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Revision as of 16:42, 17 September 2022 by MOD-GSMOTTE (talk | contribs) (MOD-GSMOTTE moved page Verb:EXTINGUISH to EXTINGUISH (verb) over redirect: Verb pages are to remain in their original locations until GM Xeraphina moves them as part of her revamp of the pages.)
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Type Roleplaying
Special case
Special Case Item

EXTINGUISH is a mechanical and roleplaying verb. It is used to put out flames of items that may be lit.


Extinguish (lit) item:

>extinguish lantern
You snuff the silver lantern, causing the flame to go out.

Person snuffs the silver lantern, causing the flame to go out.

Extinguish (unlit) item:

>extinguish lantern
Your silver lantern isn't lit.