This is a creative work set in the world of Elanthia, attributed to its original author(s). It does not necessarily represent the official lore of GemStone IV.
Title: Catharsis
Author: Rohese Bayvel-Timbertree
First published on the 16th day of Eorgaen in the year 5122
Following on from her experiences as documented in A Difficult Journey and A Healing Process, this journal is a repository of vignettes around Rohese's struggle with post traumatic stress disorder, the formation of the Glimae'den Trust and her involvement during the Nations on the Brink storyline.
A Letter Arrives
On the 10th day of Eorgaen in the year 5122, Rohese received a letter from her good friend, Arenglae.
Dear Lady Bayvel,
After our last talk, I wish this letter were being sent in a lighter tone. Unfortunately, I write to you today because I have many concerns after witnessing what I have seen in the west.
I am not sure if you are familiar with the happenings here, but it would seem the Turamzzyrian Empire is expanding their borders with a new barony to the south of Wehnimer's Landing. That may not be so newsworthy, but what is is that the those who are settling this new barony are refugees, many similar to those settling in Ta'Illistim, and other parts of Elanith now. They already have lost much and are currently residing in an encampment, within tents, at the start of the winter months.
Along with that, not only are the majority of the denizens of the Landing against this new barony and its proximity to their town, it would seem there are Illoke who oppose it as well. At the behest of Alosaka, I stayed last night with him to aid and fight. I have never seen firsthand the consequence of war, and it was brutal... especially when the attack switched to focus on the imperial encampment.
I am writing to you today because much of what they had was burned last night in the attack... tents, supplies, so many things. People, as well. There was one woman who, although Alosaka was there and able to heal her, will suffer the trauma of what happened to her last night. Not just the burns, but the mental anguish as well. They need aid, and while I am sure the empire can provide it, I know we are capable of doing so, as well. For now, I will be staying here to help, but if there is anything you, or anyone else can do to aid, as well, it would go a long way, I am sure. So many have already started making moves to provide what they can here and back home, but more will always be needed. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Lady Arenglae Amalathia Illistim
Rohese lay in the dark and listened to the creaks and sighs of the house as it settled for the night. The familiar sounds were somewhat soothing but a rising sense of panic gripped her and she made fists with the bedsheets in a vain attempt to keep it at bay. It took all of her willpower not to whimper or cry out as visions of stricken families and memories of the refugee camps she had visited in the aftermath of the Talador atrocities flooded her mind. How can this be happening again!
Mirkk stirred in his sleep next to her so she took the opportunity to rise as he shifted position. She reached for a robe to ward off the chill in the air and walked out into the Solar, closing the door of the bed chamber quietly behind her to avoid disturbing him. Pausing at her desk, she collected a few sheets of parchment, some ink and a quill, and headed downstairs in search of tea.
The embers glimmered like rubies in the hearth where Aavia had banked the fire for the night. With a quick stir and the addition of a few more logs, it wasn't long before the fire blazed again, casting a warm, ruddy glow around the room. A quick visit to the kitchen resulted in some freshly brewed tea and Rohese settled herself in the fireplace nook with the two resident cats for company.
Taking a deep breath, she re-read the letter from Arenglae. Feelings of despair and dread threatened to overwhelm her again but a few sips of tea managed to quell them. Earlier in the day, she had struggled to reconcile her thoughts on the situation and how best to deal with her friend's request for help. Mirkk's initial reaction had been to insist they go west and offer aid immediately. Her own, in contrast, was to run and hide and she felt ashamed. How could she explain that to him without losing his respect? Over the past few years, she had managed to come to terms with everything that had happened to her the last time she had worked with the displaced in the west. The horrors she had witnessed and experienced first-hand during her abduction had left her traumatised. It was only with the help and support of friends – of Ceyrin – that she had managed to recover and return her life to some semblance of normality. Her thoughts wandered to her husband asleep upstairs. Would he understand?
Dipping her quill into the ink, Rohese began to draft a letter to her friend, pausing every now and then to frame her response without revealing her real fears and motives.
Dear Lady Amalathia,
This is such distressing news. As you know, we are somewhat sheltered in the east from the vagaries of imperial politics so I was unaware of recent events across the DragonSpine. Why is it always the innocent who suffer at the hands of opportunists and power-hungry regimes with their expansionist agenda? I will, of course, do all I can to assist you with those who find themselves in this unfortunate position once again and will reach out to others to do the same. Should I be needed to come west and help in person, please do not hesitate to let me know but I am wary of involving myself fully at this point for reasons I will explain the next time I have the pleasure of seeing you.
In the meantime, do take care and I will be in touch again soon with an update of what I have managed to organise.
Your friend,
Folding the sheet of parchment and setting it aside, she reached for another sheet and began a second missive, this time with a little more ease.
Dearest grandfather,
Thank you for your recent letter, it is still my hope to join you for the Feast of the Immortals as usual but I’m afraid I cannot speak for Mirkk as something has arisen that may prompt him to head west. Word has reached us of some unsettling developments that may require our assistance but I will share more of that when I see you next week. I know you will understand why I am wary to renew my diplomatic ties with the imperials and involve myself in their court politics once again.
Has there been any word of Ipsy? I understand from Mimini that there is some concern over her whereabouts. I do hope she has been found safe and well.
Fondest regards,
The letters written and her immediate worries laid to rest, Rohese then turned her thoughts back to Mirkk. She sipped at her tea and idly stroked one of the cats dozing alongside her as she pondered her next steps. How much, if anything, should she share with him? Given his current preoccupation with the search for Ceyrin, she was reluctant to burden him with it. Draining her teacup, she resolved not to add to his worries; she would deal with her inadequacies in her own way and hopefully find some answers when she was able to speak with her grandfather. Then there was the issue of her sister. The adjustments they had made to their daily lives in the light of Poladra's threats were beginning to take their toll; Rohese missed the freedom of being able to wander the nearby woods in solitude.
The hours passed and Rohese sat with the empty teacup in her hand, watching the fire slowly die. Aavia appeared as dawn tentatively pushed back the shadows of the night that had left her mistress so melancholy. With a shake of her head and cluck of the tongue, she disappeared for a moment and returned with a blanket and a fresh cup of tea. Sharing a warm smile, she placed them both next to Rohese and set about her early morning chores without a word. When she returned to the hall sometime later to rebuild the fire, Rohese had disappeared, presumably to begin her day.
A Letter is Sent
Lord Aeriadrn Ghaeriden Illistim
Office of the Seneschal
Ta'Illistim Keep
16th day of Eorgaen, in the year 5122
Thank you for sharing the wonderful news about the approval of funds for the Royal Arboretum research facility. I look forward to hearing more as the project progresses!
I hope you will forgive the imposition but could I trouble you to relay some rather disturbing information to the Argent Mirror. Distressing news has reached me from Lady Arenglae Amalathia. It seems that innocent people are once again falling victim to the latest political manoeuvrings and warmongering in the west. As part of the Empire's plans for the establishment of a new barony in the north, refugees have apparently settled in encampments near the frontier town of Wehnimer's Landing and they are being caught up in the cross fire and fierce attacks from all sides of the dispute.
Family commitments over the Feast of the Immortals prevent me from joining her but it is my intention in the meantime to request help from my grandfather. The harvests and hunts were bountiful this year, so the Bayvel estate can easily send initial provisions. I fear these poor people will need more than food though, winter is upon them and I am led to believe that there are many wounded.
It is not my place to ask for the Argent Mirror's direct involvement but, if Her Reflection could perhaps consider how the beloved House of Illistim might be able to help once again, I will humbly do her bidding. That said, it has been my intention for quite some time to set up the Glimae'den Trust for situations such as this and I am resolved now to see this come to fruition in the new year. I will gladly send more information if needed and be thrilled if the Mirror would consider bestowing her patronage on such an endeavour.
I have the honour to be the Mirror's most humble and obedient servant.
High Lady Rohese Bayvel-Timbertree
Loremaster and Patron of the Displaced
An Invitation to Court
Lady Rohese Bayvel-Timbertree
3rd day of Lormesta, in the year 5123
Lady Bayvel-Timbertree,
The Argent Mirror was moved by your letter requesting her patronage in regards to the aid we of the Shining City could send to the those in need around the outpost of Wehnimer's Landing.
She would like to hear your ideas for gathering and sending this much needed assistance and hear more about what she and others in the city can do support this cause. You are requested to gather like-minded people and attend court on Feastday, the 7th day of Lormesta, 5123, at four PM elven time.
In the meantime, she has instructed Lady Gelynne to assist by beginning to collect clothing, food, and bandages and herbs. While this seems insignificant compared to the difficulties faced by those in need, it is a beginning.
Lord Aeriadrn Ghaeriden Illistim
Office of the Seneschal,Ta'Illistim Keep
Formal Court in Ta'Illistim
[Ta'Illistim Keep, The Argentate - 18137] (u13102003)
Rectangular in shape, the chamber's ceiling is a soaring vault of reflective silver-gilt mosaic. Beneath the glassy mirror is an open expanse of polished stone flooring and a half-moon rostrum, the surface raised three stairsteps above the rest of the room. Atop the dais is a large silver chair inlaid with sapphires. Down a step is a solid silver throne. A carved mistwood door, paneled in silver plating, blends into the long wall of the hall, and a wide velvet-draped arch is recessed opposite the platform leading back to the main area of the keep. You also see a guardsman.
Also here: Lord Xorus, Mianne, Jaydo, Lady Ysaeril, Lord Dezter, Lady Nyaria, Carew, Warchief Archales, Eruien, Squire Legionnaire Malinya, Squire Legionnaire Tylanthriel, Lord Kakoon, Tikba, High Legionnaire Aureliano, Lord Legionnaire Commander Jaranzair, Thaiagol, Lady Kasendra, Yfane, Imperatrix Lylia, Lord Seok, Meril, Lady Callalor, Airship Captain Xoesanti, Lady Fennelis, Murstyr, Lady Uniana, Lord Teveriel, Lady Aphaedra, Lady Naevys, Rose Guardian Cylnthia, Lady Elaejia, Master Aendir, Miss Lissaya, Lord Vyctus, Perigourd, Missoni, Commodore Jaysehn, Lady Akenna, Mistress Lithyia, Lady in Waiting Lynaera
Obvious exits: none
An elf in Illistim livery places a horn to his lips and blows three times.
From through the large ogee arch steps a page, his small body clad in the blue and silver livery of House Illistim. He holds a silver-encased book in his hands. He quickly glances around the chamber.
The page exhales slowly, then paces the length of the chamber. Behind him come two members of the Sapphire Guard, who follow him through the room as he walks to the rostrum at its far end.
Beautifully carved from silvery mistwood, a polished banister rests atop a series of ornate rungs. Three marble steps lead up to a raise platform that is crowned with a sapphire-inlaid chair. Placed one step below is a solid silver throne.
The page places the silver-encased book on the seat of the chair. He steps back.
A member of the Sapphire Guard pounds the butt of his halberd against the stone floor -- once, twice, three times. His compatriots snap to attention. The guardsman, his voice deep, announces, "Lord Aeriadrn Ghaeriden, Seneschal of Ta'Illistim."
Lord Aeriadrn just came through a wide velvet-draped arch.
Walking behind the Seneschal, a procession of blue-clad attendants files quietly down the center aisle. In each pair of hands is a quill and at each waist is a scroll-tube. The procession takes up places at either side of the rostrum.
A member of the Sapphire Guard pounds the butt of his halberd against the stone floor -- rapping three times. His booming voice announces, "The Ladies and Lord Councillors of Thrones."
Several women, and one man, process through the Argentate towards the rostrum. Their pace is slow, though dignified, and several are helped along by solicitous pages.
A member of the Sapphire Guard pounds the butt of his halberd against the stone floor -- each sharp rap sounding like a crack of thunder. Around the room, several ladies drop into curtsies and men into half bows. The guardsman, his voice deep, announces, "Argent Mirror Myasara Illistim, her Illumination, Head of House Illistim, Monarch of the Illistimi People, Defender of Ta'Illistim and Keeper of Knowledge.
Myasara's group just came through a wide velvet-draped arch.
You see Argent Mirror Myasara Illistim, her Illumination.
Myasara is surrounded by attendants, and a group of Sapphire Guards stands at attention nearby.
She is an Elf. She has large, faintly tilted grey eyes and luminous, though pale, skin. She has long, glossy auburn hair woven about a aureate coronet in a pattern of intricate braids. The planes of her cheekbones and the tips of her ears are both sharply slanted, giving her an angular quality.
She is wearing a slender necklace of tiered golden droplets, a deep sapphire matte silk satin gown embroidered with intricate goldwork, a thick aureate thumb signet, and a pair of gold satin slippers.
Myasara's attendants arrive.
You see Lady Orelwen Greyvael the Handmaiden to the Argent Mirror.
She appears to be an Illistim Elf.
She is moderately tall and has a balletic figure. She appears to be very young. She has vibrant indigo-wreathed amaranthine eyes and radiant gardenia white skin. She has waist-length, thick argent white hair wound into a bun atop her head and accented by an iridescent leaf-shaped glass hair ornament placed neatly above her ear. She has a slender face, a petite button nose and a small beauty mark just above her petal-shaped lips. Small, brown discolored splotches mar the skin along her jawline and neck.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a hammered tile vaalin choker, a corset formed of silver wire twisted into vines terminating in sculpted roses over a lustrous dark sapphire blue velvet cotehardie trailing silver-hemmed sleeves split above the elbow with a deep black satin chemise suffused in iridescent navy hues underneath, a simple white satin reticule, and some heelless sapphire silk shoes propped on thick blackwood platforms carved in floral patterns.
You see Lady Yrmythia Gael Illistim the Handmaiden to the Argent Mirror.
She appears to be an Elf.
She is petite and gracefully slender. She appears to be young and untried. She has large dark lapis blue eyes and pale skin. She has long, soft chestnut hair worn in an elaborate chignon strung with teardrop opals, soft curls artfully escaping to frame her face. She has a feylike countenance made more pronounced by her youthfulness.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a lustrous white sapphire lavaliere, a snowy white wool pelisse trimmed in silvered lynx fur, a back-laced cerulean velvet cotehardie with trailing opal-beaded sleeves, a vaalin signet ring, a heavy vaalin filigree hip-belt draped in opal teardrops, and a pair of heelless white satin shoes lofted on silvery hoarbeam platforms.
You see Murstyr Javilerre Illistim the Lord Commander of the Sapphire Guard.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is tall. He appears to be aged. He has hazel eyes and fair, though lined, skin. He has cropped, slightly wavy chestnut hair gilded with silver. He has a straight nose and broad shoulders. His chin is sharply pointed.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a beveled veil iron fillet, a sapphire wool cape, a sapphire leather harness with a veil iron claidhmore strapped to it, a suit of veil iron plate and mail set with a single sapphire enameled pauldron, a wide steel ring, and some veil-iron plated boots.
You see Thaiagol Razan-Dhur Illistim the Master of Lore.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is quite tall. He appears to be advanced in years. He has pale hazel green eyes and wrinkled skin. He has immaculate, thick white hair combed back into an unforgiving wave. He has a long face, a severe nose and a bushy eyebrows that are a shade darker than his hair.
He is in good shape.
He is holding an ancient green leatherbound tome with an amber cabochon set into its cover in his right hand.
He is wearing a pair of gilded spectacles with circular lenses, a luxuriant summer green velvet robe graced with geometric golden designs about the hems over a high-collared white silk shirt, a dusky golden sash of lustrous satin, some dark green trousers, and a pair of laced black boots.
You see Lady Kasendra Malwind.
She appears to be a Human from Aldora.
She is taller than average. She appears to be youthful. She has gold-flecked blue eyes and fair skin. She has long, wavy red hair pulled back in a loose tangle. She has an aquiline nose and high cheek bones lightly dusted with pale freckles.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a silver-strung rising swan pendant, a floor-length Vornavian silk kirtle over a high-buttoned emerald green gown with fitted sleeves, a narrow silver ring set with diamond and emerald cabochons, and a pair of white-on-emerald damask shoes heeled in oak.
