On the 10th day of Eorgaen in the year 5122, Rohese received a letter from her good friend, Arenglae.
Rohese lay in the dark and listened to the creaks and sighs of the house as it settled for the night. The familiar sounds were somewhat soothing but a rising sense of panic gripped her and she made fists with the bedsheets in a vain attempt to keep it at bay. It took all of her willpower not to whimper or cry out as visions of stricken families and memories of the refugee camps she had visited in the aftermath of the Talador atrocities flooded her mind. How can this be happening again!
Mirkk stirred in his sleep next to her so she took the opportunity to rise as he shifted position. She reached for a robe to ward off the chill in the air and walked out into the Solar, closing the door of the bed chamber quietly behind her to avoid disturbing him. Pausing at her desk, she collected a few sheets of parchment, some ink and a quill, and headed downstairs in search of tea.
The embers glimmered like rubies in the hearth where Aavia had banked the fire for the night. With a quick stir and the addition of a few more logs, it wasn't long before the fire blazed again, casting a warm, ruddy glow around the room. A quick visit to the kitchen resulted in some freshly brewed tea and Rohese settled herself in the fireplace nook with the two resident cats for company.
Taking a deep breath, she re-read the letter from Arenglae. Feelings of despair and dread threatened to overwhelm her again but a few sips of tea managed to quell them. Earlier in the day, she had struggled to reconcile her thoughts on the situation and how best to deal with her friend's request for help. Mirkk's initial reaction had been to insist they go west and offer aid immediately. Her own, in contrast, was to run and hide and she felt ashamed. How could she explain that to him without losing his respect? Over the past few years, she had managed to come to terms with everything that had happened to her the last time she had worked with the displaced in the west. The horrors she had witnessed and experienced first-hand during her abduction had left her traumatised. It was only with the help and support of friends – of Ceyrin – that she had managed to recover and return her life to some semblance of normality. Her thoughts wandered to her husband asleep upstairs. Would he understand?
Dipping her quill into the ink, Rohese began to draft a letter to her friend, pausing every now and then to frame her response without revealing her real fears and motives.
Folding the sheet of parchment and setting it aside, she reached for another sheet and began a second missive, this time with a little more ease.
The letters written and her immediate worries laid to rest, Rohese then turned her thoughts back to Mirkk. She sipped at her tea and idly stroked one of the cats dozing alongside her as she pondered her next steps. How much, if anything, should she share with him? Given his current preoccupation with the search for Ceyrin, she was reluctant to burden him with it. Draining her teacup, she resolved not to add to his worries; she would deal with her inadequacies in her own way and hopefully find some answers when she was able to speak with her grandfather. Then there was the issue of her sister. The adjustments they had made to their daily lives in the light of Poladra's threats were beginning to take their toll; Rohese missed the freedom of being able to wander the nearby woods in solitude.
The hours passed and Rohese sat with the empty teacup in her hand, watching the fire slowly die. Aavia appeared as dawn tentatively pushed back the shadows of the night that had left her mistress so melancholy. With a shake of her head and cluck of the tongue, she disappeared for a moment and returned with a blanket and a fresh cup of tea. Sharing a warm smile, she placed them both next to Rohese and set about her early morning chores without a word. When she returned to the hall sometime later to rebuild the fire, Rohese had disappeared, presumably to begin her day.
[Ta'Illistim Keep, The Argentate - 18137] (u13102003)
Rectangular in shape, the chamber's ceiling is a soaring vault of reflective silver-gilt mosaic. Beneath the glassy mirror is an open expanse of polished stone flooring and a half-moon rostrum, the surface raised three stairsteps above the rest of the room. Atop the dais is a large silver chair inlaid with sapphires. Down a step is a solid silver throne. A carved mistwood door, paneled in silver plating, blends into the long wall of the hall, and a wide velvet-draped arch is recessed opposite the platform leading back to the main area of the keep. You also see a guardsman.
Also here: Lord Xorus, Mianne, Jaydo, Lady Ysaeril, Lord Dezter, Lady Nyaria, Carew, Warchief Archales, Eruien, Squire Legionnaire Malinya, Squire Legionnaire Tylanthriel, Lord Kakoon, Tikba, High Legionnaire Aureliano, Lord Legionnaire Commander Jaranzair, Thaiagol, Lady Kasendra, Yfane, Imperatrix Lylia, Lord Seok, Meril, Lady Callalor, Airship Captain Xoesanti, Lady Fennelis, Murstyr, Lady Uniana, Lord Teveriel, Lady Aphaedra, Lady Naevys, Rose Guardian Cylnthia, Lady Elaejia, Master Aendir, Miss Lissaya, Lord Vyctus, Perigourd, Missoni, Commodore Jaysehn, Lady Akenna, Mistress Lithyia, Lady in Waiting Lynaera
Obvious exits: none
An elf in Illistim livery places a horn to his lips and blows three times.
From through the large ogee arch steps a page, his small body clad in the blue and silver livery of House Illistim. He holds a silver-encased book in his hands. He quickly glances around the chamber.
The page exhales slowly, then paces the length of the chamber. Behind him come two members of the Sapphire Guard, who follow him through the room as he walks to the rostrum at its far end.
Beautifully carved from silvery mistwood, a polished banister rests atop a series of ornate rungs. Three marble steps lead up to a raise platform that is crowned with a sapphire-inlaid chair. Placed one step below is a solid silver throne.
