Opalina's Diary - Book 2

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This is a creative work set in the world of Elanthia, attributed to its original author(s). It does not necessarily represent the official lore of GemStone IV.

Title: Opalina's Diary - Book 2

Author: Opalina Jalcon

This is a personal accounting of Opalina's experiences during the year of 2023--these are her personal views, and actions from her perspective, logs are being recorded/and transcribed occasionally.

Back to: Opalina's Diary

Ta'Vaalorian Dinner

Entry Dated                                                                                                        January 4, 2023

Invited to a dinner isn't the worst way to spend an evening out on the town. Especially one with folks from Ta'Vaalor. I love that town it's always so warm and welcoming. Even now as our delegates are trying to show power and gain respect at the same time. They have concerns that feel important so a small town in a cold wilderness where life every day is a struggle. Ta'Vaalor is a larger town than Icemule with power wisdom and concerns like ours seem tiny in their eye's. Hopefully this dinner will allow them to see us as more than just inferior peasants but people with strong ideas, big plans, and the desire for growth.

Our ragtag group of people come from all walks of life. Some of us are princesses, some are elders, some are criminals, some are scholars, and some warriors. We manage to survive together in a small community in a barren cold environment surrounded by Giants, Undead, Vampires, Rotting corpses, Bandits and so many more horrors. But deep in town we have banded together for a common vision of survival, raise our children, Share our hearths and our food. We have pride in our accomplishments and the battles we've won against liches and those who would control our town with evil intent. Time and time again as a whole we've managed to sustain life and prevail. Now we are not all perfect by any means. We have our thieves, murderers, and warmongrals. Our goal is simple. We want to be seen as an Independent equal town with rights for trade and control of our area as our community believes for the safety and well being of the people who live there. We want say in what happens in and around our small community. We have a Town Mayor, We have a City Council that represents the wants and desires of the town, and an active thriving small and growing community.

The Invite.

An invite was provided to me through mail from a gentleman I've never met before. I am curious as to who he is and why me. I was not part of the delegates who represented Icemule. But I do have friends in Ta'Vaalor. And the King was very kind to me. Perhaps my name was shared as someone known to be a kindred spirit.

Lady Opalina,
I wish to extend an invite to a dinner to you, any delegate, and any community members who wish to attend. I hope to host this dinner on the 4th of Lormesta at seven in the evening elven standard time in the Ilynov Manor. I hope to hear from you shortly letting me know of availability.
Honor before all else,
Kakoon Arakhor

I'd never met Kakoon before this night. I have since learned that he is a powerful land owner and community member of the Ta'Vaalor. He is supporting the efforts of Dezter and his sister Aphaedra of Ta'Vaalor to help Icemule and their current efforts to be heard. Dezter is a long time friend of mine. We met in landing through several other friends and have since kept in touch. It was through him that Kakoon learn of me and felt comfortable to reach out.

I brought a gift from Falvicar's and My personal collection of Wines and spirits. We thought it would be rude not to bring something to honor the host. We also gave one to Dezter to share with his family. It was my great pleasure to meet Aphaedra and her husband Jaydo.

The dinner itself was so elaborate Three courses appetizer, dinner, and dessert served in different areas along with lovely live music performed by Carew She had the most beautiful silvery mistwood flute encrusted with faceted firestones. I absolutely love listening to the flute, and she is a master at her art.

So many things were shared and people were able to connect. Though I think during dinner Hazelnut might have had a little too much to drink as he started to show his frustrations and started making elaborate demands like stating that Ta'Vaalor should stop their trade with Briarmoon Cove. I don't feel that's fair at all! That's not what the delegates were sent to do! Not stop anyone from trading.

I left the dinner full and confident we made new friends. I only hope the delegates feel more comfortable about working with Ta'Vaalor and that we can peacefully come to a resolution soon.

