Premium Unlocker

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With the Premium Unlocker, premium subscribers can unlock eligible items once per month. Located in the alcove in the The Lighthouse, Stairwell(u3201208, Lich 31552). Promo accounts cannot access the alcove.

TURN CONTRAPTION will list all of the names of the scripts it can currently unlock. It will also list the number of unlockable tiers available for that script via this service. The number listed is NOT THE MAXIMUM TIER (in some cases it will be the same, but that's not what you should assume) but the total number of unlock tiers allowed for that script from its off-the-shelf state/base tier.

TOUCH CONTRAPTION will check the item in your right hand to determine if it's eligible for further unlocks, but will not unlock it.

PUSH CONTRAPTION will unlock the item in your right hand.

Game log:

List of Eligible Scripts

Script | Unlocks From| Name | Base Tier |
| Adventurewear | 1 | Aelotian Pauldrons | 2 | Arkati Sigil | 2 | Bazzelwyn Gloves | 1 | Bracelet | 2 | Brawl Fluff | 1 | Campfire Totes | 1 | Cat's cradle string | 1 | Cigar Cutters | 1 | Climate Wear | 1 | Compass | 1 | Corseted Gown | 3 | Creepy Stoles | 1 | Crystal Holding Jewelry | 1 | Dainty Handkerchief | 2 | Dancing Shoes | 1 | Ebon Gate Gown Item | 2 | Fancy Coats | 1 | Fancy Stockings | 2 | Fancy Weapon | 3 | Farm Tools | 1 | Fashionable Jackets | 1 | Feathered Boas | 1 | Firewheel Flowers | 2 | Fishies | 4 | Folding Chairs | 2 | Frog & Lilli Necklace | 1 | Fusion Zests | 2 | Gambling Kits | 1 | Gargoyle ring | 1 | Garrote Knives | 1 | Gory Weapons | 1 | Hand-puppets | 1 | Hilted Weapons | 2 | Ink Pots | 1 | Jewelry Box | 2 | Joola | 1 | Juggling Balls | 1 | Kindred Garb - Arisai | 2 | Kindred Garb - Belt | 1 | Kindred Garb - Bodice | 1 | Kindred Garb - Brooch | 1 | Kindred Garb - Chemise | 1 | Kindred Garb - Kilt | 1 | Kindred Garb - Vest | 2 | Label Boxes | 1 | Leather Works | 1 | Lofty Lorgnettes | 1 | LotusWear - Atanika | 3 | LotusWear - Isiqiri | 3 | LotusWear - Satala | 3 | LotusWear - Taosan | 3 | LotusWear - Wrap | 3 | LotusWear - Xiala | 3 | Metallic Gown | 3 | Morphing Armor | 1 | Mortasha Dancing Shoes | 3 | Neck Ruff | 2 | Newstyle Amulet Holder | 1 | Orb Staff | 1 | Pelt Bags | 1 | Pet Rock (Toy Geode) | 1 | Picnic Napkins | 1 | Poison Rings | 1 | Polearm Harness | 1 | Prayer Beads | 1 | Prayerbooks | 1 | Realm Maps | 1 | Secure Gem Pouches | 1 | Shoe Sticks | 2 | Shurley Gloves | 2 | Skellie cloak | 1 | Stick Horses | 2 | Suspenders | 2 | Sword Canes | 1 | Tall Shoes | 2 | Talon Ring Jewelry | 2 | Teabowls | 1 | Trick Cards | 3 | Unrefined Gowns | 1 | Upsleeves | 1 | Vahmyr/Cidolfhus Bandoliers | 1 | Vanishing Point | 1 | Vanne Fans | 1 | Veola Headwear | 3 | Wand Staves | 1 | Wear Pick | 1 | Wedding rings | 1 | Wermth | 2 | Yansio Hat | 1 | Yo-yo | 1 |
NOTE: This is the number of unlocks you may perform on an unlockable item from its off-the-shelf/base tier. It MAY OR MAY NOT match the tier number as some scripts begin at Tier 0 and others begin at Tier 1 (or something else entirely!).

See also

Announcement:The Premium Unlocker Opens