The page places the silver-encased book on the seat of the chair. He steps back.
A member of the Sapphire Guard pounds the butt of his halberd against the stone floor -- once, twice, three times. His compatriots snap to attention. The guardsman, his voice deep, announces, "Lord Aeriadrn Ghaeriden, Seneschal of Ta'Illistim."
Lord Aeriadrn just came through a wide velvet-draped arch.
Walking behind the Seneschal, a procession of blue-clad attendants files quietly down the center aisle. In each pair of hands is a quill and at each waist is a scroll-tube. The procession takes up places at either side of the rostrum.
A member of the Sapphire Guard pounds the butt of his halberd against the stone floor -- rapping three times. His booming voice announces, "The Ladies and Lord Councillors of Thrones."
Several women, and one man, process through the Argentate towards the rostrum. Their pace is slow, though dignified, and several are helped along by solicitous pages.
A member of the Sapphire Guard pounds the butt of his halberd against the stone floor -- each sharp rap sounding like a crack of thunder. Around the room, several ladies drop into curtsies and men into half bows. The guardsman, his voice deep, announces, "Argent Mirror Myasara Illistim, her Illumination, Head of House Illistim, Monarch of the Illistimi People, Defender of Ta'Illistim and Keeper of Knowledge.
Myasara's group just came through a wide velvet-draped arch.
You see Argent Mirror Myasara Illistim, her Illumination.
Myasara is surrounded by attendants, and a group of Sapphire Guards stands at attention nearby.
She is an Elf. She has large, faintly tilted grey eyes and luminous, though pale, skin. She has long, glossy auburn hair woven about a aureate coronet in a pattern of intricate braids. The planes of her cheekbones and the tips of her ears are both sharply slanted, giving her an angular quality.
She is wearing a slender necklace of tiered golden droplets, a deep sapphire matte silk satin gown embroidered with intricate goldwork, a thick aureate thumb signet, and a pair of gold satin slippers.
Myasara's attendants arrive.
You see Lady Orelwen Greyvael the Handmaiden to the Argent Mirror.
She appears to be an Illistim Elf.
She is moderately tall and has a balletic figure. She appears to be very young. She has vibrant indigo-wreathed amaranthine eyes and radiant gardenia white skin. She has waist-length, thick argent white hair wound into a bun atop her head and accented by an iridescent leaf-shaped glass hair ornament placed neatly above her ear. She has a slender face, a petite button nose and a small beauty mark just above her petal-shaped lips. Small, brown discolored splotches mar the skin along her jawline and neck.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a hammered tile vaalin choker, a corset formed of silver wire twisted into vines terminating in sculpted roses over a lustrous dark sapphire blue velvet cotehardie trailing silver-hemmed sleeves split above the elbow with a deep black satin chemise suffused in iridescent navy hues underneath, a simple white satin reticule, and some heelless sapphire silk shoes propped on thick blackwood platforms carved in floral patterns.
You see Lady Yrmythia Gael Illistim the Handmaiden to the Argent Mirror.
She appears to be an Elf.
She is petite and gracefully slender. She appears to be young and untried. She has large dark lapis blue eyes and pale skin. She has long, soft chestnut hair worn in an elaborate chignon strung with teardrop opals, soft curls artfully escaping to frame her face. She has a feylike countenance made more pronounced by her youthfulness.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a lustrous white sapphire lavaliere, a snowy white wool pelisse trimmed in silvered lynx fur, a back-laced cerulean velvet cotehardie with trailing opal-beaded sleeves, a vaalin signet ring, a heavy vaalin filigree hip-belt draped in opal teardrops, and a pair of heelless white satin shoes lofted on silvery hoarbeam platforms.
You see Murstyr Javilerre Illistim the Lord Commander of the Sapphire Guard.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is tall. He appears to be aged. He has hazel eyes and fair, though lined, skin. He has cropped, slightly wavy chestnut hair gilded with silver. He has a straight nose and broad shoulders. His chin is sharply pointed.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a beveled veil iron fillet, a sapphire wool cape, a sapphire leather harness with a veil iron claidhmore strapped to it, a suit of veil iron plate and mail set with a single sapphire enameled pauldron, a wide steel ring, and some veil-iron plated boots.
You see Thaiagol Razan-Dhur Illistim the Master of Lore.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is quite tall. He appears to be advanced in years. He has pale hazel green eyes and wrinkled skin. He has immaculate, thick white hair combed back into an unforgiving wave. He has a long face, a severe nose and a bushy eyebrows that are a shade darker than his hair.
He is in good shape.
He is holding an ancient green leatherbound tome with an amber cabochon set into its cover in his right hand.
He is wearing a pair of gilded spectacles with circular lenses, a luxuriant summer green velvet robe graced with geometric golden designs about the hems over a high-collared white silk shirt, a dusky golden sash of lustrous satin, some dark green trousers, and a pair of laced black boots.
You see Lady Kasendra Malwind.
She appears to be a Human from Aldora.
She is taller than average. She appears to be youthful. She has gold-flecked blue eyes and fair skin. She has long, wavy red hair pulled back in a loose tangle. She has an aquiline nose and high cheek bones lightly dusted with pale freckles.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a silver-strung rising swan pendant, a floor-length Vornavian silk kirtle over a high-buttoned emerald green gown with fitted sleeves, a narrow silver ring set with diamond and emerald cabochons, and a pair of white-on-emerald damask shoes heeled in oak.