The Argent Mirror passes through the open aisle in the center of the assembled crowd, pausing before the rostrum. She regards the large chair and the book atop it with respect, then takes her own seat on the lower throne.
Myasara walks over to the throne and settles down.
Myasara says, "Please, be at ease. We welcome you all to the Court of Ta'Illistim."
Aeriadrn says, "Argent Mirror, I wish to present visiting dignitaries to the Court."
Aeriadrn says, "Lord Legionnaire Commander Jaranzair Nashal Vaalor, Officer of the Crimson Legion."
You see Lord Legionnaire Commander Jaranzair Nashal Vaalor the Crimson Legion Officer.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is shorter than average. He appears to be old. He has almond-shaped milky white eyes and bronze skin. He has cropped, steel grey hair. He has an angular face and sharp pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a one-shoulder crimson silk half-cape, an embroidered crimson fustian jacket adorned at the shoulders with ten braided knots of rank, an eahnor wyvern badge, a suit of vaalorn plate and mail with a dark gold quilted gambeson underneath, a wide gold silk sash overlaid with intricate red eahnor, a gold-bound scarlet sheath, some crisply pressed gold-striped pants, and a pair of polished black leather boots cuffed at the knee.
Jaranzair nods once.
Myasara nods at Jaranzair.
Myasara says, "It is good to see you again Lord Commander, and we bid you welcome."
Jaranzair politely says, "It is a pleasure and honor to stay in your fine city."
Myasara nods.
Aeriadrn says, "Lady Naevys Eilstina Nalfein of the Ta'Nalfein courts."
Naevys drops smoothly into a deep curtsy before Myasara, sweeping her arms grandly to her sides.
You see Lady Naevys Eilstina the Representative of the Rose Throne.
She appears to be a Nalfein Elf.
She is taller than average and has a balletic body. She appears to be of full age. She has kohl-outlined pale celadon green eyes and unblemished ivory skin. She has hip-length, lustrous pearlescent white hair brushed back into a sleek chignon pierced by a fall of jade-tinted arathiel roses, leaving curled petals to frame her temples as they drape from thin chains. She has an angular face and a slender torso. Vinework of ebon-inked filigree traces the high points of her cheekbones.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a chain-caught fan of latticed milky jade vines woven between onyx roses in her right hand.
She is wearing a vine-framed necklet entwined in silken ribbons, a floor-length wrap of marbled black mink weighted by a diminutive gold fan, a shoulder-sliced merlot velvet gown dripping detached sleeves of ebony lace appliques, and some ankle-bowed ebon tulle lace pompes.
Myasara says, "We welcome you Lady Eilstina."
You quietly whisper to Uniana, "You must be delighted to have the Rose Throne represented so beautifully."
Naevys formally says, "Argent Mirror, thank you for your invitation to the Shining City, it has been a pleasure to view the city proper and its people."
Myasara says, "We are glad that your time here has been enjoyable and hope that it continues."
Naevys inclines her head.
Myasara nods at Naevys.
Aeriadrn says, "Lady Callalor Iristil Loenthra the Poet Royal and Most Esteemed Representative of House Loenthra."
Callalor slides one foot behind the other, dipping deeply and smoothly into a formal curtsy. Her skirts pool briefly on the floor before she stands.
You see Lady Callalor Iristil Loenthra the Poet Royal and Most Esteemed Representative of House Loenthra.
She appears to be an Elf.
She is tall. She appears to be youthful. She has almond-shaped blue eyes and pale skin. She has upswept, shiny silver hair pinned into a perfect knot atop her head. She has tippeted caps of platinum covering her ears.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a geldaralad dangling a triad of grey pearls, a draped silk capelet, a slim silver linen gown embroidered with spiked clusters of bluish sea-holly, and a pair of pearl grey slippers.
Myasara smiles at Callalor.
Uniana whispers, "A favorite of Queen Rhosyn -- if the rumors are true. Her family's holding provide vital trade supplies directly to the Rose Court."
Myasara says, "Lady Iristil be welcome here in the Shining City."
Callalor says, "Argent Mirror. My Queen bids me send her tidings and kind thoughts of friendship."
Eruien glances at Callalor.
You quietly whisper to Elaejia, "So young to be bearing such weighty titles but she seems delightful."
Myasara says, "We hope you will return with the same, it has been some time."
Callalor says, "Indeed. I shall deliver that message unto her."
Callalor steps back politely.
Elaejia whispers, "The young often have a perspective and insight that pierces the heart of poetry."
Myasara nods.
Elaejia nods slightly to you.
You nod in agreement at Elaejia.
Aeriadrn says, "Lord Eruien Lithavir the Living Canvas and Most Esteemed Representative of House Loenthra."
You quietly whisper to Elaejia, "Adonethwen Illistim would agree with you."
Aendir smiles.
Lissaya gazes with interest at Eruien.
Aendir nods respectfully at Eruien.
You see Lord Eruien Lithavir Loenthra the Living Canvas and Most Esteemed Representative of Ta'Loenthra.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is tall and has a lithe body. He appears to be young and robust. He has subtly tilted azure-flecked, sea green eyes and unlined pale skin. He has shoulder-length, silky ginger hair drawn back by twists of argent wire that frame his face, the harp-shaped coils traced in veins of amethyst. He has a long, softly angled face, a straight nose and broad shoulders. Lavender-sparked violet arathiel earcaps tip the points of his tall, upswept ears.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a lavender cape gathered over one shoulder before flaring into silken layers, a collarless purple bysuss jacket framed in contrasting brocatelle, a figured silk corset-styled vest shaped by exposed tanzanite boning over a lustrous argent satin shirt, some sharply tailored mist grey pants, and some charcoal leather boots back-laced to the knee.
Callalor glances at Eruien.
Eruien glances at Callalor.
Callalor smiles a little tighter.
Myasara says, "Lord Lithavir please be welcome in our beloved city."
Eruien says, "Thank you for your invitation. My Queen also bid me to send her good will."
Eruien says, "Your city is exceptionally beautiful and prolific, a muse for my artistic heart."
Myasara says, "We are pleased to hear this."
Myasara says, "And we look forward to seeing her in your works."
Eruien nods at Myasara.
Myasara smiles at Eruien.
Aeriadrn says, "Lady Fennelis Asja Ardenai, Envoy of the Ardenai Court."
You see Lady Fennelis Asja Ardenai the Envoy.
She appears to be an Elf.
She is of a slight height and has a well-toned, petite build. She appears to be in the bloom of youth. She has thick-lashed heliotrope eyes and flawless ivory skin. She has hip-length, voluminous caramel-brushed blonde hair pulled back into a web of multitudinous braids.
She has an inked spray of nightshade blooms on her arm.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a string of ivory and agate beads suspending a wire-wrapped antler tine, a layered golden lacebark cincher over a cross-wrapped luxuriant green velvet robe with a high-waisted vanilla cambric underrobe marbled by veins of pale amber underneath, and some knee-high tawny buckskin boots corset-laced up the sides.
Callalor looks on with curiousity.
Eruien flicks a furtive, slightly nervous glance in Callalor's direction.
Callalor pointedly keeps her eyes on the Argent Mirror.
Myasara says, "Lady Asja please be welcome."
Speaking to Myasara, Fennelis says, "On behalf of the Court of Ta'Ardenai and King Eamon, I bring warm greetings to the Argent Mirror and her people."
Myasara says, "And we return those warm greetings."
Myasara smiles.
Myasara says, "We welcome you all to the Court of Ta'Illistim."
Myasara says, "We look forward to spending time with you during your stay in the Shining City."
Callalor smiles.
Fennelis nods slightly.
Myasara says, "Please let Lord Aeriadrn know if there is anything you need during your stay that has not been provided."
Myasara nods at Aeriadrn.
Aeriadrn says, "Of course Argent Mirror."
Myasara says, "We also welcome you to immerse yourself in the city and attend events as you see fit and have interest."
Myasara says, "Lord Aeriadrn, please continue."
Aeriadrn says, "Argent Mirror, Lady Rohese Bayvel-Timbertree is here by invitation to speak on a matter of importance."
You feel your cheeks flush slightly.
You demurely lower your misty grey eyes.
Carew takes a few steps to her left.
Dezter smiles.
Thaiagol takes a moment to observe you.
You nod.
Archales turns to face you.
Myasara says, "Lady Rohese we are pleased to see you again."
Teveriel smiles at you.
Tikba turns to face you.
Myasara says, "We have read your letter about the situation in the West and the plight of the refugees there."
Orelwen takes a moment to observe you.
Speaking respectfully to Myasara, you ask, "Thank you, Argent Mirror. May I approach the Throne?"
Callalor looks thoughtfully at you.
Myasara says, "Please come forward."
You walk toward Myasara.
Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy to Myasara. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod in her direction.
You clear your throat.
Jaranzair gazes at you.
Speaking respectfully to Myasara, you begin, "Thank you for responding so positively to my letter and allowing me to address the court in the presence of such esteemed company today."
You glance around the room.
Tikba looks thoughtfully at you.
Myasara smiles at you.
Aureliano nods.
You reticently explain, "When word first reached me from Lady Arenglae Amalathia of the awful events she had witnessed in the west recently, my reaction was one of horror and despair."
Aureliano nods.
You embarrassedly confess, "Given the complex nature of imperial politics, I admit that I initially felt helpless and wrote to the Seneschal in the hope that something could be done to simply alleviate the suffering of those caught up in it as quickly as possible."
Dezter nods slowly.
Perigourd raises an eyebrow.
You bite your lip.
Eruien watches you with an appreciative gaze.
You surreptitiously glance at Kasendra.
You clear your throat.
Aphaedra nods to you.
You softly note, "But, more alarmingly, news continues to reach us of severe winter weather and further shortages, although I understand from friends that aid efforts across the Nations and the Empire have been truly remarkable and are ongoing."
Tikba nods thoughtfully to you.
You smile.
Myasara nods.
You gratefully acknowledge, "Indeed, I was delighted to learn that Lady Gelynne has since initiated the collection and packing up of much-needed supplies in our own beloved city too."
You wrinkle your nose.
You nod appreciatively.
You relievedly continue, "Knowing that basic needs are now being taken care of by the general populace - who never cease to amaze me with their generosity - my thoughts have turned to the thriving businesses we have within these walls and beyond."
You softly say, "It occurs to me that perhaps the established and prosperous merchants of our fair city could also be asked to assist in times of need."
You incline your head.
Myasara nods.
You softly posit, "Would Gaedrein, for example, be willing to donate some of the many furs and pelts she receives on a daily basis to a worthy cause. I am sure they would be appreciated to ward off the cold."
You softly ask, "Could Aegenis be persuaded to spare a few backpacks and chests from his General Store for shipping purposes or Harolis and Braesella be asked to contribute some of their wares to fill them?"
You wrinkle your nose.
Cylnthia smiles slightly and nods in agreement.
Fennelis whispers something to Eruien.
You softly say, "I have no doubt that a request from the Peacock Throne would be well received and the response would likely be overwhelmingly generous."
Thaiagol takes a few notes in his tome.
You softly say, "Beyond that, the main purpose of my address today is a little more far reaching and somewhat delicate - in the diplomatic sense - but I believe it to be a positive approach to the situation that many find themselves in these days."
You clear your throat.
Yrmythia whispers something to Orelwen.
Speaking bashfully to Myasara, you admit, "As you know, this is not the first time that I have approached the Peacock Throne regarding urgent aid for the displaced and vulnerable on both sides of the DragonSpine mountains."
You blush a rosy pink shade at Myasara.
Fennelis surreptitiously glances at Eruien.
Dezter nods encouragingly.
You softly remark, "History has recorded political instability, conflicts, and natural hazards that have had a devastating effect on many, resulting in loss of life, displacement, hardship, and insecurity."
You diplomatically opine, "One might go as far as to say that it is unfortunately becoming quite a regular occurrence."
You bite your lip.
Myasara folds her hands in her lap as she listens.
You graciously assert, "There is no denying that large numbers of people have been repeatedly driven from their homes, lands, and livelihoods."
You softly affirm, "In fact, many of us present in the Argentate today have witnessed this first hand through such indignities as Chaston's Edict, the atrocities committed in Talador, and the more recent devastation of Caligos Isle."
Yrmythia nods slightly at Orelwen.
You tentatively posit, "What is required is a more sustainable and longer-term solution, such as putting in place mechanisms to better assist with the provision of support or aid as and when a need arises -- ideally before it becomes a crisis situation."
Uniana nods almost imperceptibly.
Missoni nods slightly.
You brightly comment, "That said, a small group of us had a discussion in Cysaegir a while ago that resulted in the idea of setting up a trust for this very reason."
(Aendir stiffens as his expression darkens.)
Tikba nods thoughtfully to you.
Cylnthia nods in agreement to you.
You glance between Uniana and Missoni.
Archales nods approvingly.
Missoni smiles.
You softly elaborate, "The goal of the Glimae'den Trust would be to change lives - whether that be through charitable means or by funding sustainable livelihoods and asset creation - with the aim of promoting independence, building resilience, and ultimately ending hunger and poverty."
Lissaya gives a sidelong glance at Aendir.
You softly propose, "By various means - such as fundraising events, charitable donations, and loan schemes - the trust would be able to build up and maintain an endowment that could be accessed by application or attributed philanthropically in a timely and organised fashion."
You optimistically say, "The hope is that we shall meet again soon to formalise the programme and make the necessary arrangements for our first fundraising event."
You softly comment, "And should this be something Your Reflection - or our esteemed guests - feel able to lend their support to from time to time by way of patronage, I am sure it would be appreciated by all concerned."
Dezter flashes a toothy grin.
You glance around the room.
Cylnthia nods.
You respectfully conclude, "Forgive me for taking up so much of the Court's time but I am very grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts."
You clear your throat.
Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy to Myasara. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod in her direction.
Uniana smiles broadly.
Perigourd nods thoughtfully.
You take a few steps back.
Jaysehn smiles at you.
Lissaya gazes with interest at you.
You lower your gaze.
Aphaedra smiles at you.
Archales leans over and whispers, "Very well said."
Cylnthia nods encouragingly to you.
Myasara smiles.
Akenna smiles at you.
You blush a rosy pink shade at Archales.
Missoni nods.
Vyctus nods.
Lylia gazes admiringly at you.
Tikba nods thoughtfully to you.
Missoni whispers, "Oh, wonderfully said!"
You fold your hands.
Akenna whispers, "Well presented! Should you desire help or aid, I would be happy to give it."
You quietly whisper to Missoni, "Thank you."
Cylnthia whispers, "Very well said, and indeed many good ideas put forth."
You quietly whisper to Akenna, "Thank you!"
You quietly whisper to Cylnthia, "Thank you."
Dendum frowns at you.
(Aendir chews distractedly at his bottom lip.)
Cylnthia smiles.
Eruien shifts his weight.
Myasara says, "You wish to begin a trust for those who find themselves in hardships."
You nod faintly at Myasara.
Callalor whispers something to Eruien.
Speaking tentatively to Myasara, you confirm, "Should that meet with your approval, yes."
You bite your lip.
Eruien whispers something to Callalor.
Callalor nods.
The sky is covered in a halo of bright colors as the sun sets in the west.
Myasara says, "It seems this idea has been well thought out."
You smile at Myasara.
Cylnthia nods in agreement.
Orelwen whispers something to Yrmythia.
Callalor whispers something to Eruien.
Speaking softly to Myasara, you allow, "It is still in its infancy but we hope to formalise the arrangements soon."
Myasara says, "And you and those with a same interest plan to organize."
Uniana nods graciously at Myasara.
Missoni adopts an agreeable expression.
