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Lich:Script Bigshot
Bigshot is designed to handle combat routines, including moving to and from hunting areas, defining creatures to hunt and accompanying attack routines Afk scripting on any server but Shattered is in violation of game policy.
About Bigshot
What Does Bigshot Do?
Using a series of menus and commands inputs, Bigshot lets a user create a modular, customizable and fully automated hunting script. With just a few clicks and tweaks, you can go from scripting Rats to the Rift.
How Do I Get It?
Grab it from the Repository: ;repository download Bigshot
How Do I Make it GO!?
Initial setup is accessed through ;bigshot setup. There you will see a configuration window with various tabs to setup for your hunting routine.
As with most scripts, using a SETUP command will open a graphical user interface for configuring the script. Use ;bigshot setup to open this dialog. This will open a window with the following tabs:
- Profile - This is where you save/load your profile information. Profiles are saved to your \Lich5\data\<GSServer\<charname>\bigshot_profiles directory. Eg, \Lich5\data\GSIV\Rinualdo\bigshot_profiles (note, if you've previously used bigshot, the file location has changed. The previous location was in your \Lich5\scripts\bigshot_profiles folder. You can copy/paste
- Resting - Set up your resting routine and location.
- Hunting - Create a hunting map by adding BOUNDARIES, define your attack stance and any pre hunt information
- Attacking - configuration for ambushing, bless, reactions, and similar flags
- Commands - Where you define your valid targets and associated attack routines. See sample routines below.
- Misc tab - Various config options
We will take a closer look at each of these individually further on.
There is also several other commands you can do for more functionality.
- ;bigshot quick - Special hunting mode that kills everything in the room your in and quits bigshot. Wont wander at all, and wont attempt to rest. Has its own hunting commands and hunting targets.
- ;bigshot head/tail - This is for Multi-Account hunting. It only works for a single computer. Every character needs to be setup for the hunting area your going to. You start it by having your following characters join your head character. The following characters need to be running bigshot with ;bigshot tail. Once that happens, have the leader of the group do ;Bigshot head. They will then procede to hunt in the area you have setup.
- ;bigshot display - Shows all your current settings.
- ;bigshot reset - Resets all your targetable and untargetable lists. Useful if you find bigshot won't targets something it should.
- ;bigshot ranger or ;bigshot companion - Resets ranger companion setting so you can set it again. Used when you change your companion.
- ;bigshot profile save <name here> - Saves a profile in YAML format in your character's profile folder. Also accessible via the Profiles tab in the setup menu.
- ;bigshot profile load <name here> - Loads a profile from your character's profile folder. Also accessible via the Profiles tab in the setup menu.
- ;bigshot single - When used solo, will execute a single hunting routine, return to your resting location and then exit
The Profile Tab
- Load Profile - will load an existing profile. Nothing will be available if no previous profiles are saved
- Current Profile - shows the existing profile if a new one is loaded.
- Save profile - Valid profile information for future ebounty script support
Save Current Settings - tell Bigshot what you want your profile to be named. Any name will work here. Once a profile is saved, will show up in the Load Profile menu.
The Resting Tab
Short and sweet, here is where we setup our resting routines. During REST mode, Bigshot uses the EXP command and checks your mind, hit points, wound status, mana and spirit. Once all of these values are at the specified Should_hunt? settings, Bigshot leaves REST mode and begins a HUNT.
- room id: - This is the room that Bigshot will return to for resting. Use Room Numbers from xNarost / Go2. Support both LichIDs and SimuIDs with a u, for example, 228 for Town Square Central or u7120.
- pre-rest commands: - These commands run before entering REST mode. An example routine is: 'shea, wear shield, sit, stance offensive, rest'. This will sheath your weapon, wear your shield, sit, enter offensives stance and use the REST verb.
- active resting scripts: - Active resting scripts are scripts that will be run upon entering REST mode. These scripts should be things that you do after a hunt: get healed, empty your bags, spell up. An example list is: 'eloot sell, waggle, eherbs'. This will use eloot to sell according to the options set with eloot. After selling, it will use Waggle to spell you up according to however Waggle is setup. Finally, eherbs will check your PACK and use herbs stored there to heal whatever wounds you have.
- Fog Option: - Uses Spirit Guide (130), Voln Symbol of Return, Traveler's Song (1020), Sigil of Escape, or Familiar Gate (930) when heading back to rest. Setting it to None does nothing. Setting it to 130 will cause it to use 130 first then if that fails symbol of return. Symbol of return will use that first, then 130 if that fails. Setting to Traveler's Song will attempt once and continue. Setting to Familiar Gate will attempt to summon a portal once and walk through it. Will perform a mana pulse if not enough mana is detected
- Should Rest?
