Wehnimer's Landing Town Council Election 5122/Wehnimer's Landing Town Council Vacancy Interview - 5122

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Interview With Pals

Speaking to Pals, you ask, "Well Pals, it is good to meet you and I'm glad you have given me the opportunity to have a conversation with you. I suppose the first question I would ask is essentially, who are you? How would you introduce yourself to your possible constituents?"

"For starters, I'm Pals! I'm pretty new to the Landing, but I'm learning my way around. I'm gem merchant; I've rented out a room in a shop. My brother and his friend help me keep it stocked." "Oh yeah! I'm pretty new to the Landing." "The folks are plenty nice.. There are a few grumps, like my brother here, but that's to be expected anywhere." "Anything more specific you'd like to know about me?" Obbbbbviously, you know I have a brother...."

"No, I think that's fine and thorough. And I'm glad for it. You're running for Town Councilperson in the Landing. Why should people vote for you for the position? What do you wish to offer?"

"Honestly, I thought it might be cool to see what goes on in the Council. Chandrellia was one of the first people I met when I got here, and she gave me a mithril shield." "And a sheath." "Er not a shield. I've never used a shield! But she gave me a mithril weapon." "You don't forget those types of things." "Maybe I'll be in a position to help someone like that some day as well." "I'm kind of a night owl, so I'm not usually out and about during normal hours so maybe I can host some late night events. I'd like to do some Darts and Dice games for other folks who are also night owls." "Besides, Town Buddy Pals has a nice ring to it!" "Since I'd be veryone's buddy!"

"How do you think you can impact the politics in this town? It is quite a polarizing town with strong political views. Do you think it is better to fight all disagreement or hit the negotiating table?"

"Well, seeing as I'm fairly new to the area, I'm not quite sure I've heard much gossip or chatter about the political climate here. What are some of the issues that people feel strongly about? Taxes? Road improvements? Budget surplus or deficit?"

"Amos, who is working with the Consortium. That is a group of merchants displeased with the bouts in the Landing. They think the wanton destruction is back for the people that can't put up a fight."

"Wanton destruction?" "Like, egg rolls? Do we even have those?"

"Err...I don't think we do." "There are a lot of battles and fights." "Many of the citizens that can't take arms feel victimized by it."

"That's Luukos!" Pals grumbles.


"Aye! What other explanation is there?!" "Lorminstra's Temple is the only thing that protects this place, and if his army destroys that, he will rule the Landing." "Some would say that fighting is what the Landing is all about."

"I think that one thing that is very important is the citizens of the Landing; we need to find newcomers to come and take up arms to replace our fallen comrades, and those who have left Elanthia."

"That's an interesting take. But does it always have to come to battle?"

"The question is, how do we entice those who have departed these lands to return, and how do we connect with folks whom they might have met while away?"

"What do you think you'd do for that?"

"I'm open to ideas, but I think that we need to increase our populous! Look at all the shops that are boarded up and abandoned at the docks! The Port Authority won't release them because our population is too low to sustain them."

"If elected, you'd be working with Leafiara, Chandrellia, and Fahlo? How well do you know them and how would you work with them? They are...unique individuals, respectfully."

"Well, as I mentioned earlier, Chandrellia is one of the first folk I've met here, and she was overwhelmingly supportive. She gave me my first weapon that wasn't drake." "I don't know Fahlo very well, but he has saved me when I've fallen. Same as Leafi. She's really nice! I like her a lot!" "I suppose we can all find a way to accomplish our goaks together." Pals nods.

You grin at Pals. Speaking to Pals, you ask, "And Leafiara?"

"She's nice! I really like her!" "She's always kind to me!" "Definitely a good role model, for sure!"

"Let's consider this, what do you feel about Thadston Andrews. He's the current Mayor."

"Well, as a councilmember, my purpose is to serve the community, yes?"

You nod at Pals. "It is."

"Well I don't know much about this Mister Andrews fella, so I couldn't offer much of an opinion... but if he were to impede with my ability to serve the citizens, I wouldn't care for him very much!"

"But would you be willing to work with him? Do you see yourself aligning with anyone in the Council or making your own decisions?"

"The council is four, yes?"

You nod at Pals.

