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Ribbonator 2000

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Revision as of 15:31, 14 November 2019 by ELYSIA (talk | contribs) (Added Thandiwe's Discord comment.)
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The "Ribbonator 2000" is a device introduced at Ebon Gate 2019 by GM Thandiwe. It was sold for seashells at Ebon Gate in the Jangling Junker shop.

The Ribbonator 2000 has one unlockable tier. The unlock certificate was also sold in the Jangling Junker.

Box Analyze

Welcome to the one, the only, and the never before seen "Ribbonator 2000"!
This incredible, amazing, and often underestimated, item will thrill you with its ability to change ordinary fabric items into simple ribbons.  That's right, Elysia!  It makes ribbons!  If you aren't sure what to do with these ribbons, then find a local weaver and I'm sure they will excitedly help you out!

1. Add Dye - (optional) POUR your COBBLING or ALCHEMY dye IN the Ribbonator
2. Add Fabric - PUT your (unscripted) clothing item OR bolt of fabric IN the Ribbonator
3. Charge it - PUSH a silver wand into the Ribbonator (it only accepts fresh wands - or ones with 10 charges)
4. Make Ribbons - SPIN the Ribbonataor to slice and dice that old item until you get ribbons!
5. Remove Ribbons - TURN the Ribbonator to get a single ribbon at a time.
That's right, Elysia, it is that simple!
But wait!  There's more!  If you aren't satisfied with the plain, the boring, or the OFF the SHELF Ribbonator, then you can obtain an UNLOCK certificate for more zesty goodness!
The Ribbonator has the following commands: pour(add dye), pull(remove wand), push(add wand), put(add fabric), rub, spin(make ribbon), tap, tickle, turn(remove ribbon), and wave
And is Tier 2 of 2.

Altering Instructions:  The Ribbonator must always be a box of some kind and must always be belt-worn.  Due to its complicated (patent pending) dials, chambers, switches, and toggles, it can never support a SHOW DESCRIPTION, but it can handle long descriptions.

Disclaimers:  The Ribbonator is a sensitive device and as such its creators wish to remind you that it is made for good fun.  As a result, it has restrictions on it to prevent the harm of small children and animals.  The creators do not want any accusations of "The Ribbonator ate my baby!"  Please be sure to always use the Ribbonator appropriately.  Remember that all materials placed in the Ribbonator will, once the device is activated, be utterly demolished!  Do not place your hands in the device while it is in use as the creators will not be held responsible for missing digits.  And, for the love of all that is holy, do not bring a fork anywhere near it.  Do not use in the baths as the creators will not be held responsible for what may happen.  For your safety do not break these rules.
You can tell that the box is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

Usage Comment by Thandiwe on the GS Discord 11/14/2019:

As for dyes, cobbling and alchemy dyes should work.  If the description on the color of the dye is longer than 12 characters then it won't work.  If the vial has less than 5 doses, then it won't work.  1 full vial (5 doses) allows you to dye enough fabric for 10 ribbons.  If an item does not INSPECT as cloth, or if the fabric noun is not in the 2nd 15, then it won't work.  I did check the treasure system before making this to ensure that it produced items that fit that qualifier.