Bigshot evaluates these conditions and, when they are met, will go to your resting room set on the Resting tab and execute any resting scripts you have set.
- when percent mind >=
- Rests when your mind has reached this threshold. Generally, set this to 100 to rest when fried.
- and extra kills >=
- The number of extra monsters to kill after reaching your `when percent mind` threshold and after LTE boosts used
- and used lte boosts >=
- The number of LTE boosts it will attempt to use after reaching your `when percent mind` threshold
- or percentmana <=
- Forces Bigshot to rest when your percentage of mana is at or below this threshold.
- This can be set to 0, but leaving a bit in the tank can be good if you have to use 406 (Unlock) to open the WL Graveyard gate.
- or percentencumbrance >=
- Forces Bigshot to rest when you have reached a given level of encumbrance.
- or wounded eval
- Allows you to set an evaluation phrase to determine if you are too wounded to continue hunting. Wound evaluations can send you home on nearly any wounded condition of your choice: bleeding, level 2 wound, can't cast, too many scars etc.
The following is a wounded evaluation that will rest whenever you have any level II wounds.
XMLData.injuries.any?{|key,value| value["wound"] > 1} || percenthealth <= 70
The following is a wound evaluation that will take you home if you can not cast anymore (nerves, level 2 head/eyes, bad scars etc.):
bleeding? || percenthealth <= 25 || [Wounds.head, Scars.head, Wounds.leftEye, Scars.leftEye, Wounds.rightEye, Scars.rightEye, Wounds.nsys, Scars.nsys].max > 1 || [Wounds.leftArm, Wounds.leftHand, Wounds.rightArm, Wounds.rightHand, Scars.leftArm, Scars.leftHand, Scars.rightArm, Scars.rightHand].max > 2 || ([Wounds.leftArm, Wounds.leftHand, Scars.leftArm, Scars.leftHand].max > 0 && [Wounds.rightArm, Wounds.rightHand, Scars.leftArm, Scars.leftHand].max > 0)
- when creeping dread >=
- Forces Bigshot to rest when your creeping dread is at or below this threshold.
- when crushing dread >=
- Forces Bigshot to rest when your crushing dread is at or below this threshold.
- Wall of Thorns Poison
- Forces Bigshot to rest when you are affected by Wall of Thorns Poison.
- Confusion Debuff
- Forces Bigshot to rest when you are affected by the non-dispellable Confusion Debuff.
The Hunting Tab
This is where you will tell bigshot when to hunt, any commands or society abilities to use prior to hunting, and where on the map you want to hunt.
The Hunting Map
Your hunting map is a series of Boundaries - rooms that Bigshot will not enter - and a Start room - the first room that Bigshot moves to when a hunt starts. These function very similarly to the boundaries in the ;Wander script, but are stored in Bigshot's configuration files and not in a character cache as with ;Wander. Here you also configure when to hunt
- starting room ID: - This is the first room that Bigshot goes to when hunting. You may set this to any room within the Boundaries that you set with the second option.
- boundary rooms: - Boundary rooms are walls. Bigshot will not enter a Boundary room!
X-X-B - A - 0 - 0 - 0 | | X-X-X
The proper syntax for boundry rooms are separated by commas Some popular Rift boundries as an example
Plane 1: 2635, 12101, 12208 Plane 2: 2605, 2635, 12093 Plane 3: 2635, 12089, 12152 Plane 4: 12122, 12207, 12235 Plane 5: 2579 North Scatter: 12151, 12254, 12256, 12249, 12247, 12241 South Scatter: 12151, 12219, 12217, 12233, 12237, 12239
Imagine a hunting area that is a six room square. To enter this square, one must GO DOORWAY from room A. You would set the room outside of the square - ie room A - before you GO DOORWAY, as a boundary. Then, you would set room B to the Starting Room. From there, Bigshot will move to room B and then wander around inside the Boundary - ie the square hunting area - until it your Should_rest? conditions are met.
- Wait before wandering to another room: - Time you wait before leaving a room to find some creatures. Default is 0.3 seconds. Set to 0 for fastest (spammy) movement.
- attack stance: - Specify what stance you want to attack from. Bigshot will remain in Stance Defensive until an attack command is issued, whereupon it will stance to your Attack Stance and execute your Attacking routine. Bigshot recognizes all stances from the game, Offensive ->-> Defensive.
- pre-hunt commands: - These commands will be executed before Bigshot uses Go2 to travel to your hunt's Starting Room. As an example: 'gird, stance defensive'. This will ensure that you have readied your weapon and are in Defensive stance before traveling. Set short lived combat spells like 1605 (Arm of the Arkati) to be cast in this line.
