Ibar (prime)

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Revision as of 08:33, 16 April 2024 by HOST-GSKEBECHET (talk | contribs) (I have updated the image caption based on information provided by the uploader and made a small adjustment to the characterprofile template to properly populate racial categories. I hope you find these updates helpful.)
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Ibar Moirwinvail
Ibar and lyoko by ladysaishan.jpg
Artwork commissioned from Lady Saishan,
used with permission
Race Half-elf
Culture Sylvankind
Class Ranger
Profession Pirate
Religion Charl
Affiliation(s) Twilight Hall
Disposition Quiet
Demeanor Friendly
Greatest Strength Honest
Greatest Weakness Overthinking
Habits Getting lost, Sleeping
Hobbies Sailing, Brewing
Likes Helping others, Being useful
Dislikes Lies
Fears Loss
Loyalties Friends, Family
Best Friend Tepalor, Aize, Shartoose, Kathralyn, Anferis, Saesyra, Aevilir
Loved One Lilanna

He is tall in stature.  He appears to be youthful.  He has silver-flecked thunderhead grey eyes and sun-bronzed, coppery skin.  He has nape-length, untamed ebonwood-hued hair swept to one side and topped by a soft leather tricorn adorned with a crimson raven feather.  He has a chiseled, angular face, a thin-bridged nose and a jagged scar below his neckline.  His features have a distinctly hardened appearance to them.

He has a trio of vaalin rings in the upper ridge of his left ear, and a trio of sea urchin spines in his right eyebrow.

He is wearing a pink topaz inset platinum talisman, a tattered black sailcloth longcoat, a blue feather-shaped charm, a pair of antique platinum-framed spectacles with dark-tinted lenses, a matte black deathstone skull brooch with faceted ruby eyes, a mithril and steel starfish figure, a mithril Twilight Hall pin, a carved sephwir long bow slung over his shoulder, a veniom-laced brushed leather satchel slung over his other shoulder, an ebony mummy's shroud back quiver bound in vaalorn, a suit of rich autumn-hued scalemail, a rugged white shirt, a twisted fishing net bracelet, an elegant ebon silk sash, a coarse burlap sack, an engraved pewter flagon, an off-white cotton sack, a lacquered hip-satchel woven from green reeds, a pair of loose-fitting ebony oilcloth trousers, a braided kelp anklet adorned by a driftwood squidfish charm, and a pair of black shark skin boots strapped with tattered netting.