Servants of Lumnis/Planar

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< Servants of Lumnis
Revision as of 00:03, 3 May 2023 by ZEDARIUS (talk | contribs) (Added arrival messaging)
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a slender crimson planes-strider

Wavering crimson light gives the ethereal being a fiery countenance that darkens to near black at its core, while (his/her) eyes, ears, lips, and nose are sanguineous in hue. (His/Her) entire body and gear hold the same opaque hue, though hard outlines are given to (his/her) long legs and narrow physique. (His/Her) almond-shaped eyes house an alien light that is made all the more surreal by (his/her) elongated features and vacant gaze.


Notification to others when you are dead.

Realm Notification

Message to the Realm when you are dead.


Messaging when lifekeeping you.

Ambient Messaging

  • An unseen wind briefly disturbs a slender crimson planes-strider's clothing.
  • Maintaining his distance, a slender crimson planes-strider hovers in the air and gazes about impassively.
  • Minutely inspecting the ground, a slender crimson planes-strider holds his hand out, spreading his fingers wide and waving them briefly before curling his fingers into his palm and turning it towards the sky.
  • Pointing at the sky, a slender crimson planes-strider joins all of his fingers together to form a cone with his hand and then slowly lowers it. An ethereal raven skull bathed in crimson slowly descends from above and hovers in front of him for a moment before scattering like dust on an unseen wind.

Arrival Messaging

Using a quintuple-ringed eahnor brooch fitted with red obsidian cabochons, you invoke Spirit Servant by issuing quiet words and careful gestures, causing a crimson mist to seep from the surface of the brooch and pool upon the ground in front of you.

Slowly, the mist elongates and stretches into a long-legged planes-strider with alien features and garb fashioned of otherworldly light.

Departure Messaging

A slender crimson planes-strider fades into ethereal form and wafts away.