Eruien appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Speaking graciously to Myasara, you ask, "Perhaps my colleagues could be allowed to speak to it too, if they so wish?"
You incline your head.
You nod encouragingly at Uniana.
You nod encouragingly at Missoni.
Callalor inadvertantly elbows Eruien in the corset.
Missoni flushes slightly, some color reaching her cheeks.
Lithyia glances between Uniana and Missoni.
Lithyia smiles.
Myasara says, "Your philanthropic interests are to be commended."
You demurely lower your misty grey eyes.
Thaiagol frowns, his lips pressing into a thin line.
Yrmythia whispers something to Orelwen.
Myasara says, "And we encourage you to follow your feelings on this matter to begin your private foundation."
You smile at Myasara.
Speaking appreciatively to Myasara, you say, "Thank you, Argent Mirror."
Missoni nods appreciatively.
Myasara says, "We believe in helping others in times of need and will continue to support efforts when times call for them."
Speaking respectfully to Myasara, you acknowledge, "You have shown as much many times over."
Myasara says, "There is immediate need."
Myasara says, "And we support that now."
You nod appreciatively at Myasara.
Dezter adopts an agreeable expression.
Cylnthia nods appreciatively.
Myasara says, "As we communicated, we asked Lady Gelynne to begin by collecting items that those displaced may need during these hard winter months."
Thaiagol leans over and whispers, "While I commend your spirit of good charity, I worry at the realities of such a gracious effort. After all, is not the Turamzzyrian Empire rife with corruption from tip to tail?" He looks at you, his eyes sharp and probing. "It would be a shame and an undue burden to you should all that you raise simply end up in the pockets of some kingpin here or an unscrupulous human lordling there."
Naevys slowly extends her hand and flicks her vellum fan closed in one smooth, fluid motion -- allowing the small smile playing upon her lips to be seen once again.
Lissaya surreptitiously glances at Naevys.
Jaysehn whispers, "Your idea is far reaching and forward thinking, my Lady. Perhaps minds will change in time."
Myasara asks, "Are there others of your group who wish to speak?"
You quietly whisper to Thaiagol, "Your concerns are valid." Blushing furiously at your attention, she clears her throat and continues. "I would value your advice, if you would be willing to share it at some later date."
Missoni tilts her head up.
You quietly whisper to Jaysehn, "It's a start, that's all I can hope for at the moment."
Thaiagol leans over and whispers, "It is in the nature of the Turamzzyrians to take, their yawning hunger for wealth far outstripping what instincts they might have toward charity. I would be happy to lend my thoughts to yours, that you might most efficiently succeed in your endeavor... should you still find that endeavor worthwhile, to begin with."
Missoni carefully ventures, "I only wish to speak in support of Lady Bayvel-Timbertree's statements, having seen much of the violence and devastation myself firsthand, Argent Mirror," she punctuates her statement with a respectful curtsy, "I am very appreciative of the opportunity to support those in need in such an organized effort."
You cock your head at Thaiagol.
Myasara nods at Missoni.
Uniana turns to face Myasara.
Uniana simply offers, "These are not merely philanthropic opportunities, but rather something aligning with the cultural exchange that has taken place here. The history of our people through education and innovation has afforded us both position as well as comfort."
You quietly whisper to Thaiagol, "I should probably add that my husband is of Bourth, his family grew up in Gallardshold and I trust his insights into this matter too. Perhaps you could join us both to discuss it?"
You nod in agreement.
Uniana reasons, "If we continue to wait for other regions to catch-up in terms of these advancements, the continued requests for assistance will not abate. However, should we be able to offer them some fundamentals, we may in fact allow them to uplift themselves."
With a graceful flutter of her hands, Uniana sinks down in a formal curtsy.
Uniana takes a few graceful steps backward.
Aureliano nods thoughtfully at Uniana.
You smile at Uniana.
Aureliano whispers something to Uniana.
Speaking softly to Uniana, you offer, "I am mindful of the old human adage: if you teach a man to fish ..."
Lithyia smiles at you.
Thaiagol whispers, "Yes, that seems a wise plan indeed. His personal experiences and expertise will undoubtedly temper sage advice."
Missoni flashes a quick grin.
You smile at Thaiagol.
You nod in agreement at Thaiagol.
Myasara says, "We agree that such a trust aligns with the cultural exchange that we have fostered."
Myasara says, "While we support these efforts, we feel that such a trust is appropriate in the hands of the people."
Callalor gives the briefest nod of agreement.
Speaking softly to Myasara, you agree, "Indeed, Argent Mirror and why I added the caveat of it being diplomatically sensitive."
Myasara says, "'we will continute to communicate with the Empire and other areas in need."
Myasara smiles at you.
Jaranzair gives a subtle nod of agreement.
Speaking softly to Myasara, you say, "We would not wish to embarrass the Throne in any way or put undue burden on the Council."
You bite your lip.
Myasara says, "We could never see your efforts as an embarassment."
Seok whispers, "How could compassion and empathy embarrass any nation?"
Dezter nods encouragingly to you.
You smile at Seok.
Myasara ponders.
You quietly whisper to Seok, "One must always be mindful of perceptions though."
Myasara says, "There is something we would do now to help with the current effort."
Myasara says, "We have worked with Baron Malwind of Vornavis in the past on efforts similar to this one."
You nod in agreement at Myasara.
Myasara nods at Kasendra.
Kasendra curtsies to Myasara.
Elaejia gazes with interest at Kasendra.
Ysaeril smiles at Kasendra.
Xoesanti takes a moment to observe Kasendra.
Yrmythia smiles at Kasendra.
Dendum leans over and whispers, "We will not forget this insult to the Free North Loremaster do not think otherwise."
Orelwen surreptitiously glances at Kasendra.
Myasara says, "Lady Malwind, we have worked together in the past to bring relief to those in need. We hope that we can revisit our work."
Yfane watches the proceedings, eyes scanning the crowd. His meandering gaze stops a moment on Jaranzair, giving his dress uniform the once over, before he ever so subtly turns his attention to one of the diplomats.
You raise an eyebrow in Dendum's direction.
Callalor whispers something to Eruien.
Myasara says, "We have had this relief effort on our mind since hearing of it."
You quietly whisper to Dendum, "How can this possibly be an insult?"
Dendum whispers, "You seek to supply the invaders of the Dark Stone area?"
Speaking respectfully to Myasara, Kasendra says, "Your Reflection, it warm our heart that such care and thought is being offered."
Myasara says, "Due to the unrest in the West, we believe that Solhaven and Vornavis are the safest places to transport our supplies through."
You quietly whisper to Dendum, "No, we seek to assist the Taladorian refugees who are innocent bystanders."
Dendum whispers, "They are not displaced...nothing displaced them but greed and desire to take other peoples lands."
Myasara says, "As we did in the past, Lady Malwind, we would ask that you write to your family requesting permission to send all supplies we gather by airship."
You quietly whisper to Dendum, "There you are, you see, our Argent Mirror has just confirmed that it will not be going to the so-named Barony of Darkstone."
Myasara smiles at Kasendra.
Kasendra says, "I am honored to be able to act as intermediary between the Mirror and my father--" She pauses for a moment casting a glance at Akenna, but quickly returning her gaze to the Mirror. "My father-in-law. I will do so immediately."
Kasendra says, "The plight of the once proud Taladorian people has always been one that has been near to my heart."
You smile at Kasendra.
Fennelis shifts her eyes to Kasendra.
You nod understandingly at Kasendra.
Aendir closes his eyes for a moment.
Uniana leans to her right slightly.
Myasara says, "We remember your works during those troubled times before the Valley of Gold."
Myasara nods at Kasendra.
Callalor looks over at Eruien and shakes her head.
Lylia narrows her eyes.
Kasendra abashedly says, "It is kind to be remembered."
Jaranzair nods.
Myasara says, "Of course."
Myasara says, "Your work was an inspiration for others."
Myasara says, "Lady Rohese, Lady Uniana, and Lady Missoni."
You smile.
You cock your head at Myasara.
Kasendra folds her hands behind her back.
Myasara says, "We give you our full support in this endevor and hope that this will assist in the current situation."
You nod appreciatively.
Uniana inclines her head.
Speaking appreciatively to Myasara, you say, "Thank you, Argent Mirror."
Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy to Myasara. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod in her direction.
Aendir thoughtfully studies Uniana, a satisfied expression quickly reaching his face.
Myasara says, "Ladies, I will send word when transport has been finalized."
Aphaedra becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
Myasara says, "And will continute to have Gelynne assist you."
Myasara asks, "Is there more discussion at this time on this topic?"
Dezter nods once.
You lower your gaze.
Uniana whispers, "Perhaps remind the Argent that many of us have our own methods for transporation and would be willing to assist in that way? I am sure the Sentinel Fleet who has numerous connections in the West would also be interested."
Lithyia smiles at you.
You quietly whisper to Uniana, "Please do so!"
Lithyia folds her hands.
You nod encouragingly at Uniana.
Uniana nods at Myasara.
Myasara says, "Lady Anduin."
Uniana strides a few steps forward.
Uniana politely says, "You are gracious to lend the state airships for these efforts but among this group are several entities who operate fleets, well-guarded and smartly navigated who I am sure would be willing to assist as well."
Uniana gives a sidelong glance at Jaysehn.
You nod in agreement at Uniana.
Cylnthia nods in agreement.
Uniana nods respectfully.
With a graceful flutter of her hands, Uniana sinks down in a formal curtsy.
Uniana takes a few graceful steps backward.
Myasara says, "Thank you for the offer of your ships."
You smile at Jaysehn.
Teveriel nods appreciatively at Uniana.
Missoni nods approvingly.
Uniana gazes proudly at Cylnthia.
Aureliano nods in agreement at Uniana.
Akenna beams at Jaysehn in admiration and with a loving gaze.
Myasara says, "I am sure multiple transports would be important in the transport."
Jaysehn glances at Uniana.
Jaysehn nods graciously.
Myasara says, "Transport of the donations."
Myasara says, "Lord Aeriadrn."
Myasara says, "Please make a note that both Lady Uniana and Lord Jaysehn have also offered transport."
Aeriadrn says, "Of course Argent Mirror."
Callalor whispers something to Eruien.
Uniana demurely notes, "Among several others who are eager to serve the Argent."
Uniana nods at Cylnthia.
Yrmythia whispers something to Orelwen.
Uniana nods at Dezter.
Cylnthia nods in agreement at Uniana.
Aeriadrn nods at Uniana.
Orelwen giggles at Yrmythia.
Dezter flashes a toothy grin.
Dezter gives an approval gesture with his hand.
Aeriadrn says, "Thank you."
You smile at Dezter.
Cylnthia nods slightly.
Aeriadrn says, "I have one more thing here."
Myasara nods.
You quietly whisper to Akenna, "It seems you will be helping from the outset and I hope this means I will see more of you."
Aeriadrn says, "Squire Gasen is set to return from Ta'Vaalor."
Ysaeril tilts her head up.
Lithyia raises an eyebrow.
Akenna whispers, "I hope so!"
Uniana briefly conceals her face behind her silk fan, coyly looking past the triad of blades set within it.
You smile at Akenna.
Mianne fans herself.
Aureliano nods faintly.
Aendir takes a moment to observe Mianne.
Myasara says, "That is good news."
Teveriel glances apprehensively at Mianne.
Mianne bites her lip.
Myasara says, "We look forward to seeing him again."
Myasara says, "And we thank our Cousins of the Fortress for taking such good care of our ward."
Myasara nods at Jaranzair.
Dezter chuckles to himself.
Jaranzair smiles faintly at Myasara, though it does not all the way reach his eyes.
Aeriadrn asks, "Were there any other petitions to be brought before the Argent Mirror at this time?"
You gaze with interest at your surroundings.
Callalor whispers something to Eruien.
Aeriadrn says, "Lady Akenna Laeraun-Ranshai."
Myasara says, "Lady Akenna."
(Akenna moves slowly forward.)
Akenna bows her head slightly toward Myasara as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy before her.
Jaysehn glances at Akenna and quirks an eyebrow in her direction.
Speaking to Myasara, Akenna requests, "If it please Your Reflection, I would like to make a collection of shoes for you for the winter season."
Elaejia smiles at Akenna.
Uniana nods approvingly at Akenna.
Jaysehn smiles.
Myasara blinks once before composing herself.
Myasara says, "Lady Akenna, we would be pleased to have such a gift."
Speaking to Myasara, Akenna says, "Think of it not as a gift, but as a thank you for helping those in need west of the Dragonspine."
Orelwen whispers something to Yrmythia.
Akenna smiles at Myasara.
Orelwen whispers something to Yrmythia.
Yrmythia whispers something to Orelwen.
Myasara says, "Thank you, we will look forward to wearing them."
With a graceful movement of her hands, Akenna lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Myasara.
Akenna takes a few graceful steps backward.
Teveriel casually glances to his left.
Teveriel smiles quietly to himself.
Aeriadrn says, "Master Aendir Silithyr Loenthra."
Aendir smiles.
Lissaya shifts her eyes to Aendir.
You quietly whisper to Uniana, "I suspect we will all be watching the Mirror's footwear very closely soon and emulating it."
Cylnthia glances at Aendir.
Cylnthia rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Uniana turns to face Aendir.
Orelwen whispers something to Yrmythia.
Aendir says, "Thank you for affording me a brief opportunity to speak, Our Reflection."
Callalor looks thoughtfully at Aendir.
Myasara says, "Lord Aendir."
Uniana whispers, "Speaking of," glancing at Yfane, "I could practically die in anticipation of tomorrow."
Yrmythia smiles faintly at Orelwen and offers a slight shrug.
You quietly whisper to Uniana, "Oh my yes." Sighing softly, she adds, "But what to wear!"
Aendir says, "Through the exhaustive efforts of our membership, the Ilyan Syndicate has finished renovations on our new home. We would like to extend an invitiation to your Reflection, as well our guests from other City-States to tour the grounds - and stay if you are so inclined."
Aendir says, "The Illithien Aerie has been established as an homage to our Elven culture at large, and it would be our honor to host."
Uniana smiles at Aendir.
Aendir's bow is graceful, if perfunctory. He follows the bow with a brief nod of his head.
You smile at Aendir.
Aendir politely says, "That is all."
You quietly whisper to Aendir, "I suspect grandmother will find she can finally tear herself away from the Illithien estate should she hear that the Mirror herself is visiting her old home."
Myasara says, "I would be honored to tour the Illithien Aerie."
Aendir whispers, "Wouldn't that be marvelous!"
Aendir smiles at Myasara.
Uniana gasps loudly, clapping her hands with mirth.
Akenna flashes a wide grin at Aendir.
You quietly whisper to Aendir, "Not for me, I would have to host her."
Yrmythia giggles at Orelwen.
Myasara gazes about at the dignitaries.
Elaejia smiles at Myasara.
Speaking to Myasara, Aendir says, "It would be our honor to have you, Our Reflection."
Myasara says, "If our guests would be interested Lord Aeriadrn can communiate to set up a time."
Elaejia nods slightly.
Aendir says, "I will send correspondence to Lord Aeriadrn to discern an appropriate time for Our Reflection and her guests, if they so choose."
Straightening his back, Aendir gives a formal, low bow to Myasara. He inclines his head as well, giving Myasara a brief nod.
Myasara says, "We look forward to it."
Aeriadrn nods.
Eruien nods at Myasara.
Aeriadrn says, "Argent Mirror, I believe that is the last of our petitions for this day."
You fold your hands.
Aeriadrn says, "Refreshments will be set up in the Solarium to honor our guests."
A member of the Sapphire Guard pounds the butt of his halberd against the stone floor -- rapping three times.
Myasara turns to gaze upon the silver book once more before walking towards the arch.
Myasara's group just went through a wide velvet-draped arch.
You let out a long, contemplative breath.
Aeriadrn says, "This session of the Court of Ta'Illistim is adjourned."
