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Elven Lexicon

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Elven Lexicon is an Official GemStone IV Document, and it is protected from editing.

Elven Lexicon

A list of confirmed words in Elven. For suggestions/additions, please use the Discussion page and include a link to the relevant document the term is used in (or if it is an in-game item/location, enough information staff can find it for review).

Elven Term Translation Roots Originating Documentation Date Introduced Other Info
Sylvisterai "one who embraces or marries the forest" Unknown Uncertain (see History of the Sylvan Elves) Unknown Term for sylvans
Arathiel Unknown Unknown Artisanal Glasses of Elanthia (Glassworking document) May 5, 2022 Firefly glass is an alternate term for arathiel, but it is not a translation
Ataelel literally, ink drinker Unknown Library Mouse document February 2021 Nickname for a bookworm
Chalcedony the gem + other, unspecified uses Unknown Elanthian Gems document Unknown The document implies there are other translations in Elven for what chalcedony can mean besides the gem, but no details are supplied.
Geld stone Unknown Ferroniere document 2007 n/a
Geld-aradlaiel Seer-stone "geld" - stone; "aradlaiel" - a version of the term for seer Ferroniere document 2007 See also geldarald
Geldaralad Stone of truth "geld" - stone; "aralad" - a version of the term for truth Ferroniere document 2007 The term for an elven ferroniere. See document for specifics.
Geldithe Nothing direct, refers to a seaglass-inset ring "geld" meaning stone and "-ithe," a suffix often used in reference with large bodies of water Artisanal Glasses of Elanthia (Glassworking document) May 5, 2022 Meant to bring luck. See document for details.
Ilaeryse carbuncle (gem) or infirmity Unknown Elanthian Gems document Unknown n/a
Lathaer selphare a type of corderite Unknown Elanthian Gems document Unknown The "water sapphire" gem comes from a mistranslation/pronunciation of this term. See doc for details.
Nyin'niel snow's heart Unknown Elves of Wyrdeep document Unknown Used as a name for a companion in the document, with the translation provided.
Ruhaien To hide or conceal Unknown Elven Ruhan document 2007ish n/a
Ruhan Unknown Ruhaien Elven Ruhan document 2007ish A sleeveless elven garment. See also ruhana, ruhaien. Ruhan is both singular and plural.
Ruhana Unknown Ruhan Elven Ruhan document 2007ish A less utilitarian garment, inspired by, but not resembling, the ruhan. Tailored to be wrapped about the body, the garment is typically pinned in place. See document for specifics.
Ruhani Unknown Ruhan Elven Ruhan document 2007ish A type of wool commonly used in crafting ruhan, with pale grey to moss-green coloring, characterized by barely perceptible patterns of whorls or leaves throughout its tight weave
Var Avenue Unknown In-game EN Unknown n/a
Wey Way Unknown In-game EN n/a
Glimaer glimmer, possibly other translations as well Unknown In-game EN Used for things like glimaerstone
Aeleria Flower Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 Often added as either "eria" or "ael" to names of flowers
Elunerial A type of snowdrop from Ta'Loenthra "Elun" is a word for moon, and "eria" is probably from aeleria. The exact etymology for this flower is unknown, however Ta'Loenthra document March 2023
Elun Moon n/a Ta'Loenthra document One of several words for moon
N'erenael "flower of the shadows" "N'eren" is a term for shadow, "ael" from aeleria Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 An evening-blooming wisteria
N'eren Shadow Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 An elven word for shadow
Selan Light Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 An elven word for light
Selanael "flower of the light" From "selan" or light and "ael" from aeleria Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A lilac tree grown in Loenthra
Loevaena Unknown Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 Name of a river in Ta'Loenthra
Anasaeil literally unseen shadows Origins are not quite clear, but the term itself is ancient Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A type of wallpaper used by Loenthrans.
