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Creepy stole

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Creepy stoles were first introduced at Ebon Gate 2011 by a merchant run by GM Paersi and were sold at The Last Breath Halted. They have two tiers, the first consisting of scripts similar to fur coats, while the second, unlockable by Xerria, allows for ambient haunting messaging seen solely by the wearer.

Tier 1


{| border="2" cellpadding="4" style="margin: 10px 1px 10px 10px; clear:both; background:#E6ECFA; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; width: {{{1}}}%"

|- style="background:#00004C; vertical-align: top; font-size: larger; color:white;"

! style="width:5em;"|Verb ! style="width:35em;"|First ! style="width:35em;"|Third |- ! CLEAN | You run your hand over your wolf pup stole, removing any loose bits of dust and dirt from its soft fur. | (Character) runs (his/her) hand over (his/her) wolf pup stole, removing any loose bits of dust and dirt from its soft fur. |- ! PLUCK | You pluck at something in the thick fur of your stole. | (Character) plucks at something in the thick fur of (her/his) stole. |- ! RUB | You run your fingers over the thick, warm fur of your stole. | (Character) runs (her/his) fingers over the thick, warm fur of (her/his) stole. |- ! SLAP | You pat the thick fur of your stole, and a few specks of dust fall from its surface. | (Character) pats the thick fur of (her/his) stole, and a few specks of dust fall from its surface. |}

Tier 2


The snow hare stole can be altered with either a LONG or SHOW description.  It MUST remain as a singular, whole animal that has been preserved.  The messaging references eyes, legs, and a soft tail.  The adjective (middle 15 of the 15/15/15) MUST be the name of the animal in question.
  Example:  "snow hare" or "russet fox"
It is fully unlocked and will haunt the wearer.  You can also CLEAN, RUB, SLAP, PLUCK, PUSH, PULL, SHAKE, and ATTEND the stole.


{| border="2" cellpadding="4" style="margin: 10px 1px 10px 10px; clear:both; background:#E6ECFA; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; width: {{{1}}}%"

|- style="background:#00004C; vertical-align: top; font-size: larger; color:white;"

! style="width:5em;"|Verb ! style="width:35em;"|First ! style="width:35em;"|Third |- ! ATTEND |You pass your hand over the plush fur of your snow hare stole before striking a pose. |(Character) passes a hand over the plush fur of (her/his) snow hare stole before striking a pose. |- ! PULL |You pull your snow hare stole tighter around you, bundling the soft warm fur closely about your neck and shoulders. |(Character) pulls (her/his) snow hare stole tighter around (her/him), bundling the soft warm fur closely about (her/his) neck and shoulders. |- ! PUSH |You smooth down the soft fur of your stole, arranging its folds to fall elegantly around your shoulders. |(Character) smoothes down the soft fur of (her/his) stole, arranging its folds to fall elegantly around (her/his) shoulders. |- ! SHAKE |You shake your snow hare stole, sending loose dust and bits of dried leaves flying from its thick fur. |(Character) shakes (her/his) snow hare stole, sending loose dust and bits of dried leaves flying from its thick fur. |}

Creepy stole Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Clothing
Item(s) Applied to
Alterable Yes
Original Release Venue Ebon Gate 2011
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 2
How to Unlock Merchant
Restrictions Must remain a singular, preserved, whole animal
Item Verbs

Additional Information


These ambients are only seen by the wearer of the creepy stole.

The tiny eyes of the snow hare gaze sadly at you.

The soft tail of the snow hare brushes your arm as it moves ever so slightly.

The snow hare makes a soft, pathetic whimpering sound.

The snow hare shudders as a phantom breath passes through its limp body.

The hind legs of the snow hare twitch involuntarily.

See Also