- active hunting scripts: - Active hunting scripts are scripts that will run while Bigshot is in Hunt mode. Many of these scripts have been made obsolete by the next option. Clever scripters have written some nice scripts that will keep certain spells up, execute cmans based on conditions etc. If you need a complex action to run while Hunting that Bigshot does not have the capacity for, an active hunting script may be called for.
- society abilities/spells/cmans: - Bigshot can be asked to keep certain abilities up at all times during a hunt. Hovering your mouse over this field will display a list of cmans and society abilities specified by their numerical designations. Spells may also be added here. Separate all values by commas. For example, entering '506' will keep the spell Haste up during Hunts, casting whenever it has worn off.
- loot script - Bigshot will call a loot script to loot your kills for you. eloot is commonly scripts used here. Be sure to use the SETUP command on whatever loot script you use, as if it is not configured properly, Bigshot will likely error.
- wracking spirit >= - Setting a value here will WRACK for mana if your spirit is greater than or equal to the value specified. Setting 6, for example, will WRACK down to 5 spirit. This will ONLY function if you have the 'Use sign of wracking/sigil of power' box checked.
- Use sign of wracking/sigil of power - checkbox to enable the use of wracking
- Priority hunt - checkbox to enable the use of the priority system for hunting. This allows you to change targets based on the order listed in valid targets/quickhunt targets. For example, your hunting thunder trolls, wind witches, and puma. Your valid target order is wind witch, thunder troll, puma. Your currently attacking a puma, when a thunder troll walks in. You will switch to the attacking the thunder troll because its before the puma in the valid targets list. After killing the thunder troll, you go back to the puma, only to have a wind witch walk into your room. You will again switch to the wind witch because its in front of the puma. Hope you get the idea. When using the ;bigshot quick option, it will base the order of targets by your quickhunt targets first, then the order of the targets in the room that don't match any of your quickhunt targets. Example, bandits are in your quickhunt targets. You type ;bigshot quick when you get ambushed in the room. Currently in the room is a large ogre and three bandits. The order of targets will be the bandits first, then the large ogre.
- Delay looting - delays looting of creatures in a room.
- Pull players to feet - attempt to pull players to their feet upon passing them in a room
- Stop for dead players - checkbox will pause bigshot if you encounter a dead player
Should hunt
Bigshot evaluates the conditions set on this tab to determine if you are ready to hunt or not.
- when percent mind <=
- Setting this to 51 will rest until Cleared. Setting at 65 will wait until Muddled.
- and percent mana>=
- Determines the percent total of your maximum mana that must be present before hunting
- Setting below 50 will result in quick, uneventful hunts if you cast much. Generally, this is set at 95 or higher.
- and CHECKspirit >=
- Bigshot will check to see that your current Spirit value is higher than what is listed here.
- Make sure that you have this set high enough that Bigshot won't hunt immediately after DEPARTing if you have Depart / re-run Bigshot checked on the General tab.
The Attacking Tab
- Ambush aiming locations (head, etc): - Allows you to specify what order you aim for ambush. Default is head, right leg, left leg, chest.
- Archery aiming locations (head, etc): - Allows you to specify what order you aim for archery. Loops through your aiming locations once you hit the area your aiming at.
- flee if enemy count is > - Flees the room if the total number of enemies in the room exceeds the value. Set this to 1 if you want to engage single targets.
- ...but don't count these: - Bigshot will ignore monsters specified in this line when eveluating if it should flee based on how many monsters are in the room. Useful for when you are hunting in an area with extremely low level monsters mixed in with your targets.
- ...and always flee from: - Bigshot will always flee from the specified monster as soon as possible. Extremely useful if your hunting area has higher level and/or extremely dangerous monsters mixed in with your intented target(s).
- flee from environment message: - Will flee whenever anything you put in here gets sent from the game. (XML regex matching)
- Wait before wandering to another room: - time you spend before moving to a new room. Default is 0.3 seconds. You can set it to 0 to move instantly. Tends to be spammy for anyone in the same hunting area.
- Approach lone targets only - Forces Bigshot to only begin combats against creatures that are alone.
- Bless weapon? - Performs a Consecrate (1604), then a Cleric Bless or Voln Bless on whatever weapon loses its bless during hunting. If you can't bless your weapon while hunting will return you to your rest area and quit the script.