Philanthropy v Politics
Letters are sent to the individual court representatives of the Elven Houses.
Elaborately sketched and lifelike, a jade-banded metallic blue dragonfly occupies each of the four corners of the parchment. Thin branches, dappled with newly unfurling leaflets, stretch from each dragonfly to create a simplistic border that complements the overall design.
Lord Legionnaire Commander Jaranzair Nashal Vaalor the Crimson Legion Officer
Lady Naevys Eilstina the Representative of the Rose Throne
Lady Callalor Iristil Loenthra the Poet Royal and Most Esteemed Representative of House Loenthra
Lord Eruien Lithavir Loenthra the Living Canvas and Most Esteemed Representative of Ta'Loenthra
Lady Fennelis Asja Ardenai the Envo
c/o Lord Aeriadrn Ghaeriden Illistim
Office of the Seneschal
Ta'Illistim Keep
14th day of Lormesta, in the year 5123
I would like to apologise for not introducing myself at court last Feastday but unfortunately I was unable to stay for the reception. It has since been brought to my attention that the proposals I made before you all may not align with the wishes of your own sovereign. I cannot speak for the Argent Mirror's motivations but it would be remiss of me to not try and explain my own.
Let it be clear from the outset that I do not represent the views of House Illistim in any formal capacity, my endeavours are purely personal and I therefore take full responsibility for any offence caused by my thoughts and actions. First and foremost, I am a philanthropist and not a politician so my work takes me to wherever I see or hear of needless suffering. I strongly believe that I have a duty of care for those less fortunate than myself; an obligation to help victims of war or natural disaster resulting in deprivation regardless of the circumstances. I refuse to be constrained or influenced by the racial and political conflicts of others, especially if they are based on segregation or expansion.
My only concern - and the reason behind my proposition in court - is simply to ensure that I work within the parameters of the Peacock Throne and do not compromise the wishes of the Argent Mirror or her Council. After all, we must all look to our respective thrones and why I understand you may have reservations about the philanthropic efforts currently underway. Should the Mirror adopt a similar view to my own or elect to act on my suggestion - as she did on this occasion - then that is for Her Reflection to answer to. I am, as always, appreciative of Her empathy and kindness towards others and will continue to ask for assistance when I think it is appropriate.
All that said, I would like to extend an open invitation to meet with me at your convenience so we may discuss this further. When I am not at my desk in the Sylvarraend Manse or deep in the Library shelves, I can usually be found on the Green of the Ta'Illistim Keep. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Rohese Bayvel-Timbertree Illistim
Loremaster and Patron of the Displaced
Just above the signatory, a tiny dragonfly has been added in metallic blue and green ink to mirror those illuminating the parchment.
Morning of the 4th day of Fashanos
The knock on the bedchamber door was tentative at first but soon became insistent. When no answer came, Aavia opened it slightly and peered in. "My Lady?"
Rohese and Mirkk were still fast asleep despite the arrival of dawn an hour ago. The excitement of the previous evening's ball, with its dancing and merriment followed by their stroll home in the moonlight, had ensured that they both slept soundly.
Aavia made the decision to waken them both with the day's news. She moved to the windows and pulled back the drapes to allow the early morning sunlight to naturally illuminate the room. Mirkk stirred in his sleep and muttered something about five more minutes from beneath the blankets.
"Good morning, Aavia." Rohese stretched languorously and opened her eyes with a smile at her chambermaid. "Have we overslept?"
"No, my Lady, but there is some troubling news from the Keep that I thought you ought to be aware of immediately." Aavia dutifully handed a silk robe to Rohese, which she duly slipped on as she reluctantly rose from the bed.
"Oh?" Glancing over at her dozing husband, she giggled softly and prompted Aavia to continue, albeit quietly.
"Well, I have a friend who works in the kitchens there and rumour has it that someone was murdered last night!"
Rohese gave a start, her fingers instinctively resting over the scar at the base of her throat as she was inclined to do when caught by surprise. "Who?" Sitting on the end of the bed, Rohese inclined her head and tried to calm her breathing.
"I don’t rightly know the name, my Lady, but there was talk of it being one of the Mirror's attendants -- the one from the west, I think."
Rohese's eyes grew wide at this revelation. "You mean Lady Kasendra Malwind?"
Aavia shrugged, noncommittally. All manner of thoughts raced through Rohese's mind as the implications of such a calamity manifested themselves. Stay calm, there’s no need to panic. Court was likely to be rife with speculation this morning but hopefully there would be more clarification in due course. Rohese was not a politician but her education had been extensive enough for her to understand that this could potentially have devastating consequences for relations with the west; the murder of a human noble in an elven court would not be taken lightly!
Who could possibly gain from the death of the daughter of the Duke Bannon Chandrennin or wife of the heir apparent to the baronial seat of Vornavis? She was such a kind soul.
Could one of the envoys have had anything to do with it? Surely not! But then Lynaera had discreetly informed her of the Lady Naevys Eilstina's reservations about the Glimae'den Trust. As the Representative of the Rose Throne, she had made it clear to the Lady Aramiel that they were unlikely to back our endeavours when it came to aiding the west.
Mirkk's whispered comment to her last night instantly sprang to mind. "Is it odd I find myself more trusting of my Elven friends than that of my own Turamzzyrian kindred?"
Could he be right? She always trusted Mirkk's instincts. But why?
"Thank you for letting me know, Aavia, perhaps some tea would be in order." Rohese dismissed her maid with a kind smile that masked her apprehension. The maid glanced at the crumpled gown tossed over the end of the bed and frowned slightly. Rohese blushed sheepishly and wrinkled her nose. "Oh, please could you see that the gown is laundered and pressed too."
Aavia nodded and draped the gown over her arm, mumbling something under her breath about stubborn creases in white silk as she left the room.
Rohese was suddenly reminded of the invitation sitting on her desk. There was to be a brunch hosted by the Malwinds today to say farewell to Sayilla, which she had not planned on attending.
Sayilla! Was she now in danger too? Perhaps she should go to the brunch after all. So much for a quiet day at home!
Vornavis Brunch
[Vornavis, Banquet Hall]
Art pieces decorate the western sandstone wall of the dining hall, each coming in a variety of shapes, sizes, frames, and mediums, while the opposite wall is filled with stained glass windows. Frosted orbs dispel the shadows from every corner of the space, offering a bright white glow over the long table draped in emerald green and surrounded by high-backed velveteen chairs. A double-wide green feldspar archway provides egress to the vestibule, while small doors in the northern wall lead into the kitchens and cooking yard.
Also here: Dahcre Reader Ordim, Missoni, Oxhammer, Falicor, Perigourd, Mourdeyan, Lady Meliyara, Sir Guarrin, Lady Uniana, Lady Akenna, Chatelaine Traiva, Arbeia, Meddici, Meril, Alosaka, Land Pirate Maylan who is sitting, Phanna, Magister Raelee
Ordim says, "And here is everyone else."
Ordim giggles.
Ordim nods.
You smile at Ordim.
Ordim holds his palm out toward you, looking for a handout.
Arbeia nods to you in greeting.
Speaking appreciatively to Ordim, you say, "Thank you."
You bite your lip.
Traiva flutters her wings at you.
Uniana surreptitiously glances at you.
Speaking softly to Ordim, you mouth, "Later?"
You wrinkle your nose.
Ordim nods approvingly to you.
Brushing your right cheek against Traiva's, you lightly kiss the air and quickly switch to her left to repeat the motion.
Guarrin faces you and smartly brings his right fist up to his chest. Holding it there, he bows deeply.
You smile.
You bow your head slightly to Guarrin as you drop into a deep, respectful curtsy before him.
Speaking to you, Ordim agrees, "I'll put it on your tab."
Ordim nods approvingly.
Missoni nods in greeting to you.
Arbeia begins chuckling at Ordim!
You nod slowly at Ordim.
You smile at Missoni.
You softly say, "Good morning, everyone."
Oxhammer smiles.
Meril nods to you.
Uniana gives a sidelong glance at Guarrin.
Uniana shakes her head.
Perigourd glances at Uniana.
Phanna nods graciously.
Meliyara idly says, "Well, it is morning, at any rate."
Speaking cordially to Uniana, Guarrin greets, "Good morning."
Traiva nods at Meliyara.
You glance around the room.
With a graceful movement of her hands, Uniana lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Guarrin.
Guarrin faces Uniana and smartly brings his right fist up to his chest. Holding it there, he bows deeply.
You fold your hands.
Arbeia says, "Well, I suppose it cannot hurt to have some tea while we wait."
Uniana nods faintly.
Arbeia glances at a sterling silver teapot on a long dining table.
(Uniana extends a hand out to you, gesturing you to come near.)
You walk toward Uniana.
You whisper, "Good morning, ladies. I am relieved to see you both here as I wasn't sure if it was appropriate." to your group.
Akenna visibly whispers to the group, "We need to be very careful here."
You nod in agreement at Akenna.
Uniana whispers to the group, "Especially *you*," she dismisses any formalilty, "Rohese, you are a worthy a hostage as Sayilla."
You blink at Uniana.
You bite your lip.
Meril furrows her brow.
You whisper, "I hadn't even considered that we might actually be in any danger, my concern was Sayilla." to your group.
Akenna whispers to the group, "I fear for an incident where they might take the Lady hostage, and you would of course, be another target."
Frowning to himself, Perigourd runs a finger across the surface of his belt as he seems to fall into unhappy thoughts, if his expression is any indication.
Akenna whispers to the group, "I am... going against my Order in this."
Uniana whispers to the group, "Perhaps, we as *elves* depending on her murderer but you are known to be in the Argent's company often, have been a delegate on her behalf before."
You lower your gaze.
You ponder the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.
You whisper, "It is a very difficult situation to find ourselves in. One wishes to give their condolences but not to cause an incident." to your group.
Akenna whispers to the group, "I...know that Guarrin will say something, the cat will be out of the bag... we must arouse no more suspicion. We must try to find a way to meet Sayilla after this brunch."
You nod in agreement at Akenna.
You gently brush your cool silver hair away from your eyes and, with a deft twist of your wrist, tuck it behind one ear.
Uniana whispers to the group, "You do not think there is any way they will declare during the brunch?"
Akenna whispers to the group, "Convince her to meet us without her bodyguard and we can try to find a way to smuggle her out of here."
Akenna whispers to the group, "If they do... then we must be rash."
Akenna whispers to the group, "We must take her out, if needed by force."
Akenna whispers to the group, "I wish that we had more allies in this room."
Uniana whispers to the group, "As long as we are absent enemies."
Uniana casually observes her surroundings.
You glance between Uniana and Akenna.
You lower your gaze.
Akenna whispers to the group, "We have none, and I don't believe the Gryphons would try to stop us...though I imagine I'd be very...uhm, in hot water."
With an empathetic nod, you take Akenna's hand in yours for a moment and give it a gentle, reassuring squeeze.
Akenna whispers to the group, "But I understand the need, here."
Akenna whispers to the group, "And my oath states to help others, if their cause is just. I feel this is a just cause."
You whisper, "I am loathe to cause any embarrassment to the Peacock Throne though." to your group.
Akenna whispers to the group, "Let's hope they do not accost her at this brunch."
You whisper, "Although, saying that, Lady Kasendra's demise has already done that." to your group.
You let out a long, contemplative breath.
Guarrin folds his hands behind his back.
Uniana whispers to the group, "Lady Bayvel, are you so well known to her out of the three of us? That she would trust you beyond question?"
You whisper, "I believe she would listen to me, yes." to your group.
Loud and clear, three short horn bursts trill through the air, followed by the clear, crisp voice of an older herald. "The Gates of Vornavis are now opened to the public as the Honorable Malwinds host brunch for the esteemed Lady Sayilla. All are expected to gather in the Vestibule."
You whisper, "I am finding suspicion to be a rather uncomfortable feeling. Do you think it safe to drink the tea?" to your group.
Uniana whispers to the group, "Then you approach her, eagerly and warmly. Perhaps the familiarity will diminish any appearance of unnecessary urgency."
You surreptitiously glance at a long dining table.
Lady Akenna's group just went out.
[Vornavis, Vestibule]
Large and circular, the grand vestibule has a domed ceiling and an enormous crystal chandelier anchored to three points in the sandstone walls. Wall-hugging stairs form an arch over a pair of large fel doors, a banded brown wicket discreetly tucked in the shadows of the eastern staircase, while a double-wide green feldspar archway on the northern wall offers a view of an enormous dining hall. Emerald green and ivory tiles form a decorative tile mosaic in the circular floor. You also see a black-eared red and grey fox and a lazy wild reddish-black dog.
Akenna whispers to the group, "Guarrin suspects, so if we need a distraction, I will be it."
Uniana whispers to the group, "I have avoided eating anything but also I have watched many others do just that...I also brought an antidote."
Missoni leans over and whispers, "I hope your travels went well and were uneventful?"
Uniana holds her hand out in front of her, gazing at her gracile fingers decorated in a floriated petite lasimor band gracing the left ring finger. Uniana watches her surroundings under a hooded gaze.
You whisper, "It only takes a slip of the wrist near a teacup." Sighing heavily at her own thought processes, she adds, "I hate this." to your group.
You quietly whisper to Missoni, "My journey was uneventful, thank you. I just hope this brunch continues in the same vein after last night's calamity."
Uniana whispers to the group, "You echo our own thoughts. Though Lady Ranshai suggested it be the Magister who takes the spill."
Missoni nods grimly to you.
Akenna whispers to the group, "I believe that would be a more than adequate distraction."
You nod in agreement at Akenna.
Missoni whispers, "I think it ought have been cancelled, truly..."
Akenna whispers to the group, "I can pay Ordim to do it."
You agree with Missoni.
You quietly whisper to Missoni, "It's a difficult situation to find oneself in!" Sighing heavily, she continues, "One wishes to pay their respects but yet ... is it really appropriate to be here?"
Uniana whispers to the group, "...I will see the funds sent to him after if necessary."
You whisper, "What has it come to when we call on the services of the little troublemaker!" to your group.
Missoni whispers, "Yes, and one cannot be rude and ignore the invitation if the family wishes to go on with it, but it is difficult."
Missoni shifts her weight.
You nod in agreement at Missoni.
Akenna whispers to the group, "Noted."
Akenna whispers to the group, "It is arranged."
Akenna whispers to the group, "Tell me when, I will pull this thread."
You let out a long, contemplative breath.
Uniana whispers to the group, "Lady Bayvel, you may need to unpresence us if it comes to it."
You whisper, "Gladly." to your group.
The red and grey fox sits down, his bushy tail sweeping back and forth behind him.
Akenna whispers to the group, "I will have to stay behind. The three of you will have to get out. I will try to hold them off."
You whisper, "We should probably ensure that Phalyn isn't too startled by it all too." to your group.
Uniana whispers to the group, "I have the Blue Fortress in the harbor. We can make sail."
You whisper, "Please don't take any unnecessary risks." to your group.
Akenna whispers to the group, "I am risking my oaths in this, I will be held accountable... but in the end. I did what was right and that is what matters."
Uniana whispers to the group, "Yes, we must be absolutely sure there is no other option to see her safely home."
You whisper, "Oh my." Fidgeting at the prospect of boarding a ship, she nervously continues, "I hope it doesn't come to that." to your group.
The red and grey fox sniffs at the air.
Uniana whispers to the group, "I am used to acting foolishly and brashly but typically not on an international scale."
Uniana thoughtfully taps a finger against her lips.
You whisper, "May Lumnis and the Mirror forgive me." to your group.
Uniana whispers to the group, "At least, not in a couple of decades."
You close your eyes for a moment.
With exaggerated slowness you take a deep breath, then pinch the bridge of your nose.
Missoni's head cants to the side as she stares thoughtfully into the distance. Two thin fingertips unconsciously rub against her collarbone, her touch furrowing her richly toned, olive brown skin.
