feel more comfortable about working with Ta'Vaalor and that we can peacefully come to a resolution soon.

Catspaw-2023-1-4 - Ta'Vaalor invites Icemule to Dinner (Log)