- Flee from boon - Enabling this check box will force Bigshot to flee from all boon/gifted/boss creatures (available in v4.3.0)
- Activate weapon reactions - Will initiate reactive strikes when the opportunity presents itself
- Flee from clouds - Enabling this check box will force Bigshot to flee from Cloud spells such as 125(Call Lightning with its Ominous Cloud), 1704 (Stun Cloud) and 1713 (Death Cloud)
- Flee from vines - Enabling this check box will force Bigshot to flee from Vine spell such as 610(Tangle Weed)
- Flee from webs - Enabling this check box will force Bigshot to flee from webs.
- Flee from voids- Enabling this check box will force Bigshot to flee from voids.
Commands Tab
Details about the Commands Tab can be found here.
Misc Tab
Various specialized config options
UAC Options
The various options for configuring how UAC works:
- Tier 3 Attack
- The attack used when you have reached excellent in the UAC tier
- Options are jab, punch, grapple, or kick
- Aim at location (head, etc)
- Used for aimed UAC Combat, which requires ambush training to be effective
- Leave blank when you don't want to aim.
- MSTRIKE when creatures equal or greater
- Determines how many creatures must be present before using MSTRIKE
- Use Voln SMITE?
- Will perform a Voln SMITE on Non-corporeal undead
Frequently, people have trouble setting up Bigshot to work with Unarmed Combat. Bigshot only requires minimal configuration to ensure UAC works well.
- UAC tab: Input your Tier 3 Attack (jab, punch, grapple, or kick)
- Commands tab: Input your hunting commands(a) option as unarmed jab
Important notes to keep in mind on how UAC works in Bigshot:
- The hunting option unarmed jab can be replaced by any UAC attack type (e.g. unarmed punch)
- UAC follow up strikes will be selected over the base or tier 3 attack
- Tier 3 attacks will be used only when positioning is excellent
There is almost no reason to ever use anything other than unarmed jab as the hunting command, and either grapple' or kick as the Tier 3 attack.
MSTRIKE attack now has options for when it should be used.
- MSTRIKE during cooldown stamina requirement
- Allows you to specify how much stamina you want before it will MSTRIKE during the MSTRIKE Cooldown
- Be careful when setting this too low as it can pop your muscles
- Leave blank for it to use your max stamina.
- QUICKSTRIKE stamina requirement
- Like above but instead for using QUICKSTRIKE during the MSTRIKE routine.
- Unfocused MSTRIKE when creatures equal or greater
- Number of creatures in room before you do an unfocused mstrike. Default is 2.
- MSTRIKE during cooldown
- Toggle for MSTRIKEing during its cooldown period
- Toggle for using QUICKSTRIKE when you MSTRIKE
Here you find the settings to tell Bigshot where you keep all of your nifty wands and bolts and arrows. If your attack routine involves FIRE or WAND verbs, these fields must be set lest Bigshot hang up.
- find ammo in this container: - Leave BLANK if having Bigshot use FIRE without getting ammo out (Archery 2020 Update). Rather self explanatory, this field holds the location of your ammunition storage, be it a wand harness, a quiver or just your backpack.
- use this ammo type: - Leave BLANK to have Bigshot use FIRE without getting any ammo (Archery 2020 Update). Again, like specifying monsters, Bigshot is most sensative about the NOUNs that you use here. If you
- fresh wand container: - Bigshot looks in this container to find fesh wands to WAVE.
- dead wand container: - ...And then will deposit the used up wands in this container.
- use this wand type: - Here you specify which particular wand type you want to use. Bigshot will then pull only these kinds for WAVEing. Can have multiple types listed. Seperate each one with a comma. Example: "aquamarine wand, bloodwood wand, etc"
- Hide while waiting to pick up ammo - Checking this box will have Bigshot hide when gathering up your spent arrows and bolts.
- Use wands when out of mana - Bigshot will pull whatever wand you have specified in the use this wand type field and automatically stance to your attacking stance and WAVE your wand at valid targets until you are out of wands OR hit your resting conditions.
MA Grouping
- Enter the name of the looter in Head/Tail configuration
Monitoring Tab
- Monitor interaction - Running scripts automates most functions and happens rather mechanically. Most anyone can tell if you are scripting just by watching you. Checking this box will pop up a window whenever Bigshot thinks that someone or something is trying to interact with you.
- Engage deadman's switch - Selecting this option will force Bigshot to quit Gemstone IV when your character is at less than 40% health, allowing you to log back on and assess the situation manually later.
- Depart/rerun if dead - Enabling this option will force a DEPART, causing your character to wake up in the Temple with low spirit. Following this, Bigshot will re-start, starting a fresh hunt. If you do not have a Check Spirit value set in your Should_hunt? tab, you will start hunting without recuperating lost stats.
- Quiet followers - Followers will wait until leader is done with both actions and resting scripts to begin using their own.
Ingame Screenshot
- Info originally taken from
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