The Argent Mirror passes through the open aisle in the center of the assembled crowd, pausing before the rostrum. She regards the large chair and the book atop it with respect, then takes her own seat on the lower throne.
Myasara walks over to the throne and settles down.
Myasara says, "Please, be at ease. We welcome you all to the Court of Ta'Illistim."
Aeriadrn says, "Argent Mirror, I wish to present visiting dignitaries to the Court."
Aeriadrn says, "Lord Legionnaire Commander Jaranzair Nashal Vaalor, Officer of the Crimson Legion."
You see Lord Legionnaire Commander Jaranzair Nashal Vaalor the Crimson Legion Officer.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is shorter than average. He appears to be old. He has almond-shaped milky white eyes and bronze skin. He has cropped, steel grey hair. He has an angular face and sharp pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a one-shoulder crimson silk half-cape, an embroidered crimson fustian jacket adorned at the shoulders with ten braided knots of rank, an eahnor wyvern badge, a suit of vaalorn plate and mail with a dark gold quilted gambeson underneath, a wide gold silk sash overlaid with intricate red eahnor, a gold-bound scarlet sheath, some crisply pressed gold-striped pants, and a pair of polished black leather boots cuffed at the knee.
Jaranzair nods once.
Myasara nods at Jaranzair.
Myasara says, "It is good to see you again Lord Commander, and we bid you welcome."
Jaranzair politely says, "It is a pleasure and honor to stay in your fine city."
Myasara nods.
Aeriadrn says, "Lady Naevys Eilstina Nalfein of the Ta'Nalfein courts."
Naevys drops smoothly into a deep curtsy before Myasara, sweeping her arms grandly to her sides.
You see Lady Naevys Eilstina the Representative of the Rose Throne.
She appears to be a Nalfein Elf.
She is taller than average and has a balletic body. She appears to be of full age. She has kohl-outlined pale celadon green eyes and unblemished ivory skin. She has hip-length, lustrous pearlescent white hair brushed back into a sleek chignon pierced by a fall of jade-tinted arathiel roses, leaving curled petals to frame her temples as they drape from thin chains. She has an angular face and a slender torso. Vinework of ebon-inked filigree traces the high points of her cheekbones.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a chain-caught fan of latticed milky jade vines woven between onyx roses in her right hand.
She is wearing a vine-framed necklet entwined in silken ribbons, a floor-length wrap of marbled black mink weighted by a diminutive gold fan, a shoulder-sliced merlot velvet gown dripping detached sleeves of ebony lace appliques, and some ankle-bowed ebon tulle lace pompes.
Myasara says, "We welcome you Lady Eilstina."
You quietly whisper to Uniana, "You must be delighted to have the Rose Throne represented so beautifully."
Naevys formally says, "Argent Mirror, thank you for your invitation to the Shining City, it has been a pleasure to view the city proper and its people."
Myasara says, "We are glad that your time here has been enjoyable and hope that it continues."
Naevys inclines her head.
Myasara nods at Naevys.
Aeriadrn says, "Lady Callalor Iristil Loenthra the Poet Royal and Most Esteemed Representative of House Loenthra."
Callalor slides one foot behind the other, dipping deeply and smoothly into a formal curtsy. Her skirts pool briefly on the floor before she stands.
You see Lady Callalor Iristil Loenthra the Poet Royal and Most Esteemed Representative of House Loenthra.
She appears to be an Elf.
She is tall. She appears to be youthful. She has almond-shaped blue eyes and pale skin. She has upswept, shiny silver hair pinned into a perfect knot atop her head. She has tippeted caps of platinum covering her ears.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a geldaralad dangling a triad of grey pearls, a draped silk capelet, a slim silver linen gown embroidered with spiked clusters of bluish sea-holly, and a pair of pearl grey slippers.
Myasara smiles at Callalor.
Uniana whispers, "A favorite of Queen Rhosyn -- if the rumors are true. Her family's holding provide vital trade supplies directly to the Rose Court."
Myasara says, "Lady Iristil be welcome here in the Shining City."
Callalor says, "Argent Mirror. My Queen bids me send her tidings and kind thoughts of friendship."
Eruien glances at Callalor.
You quietly whisper to Elaejia, "So young to be bearing such weighty titles but she seems delightful."
Myasara says, "We hope you will return with the same, it has been some time."
Callalor says, "Indeed. I shall deliver that message unto her."
Callalor steps back politely.
Elaejia whispers, "The young often have a perspective and insight that pierces the heart of poetry."
Myasara nods.
Elaejia nods slightly to you.
You nod in agreement at Elaejia.
Aeriadrn says, "Lord Eruien Lithavir the Living Canvas and Most Esteemed Representative of House Loenthra."
You quietly whisper to Elaejia, "Adonethwen Illistim would agree with you."
Aendir smiles.
Lissaya gazes with interest at Eruien.
Aendir nods respectfully at Eruien.
You see Lord Eruien Lithavir Loenthra the Living Canvas and Most Esteemed Representative of Ta'Loenthra.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is tall and has a lithe body. He appears to be young and robust. He has subtly tilted azure-flecked, sea green eyes and unlined pale skin. He has shoulder-length, silky ginger hair drawn back by twists of argent wire that frame his face, the harp-shaped coils traced in veins of amethyst. He has a long, softly angled face, a straight nose and broad shoulders. Lavender-sparked violet arathiel earcaps tip the points of his tall, upswept ears.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a lavender cape gathered over one shoulder before flaring into silken layers, a collarless purple bysuss jacket framed in contrasting brocatelle, a figured silk corset-styled vest shaped by exposed tanzanite boning over a lustrous argent satin shirt, some sharply tailored mist grey pants, and some charcoal leather boots back-laced to the knee.
