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Kiss will plant ones lips upon another or an item or even one's self.


    KISS {self}              - Pucker your lips
    KISS {target} [location] - Kissing a target at an optional location
    KISS SET [OPTION]        - Shows or sets the KISS verb options available.

Where (location) is one of the following:
    NECK    EAR     WRIST

Verb info

>verb info kiss
Verb information for verb "KISS":

People targets:
CATHEDRAL WEDDING  - You kiss (target), letting your lips linger softly.
WAVEDANCER WEDDING - You place a gentle kiss on (targets) lips.
STANDARD           - You kiss (target).

Self target:
  You pucker your lips expectantly.

Object targets:
  You pucker up and blow a kiss at (object).

Creature targets:
  You pucker up and blow a kiss at (creature).

  HAND     - You kiss (target) on the hand.
  CHEEK    - You kiss (target) on the cheek.
  LIPS     - You kiss (target) on the lips.
  MOUTH    - You kiss (target) on the mouth.
  EAR      - You kiss (target) on the ear.
  NECK     - You kiss (target) on the neck.
  FOREHEAD - You kiss (target) on the forehead.
  HEAD     - You kiss (target) on the forehead.
  NOSE     - You kiss (target) on the nose.
  WRIST    - You kiss (target) on the wrist.
  ELBOW    - You kiss (target) on the inside of the elbow.

NOTE:  ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions.  Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging.  Messaging without an option shown applies to all options.  Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.