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Catharsis (short story)

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This is a creative work set in the world of Elanthia, attributed to its original author(s). It does not necessarily represent the official lore of GemStone IV.

Title: Catharsis

Author: Rohese Bayvel-Timbertree

First published on the 16th day of Eorgaen in the year 5122

Following on from her experiences as documented in A Difficult Journey and A Healing Process, this journal is a repository of vignettes around Rohese's struggle with post traumatic stress disorder and the formation of the Glimae'den Trust.

A Letter Arrives

On the 10th day of Eorgaen in the year 5122, Rohese received a letter from her good friend, Arenglae.

Dear Lady Bayvel, After our last talk, I wish this letter were being sent in a lighter tone. Unfortunately, I write to you today because I have many concerns after witnessing what I have seen in the west. I am not sure if you are familiar with the happenings here, but it would seem the Turamzzyrian Empire is expanding their borders with a new barony to the south of Wehnimer's Landing. That may not be so newsworthy, but what is is that the those who are settling this new barony are refugees, many similar to those settling in Ta'Illistim, and other parts of Elanith now. They already have lost much and are currently residing in an encampment, within tents, at the start of the winter months. Along with that, not only are the majority of the denizens of the Landing against this new barony and its proximity to their town, it would seem there are Illoke who oppose it as well. At the behest of Alosaka, I stayed last night with him to aid and fight. I have never seen firsthand the consequence of war, and it was brutal... especially when the attack switched to focus on the imperial encampment. I am writing to you today because much of what they had was burned last night in the attack... tents, supplies, so many things. People, as well. There was one woman who, although Alosaka was there and able to heal her, will suffer the trauma of what happened to her last night. Not just the burns, but the mental anguish as well. They need aid, and while I am sure the empire can provide it, I know we are capable of doing so, as well. For now, I will be staying here to help, but if there is anything you, or anyone else can do to aid, as well, it would go a long way, I am sure. So many have already started making moves to provide what they can here and back home, but more will always be needed. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Sincerely, Lady Arenglae Amalathia Illistim


Rohese lay in the dark and listened to the creaks and sighs of the house as it settled for the night. The familiar sounds were somewhat soothing but a rising sense of panic gripped her and she made fists with the bedsheets in a vain attempt to keep it at bay. It took all of her willpower not to whimper or cry out as visions of stricken families and memories of the refugee camps she had visited in the aftermath of the Talador atrocities flooded her mind. How can this be happening again!

Mirkk stirred in his sleep next to her so she took the opportunity to rise as he shifted position. She reached for a robe to ward off the chill in the air and walked out into the Solar, closing the door of the bed chamber quietly behind her to avoid disturbing him. Pausing at her desk, she collected a few sheets of parchment, some ink and a quill, and headed downstairs in search of tea.

The embers glimmered like rubies in the hearth where Aavia had banked the fire for the night. With a quick stir and the addition of a few more logs, it wasn't long before the fire blazed again, casting a warm, ruddy glow around the room. A quick visit to the kitchen resulted in some freshly brewed tea and Rohese settled herself in the fireplace nook with the two resident cats for company.

Taking a deep breath, she re-read the letter from Arenglae. Feelings of despair and dread threatened to overwhelm her again but a few sips of tea managed to quell them. Earlier in the day, she had struggled to reconcile her thoughts on the situation and how best to deal with her friend's request for help. Mirkk's initial reaction had been to insist they go west and offer aid immediately. Her own, in contrast, was to run and hide and she felt ashamed. How could she explain that to him without losing his respect? Over the past few years, she had managed to come to terms with everything that had happened to her the last time she had worked with the displaced in the west. The horrors she had witnessed and experienced first-hand during her abduction had left her traumatised. It was only with the help and support of friends – of Ceyrin – that she had managed to recover and return her life to some semblance of normality. Her thoughts wandered to her husband asleep upstairs. Would he understand?

Dipping her quill into the ink, Rohese began to draft a letter to her friend, pausing every now and then to frame her response without revealing her real fears and motives.

Dear Lady Amalathia, This is such distressing news. As you know, we are somewhat sheltered in the east from the vagaries of imperial politics so I was unaware of recent events across the DragonSpine. Why is it always the innocent who suffer at the hands of opportunists and power-hungry regimes with their expansionist agenda? I will, of course, do all I can to assist you with those who find themselves in this unfortunate position once again and will reach out to others to do the same. Should I be needed to come west and help in person, please do not hesitate to let me know but I am wary of involving myself fully at this point for reasons I will explain the next time I have the pleasure of seeing you. In the meantime, do take care and I will be in touch again soon with an update of what I have managed to organise. Your friend, Rohese

Folding the sheet of parchment and setting it aside, she reached for another sheet and began a second missive, this time with a little more ease.

Dearest grandfather, Thank you for your recent letter, it is still my hope to join you for the Feast of the Immortals as usual but I’m afraid I cannot speak for Mirkk as something has arisen that may prompt him to head west. Word has reached us of some unsettling developments that may require our assistance but I will share more of that when I see you next week. I know you will understand why I am wary to renew my diplomatic ties with the imperials and involve myself in their court politics once again. Has there been any word of Ipsy? I understand from Mimini that there is some concern over her whereabouts. I do hope she has been found safe and well. Fondest regards, Rohese

The letters written and her immediate worries laid to rest, Rohese then turned her thoughts back to Mirkk. She sipped at her tea and idly stroked one of the cats dozing alongside her as she pondered her next steps. How much, if anything, should she share with him? Given his current preoccupation with the search for Ceyrin, she was reluctant to burden him with it. Draining her teacup, she resolved not to add to his worries; she would deal with her inadequacies in her own way and hopefully find some answers when she was able to speak with her grandfather. Then there was the issue of her sister. The adjustments they had made to their daily lives in the light of Poladra's threats were beginning to take their toll; Rohese missed the freedom of being able to wander the nearby woods in solitude.