Callalor glances at Eruien.
Eruien glances at Callalor.
Callalor smiles a little tighter.
Myasara says, "Lord Lithavir please be welcome in our beloved city."
Eruien says, "Thank you for your invitation. My Queen also bid me to send her good will."
Eruien says, "Your city is exceptionally beautiful and prolific, a muse for my artistic heart."
Myasara says, "We are pleased to hear this."
Myasara says, "And we look forward to seeing her in your works."
Eruien nods at Myasara.
Myasara smiles at Eruien.
Aeriadrn says, "Lady Fennelis Asja Ardenai, Envoy of the Ardenai Court."
You see Lady Fennelis Asja Ardenai the Envoy.
She appears to be an Elf.
She is of a slight height and has a well-toned, petite build. She appears to be in the bloom of youth. She has thick-lashed heliotrope eyes and flawless ivory skin. She has hip-length, voluminous caramel-brushed blonde hair pulled back into a web of multitudinous braids.
She has an inked spray of nightshade blooms on her arm.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a string of ivory and agate beads suspending a wire-wrapped antler tine, a layered golden lacebark cincher over a cross-wrapped luxuriant green velvet robe with a high-waisted vanilla cambric underrobe marbled by veins of pale amber underneath, and some knee-high tawny buckskin boots corset-laced up the sides.
Callalor looks on with curiousity.
Eruien flicks a furtive, slightly nervous glance in Callalor's direction.
Callalor pointedly keeps her eyes on the Argent Mirror.
Myasara says, "Lady Asja please be welcome."
Speaking to Myasara, Fennelis says, "On behalf of the Court of Ta'Ardenai and King Eamon, I bring warm greetings to the Argent Mirror and her people."
Myasara says, "And we return those warm greetings."
Myasara smiles.
Myasara says, "We welcome you all to the Court of Ta'Illistim."
Myasara says, "We look forward to spending time with you during your stay in the Shining City."
Callalor smiles.
Fennelis nods slightly.
Myasara says, "Please let Lord Aeriadrn know if there is anything you need during your stay that has not been provided."
Myasara nods at Aeriadrn.
Aeriadrn says, "Of course Argent Mirror."
Myasara says, "We also welcome you to immerse yourself in the city and attend events as you see fit and have interest."
Myasara says, "Lord Aeriadrn, please continue."
Aeriadrn says, "Argent Mirror, Lady Rohese Bayvel-Timbertree is here by invitation to speak on a matter of importance."
You feel your cheeks flush slightly.
You demurely lower your misty grey eyes.
Carew takes a few steps to her left.
Dezter smiles.
Thaiagol takes a moment to observe you.
You nod.
Archales turns to face you.
Myasara says, "Lady Rohese we are pleased to see you again."
Teveriel smiles at you.
Tikba turns to face you.
Myasara says, "We have read your letter about the situation in the West and the plight of the refugees there."
Orelwen takes a moment to observe you.
Speaking respectfully to Myasara, you ask, "Thank you, Argent Mirror. May I approach the Throne?"
Callalor looks thoughtfully at you.
Myasara says, "Please come forward."
You walk toward Myasara.
Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy to Myasara. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod in her direction.
You clear your throat.
Jaranzair gazes at you.
Speaking respectfully to Myasara, you begin, "Thank you for responding so positively to my letter and allowing me to address the court in the presence of such esteemed company today."
You glance around the room.
Tikba looks thoughtfully at you.
Myasara smiles at you.
Aureliano nods.
You reticently explain, "When word first reached me from Lady Arenglae Amalathia of the awful events she had witnessed in the west recently, my reaction was one of horror and despair."
Aureliano nods.
You embarrassedly confess, "Given the complex nature of imperial politics, I admit that I initially felt helpless and wrote to the Seneschal in the hope that something could be done to simply alleviate the suffering of those caught up in it as quickly as possible."
Dezter nods slowly.
Perigourd raises an eyebrow.
You bite your lip.
Eruien watches you with an appreciative gaze.
You surreptitiously glance at Kasendra.
You clear your throat.
Aphaedra nods to you.
You softly note, "But, more alarmingly, news continues to reach us of severe winter weather and further shortages, although I understand from friends that aid efforts across the Nations and the Empire have been truly remarkable and are ongoing."
Tikba nods thoughtfully to you.
You smile.
Myasara nods.
You gratefully acknowledge, "Indeed, I was delighted to learn that Lady Gelynne has since initiated the collection and packing up of much-needed supplies in our own beloved city too."
You wrinkle your nose.
You nod appreciatively.
You relievedly continue, "Knowing that basic needs are now being taken care of by the general populace - who never cease to amaze me with their generosity - my thoughts have turned to the thriving businesses we have within these walls and beyond."
You softly say, "It occurs to me that perhaps the established and prosperous merchants of our fair city could also be asked to assist in times of need."
You incline your head.
Myasara nods.
You softly posit, "Would Gaedrein, for example, be willing to donate some of the many furs and pelts she receives on a daily basis to a worthy cause. I am sure they would be appreciated to ward off the cold."
