The Twilight Stratagem (storyline)/2024-05-29 - The Mayor is Crossed (log)

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The Mayor of Icemule Talliver Dabbings travels to Sablecross for negotiations about a magical artifact called the orb of kai.


  [General] Directed to Aliashyrah, Dendum exclaims, "We are watching the door!"
[General] Directed to Aliashyrah, Dendum thinks, "Truthfully probably this not doing anythign door is more interesting than another night of listening to politics."
[General] Directed to Aliashyrah, Yardie adds, "And not fratenizing with a cult."

  Thaiagol says, "What we wish to be left alone and made safe from the interventions of the Lords of Liabo, and from those whose principles will never allow them to rest so long as we cohabitate." 

  Rammael says, "We've given you time to come to terms with surrendering the Orb. And we've tried to save you from the decision, as that fused mass of flesh and bone in Thurfel's Cellar will attest to."
Speaking to Talliver, Rammael says, "I enjoy the game as much as anyone, but how long do you think your newborn nation can stand against the Coven, should we decide to take it by force? It would be smothered in its crib."
Talliver gives a frustrated sigh.

Full Log


Roelon just slipped quietly through a pair of ebony double doors with flames of fireleaf inlay, with his group following closely.

[The Bastion, Great Hall]

Shadebinders in cinerious garb flank the doors and guard immense staircases of dark marble that climb toward the upper reaches of the Bastion, twining and interlacing at fantastical landings overhead. A banquet table of inlaid widowwood stretches before a fiery hearth of grim stone fashioned to resemble a demon's yawning maw. Sumptuously laden with bone porcelain, crystal goblets, and golden cutlery, the table is flanked to either side by ornate seats of ebony that are heavily clad in gilt. You also see a massive snowy white tiger.

Pukk says, "Nice stone work."

Rammael smugly says, "Ah, Mayor Dabbings. You appear to have brought the entirety of your social circle with you. What a pleasant start to things."

Talliver flatly says, "Rammael."

Thaiagol lets out a dry chuckle.

Thaiagol says, "Please, Master Dabbings. My colleague forgets his manners all too frequently. Be welcome here in the Bastion of Dusk."

Thaiagol offers a welcoming gesture, the effort only slightly spoiled by the fact that his hand appears to be formed from flickering flame, casting a glow on the polished table.

Perbil softly says, "I hope we are allowed to paint in here."

Roelon deeply says, "Ah good ...eve."

Darphin says, "Its a fine looking spread the hosts have layed out."

Rammael shifts in his chair, leaning his chin on the flat of one hand.

Rammael says, "Yes, where are my manners? Please, have a seat, all of you."

Speaking softly to Rammael, Taulramil asks, "You do not mind if I stay standing?"

Nettle shifts in her seat, her hand rarely straying from the handle of her whip.

Speaking to Taulramil, Rammael says, "Do as you must."

Speaking to her coppery whiskey, Mystiq says, "Just perfect for a night like tonight."

Speaking to Rammael, Fauwkes says, "I've heard of you."

Rammael sardonically says, "I'm sorry that the others couldn't be here. It's busy work, this villainy."

Talliver walks over to the seat and settles down.

Speaking to Bakarus, Meliyara reminds, "There is still time to rethink your path."

Talliver tersely says, "Your words, not mine."

Speaking to Meliyara, Bakarus says, "Indeed. I've all the time in the world."

Talliver clears his throat and takes a deep breath.

Talliver says, "Thank you for having us. We're grateful for the opportunity to sit down and discuss matters."

Speaking heartily to Rammael, Chamorr says, "No rest fer the wicked, huh."

Speaking to Chamorr, Mystiq says, "We get plenty."

Speaking to Perigourd, Bakarus says, "Good evening my friend."

Speaking to Bakarus, Perigourd says, "Evening."

Darphin says, "The whiskey is fantastic."

Thaiagol idly says, "Is that not always the way of it? There is always so much pushing and pulling before it becomes clear: conflict is only solved by sitting down and talking."

[General] Directed to Aliashyrah, Dendum exclaims, "We are watching the door!"

Speaking to Darphin, Thaiagol says, "I am pleased you approve. It came into my possession some years ago when I lived among the Faendryl for a time."

[General] Directed to Aliashyrah, Dendum thinks, "Truthfully probably this not doing anythign door is more interesting than another night of listening to politics."

[General] Directed to Aliashyrah, Yardie adds, "And not fratenizing with a cult."

Nettle permits herself a hint of a smile, but it is a cold expression, foreign to her features.

Speaking to Thaiagol, Darphin says, "I will have to find a way to gain entry here more often to enjoy it at leasure, on less stressful nights."

Rammael jovially says, "I also assured that we had some local delicacies for you."

Speaking to Rammael, Sardine asks, "Chocolate?"

Perbil exclaims, "Oh. There is food!"

Speaking to Sardine, Rammael says, "Alas, no. The Mayor is practically an ascetic in his tastes."

Speaking steadily to Rammael, Talliver says, "Moderation has served me well enough."

Talliver asks, "These oysters, are they from the Frostmain?"

Speaking directly to Talliver, Rammael says, "Yes. From the waters near Glaoveln. A vanishingly rare delicacy, I'd say."

Speaking to Talliver, Sardine says, "Probably infected with the greet tides."

Thaiagol clears his throat sharply.

