Holy Scourge

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Revision as of 16:42, 6 April 2017 by NAAMIT (talk | contribs) (Reformatted into prelog all over. Removed some messaging. Reworded intro section.)
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a barbed white ora whip with a cross-like handle

Holy Scourge is the name of the Castlevania-themed whip created by Wyrom for the Great Auction of 2016. It is owned by Naamit Braggiani DMonica.


Holy Scourge is an 8x/10x Undead bane whip with masterful damage weighting. It has two features: first, holy plasma flares charged by killing undead; someone of the Braggiani "bloodline," or surname gets better use of it. Second, a function that can ensnare critters; minimum of 50 OHB and 50 Combat Maneuver ranks required to activate..


  The whip has the following verbs:
  ATTACK               - Vanquishing undead with the whip will be tracked up to 100 kills.
                         At any time after killing a single undead, it can be activated
                         with the CLENCH command to do holy plasma damage on every successful
                         strike.  The amount of undead killed increases the duration of the
                         special ability.
  CLENCH               - Activate the special ability.
  EXTINGUISH           - Deactivate the special ability.  This will drain you of one spirit (point).
  WAVE                 - Waving at a creature will perform the ensnare ability, to attempt
                         to knock down a target.
  RAISE                - Snap the spiked ball on the whip.
  POSE                 - Show off your whip in style!
  LORESONG             - The story of the Holy Scourge.


The whip is crafted from barbed white ora extending from a cross-like handle. The whip's length extends twice the size of the average man's height with a small spiked ball at its tip. The whip appears moderately sated from vanquishing undead recently.


You carefully inspect your white ora whip. After a careful inspection you determine that a barbed white ora whip with a cross-like handle requires skill in blunt weapons to use effectively. It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of white ora.


You assess the whip for structural weaknesses and strengths. Careful examination indicates the white ora whip has a base strength of 99 and a base durability of 999. You also determine the current integrity of the white ora whip to be at 100.0%.


Note: When flares are activated, the weapon becomes enshrouded in violet flames and it gives off slightly different messaging.


With a flick of your wrist, you send the length of your white ora whip in front of you and heroically pose!

Flaring:With a flick of her wrist, Naamit sends the length of her white ora whip in front of her and heroically poses! Violet flames extend down her left arm.

RAISE (snap works too)

You raise your white ora whip overhead and noisily snap the spiked ball at the end of it.

Flaring: Naamit raises her white ora whip overhead and noisily snap the spiked ball at the end of it, creating a trail of violet flames to hang in the air for a moment.


Note: CLENCH the whip to turn on the flares. The base duration of the flaring is 4 seconds per kill in your hopper (item tracks up to 100). While the flaming ability is happening, the kill count is paused. For Bloodline, it's 8 seconds per kill and you can fill up the kill count twice as fast.

Naamit clenches the handle of her whip, enshrouding the white ora in violet flames!


Note: To turn off the flares, use EXTINGUISH at a cost of 1 spirit point.

Naamit concentrates on her whip, extinguishing the violet flames that were enshrouding the white ora. She suddenly looks drained.


Note: Use this feature to ensnare and trip critters alive and dead. Some critters can't be ensnared. Requires minimum 50 One-Handed Blunt and 50 Combat Maneuver points to utilize.

Naamit swings her white ora whip, causing the heavy barbed chain to clank in the air before her.

Flaring: Naamit raises her white ora whip overhead and noisily snap the spiked ball at the end of it, creating a trail of violet flames to hang in the air for a moment.

Targeted, ineligible critter:

  You cannot ensnare a barghest.

Targeted, success:

[Roll result: 166 (open d100: 31) Penalties: 0]
 You swing your white ora whip at a vourkha, attempting to ensnare one of her legs.  The white ora chain wraps around the vourkha's right leg.  You give the handle of the whip a yank and her feet are swept roughly from under her!  The spiked ball at the end of the whip slashes the vourkha as the chain is pulled back!
  ... 5 points of damage!
  Slash to the vourkha's right leg hits high!
  Kinda makes your knees weak, huh?
Roundtime: 5 sec.