You softly ask, "Could Aegenis be persuaded to spare a few backpacks and chests from his General Store for shipping purposes or Harolis and Braesella be asked to contribute some of their wares to fill them?"
You wrinkle your nose.
Cylnthia smiles slightly and nods in agreement.
Fennelis whispers something to Eruien.
You softly say, "I have no doubt that a request from the Peacock Throne would be well received and the response would likely be overwhelmingly generous."
Thaiagol takes a few notes in his tome.
You softly say, "Beyond that, the main purpose of my address today is a little more far reaching and somewhat delicate - in the diplomatic sense - but I believe it to be a positive approach to the situation that many find themselves in these days."
You clear your throat.
Yrmythia whispers something to Orelwen.
Speaking bashfully to Myasara, you admit, "As you know, this is not the first time that I have approached the Peacock Throne regarding urgent aid for the displaced and vulnerable on both sides of the DragonSpine mountains."
You blush a rosy pink shade at Myasara.
Fennelis surreptitiously glances at Eruien.
Dezter nods encouragingly.
You softly remark, "History has recorded political instability, conflicts, and natural hazards that have had a devastating effect on many, resulting in loss of life, displacement, hardship, and insecurity."
You diplomatically opine, "One might go as far as to say that it is unfortunately becoming quite a regular occurrence."
You bite your lip.
Myasara folds her hands in her lap as she listens.
You graciously assert, "There is no denying that large numbers of people have been repeatedly driven from their homes, lands, and livelihoods."
You softly affirm, "In fact, many of us present in the Argentate today have witnessed this first hand through such indignities as Chaston's Edict, the atrocities committed in Talador, and the more recent devastation of Caligos Isle."
Yrmythia nods slightly at Orelwen.
You tentatively posit, "What is required is a more sustainable and longer-term solution, such as putting in place mechanisms to better assist with the provision of support or aid as and when a need arises -- ideally before it becomes a crisis situation."
Uniana nods almost imperceptibly.
Missoni nods slightly.
You brightly comment, "That said, a small group of us had a discussion in Cysaegir a while ago that resulted in the idea of setting up a trust for this very reason."
(Aendir stiffens as his expression darkens.)
Tikba nods thoughtfully to you.
Cylnthia nods in agreement to you.
You glance between Uniana and Missoni.
Archales nods approvingly.
Missoni smiles.
You softly elaborate, "The goal of the Glimae'den Trust would be to change lives - whether that be through charitable means or by funding sustainable livelihoods and asset creation - with the aim of promoting independence, building resilience, and ultimately ending hunger and poverty."
Lissaya gives a sidelong glance at Aendir.
You softly propose, "By various means - such as fundraising events, charitable donations, and loan schemes - the trust would be able to build up and maintain an endowment that could be accessed by application or attributed philanthropically in a timely and organised fashion."
You optimistically say, "The hope is that we shall meet again soon to formalise the programme and make the necessary arrangements for our first fundraising event."
You softly comment, "And should this be something Your Reflection - or our esteemed guests - feel able to lend their support to from time to time by way of patronage, I am sure it would be appreciated by all concerned."
Dezter flashes a toothy grin.
You glance around the room.
Cylnthia nods.
You respectfully conclude, "Forgive me for taking up so much of the Court's time but I am very grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts."
You clear your throat.
Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy to Myasara. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod in her direction.
Uniana smiles broadly.
Perigourd nods thoughtfully.
You take a few steps back.
Jaysehn smiles at you.
Lissaya gazes with interest at you.
You lower your gaze.
Aphaedra smiles at you.
Archales leans over and whispers, "Very well said."
Cylnthia nods encouragingly to you.
Myasara smiles.
Akenna smiles at you.
You blush a rosy pink shade at Archales.
Missoni nods.
Vyctus nods.
Lylia gazes admiringly at you.
Tikba nods thoughtfully to you.
Missoni whispers, "Oh, wonderfully said!"
You fold your hands.
Akenna whispers, "Well presented! Should you desire help or aid, I would be happy to give it."
You quietly whisper to Missoni, "Thank you."
Cylnthia whispers, "Very well said, and indeed many good ideas put forth."
You quietly whisper to Akenna, "Thank you!"
You quietly whisper to Cylnthia, "Thank you."
Dendum frowns at you.
(Aendir chews distractedly at his bottom lip.)
Cylnthia smiles.
Eruien shifts his weight.
Myasara says, "You wish to begin a trust for those who find themselves in hardships."
You nod faintly at Myasara.
Callalor whispers something to Eruien.
Speaking tentatively to Myasara, you confirm, "Should that meet with your approval, yes."
You bite your lip.
Eruien whispers something to Callalor.
Callalor nods.
The sky is covered in a halo of bright colors as the sun sets in the west.
Myasara says, "It seems this idea has been well thought out."
You smile at Myasara.
Cylnthia nods in agreement.
Orelwen whispers something to Yrmythia.
Callalor whispers something to Eruien.
Speaking softly to Myasara, you allow, "It is still in its infancy but we hope to formalise the arrangements soon."
Myasara says, "And you and those with a same interest plan to organize."
Uniana nods graciously at Myasara.
Missoni adopts an agreeable expression.
Eruien appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Speaking graciously to Myasara, you ask, "Perhaps my colleagues could be allowed to speak to it too, if they so wish?"
You incline your head.