Speaking to Sardine, Perbil asks, "Does that taste like butter?"

Rammael glances at Thaiagol.

Speaking to Perbil, Sardine says, "Not sure."

Perbil exclaims, "Sounds fishy to me!"

Darphin says, "So much knowledge in this room."

Taulramil softly says, "This place...."

Talliver nods vaguely at Perigourd.

Darphin says, "The time i could spend studying the minds, and actions in here."

Speaking raspily to Taulramil, Zeminar asks, "A marvel, yes?"

Talliver glances at Bakarus.

Eofora whispers to the group, "Seeking detects no undead."

Speaking softly to Zeminar, Taulramil says, "Compared to Wyvern hall nah."

Speaking to Rammael, Darphin says, "Regardless of the opinions of the good or evil nature of said actions, the knowledge used to do them, one has to admit is powerful."

Eofora whispers to the group, "Er recognition."

Talliver says, "I must admit, I had thought that we would be meeting with all five of you."

Aeith whispers to the group, "Bakarus certainly does not appear to be in the bloom of life."

Bakarus appears to be an undead Human in an advanced stage of decay. Dry scraps of cadaverous white skin cling to his discolored skull, and a flickering green light gleams deep within the hollows of his eye sockets. He is emaciated in the extreme, clothed in tattered rags that do little to hide numerous exposed ridges of bone.

Meliyara whispers to the group, "He will tell you that he has never felt better."

Thaiagol gravely says, "Unfortunately, Niatha is otherwise detained for the evening."

Thaiagol says, "Our other colleagues are busy at their respective tasks, but we are happy to speak on their behalf."

Speaking politely to Nettle, Talliver asks, "You, I assume, represent the worship of Mularos among the Five?"

Nettle coarsely says, "No."

Talliver pauses, as if expecting more of a response, but does not receive one.

[General] Directed to Whestra, Yardie exclaims, "Madame Whestra and Vultie are amazing!"

Rammael says, "We five guide the work of the Coven, but Nettle is no less dear to us than any other child of Lornon."

Nettle does not smile at the compliment.

Speaking to Rammael, Darphin asks, "So we have two of the five represented, with one obviously in a cell, the other two are busy?"

Speaking to Darphin, Thaiagol says, "That is correct."

Speaking softly to Thaiagol, Taulramil asks, "So here looking for knowledge?"

Speaking to Taulramil, Thaiagol says, "It is my foremost interest."

Talliver plainly says, "Yes, I've found myself wondering why a priest of Fash'lo'nae would be swept up in the work of world domination."

Thaiagol says, "Look."

Thaiagol says, "You have seen what we have built here."

(OOC) Darphin's player whispers to the group, "Nice cover."

Thaiagol says, "This is not the work of a people who seek to dominate. We only wish to be free to practice as we choose."

Talliver Speaks Truth

Talliver says, "As I hear it, you helped assassinate an Imperial noble. Rammael ravaged my town."

Talliver says, "That is not the work of a people seeking to be left alone to their own devices."

Thaiagol leans forward, placing his ethereal hand upon the table.

Taulramil softly says, "You are here for knowledge but glory in death."

Thaiagol pleasantly says, "I see your point, Mayor Dabbings, but you have come into the play several acts too late. It is little wonder that you do not understand the plot."

Rammael wearily says, "Oh, the metaphors."

Rammael says, "Our kind have been hunted by the folk of Liabo since time immemorial."

Speaking softly to Thaiagol, Taulramil says, "Help him out and tell him the plot then."

Rammael says, "And not merely them. Even those of you who claim neutrality would cast all of our doings as a mortal sin."

Rammael says, "What we've done is at best proactive self-defense."

Aoife says, "Painting with a broad brush..."

Chamorr heartily says, "Wait."

Chamorr heartily asks, "Proactive self defence?"

Meliyara mutters, "And at worst...?"

Aeith quietly says, "Proactive...."

Chamorr heartily says, "Thats a metaphor, right."

Speaking to Chamorr, Darphin asks, "Are there not multiple parties guarding the landing currently?"

[General] Damalti thinks, "Oh, so nothing out of the norm then."

Darphin says, "Or the mule, sorry."

Thaiagol says, "It is a cycle, this wheel of violence between our peoples."

Speaking to Aoife, Lylia says, "It seems like a reasonably sized brush to me."

Speaking softly to Rammael, Taulramil asks, "That might be seen that way in your eyes, but what of the innocent of the town who know nothing of the webs you weave?"

Thaiagol says, "You do to us because we have done to you, because you have done to us. All the way back to the first day."

Speaking to Taulramil, Rammael asks, "Innocents? What innocents?"

Speaking to Rammael, Fauwkes says, "You seem like a more subvertive dark alliance without any power to incite change like your greater Arkati brethren Sheru, V'Tull, Luukos and Mularos so you murder and asssassinate."

Speaking to Thaiagol, Mystiq says, "It can stop."

Speaking softly to Rammael, Taulramil asks, "Are not the young innocent?"

Rammael brazenly says, "I lived among you as a humble clerk. I saw the seething corruption at your core. It was not I that placed it there."

Bakarus says, "The children of Sablecross."

Lilanna asks, "So what exactly are we here to "negotiate" again ?"

Rammael says, "Given half the excuse, you'd tear away the veil of civilization and rip one another to shreds."

Speaking heartily to Lilanna, Chamorr says, "Right."