Catspaw-2023-1-4 - Ta'Vaalor invites Icemule to Dinner (Log)

Building Relationships

Diary Entry                                                                                January 10, 2023

Since the dinner It's been a whirlwind of talks. Contracts are drawn up and supplies delivered. Letters to merchants at unknown locations, and Secrets still being protected. Not to mention the smoke from the north and the Loud whine from the Firebird. Will peace ever be a regular happening in Icemule again? Perhaps peace is just a wishful dream that only happens in death. Well I for one am not ready to die. No, no peace. no stopping the moving forward wheel of change.

I wrote a letter to the Merchant Lahke Maxim. He is known for traveling and doing business in Brairmoon Cove. I am hoping he can share his contacts with me so we can attempt to reach out and open communications with Briarmoon again. But so far he's not responded to my letter. So many things could have happened. He could be inside Briarmoon Cove and they are all Vampires, My letter could have been stolen by Rammael, He may not have any contacts, Or he may not remember me and be so busy that he tossed the letter away without a care in the world. It was a long shot at best. And I fear we maybe running out of time to make any amends with Briarmoon Cove.


Dear Lahke Maxim
Dear Lahke Maxim;

I hope my letter finds you well and in good spirits. You may not remember me, as it’s been quite some time since I’ve been able to visit you during your merchant travels.  Your epic deepening has helped many of travelers through out the lands. Though I do not need the deepening of my wares I do need the deepening of any knowledge you may have about Briarmoon Cove. 

Our young children and elderly are on the verge of starving without the food we were once receiving in trade from Briarmoon Cove. Ta'Vaalor is trying hard to provide Icemule with food to hold us over but, with their distance it will be difficult to maintain such efforts over a long period of time.  It is with the weight of these terrible worries that I am reaching out to you.

Icemule Trace was a regular trade partner with Briarmoon Cove until very recently. We are unable to reach out and speak with them as communications have ended. I am personally concerned that there may be something more sinister going on within Briarmoon Cove and was hoping perhaps you could assist with your knowledge of Briarmoon cove and its leadership.  

You are my only hope Lahke. Please come to Icemule and help us mend the fences between Briarmoon Cove and Icemule or I feel we will be lost forever. 

In Service, Wisdom and Hope,

Lightweaver Opalina Jalcon the Town Councillor of Icemule Trace

P.S. If you are unable to come to Icemule yourself perhaps you may know someone within Briarmoon who would be willing to succor audience with Briarmoon Cove leadership for me.

I am glad I was able to meet with Kakoon at the dinner it was a wonderful thing for Icemule. My dear friend Dezter and his sister have really out done themselves providing supplies to Icemule. Our agreement will do both of our cities good.


Goodwill Agreement
In the Common language, it reads:

Goodwill Agreement

This Contract for Goodwill Services is made effective as of Lormestra 09, 5123 by and between the Arakhor Family of Ta'Vaalor and Jalcon Family of Icemule Trace, As witnessed by the Aandryl family.

Description of Services

To provide aid during times of distress or need as established by either house, in the forms of food, supplies, support to MHO events, and any other activities as deems necessary by either party.


This is a mutual agreement of goodwill intent to support and back each house. With the understanding that no monetary, slavery, or demeaning payment is involved.

Force Majeure

This service agreement is in no way meant to break, control, or build any means of overpowering any ruling government for either town. Each house will do everything possible to avoid all means of causing disruption that would cause either town hardship or difficulties in performing support.


This agreement may be modified, amended, or canceled in writing by mutual agreement between the parties.

 Signed and Witnessed on Lormestra 10, 5123 by: 

Lady Opalina Jalcon of Icemule
Lord Falvicar Jalcon of Icemule
Kakoon Arakhor Vaalor
Lady Qiana Arkhor Vaalor
Lord Dezter Aandryl Vaalor
Lady Aphaedra Aandryl-Deleros 

The Winter War-2023-01-10-Food and Supplies (log)

Rammael.. I hope we can find him soon..

The Entrance to a cave along the coast is still closed I am very curious where that goes to and, no matter what I throw at it, the boulders will still not move. One door at a time eh?

Falvicar and I both agree that we do not want children at this time. I'm happy about that. We have only been married for a year. I am so not ready to disturb our loving relationship with the wailing slobbery diaper changing routines of children.. not yet... I just want to love him. So we've decide to revisit our desires for children later and I'm truly happy with that.