You nod encouragingly at Uniana.
You nod encouragingly at Missoni.
Callalor inadvertantly elbows Eruien in the corset.
Missoni flushes slightly, some color reaching her cheeks.
Lithyia glances between Uniana and Missoni.
Lithyia smiles.
Myasara says, "Your philanthropic interests are to be commended."
You demurely lower your misty grey eyes.
Thaiagol frowns, his lips pressing into a thin line.
Yrmythia whispers something to Orelwen.
Myasara says, "And we encourage you to follow your feelings on this matter to begin your private foundation."
You smile at Myasara.
Speaking appreciatively to Myasara, you say, "Thank you, Argent Mirror."
Missoni nods appreciatively.
Myasara says, "We believe in helping others in times of need and will continue to support efforts when times call for them."
Speaking respectfully to Myasara, you acknowledge, "You have shown as much many times over."
Myasara says, "There is immediate need."
Myasara says, "And we support that now."
You nod appreciatively at Myasara.
Dezter adopts an agreeable expression.
Cylnthia nods appreciatively.
Myasara says, "As we communicated, we asked Lady Gelynne to begin by collecting items that those displaced may need during these hard winter months."
Thaiagol leans over and whispers, "While I commend your spirit of good charity, I worry at the realities of such a gracious effort. After all, is not the Turamzzyrian Empire rife with corruption from tip to tail?" He looks at you, his eyes sharp and probing. "It would be a shame and an undue burden to you should all that you raise simply end up in the pockets of some kingpin here or an unscrupulous human lordling there."
Naevys slowly extends her hand and flicks her vellum fan closed in one smooth, fluid motion -- allowing the small smile playing upon her lips to be seen once again.
Lissaya surreptitiously glances at Naevys.
Jaysehn whispers, "Your idea is far reaching and forward thinking, my Lady. Perhaps minds will change in time."
Myasara asks, "Are there others of your group who wish to speak?"
You quietly whisper to Thaiagol, "Your concerns are valid." Blushing furiously at your attention, she clears her throat and continues. "I would value your advice, if you would be willing to share it at some later date."
Missoni tilts her head up.
You quietly whisper to Jaysehn, "It's a start, that's all I can hope for at the moment."
Thaiagol leans over and whispers, "It is in the nature of the Turamzzyrians to take, their yawning hunger for wealth far outstripping what instincts they might have toward charity. I would be happy to lend my thoughts to yours, that you might most efficiently succeed in your endeavor... should you still find that endeavor worthwhile, to begin with."
Missoni carefully ventures, "I only wish to speak in support of Lady Bayvel-Timbertree's statements, having seen much of the violence and devastation myself firsthand, Argent Mirror," she punctuates her statement with a respectful curtsy, "I am very appreciative of the opportunity to support those in need in such an organized effort."
You cock your head at Thaiagol.
Myasara nods at Missoni.
Uniana turns to face Myasara.
Uniana simply offers, "These are not merely philanthropic opportunities, but rather something aligning with the cultural exchange that has taken place here. The history of our people through education and innovation has afforded us both position as well as comfort."
You quietly whisper to Thaiagol, "I should probably add that my husband is of Bourth, his family grew up in Gallardshold and I trust his insights into this matter too. Perhaps you could join us both to discuss it?"
You nod in agreement.
Uniana reasons, "If we continue to wait for other regions to catch-up in terms of these advancements, the continued requests for assistance will not abate. However, should we be able to offer them some fundamentals, we may in fact allow them to uplift themselves."
With a graceful flutter of her hands, Uniana sinks down in a formal curtsy.
Uniana takes a few graceful steps backward.
Aureliano nods thoughtfully at Uniana.
You smile at Uniana.
Aureliano whispers something to Uniana.
Speaking softly to Uniana, you offer, "I am mindful of the old human adage: if you teach a man to fish ..."
Lithyia smiles at you.
Thaiagol whispers, "Yes, that seems a wise plan indeed. His personal experiences and expertise will undoubtedly temper sage advice."
Missoni flashes a quick grin.
You smile at Thaiagol.
You nod in agreement at Thaiagol.
Myasara says, "We agree that such a trust aligns with the cultural exchange that we have fostered."
Myasara says, "While we support these efforts, we feel that such a trust is appropriate in the hands of the people."
Callalor gives the briefest nod of agreement.
Speaking softly to Myasara, you agree, "Indeed, Argent Mirror and why I added the caveat of it being diplomatically sensitive."
Myasara says, "'we will continute to communicate with the Empire and other areas in need."
Myasara smiles at you.
Jaranzair gives a subtle nod of agreement.
Speaking softly to Myasara, you say, "We would not wish to embarrass the Throne in any way or put undue burden on the Council."
You bite your lip.
Myasara says, "We could never see your efforts as an embarassment."
Seok whispers, "How could compassion and empathy embarrass any nation?"
Dezter nods encouragingly to you.
You smile at Seok.
Myasara ponders.
You quietly whisper to Seok, "One must always be mindful of perceptions though."
Myasara says, "There is something we would do now to help with the current effort."
Myasara says, "We have worked with Baron Malwind of Vornavis in the past on efforts similar to this one."
You nod in agreement at Myasara.
Myasara nods at Kasendra.
Kasendra curtsies to Myasara.
Elaejia gazes with interest at Kasendra.
Ysaeril smiles at Kasendra.