The hours passed and Rohese sat with the empty teacup in her hand, watching the fire slowly die. Aavia appeared as dawn tentatively pushed back the shadows of the night that had left her mistress so melancholy. With a shake of her head and cluck of the tongue, she disappeared for a moment and returned with a blanket and a fresh cup of tea. Sharing a warm smile, she placed them both next to Rohese and set about her early morning chores without a word. When she returned to the hall sometime later to rebuild the fire, Rohese had disappeared, presumably to begin her day.

A Letter is Sent

Lord Aeriadrn Ghaeriden Illistim Office of the Seneschal Ta'Illistim Keep 16th day of Eorgaen, in the year 5122 Seneschal, Thank you for sharing the wonderful news about the approval of funds for the Royal Arboretum research facility. I look forward to hearing more as the project progresses! I hope you will forgive the imposition but could I trouble you to relay some rather disturbing information to the Argent Mirror. Distressing news has reached me from Lady Arenglae Amalathia. It seems that innocent people are once again falling victim to the latest political manoeuvrings and warmongering in the west. As part of the Empire's plans for the establishment of a new barony in the north, refugees have apparently settled in encampments near the frontier town of Wehnimer's Landing and they are being caught up in the cross fire and fierce attacks from all sides of the dispute. Family commitments over the Feast of the Immortals prevent me from joining her but it is my intention in the meantime to request help from my grandfather. The harvests and hunts were bountiful this year, so the Bayvel estate can easily send initial provisions. I fear these poor people will need more than food though, winter is upon them and I am led to believe that there are many wounded. It is not my place to ask for the Argent Mirror's direct involvement but, if Her Reflection could perhaps consider how the beloved House of Illistim might be able to help once again, I will humbly do her bidding. That said, it has been my intention for quite some time to set up the Glimae'den Trust for situations such as this and I am resolved now to see this come to fruition in the new year. I will gladly send more information if needed and be thrilled if the Mirror would consider bestowing her patronage on such an endeavour. I have the honour to be the Mirror's most humble and obedient servant. Respectfully, High Lady Rohese Bayvel-Timbertree Loremaster and Patron of the Displaced

An Invitation to Court

Lady Rohese Bayvel-Timbertree 3rd day of Lormesta, in the year 5123 Lady Bayvel-Timbertree, The Argent Mirror was moved by your letter requesting her patronage in regards to the aid we of the Shining City could send to the those in need around the outpost of Wehnimer's Landing. She would like to hear your ideas for gathering and sending this much needed assistance and hear more about what she and others in the city can do support this cause. You are requested to gather like-minded people and attend court on Feastday, the 7th day of Lormesta, 5123, at four PM elven time. In the meantime, she has instructed Lady Gelynne to assist by beginning to collect clothing, food, and bandages and herbs. While this seems insignificant compared to the difficulties faced by those in need, it is a beginning. Lord Aeriadrn Ghaeriden Illistim Office of the Seneschal,Ta'Illistim Keep

Formal Court in Ta'Illistim

Philanthropy v Politics

Elaborately sketched and lifelike, a jade-banded metallic blue dragonfly occupies each of the four corners of the parchment. Thin branches, dappled with newly unfurling leaflets, stretch from each dragonfly to create a simplistic border that complements the overall design. To the court representatives of the Elven Houses: Lord Legionnaire Commander Jaranzair Nashal Vaalor the Crimson Legion Officer Lady Naevys Eilstina the Representative of the Rose Throne Lady Callalor Iristil Loenthra the Poet Royal and Most Esteemed Representative of House Loenthra Lord Eruien Lithavir Loenthra the Living Canvas and Most Esteemed Representative of Ta'Loenthra Lady Fennelis Asja Ardenai the Envo c/o Lord Aeriadrn Ghaeriden Illistim Office of the Seneschal Ta'Illistim Keep 14th day of Lormesta, in the year 5123 I would like to apologise for not introducing myself at court last Feastday but unfortunately I was unable to stay for the reception. It has since been brought to my attention that the proposals I made before you all may not align with the wishes of your own sovereign. I cannot speak for the Argent Mirror's motivations but it would be remiss of me to not try and explain my own. Let it be clear from the outset that I do not represent the views of House Illistim in any formal capacity, my endeavours are purely personal and I therefore take full responsibility for any offence caused by my thoughts and actions. First and foremost, I am a philanthropist and not a politician so my work takes me to wherever I see or hear of needless suffering. I strongly believe that I have a duty of care for those less fortunate than myself; an obligation to help victims of war or natural disaster resulting in deprivation regardless of the circumstances. I refuse to be constrained or influenced by the racial and political conflicts of others, especially if they are based on segregation or expansion. My only concern - and the reason behind my proposition in court - is simply to ensure that I work within the parameters of the Peacock Throne and do not compromise the wishes of the Argent Mirror or her Council. After all, we must all look to our respective thrones and why I understand you may have reservations about the philanthropic efforts currently underway. Should the Mirror adopt a similar view to my own or elect to act on my suggestion - as she did on this occasion - then that is for Her Reflection to answer to. I am, as always, appreciative of Her empathy and kindness towards others and will continue to ask for assistance when I think it is appropriate. All that said, I would like to extend an open invitation to meet with me at your convenience so we may discuss this further. When I am not at my desk in the Sylvarraend Manse or deep in the Library shelves, I can usually be found on the Green of the Ta'Illistim Keep. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Respectfully, Rohese Bayvel-Timbertree Illistim Loremaster and Patron of the Displaced Just above the signatory, a tiny dragonfly has been added in metallic blue and green ink to mirror those illuminating the parchment.