Rammael's eyes gleam, lambent in the fireglow.

Speaking to Lilanna, Aoife asks, "A breaking of the cycle, perhaps?"

Talliver wearily says, "Yes. A breaking of the cycle. That's what we want."

Speaking heartily to Lilanna, Chamorr says, "Proactive self defence."

Thaiagol says, "And so you may have it."

Speaking to Lilanna, Mystiq says, "Sometimes just peace in talking is a start."

Lilanna says, "Sounds like more he said she said squabbling to me."

Thaiagol says, "Our representatives have made it clear that we seek the Orb of Kai."

Speaking to Lilanna, Mystiq asks, "That will happen for awhile. Ask me how I know?"

Speaking to Thaiagol, Lilanna asks, "Why?"

Speaking to Mystiq, Lilanna asks, "Why? besides it always does?"

Thaiagol says, "I understand your misgivings, but it is of no use to you, nor to the forces that have been manipulating you."

Taulramil softly asks, "This orb is a relic that does what for you?"

Speaking to Thaiagol, Perigourd says, "One would know your solution, since you seem to believe you have one."

Speaking to Lilanna, Mystiq says, "Because I and my husband deal with it alot or use to."

Speaking to Lilanna, Mystiq says, "It takes time."

Thaiagol says, "The Orb is a source of power."

Speaking to Thaiagol, Darphin asks, "I have long believed there is a third group, one beyond The Cove and The Mule who are seeking this orb, is there a third?"

Elronae's fish suddenly darts to one side of the sack, its gills flaring wide in excitement. After a long moment, the fish allows itself to be carried around by the gentle motions of the sack, appearing bored.

Pukk says, "Power that you want."

Opalina quietly asks, "Are you going to open a bigger door to Sablecross with it?"

Speaking to Darphin, Mystiq says, "Probably the Hall of mages."

Talliver patiently says, "This is the first time one of you or your agents has so much as alluded to why you want the Orb."

Chamorr heartily says, "Proactive self defence."

Speaking to Thaiagol, Sorlu asks, "Indeed. What forces might you believe have begun to manipulate us good people of the North?"

Speaking to Mystiq, Darphin says, "Perhaps."

Speaking softly to Thaiagol, Taulramil says, "Why use an orb of the Akarti."

Talliver says, "You'll have to understand my caution. Giving power to the Coven doesn't seem to be in my best interest, or anyone's."

Lilanna asks, ""what "power" do you need if you just wish to leave here in peace?"

Lilanna says, "Live."

Thaiagol says, "Our desires might seem mad to you if we were to make them clear."

Perigourd says, "Try us."

Speaking softly to Thaiagol, Taulramil says, "Thats the good thing about opinions, we all got them."

Chamorr heartily says, "Proactive self defence."

Chamorr heartily says, "Oops."

Speaking in Dark Elven to Thaiagol, Mystiq says something you don't understand.

Thaiagol carefully says, "The Griffin Sword was a failed experiment. An artifact swollen with ill-gotten power from a goddess foolish enough to part with it."

Meliyara looks thoughtfully at Thaiagol.

Talliver says, "I'd sooner never hear about it again."

Speaking to Thaiagol, Mystiq says, "Maybe you should make it clear? Might go alone wa."

Thaiagol says, "What we wish to be left alone and made safe from the interventions of the Lords of Liabo, and from those whose principles will never allow them to rest so long as we cohabitate."

Thaiagol says, "For us to accomplish this, we require such a source of power."

Talliver frowns.

Talliver says, "I don't understand."

Perigourd asks, "What means will this power be used to accomplish it?"

Speaking to Talliver, Pukk says, "I think that word means living together."

Thaiagol quickly says, "And yet it is all that I am willing to share at this time. We are not friends, Mayor Dabbings. Merely adversaries sharing a polite meal."

Thaiagol says, "Cold warriors, if you will. Neither of us wishes for that war to become hot."

Taulramil softly says, "You want to move to another realm."

Speaking to Thaiagol, Darphin says, "The orb is a second bite at the apple."

Taulramil softly says, "Or off this realm."

Pukk admits, "The bread was good."

Speaking pleasantly to Darphin, Thaiagol says, "Just so."

Aeith softly says, "All warriors around Icemule are cold, at least outdoors."

Speaking to Thaiagol, Darphin says, "Perhaps i am mad, but it makes sense."

Speaking to Taulramil, Thaiagol says, "We have made this space for ourselves, but it is only a matter of time before the soldiers of Liabo pry their way in and wipe out this iteration of Sablecross."

Thaiagol asks, "Or did you think that this was the first?"

Thaiagol gives a dry chuckle and shakes his head.

Speaking softly to Thaiagol, Taulramil says, "A protective form of magic perhaps is what you after."

Speaking to Talliver, Rammael says, "So you see? We don't want to harm you. For once."

Perigourd glances skeptically at Rammael.

Aoife whispers to the group, "What magic does this Orb of Kai hold?"

Talliver says, "You alluded to others manipulating us."

Speaking to Thaiagol, Sardine asks, "What happens if you get the Orb?"

Pukk whispers to the group, "Power."

Speaking warningly to Rammael, Falvicar says, "Mind your distance and your tone, else I consider you being hostile towards my mayor."

Sorlu whispers to the group, "We don't yet know. It's only speculation."