Targeted, success - with flares!:

You swing your white ora whip at a vourkha, attempting to ensnare one of her legs.  The white ora chain wraps around the vourkha's left leg.  You give the handle of the whip a yank and her feet are swept roughly from under her!  The spiked ball at the end of the whip slashes the vourkha as the chain is pulled back!
 ... 5 points of damage!
 Slash to the vourkha's left leg hits high!
 Kinda makes your knees weak, huh?

** Violet flames burst from a barbed white ora whip and engulfs a vourkha! **

 ... 15 points of damage!
 Searing blast of energy to hip spins the vourkha around!
Roundtime: 5 sec.

Targeted, fail:

[Roll result: 50 (open d100: 66) Penalties: 0]
 You swing your white ora whip at a human brigand, attempting to ensnare one of his legs.  The white ora chain wraps around the brigand's left leg.  You give the handle of the whip a yank and it does little to unbalance him.  The spiked ball at the end of the whip slashes the brigand as the chain is pulled back!
   ... 5 points of damage!
   Slash to the human brigand's left leg hits high!
   Kinda makes your knees weak, huh?
Roundtime: 5 sec.

Some ATTACKs with the holy plasma flare enabled

You swing a barbed white ora whip at a barghest!
 AS: +505 vs DS: +194 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +24 = +357
  ... and hit for 88 points of damage!
  Strong strike splits the belly open, revealing ghostly organs.
  Haggis anyone?

  ** Violet flames burst from a barbed white ora whip and engulfs a barghest! **

  ... 35 points of damage!
  Painful attack flays the leg from thigh to calf.
  New skin lies, snakelike, beneath the old.
  It is knocked to the ground!
Roundtime: 4 sec.

You swing a barbed white ora whip at a barghest!
 AS: +505 vs DS: +137 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +95 = +485
  ... and hit for 86 points of damage!
  The barghest's hand explodes from the brutal strike!
  Trails of ether spurt high into the air in all directions. 

  ** Violet flames burst from a barbed white ora whip and engulfs a barghest! **

  ... 20 points of damage!
  Swift strike would have hit more than an ear, if only it were there.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
You swing a barbed white ora whip at a vourkha!
 AS: +505 vs DS: +283 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +97 = +342
  ... and hit for 73 points of damage!
  Hard hit shatters weapon arm.

  ** Violet flames burst from a barbed white ora whip and engulfs a vourkha! **

  ... 25 points of damage!
  Crackling blue plasma roasts a smoking hole in the vourkha's neck!
  The vourkha slumps to the ground as the light departs her eyes.
  The glowing specks of energy surrounding a vourkha suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
 A vourkha appears somehow different.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

You swing a barbed white ora whip at a barghest!
 AS: +470 vs DS: +212 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +49 = +329
  ... and hit for 78 points of damage!
  The barghest's head wavers as your attack passes right through it!

  ** Violet flames burst from a barbed white ora whip and engulfs a barghest! **

  ... 50 points of damage!
  Body swirls violently from a strong hit to the back.
Neat effect!
Roundtime: 4 sec.


Verse one

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the white ora whip in your hand, and you learn something about it...

The first thing that strikes you about the whip is the weight, which is 3 pounds.  The whip is priceless in value.  You can also tell that the whip is predominantly crafted from white ora.

A vision suddenly takes over your sight in a dense forest...

Inside a hut, an old elven alchemist appears to work on a barbed length of white ora.  He attaches a cross-like handle and a small spiked ball to the chain, forming a whip.  With a nod, the alchemist turns to a younger man in the hut and hands him the weapon.  "Take this to the Order of Voln to be used against the undead blight in the forest.  The man exits the hut and begins his journey toward Krestle.

