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The ROAR verb allows the character to express an appropriately ferocious attitude. It is a special half-krolvin verb.


General verb help information
>help roar

    ROAR                    - Roar.
    ROAR {target}           - Roar at someone or something.
    ROAR (style)            - Roar in a particular manner
                              Only available to Half Krolvins.
    ROAR (style) {target}   - Roar at something in a particular manner
                              Only available to Half Krolvins.

Where (style) is one of the following:
    ANGRY    (Half Krolvin Only)
    HUNGRY   (Half Krolvin Only)
    LOUDLY   (Half Krolvin Only)
    PAIN     (Half Krolvin Only)
    TRIUMPH  (Half Krolvin Only)
    FEAR     (Half Krolvin Only)

>verb info roar
No match found.
Select ROAR output examples
roar triumph
You throw back your head and let loose with a roar of triumph!
You roar!
>roar (Self Character)
You take a deep breath and let out a roar!