Lilanna whispers to the group, "We don't know 'the power of Kai" but specifcially no one knows."

Aoife whispers to the group, "There are many kinds of power."

Speaking to Sardine, Thaiagol says, "The Coven will retreat into the shadows, hopefully for good this time. You need never hear from us again."

Speaking raspily to Falvicar, Zeminar says, "The same could be said to you."

Rammael smirks at Falvicar.

Speaking to Lylia, Naamit whispers aloud, "Someone feels threatened."

Speaking sharply to Zeminar, Falvicar says, "Then he shouldn't give what could be considered a death threat."

Roelon whispers to the group, "Ah assume it kin be channeled in ah way to keep...this place safe from Liabo intervention."

Perigourd whispers to the group, "Mnar heard a voice the night Rammael first led some to Sablecross."

Perigourd whispers to the group, "Perhaps it's to that and maybe the influence on Prinn they're speaking of."

Speaking to Talliver, Rammael says, "Surely you've noticed. So many mysterious happenings in your mundane little town."

Rammael says, "My own miracles are a bit more bloody than painting on walls. Although I did appreciate how your girl nearly blew up the inn trying to keep others off of her trail. No miracle at all, that."

Speaking to Rammael, Darphin asks, "So she's here on her own accord, not at the hire of another?"

Talliver says, "I see what you mean. Whatever other forces are working in Icemule Trace, they aren't manipulating us--unlike a powerful entity that posed as one of my clerks to deceive us."

Thaiagol direly asks, "Are you so sure of that?"

Thaiagol says, "Something moves in the dark places of Northwatch, and it is not the Coven. Careful, lest you find its stratagem a noose around your neck."

Darphin says, "Ive been saying this for months."

Perbil asks, "Which way is Northwatch?"

Taulramil softly asks, "North?"

Lilanna says, "Depends on where we actually are."

Darphin says, "I have many times given warning that we were too focused on the Coven, that another was on the field."

Talliver leans forward.

Speaking to Perbil, Meliyara asks, "Back through the doors and the vortex, neh?"

Talliver says, "I've made our stance on the Orb clear. It is the Orb of Kai, and it seems to me that it ought to be returned to his worshippers."

Speaking softly to Darphin, Taulramil says, "Distract and conquer."

Thaiagol says, "I am still hopeful that you can be swayed from your stance with sufficient logic."

Speaking to Taulramil, Darphin says, "I have warned till my voice has gone quiet from use and been ignred, been told its the coven."

Talliver grimly asks, "And if I can't?"

Thaiagol says, "We will have to pursue other channels for diplomacy, as you capably recognized."

Speaking softly to Darphin, Taulramil says, "Well they could have paid to have a third party involved."

Speaking generously to Perbil, Meliyara says, "It is...remarkably...somewhere between abstract and lifelike. A very unique style."

Talliver soberly says, "I see."

Speaking questioningly to Darphin, Taulramil says, "Hope the town wipes them out and in the aftermath swoop in and take over."

Speaking to Taulramil, Darphin says, "That spreads resources thin, and a paid sword is always that. no loyalty."

Nettle looks to Thaiagol.

Speaking to Thaiagol, Fauwkes asks, "What does the orb do?"

Thaiagol gives a placating gesture with his good hand.

Nettle settles back into her seat.

Speaking to Thaiagol, Fauwkes asks, "What happened to your hand?"

Taulramil softly says, "If you need some orbs of kai i got some for ya."

Lylia says, "'Swoop in and take over,' you say. Surely the words of peace and neighborliness."

Thaiagol's eyes flick to Perigourd.

Lylia says, "It is how I always describe borrowing a cup of sugar from Argent Aspis."

Thaiagol smoothly says, "An unfortunate accident."

Thaiagol says, "I grew too accustomed to living among the elves of Ta'Illistim. It is easy to become so engrossed in a role that one forgets oneself."

Perbil exclaims, "Did you touch the stove? My mom told that was a bad idea when I was little. She was right!"

Thaiagol smoothly says, "Not a mistake to be made twice."

Speaking dryly to Lylia, Meliyara says, "Eii, it begins with neighborly borrowing of sugar, and over time, it ends with an attempt at annexation."

Thaiagol pours himself a glass of coppery whiskey.

Thaiagol takes a drink from his coppery whiskey.

Thaiagol looks rather relaxed.

Speaking to Thaiagol, Sardine says, "Certasinly not three times."

Chamorr heartily says, "I seen this act afore over the years."

Speaking softly to his coppery whiskey, Thaiagol says, "You know, the Faendryl really did distill a good whiskey, of old."

Thaiagol turns to face Chamorr.

Thaiagol says, "This is not act, I assure you."

Mystiq honestly says, "The neighbors are getting restless."

Speaking softly to Thaiagol, Taulramil asks, "Cigar with your whisky?"

Speaking to Thaiagol, Darphin says, "So if the mayor wishes peace, before and beyond the orb that at this moment no one can lay hands on, what does that look like? between warriors that is."

Speaking heartily to Thaiagol, Chamorr says, "Orb a power, then proactive self defence , only on a scale that cant be counterd."

Rammael says, "We've given you time to come to terms with surrendering the Orb. And we've tried to save you from the decision, as that fused mass of flesh and bone in Thurfel's Cellar will attest to."