Veilara Spire Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A Loenthran spire common in middle to upper class building architecture
Veilaien Viewing spire from "veil" - a truncation for the word for spire and from "elaein" a verb meaning "to see" Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A Loenthran spire that is slightly more robust and has a clear crystal roof for night sky viewing
Amethyren Unknown Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 The elven name for amethyst-tinted glass found predominantly in Ta'Loenthra
Eluneren Literally moonshadow "elun" - a word for moon, and "n'eren" - a word for shadow Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 Moonshadow. Also, the name of an upscale housing quarter in Ta'Loenthra
Ilaveun n/a From truncations of words for floating and trees (aeun) Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 Small, slender boats to transport groups of people about the canals of Ta'Loenthra
Aeun Tree n/a Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 n/a
Glimaerwey Literally glittering or glimmering way From "glimaer" - glimmer and "wey" - way Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 An artistic take on a prominent road name in Ta'Loenthra
Aeunarad Literally "tree(s) of truth)" "aeun" - tree and "arad" - truth Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 Aeunarad are Loenthra willows
Aeunael Unknown "Aeun" - tree Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A custom in very rural Loenthra for young lovers to climb an aeunarad and make their declarations of love
Athysgelden loosely "purple sea stone" Gelden = stone, athys is less certain but is believed to contain remnants of a word for purple and one for ocean/water Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 It is used specifically and only for the amethyst-hued sea salt harvested off the coast of Ta'Loenthra
Ilanithe Breed of horse Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A Loenthran breed of horse, pure white with amethyst-hued eyes
Saerniel Type of horse Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A term for any horse that is pure black with a white star on its forehead
Beleria Type of flower From belan - sister and aeleria - flower Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A flower native to Loenthran lands
Belan Sister Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 n/a
Selanbel A type of honey From selan - light and the beleria flower Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A Loenthran honey made from bees feeding on beleria
Belien Unknown From the beleria flower and "lien" - a word for secret Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A type of mead made from selanbel
Sylthiel Unknown Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A type of chameleon moss in Ta'Loenthra
Sylath Unknown Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 An absinthe-like liqueur made in Ta'Loenthra
Vyr Unknown Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 An affix for river, can be used as a prefix or suffix
Seridal "quarter" or "section" Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 An area of a city akin to a quarter
Sienvyr Unknown From "vyr" for river and "sien" - probably something to do with dolphin Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A freshwater dolphin found in the elven nations where large rivers run into the ocean
Arann’eren literally sun-shadow Aran = sun, n'eren = shadow Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 The name of the coastal cliff area on the eastern side of Ta'Loenthra
Ta' n/a n/a Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 Prefix used for primary cities/city-states
Lae' n/a n/a Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A prefix used for all elven cities except the primary one for each House
Vy' n/a n/a Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A prefix used for smaller communities, such as hamlets and villages
-rend "community of" n/a Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A suffix roughly translated to "community of"
Ymn "dale of" n/a Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A prefix or suffix (primarily suffix) meaning "dale of"
Vae n/a possibly from "evaen" - farm Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A suffix for a family farming community
Evaen Farm n/a Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 n/a
-hnore "guild of" n/a Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A suffix meaning "guild of"
Evyn "garrison of" n/a Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A prefix or suffix meaning "garrison of"
Arananiea Roughly "rising sun" from "aran" - sun and "aniea" - rising or rise Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 Sometimes used to mean the literal sunrise, but it is more often used metaphorically. Also, a school in Ta'Loenthra
Aniea "rising" or "rise n/a Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 One of several terms that can mean rising or rise
Lienselan roughly "secret light" From "lien" - secret and "selan" - light Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 An educational term in Ta'Loenthra (also the name of a famous school). It implies that education is meant to be finding each child's secret light
Lien secret n/a Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 n/a
Ereniel Unknown Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 The name of the monarch's castle in Ta'Loenthra
Etmaeril Unknown Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A seridal in Ta'Loenthra that is "on the sea," namely part of the interconnected islands/land masses where the river meets the sea
Hanesyddol Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown A museum in Ta'Loenthra (see Hanesyddol Museum
Lyssael Unknown Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A seridal in TL
Saerniel Unknown Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A type of Loenthran horse that is velvety black with
Lae'Astiel Unknown Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A small city in the northeastern corner of Ta'Loenthra
Loetira Unknown Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 Another small city just south of Lae'Astiel
Vy'Laenar Unknown Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A hamlet in central Ta'Loenthra known for its high quality grains
Sisailrend Unknown Unknown Ta'Loenthra document March 2023 A small community outside the city of Ta'Loenthra known for its artistic arrangement of terraced farming
Selanair dusk's light "naira" - an ancient elven word for dusk, and "selan" - light. Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 A term for a time of viewing one who is deceased.