Xoesanti takes a moment to observe Kasendra.
Yrmythia smiles at Kasendra.
Dendum leans over and whispers, "We will not forget this insult to the Free North Loremaster do not think otherwise."
Orelwen surreptitiously glances at Kasendra.
Myasara says, "Lady Malwind, we have worked together in the past to bring relief to those in need. We hope that we can revisit our work."
Yfane watches the proceedings, eyes scanning the crowd. His meandering gaze stops a moment on Jaranzair, giving his dress uniform the once over, before he ever so subtly turns his attention to one of the diplomats.
You raise an eyebrow in Dendum's direction.
Callalor whispers something to Eruien.
Myasara says, "We have had this relief effort on our mind since hearing of it."
You quietly whisper to Dendum, "How can this possibly be an insult?"
Dendum whispers, "You seek to supply the invaders of the Dark Stone area?"
Speaking respectfully to Myasara, Kasendra says, "Your Reflection, it warm our heart that such care and thought is being offered."
Myasara says, "Due to the unrest in the West, we believe that Solhaven and Vornavis are the safest places to transport our supplies through."
You quietly whisper to Dendum, "No, we seek to assist the Taladorian refugees who are innocent bystanders."
Dendum whispers, "They are not displaced...nothing displaced them but greed and desire to take other peoples lands."
Myasara says, "As we did in the past, Lady Malwind, we would ask that you write to your family requesting permission to send all supplies we gather by airship."
You quietly whisper to Dendum, "There you are, you see, our Argent Mirror has just confirmed that it will not be going to the so-named Barony of Darkstone."
Myasara smiles at Kasendra.
Kasendra says, "I am honored to be able to act as intermediary between the Mirror and my father--" She pauses for a moment casting a glance at Akenna, but quickly returning her gaze to the Mirror. "My father-in-law. I will do so immediately."
Kasendra says, "The plight of the once proud Taladorian people has always been one that has been near to my heart."
You smile at Kasendra.
Fennelis shifts her eyes to Kasendra.
You nod understandingly at Kasendra.
Aendir closes his eyes for a moment.
Uniana leans to her right slightly.
Myasara says, "We remember your works during those troubled times before the Valley of Gold."
Myasara nods at Kasendra.
Callalor looks over at Eruien and shakes her head.
Lylia narrows her eyes.
Kasendra abashedly says, "It is kind to be remembered."
Jaranzair nods.
Myasara says, "Of course."
Myasara says, "Your work was an inspiration for others."
Myasara says, "Lady Rohese, Lady Uniana, and Lady Missoni."
You smile.
You cock your head at Myasara.
Kasendra folds her hands behind her back.
Myasara says, "We give you our full support in this endevor and hope that this will assist in the current situation."
You nod appreciatively.
Uniana inclines her head.
Speaking appreciatively to Myasara, you say, "Thank you, Argent Mirror."
Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy to Myasara. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod in her direction.
Aendir thoughtfully studies Uniana, a satisfied expression quickly reaching his face.
Myasara says, "Ladies, I will send word when transport has been finalized."
Aphaedra becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
Myasara says, "And will continute to have Gelynne assist you."
Myasara asks, "Is there more discussion at this time on this topic?"
Dezter nods once.
You lower your gaze.
Uniana whispers, "Perhaps remind the Argent that many of us have our own methods for transporation and would be willing to assist in that way? I am sure the Sentinel Fleet who has numerous connections in the West would also be interested."
Lithyia smiles at you.
You quietly whisper to Uniana, "Please do so!"
Lithyia folds her hands.
You nod encouragingly at Uniana.
Uniana nods at Myasara.
Myasara says, "Lady Anduin."
Uniana strides a few steps forward.
Uniana politely says, "You are gracious to lend the state airships for these efforts but among this group are several entities who operate fleets, well-guarded and smartly navigated who I am sure would be willing to assist as well."
Uniana gives a sidelong glance at Jaysehn.
You nod in agreement at Uniana.
Cylnthia nods in agreement.
Uniana nods respectfully.
With a graceful flutter of her hands, Uniana sinks down in a formal curtsy.
Uniana takes a few graceful steps backward.
Myasara says, "Thank you for the offer of your ships."
You smile at Jaysehn.
Teveriel nods appreciatively at Uniana.
Missoni nods approvingly.
Uniana gazes proudly at Cylnthia.
Aureliano nods in agreement at Uniana.
Akenna beams at Jaysehn in admiration and with a loving gaze.
Myasara says, "I am sure multiple transports would be important in the transport."
Jaysehn glances at Uniana.
Jaysehn nods graciously.
Myasara says, "Transport of the donations."
Myasara says, "Lord Aeriadrn."
Myasara says, "Please make a note that both Lady Uniana and Lord Jaysehn have also offered transport."
Aeriadrn says, "Of course Argent Mirror."
Callalor whispers something to Eruien.
Uniana demurely notes, "Among several others who are eager to serve the Argent."
Uniana nods at Cylnthia.
Yrmythia whispers something to Orelwen.
Uniana nods at Dezter.
Cylnthia nods in agreement at Uniana.
Aeriadrn nods at Uniana.
Orelwen giggles at Yrmythia.
Dezter flashes a toothy grin.
Dezter gives an approval gesture with his hand.
Aeriadrn says, "Thank you."
You smile at Dezter.
Cylnthia nods slightly.
Aeriadrn says, "I have one more thing here."
Myasara nods.