Speaking to Talliver, Rammael says, "I enjoy the game as much as anyone, but how long do you think your newborn nation can stand against the Coven, should we decide to take it by force? It would be smothered in its crib."

Talliver gives a frustrated sigh.

Speaking to Thaiagol, Darphin says, "You seems to be rubbing off on Rammael, metaphors and all."

Aoife says, "Well then."

Speaking ruefully to Darphin, Thaiagol says, "I live in hope."

Speaking heartily to Rammael, Chamorr says, "And after that statement, ya want this orb a power."

Fauwkes says, "You talk a lot mostly."

Fauwkes says, "I want things."

Lylia says, "Considering how the orb would no doubt be used, it is understandable to seek it before those who would use it to...what was the phrase? 'Swoop in and take over?' Sometimes it is necessary to take swift, decisive action lest the option for action be lost."

Fauwkes says, "Give me things."

Fauwkes says, "I'll go away."

Thaiagol looks thoughtfully at Fauwkes.

Opalina quietly says, "I guess we should all go home then. We aren't giving up the orb. and they aren't giving us Rammael."

Speaking to Fauwkes, Darphin says, "I will join Thaiagol in living in hope."

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia murmurs something you don't understand.

Speaking to Rammael, Aeith says, "Who was that mass of flesh and bone originally? Before... they became... that way from their attempt at the orb."

Speaking pleasedly to Opalina, Rammael says, "Was I on the bargaining table? How delightful."

Speaking to Aeith, Thaiagol says, "Duskblades. Volunteers. True believers who were sent to retrieve the Orb by any means necessary. Another mistake not to be made again."

Perbil asks, "Why not just make another orb?"

Thaiagol says, "For such a rural creature, it appears that Thurfel was a capable enough magician, at least with the making of wards."

Aoife asks, "Using any means necessary?"

Speaking to Perbil, Thaiagol says, "It is not the shell that is important, but the power within."

Roelon deeply says, "If such wards were needed to seal such an item. Perhaps it is best to remain there forever. For both our sakes."

Perbil asks, "So you aren't powerful?"

Speaking heartily to Roelon, Chamorr says, "Sounds like a plan."

Speaking deeply to Thaiagol, Roelon says, "For such an item to have us continue the history of fightin' each other..."

Roelon deeply says, "Best to be forgotten it is."

Speaking to Thaiagol, Darphin says, "Do we know the means they were attempting, as to ... not make the same mistake twice."

Speaking to Roelon, Thaiagol says, "You mistake our intentions, no matter how often we share them."

Speaking quietly to Darphin, Opalina says, "They didn't have the key."

Speaking to Thaiagol, Perigourd says, "Maybe if it didn't end up in bodies."

Thaiagol says, "We do not wish to use the Orb to cause you harm."

Speaking deeply to Thaiagol, Roelon says, "History does nae paint such similar intentions well."

Speaking to Opalina, Darphin says, "No ward as of yet has shown to be perfect."

Speaking to Roelon, Fauwkes says, "I trust you."

Speaking in Faendryl to Roelon, Mystiq says something you don't understand.

Roelon deeply says, "Perhaps..."

Roelon nods at Thaiagol.

Threats and Goodbyes

Thaiagol says, "But we will not hesitate to harm you should it secure the Orb. Your safest and surest path is to render unto the Coven what we request."

Speaking to Thaiagol, Fauwkes says, "Not you."

Chamorr heartily says, "Thats it."

Talliver asks, "If we were to consider surrendering the Orb, what assurances would we have that it would be used responsibly?"

Roelon deeply says, "Without it ye will harm us. With it ..."

Roelon deeply says, "Perhaps an unavoidable future."

Pukk says, "Yeah..even I thought that was funny."

Speaking to Roelon, Lylia says, "Very few fates are truly ineluctable."

Sardine asks, "Where is Rammael off to?"

Taulramil softly says, "Surrending the orb."

Eleazzar suggestively says, "Typically in negotiations where there may be a lack of trust, some form of collateral is a decent substitute."

Aeith says, "Give it to us, or else, doesn't seem like much of a negotiation. What is there offered other than a limp promise to do no further harm."

Rammael frowns at Sardine.

Speaking to Aeith, Thaiagol says, "I do not disagree."

Speaking to Thaiagol, Fauwkes asks, "You don't know where it is, do you?"

Thaiagol says, "I am prepared to share with the scholars of Northwatch the fullest extent of our libraries here in Sablecross."

Falvicar says, "And I am prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure you don't the orb."

Thaiagol says, "Moreover, I would extend my personal assistance in unraveling the spell that has kept your lands unnaturally cold for more than a century now."

Speaking to Thaiagol, Darphin asks, "Even the books they dont wish you borrow?"

Thaiagol says, "This would allow Northwatch to thrive. Verdant farmland surrounding your capital city, and temperate lands primed for a significant surge in population."

Sardine whispers to the group, "If he says chocolate fountain I may switch sides."

Talliver thoughtfully says, "It's a tempting offer."

Sardine says, "Turnips have been thriving."

Lylia quietly agrees, "Especially if you care about feeding and clothing actual children instead of the hypothetical ones that are so often brought up as a cause for war."

Pukk says, "We can also give Falvicar to the Five as a show of good faith."

Talliver asks, "And Rammael? Would our new bonds of friendship go so far as to see him justly punished for his crimes?"

Eofora softly says, "The frost giants might disagree."