Anieniate Unknown "anien" - to rise Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 a large work of embroidery that is sewn with images that represent the life of someone who has passed on
Ilaien Cloth Unknown "ilaien" - to see or observe Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 Usually an ebon cloth worn as a band or ribbon to show respect for the deceased
Anienaeun unknown "anien" - to rise and "aeun" - tree Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 remembrance trees of the Illistim
Udienaeun loosely means to walk or wander the trees taken from udien meaning to walk an aeun meaning trees Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 A part of a young elves early education where they are encouraged to walk through nature and listen to the trees.
Aeunglisael Argent or silver trees from "Aeun" - trees and "glisael" - a word for silver Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 A silver-barked tree common about Ta'Illistim
Elaieneria Unknown Partly taken from aeleria for flower Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 Pale blue flowers have a darker blue center, punctuated with an inner spot of yellow, used in remembrance bouquets and at furnerals.
Asuleriel Unknown Unknown Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 an uncommon blue rose that grows in Ta'Illistim
Liria Unknown "Liri" meaning song Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 Loenthran song of life
Fas'draeun Death Mask "fas" meaning mask and "Draeun" meaning death Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 death mask, a tradition originating in Ta'Loenthra
Liri Song unknown Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 n/a
Anien to rise or ascend n/a Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 n/a
Ilaien to see or observe n/a Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 n/a
Lirien to dance n/a Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 n/a
Naira dusk n/a Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 n/a
Draeun death "draekeche" - believed to mean darkness in an older elven dialect Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 n/a
Fas mask n/a Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 n/a
Drae'lan death light "drae" - death and "lan" - from selan for light Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 A boat crafted by Ardenai along the coast for the purpose of sending a loved one to their final rest at sea that is lit on fire
Intareil grave n/a Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 n/a
Invataen crypt n/a Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 n/a
Geldliran Stone song "geld" - stone and "Liri" - song Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 Stone song crypts in Ta'Ardenai
Selerial light flower "selan" - light and "aeleria" - for flower Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 A scarlet and gold honeysuckle usually found growing over burial places in Ta'Ardenai
Liri'eren dance with/of shadows "lirien" - dance and "n'eren" shadow Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 fan dance traditionally performed during the Draeunair.
Draeunair Death celebration "drae" - death and "nair" - dusk Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 Nalfein remembrance celebration
Draesrelan death performers "drae" - death Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 Pofessional troupes of performers hired to as part of the Draeunair
Draenael death flower "drae" - death and " "aeleria" - flower Funeral Customs of the Elven Houses March 2023 A ebon rose used during funerals and Remembrance Days in Ta'Nalfein
Naureil Unknown Unknown Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 Elven term for a nautilus cup, especially one made out of Nalfein nautiluses
Naefira Rose Unknown Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 n/a
Tae'glimaereil The glimmering/glittering isle of roses from "taerethil" - a type rose, "glimaer" - glimmer, and "eil" - an affix used for singular islands Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A hedonistically focused island off the coast of Ta'Nalfein
Naetsina rose wine from "naefira" - rose, "tsina" - a suffix used in viticulture when grapes are not the focal point of a wine Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A specific type of wine using roses from Ta'Nalfein
-tsina "not grapes" essentially n/a Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A suffix used in viticulture when grapes are not the focal point of a wine
Resaeun "pine tree" from "res" - unknown, "aeun" - tree Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A type of pine tree from Ta'Nalfein
Resaetsina "pine wine" from "resaeun" - the tree, and "-tsina" - a suffixed used in viticulture when grapes are not the focal point of a wine Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 Typically shortened to retsina. A resin-based wine from Ta'Nalfein
Taerethil Unknown Unknown Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A type of Nalfein rose
Acistira Unknown Unknown Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 An herb similar to hyssop