Akenna whispers to the group, "Sayilla needs to be brought back to Illistim-- I fear what will happen if she stays."
You nod almost imperceptibly at Akenna.
An argent-liveried tall elven courier just arrived.
Missoni breathes in slightly.
Tall and lithe, the courier has ashen blonde hair contained by herringbone braids at each temple that are bound at the nape by a single mirror-finished barrette. Peacock blue slacks and tunic grace its form, while a silver-sheened livery of chainsil is worn over the ensemble. A cross-body courier bag rests from right shoulder to left hip, its face emblazoned with a peacock.
Akenna whispers to the group, "This... cannot bode well."
An argent-liveried tall elven courier stoically ignores those around him and hails a nearby guard.
(Uniana keeps a passive face as she acknowledges the tall elven courier.)
You whisper, "You're right, I sense an announcement." to your group.
You gaze about with intense interest, your misty grey eyes pausing to briefly inspect the situation in their path.
An argent-liveried tall elven courier nods once to the guard, who opens the Great Hall doors briefly and slips inside.
You glance nervously around the room.
You sense the galleries are open for viewing.
Guarrin says, "Perhaps we should head up."
You whisper, "Do we dare?" to your group.
Lady Akenna's group just climbed up a set of wall-hugging stairs.
[Vornavis, Gallery]
Surrounded by tapestry covered walls, the gallery's landing is comprised of a clean, polished wood floor and sparse furnishings. Emerald green runners line the way, each spreading from the wall-hugging stairs and disappearing into the wings in the northeast and southeast. An aerial view of the vestibule is beyond a set of fel railings, while ornate pillars and a short wall provide a stone-framed view of the Great Hall below. You also see a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears.
Also here: Lady Uniana, Lady Akenna, Dahcre Reader Ordim, Phanna, Magister Raelee, Chatelaine Traiva, Arbeia, Land Pirate Maylan, Lady Meliyara, Missoni, Falicor, Perigourd, Mourdeyan, Alosaka, Sir Guarrin
Gazing into the Hall, you see...
[Vornavis, Great Hall]
On a low dais, spanning the southern end of the hall, three regal chairs of state rest before an embroidered tapestry of the Rising Swan of Vornavis that covers the wall behind them. Standards bearing the coats-of-arms of knights in service to the barony hang from the railing of the second floor gallery that lines the other three sides of the Great Hall. Opposite the dais a pair of large fel doors, inlaid with gold scrolling, are set in the west wall. You also see an argent-liveried tall elven courier and a small side door.
Also here: Lady Athalia, Sayilla, Lord Salnim, Steward Jarnsaixa
Missoni fidgets, glancing at a stone-framed view of the Great Hall.
Jarnsaixa passes the parchment to Sayilla.
Jarnsaixa folds her hands behind her back.
Jarnsaixa says, "Out of respect, I have not read it."
Sayilla accepts the parchment, nodding to both Jarnsaixa and the courier.
An aged chamberlain walks in, leaning heavily on his staff of office.
Speaking to an argent-liveried tall elven courier, Jarnsaixa says, "Your business is discreet and private, but I do take my job seriously."
An argent-liveried tall elven courier nods.
An argent-liveried tall elven courier says, "And the Mirror appreciates your diligence."
As she reads the message, Sayilla's face goes white.
Athalia asks, "Is all well, Lady Sayilla?"
Sayilla crumples the parchment in one hand and sways in place slightly.
An aged chamberlain says, "My apologies, my ladies and lord. There was--"
An aged chamberlain blinks at Sayilla.
Athalia moves to stand beside Salnim.
Perigourd furrows his brow.
Meliyara narrows her eyes.
Missoni closes her eyes for a moment.
Meliyara scoffs, "They seem to have waited this long to send word."
An argent-liveried tall elven courier frowns.
Meliyara shakes her head, clucking her tongue.
You glance away.
Speaking cautiously to Sayilla, Salnim asks, "Are you well, Lady Sayilla?"
Traiva says, "Or a slow courier."
Sayilla rests one hand on Jarnsaixa as she murmurs something softly. Then, she clears her throat, regains her composure, and turns to face Athalia and Salnim.
(Akenna frowns deeply as she crosses her arms over her chest.)
Arbeia fidgets.
Speaking to Traiva, Meliyara says, "The impact is the same."
Jarnsaixa's face turns slightly pale.
Sayilla says, "I am afraid not, my lord, my lady."
You glance between Uniana and Akenna.
You bite your lip.
Sayilla says, "The courier brings news of the gravest kind."
Guarrin folds his arms over his chest.
Salnim hesitantly asks, "What, then, is the matter?"
Missoni wrings her hands.
Athalia frowns.
An aged chamberlain tightens his grip on his staff, his gnarled old knuckles trembling.
You take a few steps back.
Arbeia asks, "Should we...take leave?"
Missoni says, "I am staying, to ensure no important details are left out."
Arbeia glances at Guarrin.
Sayilla says, "It seems there was a ball last night in Ta'Illistim that the Lady Kasendra did attend..." At this, her voice catches, but she steels herself and continues, "The courier brings news that she...she..."."
Missoni folds her arms over her chest.
Sayilla takes a deep breath.
Salnim's breath hitches in his throat.
Athalia takes a trembling breath.
Raelee nods slightly at Missoni.
Sayilla says, "She was found dead last night at the ball."
Athalia gasps.
Meliyara narrows her eyes.
Ordim gasps.
Falicor shakes his head.
Maylan blinks.
Speaking firmly to Sayilla, Salnim says, "No."
Athalia immediately reaches for Salnim's hand.
Akenna glances away.
Ordim narrows his eyes.
Missoni bites her lip.
Sayilla says, "I am sorry, my lord, that is what the message says."
You bravely hold back your tears, your eyes glistening with pain.
Salnim's hand shakes in his sister's grip.
Jarnsaixa asks, "How did this happen?"
(Uniana reaches for something inside her cloak, her eyes focused on the gallery below.)
(Akenna places a hand on your shoulder.)
Perigourd tightly grips the sides of his leather belt as he meaningfully leans forward and glares.
Athalia tilts her gaze to Salnim, tears instantly springing to her eyes and streaming silently down her face.
Uniana removes a monogrammed amaranth silk handkerchief from in her ermine cloak.
Salnim fervently says, "It is some trickery. We know there are--they say that messages have been intercepted, and--"
Uniana offers you a monogrammed amaranth silk handkerchief.
You let out a long, contemplative breath.
Sayilla says, "There were few details in the letter. Just that they believe foul play is at hand."
You nod appreciatively at Uniana.
You accept Uniana's offer and are now holding a monogrammed amaranth silk handkerchief.
Ordim frowns.
Sayilla says, "The emissarys for which the ball was a farewell have been held as suspects."
Traiva blinks.
(Rohese dabs at the corner of her eyes with the amaranth silk handkerchief.)
Meliyara nods approvingly.
Sayilla says, "And a few other attendees who left suspiciously early."
Mourdeyan furrows her brow.
You offer your amaranth silk handkerchief to Uniana.
Athalia thickly says, "Surely..."
Maylan sadly says, "Foul play is the worst sort of play."
Salnim takes in a rasping breath, clenching his jaw against the tears forming in the corners of his eyes.
Uniana has accepted your offer and is now holding a monogrammed amaranth silk handkerchief.
Speaking appreciatively to Uniana, you mouth, "Thank you."
Athalia clears her throat.
(Akenna gasps softly.)
Missoni tilts her head down.
Speaking regretfully to Salnim, Athalia whispers aloud, "Oh, Salnim."
Meril glances around, her eyes falling briefly on each aspect of her surroundings.
You bite your lip.
Maylan bites her lip.
Akenna whispers to the group, " they think Jaysehn and I are?"
Uniana whispers to the group, "Oh no, you and the Commodore...well both of you left early."
You whisper, "Surely not!" to your group.
Akenna whispers to the group, "Oh, oh good."
Speaking weakly to Athalia, Salnim says, "She can't be gone."
You whisper, "Mirkk and I left early too ..." to your group.
Akenna lets out a sigh of relief.
You close your eyes for a moment.
Speaking slowly to Sayilla, Jarnsaixa says, "We will need to keep you safe. I do not think you should walk the streets until we can find safe, reasonable passage."
Sayilla says clearly and with grave intent, "I assure you, we will investigate this thoroughly. She was under our protection. She was one of our own for all intents and purposes."
Guarrin takes a moment to observe Akenna.
Meliyara scoffs.
Salnim takes a deep breath, visibly steeling himself.
Speaking quietly to Salnim, Athalia repeats, "Oh, Salnim."
You whisper, "Have they really detained all of the emissaries?" to your group.
Sayilla says, "It is most is...unheard of..." Her composure seems to break and she looks suddenly quite young and almost lost. "This should not have happened."
You place a hand over your heart.
Guarrin nods understandingly at Akenna.
Meril looks thoughtfully at you.
You sadly whisper aloud, "The poor family."
Athalia pulls her brother into a hard embrace, her left hand stroking the nape of her neck in a soothing gesture.
Maylan glances about with a look of concern on her face.
Uniana whispers to the group, "Indeed, they have. Lord Anduin had to slip out on the request of the Lord Legionnaire Commander to get word to Cyik."
You glance over at Uniana and wince.
Sayilla reaches out a hand toward Salnim and Athalia, then lets it drop. She smiles sadly and murmurs, "I am so sorry for your loss. For all our loss."
Jarnsaixa slowly empties her lungs.
You nod sympathetically.
Salnim's body is stiff, his face a twisting morass of emotions as rage and grief battle over his features.
Speaking to Sayilla, Jarnsaixa says, "There is a lot to be done and to handle besides just mourning. We will need to cancel this brunch for safety reasons."
Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Sayilla says, "I appreciate your concern, and I shall yield to your expertise."
Jarnsaixa barely surprises a look of surprise at Sayilla actually listening to her.
Sayilla says, "However..."
Akenna whispers to the group, "There goes our chance to liberate her."
Salnim fiercely spits, "I would know how this happened."
You whisper, "Who is the formidable lady protecting Sayilla?" to your group.
Falicor nods once.
Mourdeyan's entire body tenses as she clenches her fist.
Maylan concernedly whispers aloud, "Will the Vornavis court retaliate?"
Speaking quietly to Salnim, Athalia says, "Of course, we will find out."
Avalera furrows her brow.
You bite your lip.
Ordim fidgets.
Guarrin says, "I imagine it is a matter beyond even this court."
Akenna whispers to the group, "Jarnsaixa a detachment from the Sun Throne's own guard."
Speaking to Maylan, Meliyara says, "At the very least, Sayilla should remain here until there is resolution."
Perigourd nods in agreement.
Maylan fully extends her wings and stands perfectly still, eyeing Guarrin cautiously.
Athalia pulls away from her brother, her hand going to his face.
Speaking firmly to Maylan, Missoni says, "Of course not."
Traiva nods in agreement at Meliyara.
Akenna whispers to the group, "An impressive kindred."
Raelee nods faintly at Guarrin.
Guarrin says, "As this was organized by the Sun Throne."
Uniana whispers to the group, "Jarnsaixa, a giantwoman in service to the Sun Throne. She is fierce about her duty as well as a veteran of the Demon Wall. I have a great deal of respect for her."
Sayilla asks, "Perhaps we should let the Salnims provide their opinions on today as well. Perhaps we had best inform those gathered?"
Traiva says, "It cannot be safe for the Lady to travel."
Missoni agrees with Traiva.
Uniana whispers to the group, "I knitted those gloves she wears."
Jarnsaixa slowly empties her lungs.
Speaking quietly to Guarrin, Raelee adds, "And she was kin to the emperor."
You whisper, "At least she is in good hands for now then." to your group.
Guarrin nods at Raelee.
Sayilla says, "My danger should be minimal, surely."
Speaking clearly to Sayilla, Jarnsaixa says, "Not you. You'll be an immediate target and everything this house, your house, and the emperor has striven for will unravel."
Speaking to Salnim, Sayilla says, "Yes, we must know how this happened."
Meril says, "If the keep in Ta'llistim is not safe, then it is not safe anywhere."
Traiva concernedly says, "I worry now, for the accord from the Valley of Gold..."
Sayilla says, "I am certain the Mirror will be investigating fully and completely."
Falicor quietly says, "And why."
Maylan reluctantly says, "Jarnsaixa is right, me thinks."
You nod in agreement at Traiva.
You inwardly sigh.
Speaking quietly to Salnim, Athalia admits, "Let me go out there. I will handle them, but you should prepare to travel."
Sayilla says, "She has already detained the emissaries, and I am certain any others under suspicion will be brought forward."
Speaking to Traiva, Perigourd says, "The best way to honor her, would be to keep those who wanted peace to fail from succeeding."
An aged chamberlain says, "My lady, it is my duty to inform the bystanders."
You quietly whisper to Traiva, "I fear for repercussions with the Chaston's Edict repeal now too."
Akenna whispers to the group, "I think it is best Lady Rohese, that you depart for Ta'Illistim as well... as soon as you are able, I fear for your safety."
Traiva nods slowly at Perigourd.
Traiva nods in agreement to you.
Traiva frowns.
(Uniana reaches to her side and gently tangles a pinky around yours.)
You nod in agreement at Akenna.
Traiva begins to twitch her wings.
Missoni nods firmly at Perigourd.
You bite your lip.
You fret.
Athalia wipes the tears from her face and holds her head high.
Athalia says, "As much as this hurts my heart, I'm the Lady of this House and will do it."
Salnim shudders.
Athalia grips Salnim's hand once more.
You whisper, "Only if you promise me that you will both keep yourselves safe too?" to your group.
Speaking quietly to Salnim, Athalia says, "Father... " Her voice hitches in her throat. "We... someone..."
Uniana whispers to the group, "Yes, of course, darling."
Athalia clears her throat.
Salnim firmly says, "When the perpetrator is found, the fullest fury of the Empire will fall upon them."
Athalia shakes her head.
Akenna whispers to the group, "I will be safe, do not worry."
Salnim nods gravely at Athalia.
Akenna smiles at you.
Mourdeyan clenches her jaw.
Maylan's face turns slightly pale.
Arbeia fidgets.
Traiva slowly empties her lungs.
Sayilla says, "I shall offer whatever I can to assist in the investigation and ensuring appropriate justice is meted out to those *individuals* who should perpetrate such a horror."
Rohese smiles appreciatively at Uniana before turning her head and offering a soft smile to Akenna too.
You give Akenna a lingering kiss on the cheek.
Guarrin grunts.
Akenna gives you a lingering kiss, first on one cheek, then the other.
Missoni breathes very slowly and looks much calmer.
Mourdeyan sighs softly.
Meliyara scoffs, "Of course she will make such an offer that would return her to Ta'Illistim."
Meliyara shakes her head, clucking her tongue.
Jarnsaixa reminds, "While remaining safe."
Ordim scowls.
You lower your gaze.
Akenna frowns.
Athalia sadly says, "We must do everything we can to mitigate your exposure to danger, Lady Sayilla."
Traiva quietly says, "I understand the sentiment of wanting to return home.."
Akenna says, "Lady Sayilla is honorable."
Sayilla says, "Yes, yes, while remaining safe. But House Illistim is with you on this."
Arbeia smiles at Traiva.
Akenna says, "She has never gone back on her word, ever, in the time I've known her."
Mourdeyan agrees with Akenna.
Missoni nods firmly at Akenna.
Jarnsaixa says, "And for starters, you will not be heading out to speak to anyone..."
Salnim's entire body tenses as he clenches his fist.
Traiva softly says, "It is still not safe for her to leave just now."
Speaking to Akenna, Meliyara says, "Clearly the same cannot be said of all who were at that ball. It is only natural that when one in an exchange has been slain that the other should remain for now."
Speaking to an aged chamberlain, Jarnsaixa says, "We will need to change our merchant vessel to a Naval one from Vornavis."