Rammael lazes in his chair, idly picking at one of its arms.

Speaking smugly to Pukk, Falvicar says, "Try."

Lilanna says, "And the ice giants."

Perbil says, "Nootjaeg would not be happy about that. He is a tundra giant."

Thaiagol says, "It is unlikely you'd be able to hold Rammael for long, even if he were surrendered to your care."

Lilanna says, "It woudn't take long..."

Sorlu quietly mentions, "He makes a fair point."

Thaiagol says, "But we would be amenable to considerable reparations for his... misbehavior."

Speaking to Rammael, Bakarus says, "We know a few good lawyers."

Speaking heartily to Thaiagol, Chamorr says, "Would you come out of the shadows, join northwatchcitizens of mule, andtake oaths to prtect the town ,"

Rammael serenely says, "Artistry, I think you mean."

Speaking to Chamorr, Meliyara says, "Have you not understood the implication of what they seek the orb for? They want nothing to do with Northwatch or anywhere else in this realm."

Speaking to Chamorr, Thaiagol says, "I have little interest in your town or your nation beyond these negotiations."

Thaiagol says, "I've seen greater nations rise and fall in what seems the space between breaths."

Thaiagol says, "But by the same token, I bear you no especial ill will."

Opalina quietly says, "One hour in the stockade in town center wouldn't be half bad either" mumble almost to herself."

Speaking heartily to Thaiagol, Chamorr says, "That may be a price for the orb."

Speaking to Thaiagol, Fauwkes says, "You drip arrogance and falsehoods."

Speaking coldly to Meliyara, Lylia remarks, "Not holding Northwatch in high regard is hardly a criminal act."

Speaking to Thaiagol, Darphin asks, "Would the coven be willing to lend its cooperative knowledge and work with Icemule to unlock the doors to the orb?"

Speaking to Fauwkes, Thaiagol says, "To the contrary, I do not care enough about you to lie to you."

Thaiagol offers a pleasant, if slightly hollow, smile.

Sorlu asks, "Surely some time will be given for Mayor Dabbings, his Council, and the good people of Northwatch to discuss these appealing options before a formal decision must be made?"

Speaking dryly to Lylia, Meliyara says, "How convenient to discount the clear crimes that have been committed in favor of a snappy remark."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me heard da King am needed."

Talliver asks, "Why does it need to be this orb, in particular? Why not plinite or some other power source?"

Thaiagol says, "Mayor Dabbings, I wish that I could be more clear, but I have no reason to share information that might harm the Coven further down the road."

Speaking softly to Thaiagol, Taulramil asks, "How about the truth of what ever seceret Fash'lo'nae is after?"

Thaiagol says, "We are--I am--always pursuing other options, but this is a culmination within reach."

Chamorr heartily says, "Orb a kai, power of the gods, but dont worry, we dont care about you enough for you to worry."

Speaking to Chamorr, Pukk says, "Right."

Blades says, "Considering none of us know what this orb does except them."

Talliver says, "It isn't within reach, though. Your intervention has proven that Thurfel's wards are nearly impenetrable, at least for now."

Lylia points out, "A child playing with a crimson orb is no less dangerous for not knowing what it is doing."

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "Ummmm Lylia...."

Thaiagol says, "What can be woven can be unwoven."

Speaking heartily to Blades, Chamorr says, "If it was an orb that supplied chicken soup, they wouldnt be after it."

Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "Perhaps by pooling our resources we could be with in reach of the goal."

Blades says, "I'd buy that."

Speaking softly to Pukk, Lylia says, "I know, Pukk. I am no child."

Blades says, "Maybe this one will tell me."

Blades says, "I do like a lady with a lovely...scowl."

Speaking to Chamorr, Perbil says, "What if it makes bear fat soup though? That's my favorite."

Speaking quietly to Thaiagol, Opalina says, "That's true but it'll be annoyingly slow."

Aeith says, "Peace is always preferable to war. Truce is always preferable to conflict. The problem is trust, how does one side trust the other will keep any of its promises or intents."

Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "The other option is we continue in contention and a third party takes control of the orb."

Eleazzar dully says, "I don't know what half the things I sell to the pawnbroker do, but if the price is right..."

Talliver slowly empties his lungs.

Talliver says, "This is what I propose, in good faith."

Talliver says, "Once the people of Northwatch have recovered the Orb, we will decide what to do with it."

Thaiagol skeptically says, "I do not suspect that my logic has swayed you, Mayor Dabbings. If this is merely an effort to buy yourself more time..."

Raelik whispers to the group, "Has anyone considered asking the orb what it wats? If it is as powerful as these folks make it out to be, it probably has an opinion of its own."

Talliver uneasily says, "The thought had crossed my mind."

Talliver says, "However, I'm sincere in my offer. You are correct that there are other hands seeking to claim it, and they've been even less transparent than you have."

Talliver says, "My instinct is that it's up to the people of Northwatch to decide, in the end."

Perbil asks, "Mister Talliver. They want the orb for its power. But that means they can't do something without it, right?"

Pukk whispers to the group, "First rule of transparency is to not admit that you aren't transparent!"

Taulramil softly says, "What if its sentient."

Thaiagol places his hands, one of flame and one of flesh, flat on the table. He gives a slow nod.

Speaking to Perbil, Talliver says, "That's probably correct."

Speaking to Taulramil, Darphin says, "Then it likey wont matter who wishes to own it."