"Apologies. But yes. If elected you'd be with Fahlo, Chan, and Leafi." Mayor has say AND deals with tie-breakers."

"I think we can work something out. As I mentioned, I like everyone on the council right now, and I think we would have meaningful discussions about the pros and cons of each proposal."

"So willing to hear both sides. I like it. I think it's really fair."

"I'd probably just vote for whatever Chandrellia votes for." Pals shrugs. "I kid, I kid!" Pals asks, "Or...am I?"

"I have two more questions. Pukk mentioned being a person from the Shanty Town. He feels that there are things that the town needs. What do you think the Town needs right now?" You chuckle at Pals.

"OoOoOoHH sinister...." "I think the town needs people." "So, make babies!" "We need to have a fertility festival!"

You gasp. "What would that look like?"

"I've no idea!" "But it's something we can talk about in the council." Pals winks. "I like Pukk. He's a nice gent. Honestly, if it came down to a tie between him and myself, I'd probably yield to him. He's so great." "But, if I can beat him outright...!" (Pals practices shadowboxing.) "Hoo, Ha!"

"This has been enlightening and educational. To close, I will allow you the opportunity to share your thoughts on who you are and rally the vote to your favor in your way. By all means, the floor is yours."

"Well, actually I'm sure that any of the candidates will do a fine job! I hope that we can increase the population either with me being on the council or not."

"Well, I did. What do you want to say to someone who is undecided as to why they should vote for you? What do you tell them to sway their opinion?"

"I say go with your gut, because your heart can be the most deceiving thing."

"Isn't that the truth. Well, it has been a pleasure and I thank you for your time. I hope to get this out and about so that people can read what you have to say and how you feel about matters.

Interview with Vaemyr

'If elected, you'd be working with Leafiara, Chandrellia, and Fahlo, if I have my names correct. How well do you know them and how would you work with them? They are...unique individuals, respectfully. You say, "If elected, you'd be working with Leafiara, Chandrellia, and Fahlo, if I have my names correct. How well do you know them and how would you work with them? They are...unique individuals, respectfully."

Vaemyr says, "I know them pretty well I'd like to think, and will continue to work with them on problems facing our town regardless of being elected."

You say, "Interesting." You ask, "No further comment?"

Vaemyr says, "I mean, Leafi and I have discussed numerous issues and problems regularly, both of us come to a lot of similar conclusions, Fahlo has worked on some of my previous agenda in helping spread further education in town and doing much for the orphangage, Chandrellia and I have had ups and downs, but we do work well together and respect each other."

You say, "There we go, had to pull out the elaboration. I have two more questions for you. The first is what do you think are some of the areas of need for the town as it stands? There have been changes, but it seems like there's a ways to go."

Vaemyr says, "Well... two things have stood out to me. Even as recently as the other night. We are still a town divided. Adventurers still are very suspicious of our merchant organization in town if not down right agressive or hostile. We've made little to no progress on opening further dialog with the remaining Rooks, despite what I would of said was ample opportunity after the incident with the Knave." Vaemyr says, "The other is that we are oh so indecive." Vaemyr says, "I see this more and more, even when we are discussing a Krolvin Fleet approaching within this very week, it feels like people want to take a "wait and see" approach." Vaemyr says, "Hopefully our council, and whomever gets elected can help focus the peoples voices and rally some responses, or we'll be looking at a months long seige similar to what happened to Mist Harbor." Vaemyr says, "And you certainly know the pain and trouble and lives that could cost." You nod.

Speaking to Vaemyr, you say, "I do. Totally."

Vaemyr nods.

You ask, "So, to close, I will allow you the opportunity to share your thoughts on who you are and rally the vote to your favor in your way. What do you want to say to the people that are on the fence concerning the vote?"

Vaemyr says, "Well, mainly I hope people take a step back, and look at things objectively and vote for whom they truly think will do a good job on the council. I hope I am that person, but there are many great people in this town, and it's up to them to choose. It's our citizens right and honor, and it matters that they have that choice." You say, "Well said, Vaemyr. Thank you for your time and I wish you the best of luck on the election. Thank you again."

Vaemyr nods.

You give Vaemyr a firm handshake.