Faerthiel "fey lanterns" Unknown Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 Blown glass balls that light up when a gem is inserted
Saevika roughly "smoked salt" from "sae" - a truncation of a term for smoke or smoking, and "vika" - salt Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A Nalfein smoked salt
Eil'naetrika Roughly "Isle of the Broken Rose" "eil" - a term for island, "naefira" - rose, and "trika" - a term for broken Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A rock island prison in Ta'Nalfein
Tyrfael (or Vyr'Tyrfael) Unknown Unknown Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A river in Ta'Nalfein
Taessaet Unknown from "taerethil" - a type of Nalfein rose Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 Also known as rosesilk, a type of silk from Ta'Nalfein (no longer extant)
Tassaet Unknown Unknown Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 The tassaet spider is integral in the production of the similarly named taessaet
Anieamys "rising wine" from "aneia" (rising) and "mys" (from the word for wine) Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A Nalfein champagne known for its effervescence
Maedat Unknown Unknown Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A type of goat found in the coastal mountains of Ta'Nalfein
Maedatha Unknown from "maedat," a type of goat Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A type of wool from the maedat goats of Ta'Nalfein
Selaret Unknown Unknown Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A Nalfein custom of a late afternoon rest during the hottest part of the day
Veilfira Literally "rose spire" from "veil" (spire) and "naefira" (rose) Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A group of hills in the Nalfein interior. Several mines are here as well as a garrison.
Nythien Unknown Unknown Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A Nalfein term for a solitude ring (a ring worn by those who have lost a beloved companion or have chosen a life of seclusion)
Naevela "Rose paper" from "naefira" (rose) and "vela" (thought to be a word for paper or perhaps vellum) Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A type of Nalfein paper made from rose petals
Nielathys "Ocean's heart" from "niel" (heart) and "athys" (ocean) Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 The Nalfein term for jellyfish found in and around Ta'Nalfein.
Nielira "Rose's heart" from nielathys (jellyfish) and "naefira" (rose) Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A tiny jellyfish found in Ta'Nalfein
Athystrel Unknown from "nielathys" (jellyfish) Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A type of nettle jelly in Ta'Nalfein waters
Elunath'syt or Tilaok's Dance "Moon dancer" from "elun" (moon) and "nielathys" (jellyfish) and "syt" (a term for dance) Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A type of jellyfish found in a marine lake near Ta'Nalfein
Eluirien "Dance under the moon" from "elun" (moon) Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 Evening social time in Ta'Nalfein
Eanria Unknown Unknown Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 An orchestra or group of instrumental performers
Tilryse Unknown Unknown Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A type of game played with a ball and targets in the sand with many variations and changing rules during play
Liatel Unknown Unknown Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A hard wooden ball used during tilryse
Geallta Unknown Unknown Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 An annual regatta on the lakes outside of the capital of Ta'Nalfein
Ilavera Unknown Unknown Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A small boat with sails used on the lake around Ta'Nalfein and featured in the Geallta
Pascalia Unknown Unknown Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 a tourist-focused district in the city of Ta'Nalfein
Arathsela Festivil of the Luminous Rose from "selan" (light) Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A Nalfein festival
Neremykt Shadowed Market from "n'eren" (shadow) and "mykt" - unknown but thought to actually have Gnomish origins and possibly means market Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A term for a secret night market in Ta'Nalfein
Atirarrend "Atirarr Community" from "Atirarr" (a family name) and "-rend" (community of) Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A community outside Ta'Nalfein that specializes in perfume creation
Kaenymn n/a n/a Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A small dale in Ta'Nalfein
Lae'Taslen n/a n/a Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A city above the Taslen lakes
Taslen n/a n/a Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A lake in Ta'Nalfein
Veilfira'evyn Rose-spired garrison from "veilfira" (rose-spired) and "evyn" (garrison) Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A garrison in the Veilfira Hills
Aelerine Unknown from "aeleria" (flower) Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A type of columbine in Ta'Nalfein
Irikaen Nightbell Unknown Ta'Nalfein document May 2023 A type of blossoming shrub in Ta'Nalfein