Talliver says, "But they've already released a deadly plague that infected vast swathes of Elanith."

Taulramil softly says, "His hand...."

Talliver says, "Whatever you plan... you clearly don't need an Orb to do terrible things."

Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "That was the fault of the empire."

Rammael silkily says, "I'll be expecting my pardon, of course."

Mystiq says, "The empire is behind most things."

Aeith says, "And you also don't need to do terrible things if you don't have the Orb either..."

Talliver glances at Rammael, but does not respond.

Speaking softly to Thaiagol, Taulramil asks, "How do I get a hand like that?"

Speaking to Mystiq, Meliyara reminds, "I was there that night."

Speaking to Taulramil, Thaiagol says, "Make poor choices, then make better ones."

Speaking to Meliyara, Mystiq asks, "And?"

Fauwkes says, "I walked into something, but I hear it's a bunch of posturing where we killed the last Lornon generals with one of them begging for things."

Taulramil softly says, "Check and check."

Speaking to Mystiq, Meliyara says, "It was not the Empire's doing that caused the spread of the plague."

Speaking to Meliyara, Darphin asks, "You were part of the group the empire unwisely lead to an island and tampered with magics it didnt understand?"

Nettle asks, "Vectrus. When will he be returned to me?"

Speaking to Thaiagol, Fauwkes asks, "Fash'Lo'Nai from Ta'Illistim betraying decades is it?"

Speaking to Darphin, Meliyara says, "To the contrary, the group led was entirely prepared and forearmed with knowledge of a cure. Only one individual refused to accept the cure."

Speaking to Meliyara, Darphin says, "Stay off the island and no cure needed."

[General] Iseo thinks, "People are getting stale. We need an invasion."

Speaking smarmily to Talliver, Rammael says, "Ah, have a care with what you offer next, Mayor Dabbings. Keep the Orb from us and we'll merely kill you. Keep Nettle from her toys, and you'll be in real trouble."

Speaking to Nettle, Perigourd says, "If he crossed into Icemule, my understanding of the law says he is free and can not be held captive."

Rammael smirks.

Speaking to Darphin, Meliyara says, "Then you are admitting that your wife is an agent of the Empire."

Speaking to Nettle, Perigourd says, "There was some consideration as to the keeping of sentients when the Krolvin refugees came in, I believe."

Nettle flatly says, "He is my prisoner, not my servant."

Speaking to Meliyara, Mystiq says, "I might be."

Speaking to Nettle, Fauwkes says, "You will not be getting Sir Vectrus."

Lilanna says, "Seems he's not that either anymore."

Speaking to Nettle, Perigourd asks, "What were his crimes?"

Speaking to Meliyara, Mystiq says, "Branded by them."

Nettle says, "He promised himself to the Luukosian Order, and that promise has been passed around until it became mine. I would have him returned."

Speaking to Meliyara, Darphin says, "Erhaps your cure was not as well thought out as you thought."

Taulramil softly says, "Who ever you send will have a hard time getting to the mayor."

Blades asks, "Sounds like there could be a prisoner swap to show good faith?"

Chamorr heartily says, "No negogtiations on a person life."

Speaking to Darphin, Mystiq says, "Leave it."

Speaking cautiously to Blades, Talliver says, "Vectrus is not our prisoner. He was theirs."

Nettle nods, as if to herself.

Speaking to Nettle, Fauwkes says, "Take it up with Morvule."

Blades says, "Well, you want that one, don't you."

Speaking softly to Rammael, Taulramil says, "If you ultimately get what you desire would you starts one of....."

Speaking to Chamorr, Darphin asks, "Were they not just negotiation on Rammaels life less than ten minutes ago?"

Speaking softly to Rammael, Taulramil asks, "These on the east side of the mountains?"

Talliver says, "I have no knowledge as to Vectrus's whereabouts, but I will reiterate what has already been said: Northwatch recognizes no forms of indenture or servitude."

Speaking placatingly to Talliver, Thaiagol says, "Of course, Mayor Dabbings. We respect your nation's laws."

Blades asks, "You take art lessons from Gutstorm?"

Nettle's lips curls. She places a hand on her whip's handle, but does not press the matter further.

Perbil says, "I don't know who that is."

Talliver says, "I'm afraid we haven't made much progress, and we've spent quite some time doing it. I will be brief on this last matter."

Speaking to Talliver, Mystiq says, "We are all alive and well. That is something."

Talliver says, "As your agents have noted, a number of Northwatch's citizens also have some allegiance to the Dusk Coven."

Thaiagol idly says, "I had noticed some familiar faces, yes."

Speaking to Thaiagol, Fauwkes asks, "How's the hand? Heard you lost it?"

Aoife says, "The unknown plot thickens..."

Talliver says, "It was my first instinct to expel them from Northwatch, but I see how that would play into your fears of the vicious cycle in which we are trapped."

Speaking quietly to Fauwkes, Taulramil says, "Naw I think he needs a hand with that."

Thaiagol says, "You are concerned that they will turn on you should our cold war grow heated."

Talliver plainly says, "I am."

Speaking to Talliver, Mystiq asks, "Not to mention they are tax paying and law abiding citizens?"

Talliver says, "You should be concerned, however, that your actions may cause them harm."

Thaiagol says, "The Five are not the Four, Mayor Dabbings. We value the lives of our followers. This should be obvious from the care we have shown with entering into conflicts."

