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Draelor (prime)

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Race Aelotoi
Culture Vaer'sah
Profession Ranger
Religion Follower of L'Naere
Affiliation(s) Claws of the Drake

Black Thorn Resistance

Disposition Resilient
Demeanor Relaxed
Flaw A lack of fear
Greatest Strength Determination and will
Greatest Weakness Intense anger if provoked
Hobbies Music,History
Likes Hunting, Stories
Dislikes Pretentiousness

Draelor is an Aelotoi Ranger often found in Kraken's Fall.


You see Draelor the Archdruid.
He appears to be an Aelotoi of the Vaer'sah Clan.
He is taller than average. He has gold-ringed copper eyes and smoothly tanned skin.  He has neck-length, onyx black hair framing his face in a disheveled, carefree style.  He has a thin, smooth scar running just underneath his left eye.  He has a pair of dark azure wings shot through with streaks of faint silver.
He has an inked pale lady grasping a broken chain on his shoulder, and an inked stalking grey wolf on his arm.

He is wearing a sun-washed driftwood charm pierced by a shark tooth, a burnished ebonwood L'Naere symbol on a braided silver chain, a pair of dark hide pauldrons set with branching antlers,a claw-adorned leather cloak mantled with shaggy bear fur, a carved black thorn pin, a modwir quiver wound with strips of faded azure flyrsilk slung over his shoulder, a cowled bearskin toqua accented with mottled rabbit fur, a pair of soft buckskin handwraps with exposed fingertips, a lacquered zydris band inlaid with iridescent wood opal, a rune-carved modwir belt covered in patches of moss, a shark skin satchel clasped with a polished tooth, some warg pelt breeches sewn with threaded rings of bone, and a pair of leather boots with kiramon chitin toes.


Draelor rarely speaks of his early life before Elanthia, generally only to those closest to him and then only after more than a few drinks have been consumed. Though still quite young at the time of the Aelotian exodus, the horrors witnessed and suffering endured on Bre'Naere did much to shape his future.

Restless and bored at the idea of the simple, idyllic life afforded by Cysaegir, Draelor snuck away from the forest village of his people at the earliest opportunity and set out to explore the lands for himself. The hamlet of Sylvarraend is where Draelor eventually settled for a time, the wilderness skills taught amongst all of the Vaer'sah Clan lending themselves readily to learning his new profession as a Ranger.

Personality & Traits

Generally carefree and the first to crack a joke, Draelor takes certain subjects extremely seriously. His connection to the spirits of nature and his Aelotian heritage are among topics he will accept no slights towards.

Draelor is far more at ease under the stars and trees than within the cramped confines of cities. His preference for the solitude of the wilds and avoidance of large gatherings can at times be seen as antisocial but to him is more just a matter of comfort.

His trust is hard to earn, but he is extremely loyal to those he considers a friend and won't hesitate to come to their defense when needed.

Despite the somewhat rough exterior developed in the life of a woodsman, Draelor has a great love of scholarship. His travels have taken him to libraries and centers of learning across Elanthia as he continually seeks to learn more of the history and cultures native to the lands he considers home.

In a bit of oddity among one of his people Draelor does not use wing posturing while speaking, making him difficult to read. This is by personal choice and is something he's worked years at to learn to control.

Animal Companion

A massive grey wolf

A coat of dense fur in varied hues of grey covers a lean, powerfully built frame. The wolf's golden eyes gaze steadily outward, his dark tipped ears perked forward as he keeps a close track on his surroundings. Tongue lolling and tail wagging idly, his calm demeanor masks much of the fierce nature of the feral beast within.

The young wolf Vaerno is Draelor's companion and constant shadow in most all of his adventures throughout the lands. Fiercely protective, even when not seen he's typically still within earshot of the Ranger he considers family.