As the man approaches a village outside the Turamzzyrian city, hordes of undead have overrun the villagers.  The man rushes inside and seeks out a specific home...his home.  The door is open and his wife lies on the ground and surrounded by undead.  He uses the whip against the undead, releasing the evil from his home, but it's too late, his wife is fatally injured.  She reaches toward her husband, resting a hand on the whip and laments, "Revenge me, Cecil..."  Her eyes close and the whip burns with a violet flame.  The man, Cecil, exits his home and all that can be heard is a bloodcurdling cry.

Third Person during song:

The white ora whip seems to respond to the magic of Naamit's song.
Naamit takes on a ghastly appearance as she sings to a barbed white ora whip with a cross-like handle.

Verse two

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the white ora whip in your hand, and you learn something about it...

You sense a holy aura surrounding the whip.From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the whip is to be used against undead.

The vision continue back inside the hut...

Cecil is now garbed in heavy armor and carrying the whip.  He is speaking to the alchemist inside the hut once more.  "My wife, when she passed, she empowered the whip.  Why is that?"  The alchemist nods and responds, "I worked a spell into the whip that would unlock its full potential.  I was not able to do anything more, and nor were you by yourself.  But your wife's soul activated it and your rage has empowered it in your hands.  Meet the Holy Scourge.  It is now yours, Cecil Braggiani."

Years have passed, Cecil now an old man.  He arms himself with the Holy Scourge and heads into the forest where rumors of a necromancer resided causing the undead blight.  The sun sets and the vision fades.

Verse three

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the white ora whip in your hand...

The whip has a bonus of +40 and require skill in blunt weapons to use effectively in combat.  It does extra damage when it strikes.

The visions progress in the city of Krestle...
Centuries have passed, a father and son are walking home.  The father looks to his son and asks, "Leon, did I ever tell you of Cecil Braggiani, our ancestor that honed the whip called the Holy Scourge?"  The boy shakes his head and his father tell him the story of their family heirloom.  That night, he shows his son the whip.

Time goes on and Leon joins the Order of Voln, a rite of passage for many Braggiani men.  Several members of the Order go missing after investigating rumors of undead in a nearby forest.  Leon and a group of Volnites are dispatched to the forest to locate the missing party.
The group encounter an undead necromancer whose strength is immense.  They are quickly overpowered, and only Leon survives.  The blade of his broadsword is destroyed in the fray and he retreats back to Krestle.  He retrieves the Holy Scourge from the family tomb and rushes back into the forest to finish the necromancer off.  A long adventure takes place as the visions drift in and out of highlights of Leon fighting off hordes of undead and overcoming obstacles along the way.  Leon's adventure ends in some old ruins where he faces the undead necromancer.  He is able to deal the death blow, but in doing so, Leon is cursed and collapses.

All goes black and the vision ends.

Verse four

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the white ora whip in your hand...

The harmonics generated tell you that the whip has special abilities against undead and when used by a specific bloodline.

The final visions are revealed and have shifted to a tavern in modern times...

A younger man of average height and bright blue eyes leans against the counter in a crowded barroom.  Garbed with a green canvas jacket and a belt wrapped with colorful bandanas, the man is discussing some adventure with the locals gathered.  The bartender remarks, "You know..."He points to the younger man, "Rumor has it, the one that haunts the forest near Krestle was a Braggiani like you."  The young man pipes up, "You think I'll believe that old wives' tale?"  They all laugh and continue on with their conversation.

Later that evening the young man's curiousity gets the best of him and heads to the forest.  He is met by a ghoulish figure wearing rusted armor and holding a white ora whip.  The young man unsheathes a blessed dagger and sneaks behind the ghoul.  Just before he strikes the being, it turns to him and cries, "I've been waiting for you, child.  Your name, tell me your name."  The young man announces, "Khlat Braggiani, the Treasure Hunter Extraordinaire!"  The ghoul smiles and the vision ends abruptly.