Aeith whispers to the group, "Tell that to the melted pile of flesh and bones!"

Thaiagol says, "It speaks well of you that you put yourself in this position, coming into the lion's very den to negotiate."

Rammael's eyebrow arches at that particular metaphor, but he merely smiles to himself.

Perbil asks, "Lions?"

Opalina quietly says, "Well snake hole maybe."

Thaiagol says, "Though we may yet come to blows over this matter, I will advocate for you to the rest of the Five. For now, we will allow you the blessing of time to determine the Orb's course."

Speaking to Opalina, Mystiq says, "Either way they both bite."

Thaiagol says, "You know where we stand. We know the same of you."

Rammael gives a grim nod.

Fauwkes says, "All enemies have to appear eventually."

Speaking to Talliver, Rammael says, "I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit longer to get at my throat."

Talliver studiously keeps his eyes focused on Thaiagol's face.

Speaking to Thaiagol, Talliver says, "You've comported yourself well, Master Thaiagol. I suppose a stay to hostilities is the best that can be hoped for in a time like this."

Speaking to himself, Darphin says, "Lot of threats cast at the coven tonight, considering it was peace talks."

Nettle gets to her feet fluidly, the motion betrayed only slightly by a creak of leather.

Speaking to Thaiagol, Geijon asks, "I think it was mentioned, but how's the hand? If you call yourself the five and not the four. How did they fair?"

Speaking to Darphin, Meliyara notes, "The Coven made several of its own."

Speaking heartily to Darphin, Chamorr says, "Coven did most he castingf."

Speaking smoothly to Geijon, Thaiagol says, "I believe that learning from mistakes has been a theme of the evening."

Speaking to Thaiagol, Geijon says, "So have we. Your stealth and subversion doesn't elicit your future success."

Darphin says, "I admit there were some, but we speak in bad faith to even call it even."

Speaking idly to Geijon, Rammael says, "The Four have been scattered to the winds, but sometimes winds blow their way home."

Speaking to Thaiagol, Rammael asks, "How was that for poetry?"

Speaking to Darphin, Mystiq says, "Only those who feel holy can do the unholy and think they did nothing wrong ever."

Pukk says, "Now is the time for cool heads to reflect on our conversations and think about the future rather than continue to make veiled threats."

Speaking heartily to Pukk, Chamorr asks, "Its not the time to start swingin?"

Speaking to Thaiagol, Darphin says, "It was a pleasure to share the table with you."

Nettle says, "You will see yourselves back to Icemule Trace. The portal will bring you there safely."

Aeith says, "I do have to admit I appreciate the apparent sincerety on display here. And the fact that no terrible trap has been sprung upon us or violence done after bringing us into your dwellings."

Pukk says, "No. We come in peace and we leave in peace."

Speaking to Nettle, Darphin says, "And to share the table with you too."

Aeith says, "If anything, that is some small, something."

Speaking to her carved mesille runestaff, Mystiq says, "Probably not."

Nettle nods at Darphin.

Speaking heartily to Pukk, Chamorr says, "Well thats unfortunate."

Sorlu says, "We thank you for the kindness and hospitality shown tonight."

Eleazzar says, "Thank you for the meal."

Talliver stands up.

Speaking to Rammael, Sardine asks, "You could be a bit more polite ya know?"

Speaking to Chamorr, Pukk says, "Next time."

Perbil says, "Swings are fun, but slides are better."

Roelon deeply says, "Honorin' promises goes far."

Talliver says, "I agree. Thank you for your hospitality and courtesy."

Speaking to Talliver, Bakarus says, "Good to see you."

Pukk says, "Thank you all for the bread and the drinks."

Rammael smirks at Sardine.

Speaking heartily to Nettle, Chamorr says, "Seeya soon."

Lylia says, "It was good to see new faces here...without anyone threatening to rip mine off."

Speaking softly to Thaiagol, Taulramil says, "I studied a lot about the gods and I must say that Fash'lo'nae interested me more than the others."

Thaiagol says, "It was good of you to join us. I must consult with my colleagues."

Thaiagol stands up.

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "I'm sorry. I will work on that next time."

A pale green glow builds in Thaiagol's eyes, intensifying until it is blinding to look upon. He raises a bony hand and inscribes glowing yellow symbols in the air with surprising deftness. Strange, otherworldly luminescence pours forth like water from a shattered dam, and Thaiagol disappears amidst the radiance. His form leaves an afterimage seared in your vision as the light dies away.

Rammael steps into the shadows, which race to engulf all of him save for his eyes, which glow like hot golden coals in the darkness. They are the last to depart, fading into the blackness as the shadows regain their natural shapes.

Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "You know I am always pleased to see you, no matter the circumstances."

Speaking to Chamorr, Aoife says, "Let's get out of here."

Speaking to Roelon, Pukk asks, "Let us depart?"

Speaking to Chamorr, Aoife says, "Let's get out of here."

Talliver nods.

Talliver says, "I think it best."

Lylia offhandedly remarks, "Before you go, there is a lovely tea-house. It would be a pity to miss seeing the town out of fear of it."

Roelon deeply says, "Aye, let us return home."

Eofora softly says, "An quickly."

Chamorr heartily says, "Time to go."

Talliver can offer Lylia only a blank expression.

Taulramil softly asks, "Is this place explorable?"