Sayilla says, "I would like to accompany Lady Athalia in her time of need and responsibility."
Jarnsaixa frowns at Sayilla.
Sayilla says, "And to show unity in the face of such tragedy."
You shake your head, totally at a loss.
Sayilla glances at Jarnsaixa.
(Traiva starts to let out a slow breath, then stops suddenly.)
Speaking to Meliyara, Akenna says, "I do not think it is wise to make assumptions of what should or shouldn't happen in a world that is not ours."
An aged chamberlain says, "It shall be done."
Akenna narrows her eyes.
An aged chamberlain bows to Jarnsaixa.
Athalia quietly says, "I will arrange it, of course, Steward." Trembling, she turns to Salnim. "Go tell father and then take Gorbah to the training yard."
Akenna whispers to the group, "Dhe'nar..."
You reach over and gently rest your hand on Akenna's arm.
Sayilla says, "But....if I must stay behind, I shall, but under protest."
You nod understandingly at Akenna.
Uniana whispers to the group, "Quite so."
Athalia sadly says, "Spend your fury on him, brother."
Uniana nods at Akenna.
Meliyara shakes her head, totally at a loss.
Speaking to Sayilla, Jarnsaixa says, "I don't know who is out there, I've done little to check the temperature of the climate out there. I think it best."
Guarrin says, "Lady Sayilla wll be safe here, as it is the wish of the Baron and the Sun Throne."
Traiva nods at Guarrin.
Perigourd nods in agreement.
Mourdeyan agrees with Guarrin.
Meliyara agrees with Guarrin.
Salnim nods once at Athalia.
Missoni nods firmly.
Maylan dubiously asks, "Wasn't Kasendra also "safe"?"
Guarrin says, "As Lord Salnim stated, those who are guilty of this horrific crime..."
Arbeia turns to face Guarrin.
Sayilla says, "Very well, but I want it known we are united in purpose and intent."
Athalia hugs Salnim.
Salnim takes a deep breath.
Salnim nods.
Salnim stumbles as he walks away, looking like a puppet with its strings hopelessly tangled.
Speaking to Maylan, Meliyara asks, "All the more reason that Sayilla should not depart just yet, neh?"
An argent-liveried tall elven courier offers, "I can go. They know you and I are in synch and I want you safe."
Speaking to Maylan, Guarrin says, "I cannot look to the honor of others."
Arbeia frowns.
Maylan nods at Guarrin.
Athalia glances at an argent-liveried tall elven courier.
Maylan shrugs at Meliyara.
Arbeia says, "Poor Salnim."
Arbeia sighs.
Athalia says, "I ... don't think that is a good idea..."
Jarnsaixa says, "Nor do I."
Speaking to Meliyara, Maylan says, "These sorts of happenings are beyond me! I don't know right from wrong here, narr."
(Rohese slowly slips away from the crowd. Fearing for her safety, she steps back towards the wall-hugging stairs while all the attention is on the Hall below.)
Athalia exhales slowly, her breath trembling. She quickly wipes the tears from her eyes and straightens her composure.
Perigourd surreptitiously glances at you.
Speaking kindly to Maylan, Uniana offers, "Many are grieving and that is all we need focus on at the moment."
(Traiva slowly moves to stand beside Rohese.)
You demurely lower your misty grey eyes.
Mourdeyan glances at you.
Missoni tilts her head down.
Maylan nods at Uniana.
You smile at Traiva.
Maylan bites her lip.
Speaking quietly to an aged chamberlain, Athalia says, "We'll need to make sure Odegarde is with Father quickly. And Mistress Grenhal."
Sayilla says, "We shall see about hiding a dagger or three upon my person for future situations. I cannot sit behind curtains forever."
An aged chamberlain looks very weary, his age showing gravely on his face.
Guarrin frowns.
Speaking quietly to you, Traiva whispers aloud, "I would be first to speak of your honor, if anyone questions it."
Jarnsaixa looks thoughtfully at Sayilla.
Speaking to Athalia, an aged chamberlain says, "The news will not help his health, certainly. I will see it done."
Jarnsaixa says, "I won't be far from your side."
Speaking to Athalia, Sayilla says, "My Lady, my sorrows are as uncountable as the ages. Please do not hesitate to inform me of any assistance we can provide."
Speaking appreciatively to Traiva, you mouth, "Thank you."
(Traiva gives Rohese's hand a gentle squeeze.)
You give Traiva a lingering kiss on the cheek.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna softly inquires, "Shall we go?"
Avalera sighs.
Uniana nods slowly at Akenna.
Maylan stands up.
Akenna nods.
An aged chamberlain softly says, "This is a dark tiding indeed. I fear its shadow will stretch long and terrible."
Lady Akenna's group just climbed down a set of wall-hugging stairs.
You glance nervously around the room.
Akenna whispers to the group, "Shall we go ahead and move out of the city proper?"
You nod almost imperceptibly at Akenna.
Akenna nods once.
You whisper, "I think it might be wise." to your group.
You whisper, "Emotions are running high." to your group.
Lady Akenna's group just entered an iron-reinforced ironwood portcullis.
Akenna slowly empties her lungs.
Akenna, Rohese and Uniana walk hastily to the Commodore Hall.
Lady Akenna's group just went into a stacked granite promenade leading to a domed sandstone building.
[Commodore Hall]
This large room opens up to a generous view of the bay through a trio of floor to ceiling windows. Dominating the room is a circular raised-map carved table surrounded by high-backed velvet upholstered chairs. Above, the beams of the vaulted oak ceiling display a large, split-color flag, while off to the western corner a roped-off staircase leads to the floors above. Standing opposite the stair is a detailed diorama, beside which sits a stack of tea crates branded with an onyx rose.
Also here: Lady Uniana, Lady Akenna
Akenna clears her throat.
You quietly lament, "It's just awful."
With exaggerated slowness you take a deep breath, then pinch the bridge of your nose.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "It is."
Uniana leans against a circular raised-map carved table.
Uniana put a monogrammed amaranth silk handkerchief in her ermine cloak.
You gaze with interest at your surroundings.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna seriously says, "This is likely to become a place unsafe for the two of you. Especially because of the ball."
You pull out one of the high-backed chairs and settle in for a moment's rest.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "We were all there."
You lean forward and rest your chin in your hand, a thoughtful expression on your face.
You are now speaking Elven.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana corrects, "Unsafe for all three of us."
You nod in agreement at Uniana.
Speaking softly in Elven to Akenna, you say, "I would sleep better knowing you were back east with us."
Looking about hesitantly, a robed human acolyte wearing a white shield medallion around her neck enters the Hall. Not seeming to find what she is looking for, she turns to leave, hesitating a moment to give the diorama a second glance before exiting.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana adds, "Surely the Fleet can spare you a bit."
You agree with Uniana.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "It is the Order that probably won't."
Speaking softly in Elven to Akenna, you reiterate, "Jaysehn would likely agree."
Speaking in Elven to you, Akenna says, "I know he would, without hesitation."
Akenna smiles.
You nod once.
You smile.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "But I did swear oathes."
You inwardly sigh.
Speaking concernedly in Elven to Akenna, you ask, "What do you propose to do?"
Uniana glances at Akenna.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "If I need to, I can almost certainly shift my glamour. Keep my head down and out of sight."
You ponder the meaning of Akenna's existence.
Speaking in Elven to you, Akenna says, "Don't get me wrong, it isn't comfortable but I can if I have to."
You nod reluctantly at Akenna.
Speaking insistently in Elven to Akenna, you say, "Then promise me you will stay in touch."
Speaking in Elven to you, Akenna says, "I will stay in touch."
Speaking in Elven, Akenna promises, "You have my word."
Speaking firmly in Elven to Akenna, you say, "Mirkk and I will come at a moment's notice to aid you, should you need it."
Speaking in Elven to you, Akenna says, "I'm sure it will not come to that."
You wrinkle your nose.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "The Order will protect me."
Akenna shifts her weight.
Speaking softly in Elven to Akenna, you say, "Let's hope not."
You nod in agreement at Akenna.
Speaking thoughtfully in Elven to Akenna, Uniana asks, "Are you certain?"
You glance between Uniana and Akenna.
Speaking in Elven to Uniana, Akenna says, "I am. I need to stay here for now."
Akenna lets out a long, contemplative breath.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "I'd like to stay, if Sayilla needs someone to aid her while she's here, I'll make it known that I am available to her."
You nod understandingly at Akenna.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana asks, "May I offer my thoughts on the events?"
Speaking in Elven to Uniana, Akenna says, "I appreciate any thoughts you have to offer."
Speaking softly in Elven to Uniana, you say, "Please do! I am so confused by it all."
The rising intonations of a prayer echo from across the quay, calling out to Charl, the Stormfather, for his mercy and temperance.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana says, "First, and most importantly, time and time again you must mention to Sayilla that she is no good as a martyr or political prisoner. It would only serve to undo all the good that has been done if we keep this notion that a death must mean a death of another. We were working towards an environment of forgiveness, letting go of the darkness of the past and moving towards a bright future."
You incline your head.
Akenna nods in agreement.
You nod in agreement.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana continues, "We must also consider who had anything to actually *gain* from the Malwind's bride death. What did any of the dignitaries hope to accomplish with such a thing?"
Speaking in Elven, you quietly interject, "Or the Valley of Gold was for naught."
Akenna nods once to you.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana says, "I hardly see any of them who did *not* seem keen on investing in the West to be willing to create such tensions. It gains them -nothing-, I have been up all night trying to see the pathway and there is none."
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "Well..."
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "Lady Asja was rather hesitant."
Speaking in Elven, Uniana reasons, "And so, I keep coming back to the obvious that this was orchestrated by someone in the West. Someone who sought revenge for the undoing of the Valley of the Gold and more importantly the repeal of Chaston's Edict."
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "But I don't think she would do such a thing."
Speaking in Elven, you tentatively add, "And I believe the envoy from Nalfein was none too keen either."
You wrinkle your nose.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "Well."
Speaking in Elven, you softly say, "If the Lady Aramiel is to be believed."
Speaking in Elven to Akenna, Uniana asks, "Yes, but so the Ardenai do not want to participate in the actions of the Illistim court. Why do something that could potentially incite war, either of them?"
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "I have a note that states otherwise from the Nalfein delegate."
Speaking in Elven, Uniana says, "What do they gain by weakening House Illistim who has long acted as a welcome buffer to the west for the other City-States."
Uniana cocks her head at Akenna.
A group of sailors outside the hall can be heard singing a boisterous sea shanty as they pass by. They sing in a mismatched pitch but with an infectious enthusiasm that more than makes up for it.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "That they are keen to trade in the west."
Speaking thoughtfully in Elven to Uniana, you say, "It's funny you should mention it being orchestrated in the west, Mirkk made a comment to me last night about trusting his elven friends more than his imperial counterparts."
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "I trust the Elves more than Imperials."
Speaking in Elven to Akenna, Uniana says, "And that is sure never to happen if the Edict comes back."
Speaking softly in Elven to Akenna, you say, "Lady Naevys was none too keen on offering aid to the west though."
Akenna nods at Uniana.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana urgently asks, "Think of it now. Who is rumored to have been in the Emperor's ear to repeal the edict? Who would have had children with elven blood?"
You think to yourself for a while.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "Malwinds."
Speaking incredulously in Elven to Uniana, you say, "Surely you can't mean ..."
You vigorously shake your head.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana pointedly says, "A revenge plot to murder Kasendra. Make the elves the villians once more. Reestablish the Edict."
You inwardly sigh.
You lean forward and rest your chin in your hand, a thoughtful expression on your face.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna sighs, "It makes sense to me."
You nod reluctantly.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana calmly says, "At the dinner Lord Salnim even stated that he and Kasendra often prefer to take local food from home only during their stay."
Speaking disappointedly in Elven to Akenna, you say, "It does to me too, as much as I dislike the idea."
You cock your head at Uniana.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana explains, "That means they have a constant stream of people coming in from Vornavis to deliver and maybe even prepare their meals."
You nod slowly at Uniana.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "Humans aren't ones to let their prejudices go."
Akenna frowns.
Speaking concernedly in Elven to Uniana, you ask, "But who can we trust to share your thoughts?"
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "I wouldn't trust any on this side of the spine."
You bite your lip.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana disappointedly says, "I fear the Mirror is too lost in her grief for such. She has never dealt well with death."
Speaking fretfully in Elven to Akenna, you say, "But we call some of them friends."
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "I wouldn't even trust my Order with that."
You nod in agreement at Uniana.
Speaking sadly in Elven to Akenna, you say, "Oh, Akenna."
A polite knock on the open door to the hall precedes the arrival of a Nalfein man of middling years. Dressed in the garb of a professional woodsman, he has a brief glance around the room, smiling to himself when his gaze falls upon the rose-branded crates. He peers inside the crates and has a slight chuckle at the contents within. Turning with an amused grin, he exits the building with whisper-like steps.
Speaking in Elven, you resolutely state, "Then the sooner we return home and try to get to the bottom of this, the better."
Akenna nods to you.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "If you find any evidence that it is of the wests doing, please do not hesitate to share."
Speaking softly in Elven to Akenna, you say, "Of course."
Akenna frowns.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "I will do what I can for Sayilla, apparently we will be escorting her to her ship in the upcoming days."
You smile at Akenna.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "I do not think I can part her from her...path, she seems resolute."
Speaking in Elven, you softly say, "So it seems."
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "I will write to her."
Speaking in Elven, you tentatively propose, "I will reach out to her too."
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "Good."
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "The more voices, the better."
You smile.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana asks, "She *is* to return to Ta'Illistim, yes?"
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "No."
Speaking uneasily in Elven to Akenna, you say, "Perhaps, between us, we can convince her otherwise."
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "Most like Tamzyrr."
Uniana slowly empties her lungs.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana ruefully says, "She will only be serving Mularos if she stays."
Speaking in Elven, you softly exclaim, "It's foolhardy of her to think she will be safe there!"
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "She'll only be serving the Sun Throne's interests."
You agree with Akenna.
Speaking in Elven to Akenna, Uniana reminds, "Suffering."
Heralded by the sound of laughter, a trio of small children dressed as makeshift pirates run into the hall, making a circle around the table as they chase each other. Just as quickly as they came, they leave, echoes of their joy trailing behind them.
You bite your lip.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna quietly says, "Yes."
Speaking in Elven, Uniana says, "Salnim lost a wife. The Emperor though, a beloved cousin if the papers are to be believed."
Speaking in Elven, you softly posit, "Perhaps, once the dust settles, she will see the error of her decision to stay."
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "While I believe there are people in this empire that are truly good, I do not know if I can trust those who sit so close to the Sun Throne."
Speaking softly in Elven to Akenna, you say, "My thoughts exactly."
Speaking in Elven, Uniana loftily says, "It should not BE her choice. The Mirror should have demanded her return."
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "They are cousins, yes."
You nod once at Uniana.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "And with the loss of her father, so recently."
Akenna lets out a long, contemplative breath.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "This is not a good turn of events."
Speaking in Elven, you tentatively ask, "Should I write to the Mirror and suggest as much?"
You wrinkle your nose.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "The Mirror will not, as politically it isn't sound to do so without a full investigation."
Speaking in Elven, Uniana gently says, "If you think it will help. I stand by what I said, her ability to deal with grief is historically poor."
Speaking in Elven, you softly continue, "Can we trust missives sent to the Court from here?"
You nod faintly at Uniana.
Uniana looks over at you and shakes her head.
Speaking resolutely in Elven to Uniana, you say, "Then I feel it is my duty to share my thoughts."
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "I think if you really want to call upon someone, let it be the former Mirror, she is made of sterner stuff."
Speaking in Elven, you softly sigh, "Even if it means I am no longer held in Court favour as a result."
Uniana surreptitiously glances at Akenna.
You ponder the meaning of Akenna's existence.
Akenna shrugs.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna asks, "Am I wrong?"