Return to the top of this page.


Diary Entry Dated:                                                                             January 13, 2023

Merchant Evrick Visited Icemule for some Beverage testing and services. It was nice to see a merchant providing services and in turn purchasing drinks and supporting out local Inn. It warmed my heart. He didn’t admit to knowing the merchant Lahke or even Briarmoon cove which was unsettling. He may not have heard me I do talk kind of softly sometimes and it was quite busy, with the clinking of drinks and rustling of merchandise back and forth. However, he did say that his travels were normal and unhindered leaving me to believe the roads at this time are free from controlling factors. Trade is a welcome and a wanted action even in these trying times.

Aliashyrah inquired if I saw the latest town missive posted near the Mule. Of course I saw it. Who would believe such lies?

Nothing like greeting Visitors in Icemule. In the interest of keeping peace between Vaalor and Icemule I try very hard to show a town that is as loving and caring to Vaalorians as they have treated me when I visit their city. Our two cities are open for visiting, trading, and vacationing. I welcome their business, IF they spend their money in our town our city benefits and we feel a little less pinch from the loss of trade from Briarmoon Cove.

Tonight was no different until I heard the voice of threat from the crowd.. "I will burn your ships! Kill your trade partners, and return all that lousy sinking Vaalorian food right back to their faces!" The voice.. I cringed when I recognized it.. How in this blazing white snow does he find every opportunity to battle me, what does he have against me personally that he needs to be so aggressive? The merchant ship carrying supplies from Vaalor is a show of support and a non aggressive move to be understanding and help us while we deal with our struggles with Briarmoon Cove. Hazelnut said our children were starving that our town was suffering.. This alone begged for sympathy and support, and our goodwill trade agreement full-fills that need without hurting either government.

Airships are the new normal in Icemule. It appears the trading with Briarmoon Cove is going well as the ships are moving to and from the location. There is also a tower east of Icemule with what appears to be troops of soldiers being dropped in. However the location of the Tower itself is unknown. I am assured by Vaalor it is well out of Icemule's boarder. While Icemule residents believe it may be a show of force on Vaalors side and may be actually within Icemule's boarders.

Debates on the actual Borders are starting to circulate.. especially with boarders being such a hot topic in the Landing.

Would making a line on a map keep folks from contesting? Hardly..

The Winter War-2023-01-13-Burning down the Ships (Log)

Defending her honor

Diary Entry Dated:                                                                               January 17,2023

Opalina picks at a broken nail on her pinky finger as she sits at her desk unsure how to proceed with her entry, musing over the thoughts swimming in her mind threatening to send her to the bottom of the sea during a torrential storm. She twists the tiny piece of white keratin between her fingers her brows scrunched together, casually she drops the small piece into the trash receptacle at her feet already stuffed with balled up pieces of paper and picks up her quill. Pulling a fresh sheet of paper to the forefront she begins to write.

I don't deserve love. I don't deserve to have such a dedicated man in my life that loves me so dearly. I don't deserve even an ounce of his attention. But here I am married to the most generous, loving, and kind man I know. Too generous? maybe. Too kind? maybe. Too loving? maybe. I am not worthy I know..

She scrubs her hand through her winter rose-dotted deep auburn hair in frustration.

I was caught in a deep trance in town square, My mind lost in thought when people were trying to talk to me. I was so deeply in my own thoughts I was unaware of what was happening around me. It was the noise that brought me back the growling and heat of my mate hovering above me in a completely protective state thats what woke me.. "I challenge you!" the words left his mouth.. My eye's trying to find focus as to what was going on around me. Seeing Grutak's mocking face and my mates angry flushed face.. I knew instantly things were once again out of control..

Off they marched one after the other One to defend the honor of his life mate and the other just to prove he would stand up and fight.

What could I do? Nothing. I love him. He must choose his battles. Win or lose I will be by his side.

When Falvicar returned to my side, he was still upset and seeking comfort I held him close, Comfort it's all I have to give smoothing calming love. My darling. You are all right, Be at peace.