You quietly whisper to Akenna, "It seems you will be helping from the outset and I hope this means I will see more of you."
Aeriadrn says, "Squire Gasen is set to return from Ta'Vaalor."
Ysaeril tilts her head up.
Lithyia raises an eyebrow.
Akenna whispers, "I hope so!"
Uniana briefly conceals her face behind her silk fan, coyly looking past the triad of blades set within it.
You smile at Akenna.
Mianne fans herself.
Aureliano nods faintly.
Aendir takes a moment to observe Mianne.
Myasara says, "That is good news."
Teveriel glances apprehensively at Mianne.
Mianne bites her lip.
Myasara says, "We look forward to seeing him again."
Myasara says, "And we thank our Cousins of the Fortress for taking such good care of our ward."
Myasara nods at Jaranzair.
Dezter chuckles to himself.
Jaranzair smiles faintly at Myasara, though it does not all the way reach his eyes.
Aeriadrn asks, "Were there any other petitions to be brought before the Argent Mirror at this time?"
You gaze with interest at your surroundings.
Callalor whispers something to Eruien.
Aeriadrn says, "Lady Akenna Laeraun-Ranshai."
Myasara says, "Lady Akenna."
(Akenna moves slowly forward.)
Akenna bows her head slightly toward Myasara as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy before her.
Jaysehn glances at Akenna and quirks an eyebrow in her direction.
Speaking to Myasara, Akenna requests, "If it please Your Reflection, I would like to make a collection of shoes for you for the winter season."
Elaejia smiles at Akenna.
Uniana nods approvingly at Akenna.
Jaysehn smiles.
Myasara blinks once before composing herself.
Myasara says, "Lady Akenna, we would be pleased to have such a gift."
Speaking to Myasara, Akenna says, "Think of it not as a gift, but as a thank you for helping those in need west of the Dragonspine."
Orelwen whispers something to Yrmythia.
Akenna smiles at Myasara.
Orelwen whispers something to Yrmythia.
Yrmythia whispers something to Orelwen.
Myasara says, "Thank you, we will look forward to wearing them."
With a graceful movement of her hands, Akenna lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Myasara.
Akenna takes a few graceful steps backward.
Teveriel casually glances to his left.
Teveriel smiles quietly to himself.
Aeriadrn says, "Master Aendir Silithyr Loenthra."
Aendir smiles.
Lissaya shifts her eyes to Aendir.
You quietly whisper to Uniana, "I suspect we will all be watching the Mirror's footwear very closely soon and emulating it."
Cylnthia glances at Aendir.
Cylnthia rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Uniana turns to face Aendir.
Orelwen whispers something to Yrmythia.
Aendir says, "Thank you for affording me a brief opportunity to speak, Our Reflection."
Callalor looks thoughtfully at Aendir.
Myasara says, "Lord Aendir."
Uniana whispers, "Speaking of," glancing at Yfane, "I could practically die in anticipation of tomorrow."
Yrmythia smiles faintly at Orelwen and offers a slight shrug.
You quietly whisper to Uniana, "Oh my yes." Sighing softly, she adds, "But what to wear!"
Aendir says, "Through the exhaustive efforts of our membership, the Ilyan Syndicate has finished renovations on our new home. We would like to extend an invitiation to your Reflection, as well our guests from other City-States to tour the grounds - and stay if you are so inclined."
Aendir says, "The Illithien Aerie has been established as an homage to our Elven culture at large, and it would be our honor to host."
Uniana smiles at Aendir.
Aendir's bow is graceful, if perfunctory. He follows the bow with a brief nod of his head.
You smile at Aendir.
Aendir politely says, "That is all."
You quietly whisper to Aendir, "I suspect grandmother will find she can finally tear herself away from the Illithien estate should she hear that the Mirror herself is visiting her old home."
Myasara says, "I would be honored to tour the Illithien Aerie."
Aendir whispers, "Wouldn't that be marvelous!"
Aendir smiles at Myasara.
Uniana gasps loudly, clapping her hands with mirth.
Akenna flashes a wide grin at Aendir.
You quietly whisper to Aendir, "Not for me, I would have to host her."
Yrmythia giggles at Orelwen.
Myasara gazes about at the dignitaries.
Elaejia smiles at Myasara.
Speaking to Myasara, Aendir says, "It would be our honor to have you, Our Reflection."
Myasara says, "If our guests would be interested Lord Aeriadrn can communiate to set up a time."
Elaejia nods slightly.
Aendir says, "I will send correspondence to Lord Aeriadrn to discern an appropriate time for Our Reflection and her guests, if they so choose."
Straightening his back, Aendir gives a formal, low bow to Myasara. He inclines his head as well, giving Myasara a brief nod.
Myasara says, "We look forward to it."
Aeriadrn nods.
Eruien nods at Myasara.
Aeriadrn says, "Argent Mirror, I believe that is the last of our petitions for this day."
You fold your hands.
Aeriadrn says, "Refreshments will be set up in the Solarium to honor our guests."
A member of the Sapphire Guard pounds the butt of his halberd against the stone floor -- rapping three times.
Myasara turns to gaze upon the silver book once more before walking towards the arch.
Myasara's group just went through a wide velvet-draped arch.
You let out a long, contemplative breath.
Aeriadrn says, "This session of the Court of Ta'Illistim is adjourned."
Letters are sent to the individual court representatives of the Elven Houses.