Speaking in Elven, Uniana concedes, "No."
Speaking softly in Elven to Akenna, you say, "You are not."
Speaking in Elven, you softly say, "I will start there."
Akenna nods once.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "She has the ear of the Council, they follow her lead."
You agree with Akenna.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana says, "And mention something about Murstyr as well. He could probably stand not to lose another in this decade."
Akenna nods at Uniana.
Speaking despondently in Elven to Uniana, you say, "How true."
The rising intonations of a prayer echo from across the quay, calling out to Charl, the Stormfather, for his mercy and temperance.
Speaking concernedly in Elven to Uniana, you ask, "Will you be returning to the fortress this afternoon?"
Speaking in Elven, Uniana agrees, "The moment we depart the hall."
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "I will be on my way, I have some things to see to... and I imagine a stern talking-to from Guarrin."
Akenna dreamily rubs her hands over the twilight blue ramie silk surface of her kirtle.
Akenna lets out a long, contemplative breath.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "Please be safe leaving."
You wrinkle your nose.
Akenna disbands her group.
Speaking in Elven, you softly say, "And I will go and make plans for my immediate return too."
You stand back up.
You attend to your ebony velvet houppelande, making the houppelande as presentable as possible.
Uniana glances between Akenna and yourself.
Speaking in Elven, you fondly say, "I wish this had been under better circumstances."
You wrinkle your nose.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "Good, I want you both to stay safe. You are my dear friends and I value you so much."
Akenna smiles.
Speaking firmly in Elven to Akenna, you remind, "Do stay in touch."
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "I will."
Speaking in Elven, Uniana sincerely wishes, "And I the both of you. Take my desire for your safety with you."
Akenna nods once.
You smile at Uniana.
Speaking softly in Elven to Uniana, you say, "I will be in touch with you soon too."
Uniana nods slowly.
You pause in place for a moment, trying to decide which way to go.
Speaking in Elven, Akenna says, "Take care, may Jaston's winds be fair."
You wave.
Akenna waves.
a peacock-inked pavonated missive
The Sapphire Guard is seeking the following individuals regarding their activites at the Farewell Ball in Ta'Illistim on the Day of the Huntress on Fashanos the 3rd.
Jaysehn Ranshai
Lady Akenna Laeraun-Ranshai
Mistress Lithyia Medeea
Lady Elaejia Silithyr Loenthra
Master Aendir Silithyr Loenthra
Loremaster Rohese Bayvel Illistim
Mirkk Timbertree
Chatelaine Traiva Verethundi
Lady Lucrecea Ruin
Aforementioned parties should be prepared to answer to our esteemed Inquisitors when called upon.
A Flurry of Letters
Lord Aertinus Avelleur
Captain of the Sapphire Guard
Ta’Illistim Keep
5th day of Fashanos, in the year 5123
It has been brought to my attention that the Sapphire Guard wishes to question my husband and I regarding the tragic events at the Farewell Ball last Day of the Huntress. Please rest assured that we are both willing to comply with this request and duly await your summons.
High Lady Rohese Bayvel-Timbertree Illistim
Loremaster and Patron of the Displaced
Marked Private and Confidential
Lady Sayilla Javilerre Illistim
c/o Vornavis Keep
5th day of Fashanos, in the year 5123
Lady Sayilla,
I hope this letter reaches you before your departure to the City of Tamzyrr and finds you safe and well. I happened to be in the gallery yesterday when you delivered the sad news to the Malwinds - in the company of both Lady Uniana Anduin and Lady Akenna Laerun-Ranshai - and the consensus was that you should consider returning home immediately. Emotions are understandably running high in the Freeport at the moment and there is no telling what might happen in retaliation. We strongly urge you to reconsider your plans and return to Ta'Illistim forthwith until such time as the perpetrators have been brought to justice.
Whilst Lady Anduin and I have returned to the relative safety of the Elven Nations – I have been requested to give evidence to the Sapphire Guard regarding the tragic events at the Ball – Lady Laerun-Ranshai insisted she remain in Solhaven should you need immediate assistance.
I intend to send a letter in a similar vein to Seneschal Aeriadrn Ghaeriden with the hope that he can co-ordinate arrangements for your return in the most diplomatic and expeditious way possible.
Our thoughts are with you.
Yours respectfully,
High Lady Rohese Bayvel-Timbertree Illistim
Loremaster and Patron of the Displaced
Marked Private and Confidential
Lady Ardtin Greyvael Illistim
c/o The Office of the Seneschal
Ta’Illistim Keep
5th day of Fashanos, in the year 5123
Lady Ardtin,
Please forgive my impertinence in writing to you, I am conscious that it goes against normal court protocol but recent events have left me with no other option.
I happened to be at both the Ball last Day of the Huntress and in the gallery of the Vornavis Keep yesterday when the sad news of Lady Kasendra's demise was delivered to the Malwinds. On both occasions, I was in the company of both Lady Uniana Anduin and Lady Akenna Laerun-Ranshai and we firmly believe that Lady Sayilla Javilerre is in grave danger. She insists on remaining in the Freeport until the time of her departure for the City of Tamzyrr, as originally planned. We do not think that this is a wise course of action as emotions are understandably running high and there is no telling what might happen in retaliation. I have also written to Lady Sayilla to voice these concerns, urging her to reconsider and return to Ta'Illistim forthwith until such time as the perpetrators have been brought to justice.
The reason I am reaching out to you directly is because we believe that our beloved Argent Mirror is too caught up in her own grief still to understand the tenuous position we currently find ourselves in. All that has been achieved over the past few years could uneasily unravel if steps are not taken to protect Lady Sayilla. Dare I even mention that Lord Commander Murstyr could not stand to lose yet another member of his family.
We look to you in your wisdom, Lady Ardtin, in the hope that you might be able to ensure a swift and diplomatic resolution to this awful situation.
I remain, as ever, the Mirror's most humble and obedient servant.
Yours respectfully,
High Lady Rohese Bayvel-Timbertree Illistim
Loremaster and Patron of the Displaced
a sheet of silver-edged paper
Lady Rohese Bayvel-Timbertree Illistim
Lord Mirkk Timbertree
Fashanos 5, 5123
Lord and Lady Timbertree,
Your letter has been passed on to the court. We thank you for your forthright response. You will be summoned at a designated time to answer these charges. When that summons arrives, you will make yourself available for the inquisitors to ascertain your involvement in this terrible crime.
Aeriadrn Ghaeriden
Seneschal of Ta'Illistim Keep
a sheet of misty grey vellum
Lady Bayvel-Timbertree,
My heart is heavy for the Malwinds, such a loss should not be a burden to be carried alone, and I believe my presence here can do more good than if I were to return to the Shining City. I place my confidence in Jarnaixa as we help support our Western allies through diplomacy and empathy. Warmest regards to you and yours, and I look forward to my return to Ta'Illistim, but I am called to Tamzyrr and feel it is my obligation to answer.
- Lady Javilerre
a page of pressed rosebud parchment
Lady Bayvel,
This letter is as difficult to write as it is to manage in my own mind. The escort of Lady Sayilla has ended in tragedy. The lady is wounded and missing. She was accosted aboard an Imperial Navy vessel named the Starseeker that was meant to see her taking to the capital. The culprit, according to her bodyguard, Jarnsaixa Vargrdoittr, was the baron s own healer Grenhal. And now one has to wonder about the baron s own illness and if she had access to Kasendra at all.
Please know that Lord Anduin and I kept our galleon out all night in hopes that there may be an opportunity for recovery. I do not believe she is in the water but it also offers hope that she is not beyond the gates. You have our deepest sympathies and know that we are ever on hand to aid.
Lord and Lady Anduin
a page of flora-embossed vellum
8th day of the month Fashanos, 5123
Dear Rohese,
By now I imagine the news has come to you. I apolozies for the tardiness of this letter but I have been out all night and most of this day with Jaysehn. It saddens me to report that Lady Sayilla Javilerre Illistim was met with violence last night, though her protector Steward Jarnsaixa Vargrdoittr tried valiantly to save her from the account, a healer from Vornavis Keep was on board, attacked the lady and then Jarnsaixa. In the tumult of the situation, the healer whom I hear was named Grenhal was felled by Jarnsaixa but not before she injured the Steward and fell overboard. As did too, the lady Javilerre.
What was left of the healer turned assassin was a bloodied cloak, containing six bottles filled with a liquid that smelled sickly sweet. My first thought was lily of the valley, but alas it did not quite fit the profile. I have sent a letter to my father for help, as I cannot find anything in my own library regarding it yet and I wonder if I will. I tell you to see if you might be able to aid me in figuring out the substance. If you can, I ask that you also pass this information on to Avawren. I worry that Lady Sayilla might have been poisoned with it as well, if we find her, I would like to be prepared.
Please take care and keep Mirkk by your side, as I still worry for you, even now.
a sheet of silver-edged paper
In the Elven language, it reads:
Lady Rohese Bayvel-Timbertree Illistim
Twelfth day of Charlatos, in the year 5123
Lady Rohese,
I apologize for the lateness of our correspondence. As you can understand, it has been a difficult few weeks for us all.
Thank you for your letter of urgent concern, it was obviously well founded. The circumstances were discussed, but it is with deep regret that we were not able to get support to Lady Sayilla. The failure to aid her has weighed heavily on my heart.
We all mourn and feel her loss. It is comforting to know that she had so many supporters who were concerned for her, yours included.
We are confident that the Argent Mirror is working hard to bring the investigation to a conclusion and see justice done.
Lady Ardtin Greyvael Illistim
Prayers by Candlelight
Rohese cupped a hand around the candle to shield it from the cool evening breeze and quietly snapped the fingers of her other hand to light it. A tiny silvery blue flame danced irreverently above the wick for a moment before settling into place with a steady and sombre flicker. She moved to the second candle and did the same, watching them both until the soft glow began to push back the darkness around her.
With a heavy sigh, Rohese smoothed the skirt of her black silk gown and lowered herself to her knees before the altar, paying no heed to the damp grass. She recalled the news from the two letters she had recently received and allowed the sympathetically crafted words from both Uniana and Akenna to sink in. To lose Kasendra in such tragic circumstances, and subsequently receive a summons from the Sapphire Guard to give evidence about it, was a shock, but this latest revelation about Sayilla's demise was really upsetting in so many more ways. Her death was both a huge loss to the Ta'Illistim Court and also a great personal loss; she had considered Sayilla to be a friend. It also frustrated her because it had been avoidable; if only she had listened to the pleas to come home!
A light breeze rustled the leaves on the nearby trees and lifted her hair. Deep in thought, she instinctively brushed it aside and tucked it behind her ear. Her gaze remained fixed on the two candles, the flames dimming and sputtering a little. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and murmured a short prayer for the ladies and their respective families. She pondered whether she should send letters of condolence but opted instead to leave flowers with a note at the Keep for both parties; she didn't wish to intrude on their grief.
What now? This thought drew Rohese up short and she opened her eyes. That is a good question. Whatever do we do now? She had not received a reply from Lady Ardtin as yet - assuming she was ever likely to get one - and the Mirror had called for a period of mourning while the powers that be endeavoured to find those responsible.
So be it; she would honour that request and hold a candlelight vigil each night in remembrance until such time as she was summoned for her interrogation and then decide what the next steps should be. Akenna had also asked for her help in trying to figure out what the poisonous substance might be so that would keep her busy and hopefully keep her fears at bay for a while.
The hoot of a nearby owl signalled the end of the evening's vigil so she rose to her feet, brushing bits of grass from her skirt. Tomorrow, she would light candles in the Hall of Reflection.
Placing her fingers on her throat, she murmured a few more words of prayer and, with a reverential nod towards the candles still burning on the Grove altar, she slipped away through the trees and headed home before Mirkk missed her.
Mirror Crack'd
Liabo was particularly bright in the night sky and held Rohese's gaze as she pulled the brush through her cool silver hair. Another day spent in the library looking for books on poisonous substances had yielded nothing new and she was beginning to feel frustrated. Picking up the hand mirror from her vanity table, she sighed inwardly at the dark circles beneath her eyes. Sleep had eluded her since the recent tragic events and it was taking its toll. Agreeing to help Akenna had kept her mind off the pending inquisition but it still gave her cause for concern.
"Are you coming to bed?"
A voice from behind caught her by surprise and the mirror tumbled from her hand. As it hit the wooden floor, a web of cracks appeared in the glass. Rohese gasped, her hand flying instinctively to the scar at her throat.
"I didn't mean to startle you." Mirkk apologised, kneeling to pick up the mirror and holding it carefully to avoid scattering the shards of glass all over the floor.
It was all Rohese could do to hide her apprehension from Mirkk as he left the room to dispose of the broken pieces. Don't be silly, I'm sure it doesn't mean anything! Chiding herself, she rose and headed to bed.
Rohese closed the book with a sigh and placed it on top of the growing stack at her feet. She rubbed her tired eyes with the back of her hand and swept aside a stray lock of hair in frustration. A quick glance out of the window revealed that night had crept up on her; she had been at this for hours with nothing to show for it.
A visit to the Library Aies and a search through her own collection of alchemical and phytological texts had yielded a significant pile of reference material. The day had started on an optimistic note but the feeling was rapidly waning as she reached for the last tome. The leather covers were dark with age and the vellum pages bound within smelled musty but the title picked out in gold leaf along the spine had intrigued her: "Death in the Garden."
Carefully opening the book, she methodically scanned the chapter headings but nothing caught her eye so she resigned herself to another hour of flicking through each page in search of references that might be of interest.
Akenna had mentioned a liquid substance that smelled sickly sweet and Rohese's initial thoughts naturally strayed towards a plant-based toxin but there were so many of them!
Bergamot or blue tansy oil? Possible. Mulling these over for a moment, she made a note in her journal and turned the page in the tome. Deadly nightshade and foxglove? Also possible but obvious. She added them to the list though. Several pages later, she added apple seeds as an option and then shook her head in exasperation. So many possibilities! Then her eye was drawn to a passage on mandrake root ...
"I think that's enough, don't you?" A quiet but firm voice behind her made her jump. Mirkk was standing in the doorway with a stern look upon his face. "It’s time you came to bed. The books will still be there in the morning."
Rohese reluctantly nodded and put down her quill. Slipping a bookmark between the flimsy vellum pages, she flexed her stiff fingers and arched her back to try and relieve some of the tension. Perhaps he was right, some sleep might clear her mind and she could start again early in the morning.
Thin wisps of smoke emanated from the low-burning candles as she snuffed out their flames. She took the opportunity to murmur a prayer for Kasendra and Sayilla, having missed her vigil this evening, and then joined her husband at the doorway with a soft smile. Glancing back ruefully at the mess on and around her desk, she sighed inwardly. Mirkk placed his hand on her back and forcibly guided her out of the room. "It can wait."
The Inquisition
Rohese faces the Inquisition on the 11th day of Charlatos, 5123
The Inquisition
[The Quiescence Chamber ]
The ivory-washed walls of the chamber are painted with an intricate depiction of Ta'Illistim, the Shining City highlighted in silver and gold inks that span either side of the blued imflass door. A parchment-lacquered table sits encircled by several silk-padded chairs, its surface graced by a single crystalline decanter shaped like a tall peahen, its feathers crafted from stained glass. The faint sounds of footsteps echoes against the marbled floor, reverberating quietly across the walls.
Speaking to you, Eshenesra says, "Will you join me in the Mirrored Hall."
You nervously exclaim, "Oh!"
Speaking anxiously to Eshenesra, you say, "Yes, of course."
You join Eshenesra.
Lithyia smiles at you.
You bite your lip.
Lucrecea waves to you.
You wave.