Grutak did not win that physical battle. But was it worth the loss of life to defend an unworthy woman? I do not know..

I love you Falvicar.

Return to the top of this page.


Diary Entry dated:                                                                           January 18, 2023

So much Food Stuff What do to with it all, Spoilage Not gonna happen.. House White Haven can help here:

List of Ingredients still not distributed: Polar Bear shank(50), Wooly Mammoth Shank (50), Grizzly Bear shank (50), Caribou Shank (50), an ear of corn (50), a zucchini (50), a shallot (10), some scallions (10), some cumin seeds (10), a handful of mustard seeds (10), some wild sage (10), a black peppercorn (10), a bulb of garlic (10), some chives (10), a pod of cardamom (10), some thyme (10),a warthog shank (50), a mountain goat shank (50), a snow leopard shank (50), a bighorn sheep shank (50)

Opalina, with the help of a handful of halfling friends, haul all the latest foodstuffs to White Haven Kitchens. “Chef there is so many shanks and onions and herbs here it’s going to spoil if we don’t use it.. Is there anything you can do with it?” The cook looks over all the ingredients and nods, “Well it’s not much but I’ve worked with less and fed 1000’s You’ll get some mighty fine dishes I promise.” Opalina leaves the kitchen to let the cook do his thing. She is a terrible cook and her presence may just cause the stove to burn something .. Walking out to the street she breathes in the crisp morning air, smoke from the White Haven kitchen starting up mixing in, adding the scent of cooking meats making her stomach growl and her mouth to water in anticipation.

White Haven has used the supplied supplies to create a menu that will feed folks for the week. Enjoy.

Food/Drink [14]: a glass of ice cold milk, a stein of Northern Fury mead, a winterberry red ale, a mug of strong Elanthian coffee, a bowl of wild rice cradling a halved butter-braised onion, a fried onion tartlet, a crock of cheese-laced onion soup, some garlic and herb-stuffed red trafel mushrooms, a smoked caribou sausage link, a cheese-covered ball of popcorn, a sloppy pulled pork sandwich, a bowl of venison and onion stew, a small mincemeat pie, some cedar-smoked bacon strips

While White Haven Cooks and prepares the meals Opalina writes to her benefactor,

Generous Patron Kakoon Arakhor,

I would like to extend my sincere appreciation of the food sources you have provided to our town. It will feed our citizens both young and old and travelers the like over the next week. With the provisions you have provided, I was able to take them to House White Haven’s kitchens and they helped prepare a meal that will be available to all town folks. The cart will be continually restocked as items are cooked throughout the week.

Food/Drink [14]: a glass of ice cold milk, a stein of Northern Fury mead, a winterberry red ale, a mug of strong Elanthian coffee, a bowl of wild rice cradling a halved butter-braised onion, a fried onion tartlet, a crock of cheese-laced onion soup, some garlic and herb-stuffed red trafel mushrooms, a smoked caribou sausage link, a cheese-covered ball of popcorn, a sloppy pulled pork sandwich, a bowl of venison and onion stew, a small mincemeat pie, some cedar-smoked bacon strips

Our kitchens hearth will keep burning and the warmth of our home will continue to serve the city with your support.

In Wisdom, Service and Hope,

Opalina Jalcon.

Letters. Enough. The Queen. Trade

11:24, 20 January 2023 (CST)

The Winter War-2023-01-18-Icemule Open Council Meeting (log)

Queen of the North Sonnet

   "A woman was married to a man she didn't know
     He was of one of noble blood
     Her love for him did not grow
     He locked her into a cage and declared her his Beloved"
   "A ring held her tight but she still ran and got mugged
     she tried to escape and avoid being raped
     and her heart pounded and drummed
     his power was stronger and that was her mistake"

   "A group towns folks chased down the man, while he was awake
     Not wanting to take a chance they killed him dead
     The women then declared that she was free and her future reshaped
     The removal of the ring was of ease, for its magic was nothing but a thread"

   "The woman was filled with a magical force
     Her title is now the Queen of all the North."