[The Mirrored Chamber]
The open-air chamber is framed in a quartet of mirrored walls, the partitions casting reflected images of the heavy-handled doors flanked by silver-throated vases filled with pale irises. An elongated table of lacquered glowbark stands at the center of the room, the desk encircled by a grouping of silk-cushioned chairs, each one facing the blued imflass door set below the observation railings above. A single scale of electrum-chained cloisonne sits in the middle of the table, its surface traced in a feather-like motif.
Also here: Inquisitor Eshenesra, Lord Aeriadrn, Inquisitor Syearris, Inquisitor Ciradyl
You let out a long, contemplative breath.
Aeriadrn's bow to you is graceful, if perfunctory. He follows the bow with a brief nod of his head before straightening to his normal posture.
Speaking to you, Eshenesra says, "Please, have a seat and make yourself comfortable."
You clasp your hands before you in homage, the sleeves of your storm grey wool houppelande pooling at your wrists, as you dip into a low, demure curtsy.
Speaking to you, Ciradyl greets, "Lady Bayvel-Timbertree."
Speaking uneasily to Eshenesra, you say, "Thank you."
You smile at Ciradyl.
Speaking apprehensively to Ciradyl, you say, "Good afternoon."
You glance around the room.
Eshenesra joins Ciradyl's group.
You slowly walk towards the silk-cushioned chair, your steps echoing against the marble floor as you sit down.
Speaking curiously to Eshenesra, Ciradyl asks, "May I?"
Using both hands, you push the hood of your houppelande off your head.
Eshenesra says, "At your leisure, Master Inquisitor."
Ciradyl nods politely at Eshenesra.
You glance nervously around the room.
You see Inquisitor Ciradyl Datoris Illistim.
She appears to be an Elf.
She is taller than average and has a lithesome, nimble build. She appears to be of full age. She has long-lashed, piercing slate blue eyes and unblemished alabastrine skin. She has long, smooth stark white hair shaved along the temples, leaving a side-swept veil of asymmetric fringe to partially conceal her face. She has an angular face and upswept ears tapering into sharp points. A single lapis-inked line graces her bottom lip, traversing to the curve of her chin.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a leather-crafted gorget affixed to twin pauldrons of albino peahen feathers, a trio of sapphire-washed silk robes bound by an underbust corset of silvered mesh with a slim-fitted white leather bodysuit underneath, and a pair of vampless pale leather ankle-boots lofted on fluted heels.
Ciradyl turns slowly to face you, approaching the chairs with measured steps.
You smile at Ciradyl.
Speaking to you, Syearris assures, "Simple questions."
Ciradyl nods once.
You nod understandingly at Syearris.
Speaking appreciatively to Syearris, you say, "Thank you."
You bite your lip.
You incline your head.
You absently pass the beads of your chalcedony crystals through your fingers, one at a time, in a well-practiced gesture.
Speaking politely to you, Ciradyl says, "For the Hall of Records, could you please state your name, where you are from, and your profession of choice."
You nod once.
You apprehensively state, "My name is Rohese Bayvel-Timbertree. I was born and raised in Ta'Illistim and I am currently the Loremaster for the Mist Harbor Library."
You clear your throat.
Aeriadrn makes a few notes on his parchment.
Speaking interestedly to you, Ciradyl says, "Loremaster for...Mist Harbor? I would think the Shining City would want to keep our brightest minds here."
You furtively glance at Aeriadrn.
You wrinkle your nose.
Speaking bashfully to Ciradyl, you explain, "I am awaiting the call to serve the Masters of Lore and that is very kind of you to say so."
Ciradyl inclines her head.
Speaking to you, Ciradyl says, "Simply my observations."
You nod thoughtfully at Ciradyl.
You fidget with your chalcedony crystals, turning its beads around and around your wrist with a staccato clacking of stones.
You demurely lower your misty grey eyes.
Ciradyl walks away from you, then turns to face you.
You incline your head.
Ciradyl curiously asks, "What is your status within Ta Illistim?"
Speaking uneasily to Ciradyl, you query, "Status? Could you clarify the question, please?"
Speaking apologetically to you, Ciradyl asks, "Are you currently residing within the Shining City?"
Speaking understandingly to Ciradyl, you say, "Ah, I see. For the most part, I am. Yes."
You nod once.
Ciradyl nods once.
Speaking softly to Ciradyl, you elaborate, "I have several residences but I do tend to spend my time here."
Ciradyl says, "I had assumed that your role within Mist Harbor would have you there more often than not."
You look at Ciradyl and shake your head.
Speaking softly to Ciradyl, you clarify, "No, I prefer to stay close to home as much as I can."
You wrinkle your nose.
Speaking evenly to you, Ciradyl says, "As you do call Ta'Illistim home, I am informed that you were integral to the treaties pertaining to the Valley of Gold."
You feel your cheeks flush slightly.
Speaking modestly to Ciradyl, you say, "I worked with many good people towards that end."
Ciradyl continues, "Of which I know the late Lady Malwind worked alongside with aid and communications from the West...if I am correct?"
You nod in agreement at Ciradyl.
Speaking softly to Ciradyl, you confirm, "Correct."
Speaking evenly to you, Ciradyl says, "Philantropy is a very admirable pursuit."
You demurely lower your misty grey eyes.
Speaking meekly to Ciradyl, you say, "I merely try to help those in need when I see it."
Speaking evenly to you, Ciradyl asks, "Was Lady Malwind's role one of equal footing within the organizations?"
Aeriadrn writes a few words on his parchment.
Speaking softly to Ciradyl, you admit, "I had little direct contact with Lady Malwind, we both carried out our work on opposite sides of the Dragonspine so I cannot speak to footing."
Ciradyl slowly says, "I can imagine there was some discontent in allowing her to request succor when tensions were still prevalent between each side."
Ciradyl clears her throat discreetly.
Speaking firmly to Ciradyl, you declare, "I never witnessed any."
Speaking simply to you, Ciradyl says, "What are your thoughts on Lady Malwind, just for our records."
You raise an eyebrow in Ciradyl's direction.
Syearris raises an eyebrow.
Syearris folds his arms over his chest.
Ciradyl slowly explains, "We never had the good fortune to be introduced."
Speaking sadly to Ciradyl, you say, "What a strange question. She was a kind soul who I would have loved to have had the opportunity to know better."
Ciradyl evenly says, "To understand the motives is to discover the person and their facets."
Speaking softly to Ciradyl, you sigh, "Alas, I will not have that chance now."
You lower your gaze.
Ciradyl nods once.
You absently pass the beads of your chalcedony crystals through your fingers, one at a time, in a well-practiced gesture.
Speaking sincerely to you, Ciradyl says, "We simply are here to learn of her life before the event."
You cock your head at Ciradyl.
You nod faintly at Ciradyl.
Speaking curiously to you, Ciradyl asks, "Do you remember the evening of Fashantos the 4th, Lady Bayvel-Timbertree?"
Speaking softly to Ciradyl, you say, "It will forever be in my memory now."
Ciradyl calmly says, "And we hope to bring solace to those who feel the same."
You nod appreciatively at Ciradyl.
Speaking despondently to Ciradyl, you note, "Such a lovely evening that ended in tragedy."
Speaking curiously to you, Ciradyl asks, "Had you noticed any odd behaviors prior to your early departure?"
You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.
Speaking cautiously to Ciradyl, you say, "Odd behaviours ..."
Speaking carefully to Ciradyl, you say, "Well, I did notice that there was a lot of comings and goings but I assumed it was because the ballroom was rather stuffy."
You bite your lip.
Speaking softly to Ciradyl, you add, "But I admit my attention was mostly with my husband on the dance floor."
Aeriadrn smiles.
You feel your cheeks flush slightly.
Speaking politely to you, Ciradyl asks, "One final question or questions, if I may. May I inquire as to why you and your husband departed early?"
You lower your gaze.
You clear your throat.
Speaking to you, Ciradyl continues, "And was the Lady Malwind within your sight at your departure?"
Speaking bashfully to Ciradyl, you say, "You may and it is simply because we are not used to being out late at night."
You look at Ciradyl and shake your head.
Speaking sincerely to Ciradyl, you state, "I did not notice her at all as we left."
Speaking dubiously to Ciradyl, you add, "I don't believe she was in the ballroom either when we were saying our farewells."
Ciradyl glances between Eshenesra and Syearris.
You bite your lip.
Speaking gratefully to you, Ciradyl says, "Thank you for your observations."
You nod slightly.
Speaking to you, Ciradyl says, "Just a moment."
Speaking softly to Ciradyl, you say, "I am happy to help in any way."
Ciradyl turns to face Eshenesra and Syearris and gathers them close.
You lower your gaze.
You surreptitiously glance at Ciradyl.
Syearris gives a sidelong glance at you.
The words, "...she was not present in the ballroom..." echo throughout the chamber.
You lower your gaze.
You close your eyes for a moment.
Ciradyl slowly turns to face you.
Syearris whispers something to Eshenesra.
Eshenesra nods.
Speaking to you, Ciradyl declares, "Lady Bayvel-Timbertree, we thank you for joining us this afternoon, please feel free to join the observations from above at your leisure."
Aeriadrn nods.
You smile at Ciradyl.
Speaking relievedly to Ciradyl, you say, "Thank you."
You stand back up.
You clasp your hands before you in homage, the sleeves of your storm grey wool houppelande pooling at your wrists, as you dip into a low, demure curtsy.
Aeriadrn's bow to you is graceful, if perfunctory. He follows the bow with a brief nod of his head before straightening to his normal posture.
Ciradyl bows to you.
Aeriadrn says, "Lady."
You wrinkle your nose.
You turn around.
Ciradyl whispers something to Syearris.
Syearris bows to you.
Exit to:
[Hall of Justice, Hallway]
Ivory-weighted banners of pavonated silk are suspended high above the silver-gilt staircase, the muted fabric embroidered in peahens framed by arabesque-beaded plumage. A duo of heavy-handled doors stand below the curved ascent, each haon-crafted panel flanked by an armored member of the Sapphire Guard standing still above the cool stone floor. The sounds of footsteps echo throughout the hall, followed by the muffled sounds of whispers from behind the chamber beyond. You also see a tall silver-gilt arch leading back to the hall.
A Discovery
Rohese wandered around the Classroom straightening the chairs and collecting up the last of the teacups. She had enjoyed the clamour in the Manor over the weekend during FashionCon but it was always nice to see it return to some semblance of normality; order restored to the workroom and peace to the Orangery. She picked up a copy of Elanthian Vogue that had been left open on a seat and gazed thoughtfully at the image of Yfane staring back at her with his beguiling violet eyes. She sighed heavily. There was still no word of his whereabouts or of the others that had mysteriously disappeared for that matter.
There was a palpable tension in the air around the city lately. Just wandering the Vars and Weys this morning as she completed her chores, she had heard raised voices and mumblings about the Mirror. Closing the glossy booklet, she slipped it into her satchel and pulled out a dark violet fig-shaped note. She unfolded it and pondered its contents once more in case it would make sense on a second reading. It did not.
Earlier in the day, she had stopped by the Arboretum to collect a few books she had left in the conservatory. As she wandered through the garden, she had paused – as she always did – just to savour the tranquility of the domed space. Bathed in the early morning sunlight streaming through the faenor-framed glass, the trees seemed to hum with contentment. She had instinctively placed her palm against the trunk of the sugar fig tree and something had come away in her hand. At first she had thought it was a piece of bark but it had turned out to be something more. Her brow furrowed, she slipped it back into her satchel and resolved to find someone to help her decipher it later.
With order restored, she headed upstairs to the find some freshly brewed tea. Perhaps that would soothe her sense of unease.
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
In the solitude of her bedchamber, Rohese stood before her gilded mirror. The flickering candlelight cast a gentle glow upon her reflection, illuminating the intricate details of her gown and the contemplative furrow upon her brow. Her gaze was both steady and searching, as if the polished glass held the secrets of her thoughts and the answers to her questions.
She stared into the glassy depths, her mind drifting to the city's ongoing struggles; the Ta'Illistim she knew and cherished - the Shining City of her childhood - was in turmoil. There had been no word from the Keep in months. Whispers of discontent were sweeping through the weys and vars and those murmurings had strengthened recently to angry voices calling for action. Fortunately, the crowds last week had quickly dispersed with the intervention of the Sapphire Guard but who knew when it would all rear its ugly head again. Citizens were still missing and - if the rumours were true - Lady Ardtin Greyvael had disappeared now too.
The weight of her position – albeit of low rank - within the Ministry of Scholars and her loyalty to the Peacock Throne bore heavily upon her heart. Lately, Rohese had become restless and she felt uncomfortable with her own feelings of uncertainty and doubt in her monarch. She had always believed that the Argent Mirror was a reflection of Her people but something had changed; she no longer seemed to listen or - dare she say it – she no longer seemed to care.
An idea began to take shape within Rohese's mind. A letter, a heartfelt plea, addressed to the Mirror herself. It was not an act of rebellion, but rather a gesture of empathy and concern, a humble attempt to bridge the divide between the Keep within and without.
With determined grace, she turned away from the mirror and approached her writing desk. The quill dipped into the inkwell and she began to pour her thoughts onto the parchment. Each word was carefully chosen, a tapestry of sincerity woven into the fabric of her sentences. The candlelight danced as she wrote, casting shadows upon the walls that seemed to whisper encouragement. The hours slipped away, and soon Rohese found herself with a final letter of earnest persuasion, a plea for the Mirror to listen, to understand, and to act.
As dawn's light began to paint the sky with delicate hues, Rohese folded the letter and sealed it with pearly white wax. Holding it in her hands, she felt a mixture of hope and trepidation. Would her words actually reach the Mirror? Could one humble lady's petition truly make a difference?
With a resolute breath, Rohese left her chamber. She purposefully walked along the Sylvarraend Road into the city that she dearly loved, each step echoing her determination. In the Post Office, she approached the clerk and, with a blend of apprehension and conviction, she handed over the letter, her eyes meeting Jarveil's with an unspoken hesitation. He nodded, an understanding light in his gaze, and promised to see that her letter was delivered.
Rohese retreated, a sense of accomplishment briefly warming her heart. She had looked into the mirror, into her own soul, and found the courage to act. Now, as the sun bathed the city in its morning embrace, she held onto the belief that her words would hopefully reach the Mirror's ears. Perhaps, just perhaps, they would inspire her to act and lead with a newfound empathy and understanding.
Back at home, Rohese caught her reflection in the mirror. She looked tired. As she gazed at herself, she saw the face of the Mirror staring back at her and doubt returned.
What have I done?
It's too late now.
c/o Lord Aeriadrn Ghaeriden Illistim
Office of the Seneschal
Ta'Illistim Keep
16th day of Phoenatos, in the year 5123
Argent Mirror,
I am writing to you as a loyal subject and a concerned citizen. As one who has witnessed some of the intricate tapestry of our beloved city's joys and struggles under your stewardship, I humbly urge you to lend your ear to the voices that echo in the hearts of your people.
Ta'Illistim, while graced with the beauty, wisdom and benevolence of your egalitarian rule, is not untouched by the challenges that have woven themselves into the lives of those who call this city their home since the tragic events that unfolded earlier this year. As I think back to the Valley of Gold and look upon the diverse people that now define our nation, I cannot help but feel a deep connection to the murmured whispers and voices that have recently been raised within our city walls.
Your Reflection, I do not write this letter as a plea to excuse discord, but rather as a humble request for understanding and empathy. The strength of our City-State lies not only in its history and architecture but also in the well-being of its people. Our shared prosperity and happiness form the foundation upon which our nation stands.
I beseech you to consider these words not as criticism but as a heartful entreaty. By opening a dialogue that bridges the gap between the Keep and the people, we can hopefully work together to overcome the issues that have plagued our weys and vars recently. The Peacock Throne has the power to illuminate the path towards an Elanthia that stands united, where the voices of both the Elven Nations and the Turamzzyrian Empire harmonise in a symphony of progress and peace.
With the utmost respect and loyalty,
Rohese Bayvel-Timbertree
Loremaster and Patron of the Displaced