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BLINK is a roleplaying verb. It has optional styles, functionality for married characters, and special messaging for aelotoi.
Usage: BLINK - Blinks at nothing in particular BLINK {self} - Close your eyes for a moment. BLINK {target} - Blinks at a target BLINK SET [OPTION] - Shows or sets the BLINK verb options available.
You have the following options available to you: Standard Aelotoi Your current option is: Standard Please click VERB INFO BLINK to see details about the available options.
Verb Info
Verb information for verb "BLINK": People targets: CATHEDRAL WEDDING - You blink in amazement at Person. Even though you're married, she can still surprise you! WAVEDANCER WEDDING FIRST PERSON - You bat your eyelashes at Person in a persuasively coquettish fashion, pleading with her to see things your way. THIRD PERSON - (Person) bats her eyelashes at Person in a persuasively coquettish fashion, blatantly attempting to wear down her resolve and win her approval. CHAPEL WEDDING - You blink in disbelief at Vanah. Even after your time together, she still finds ways to surprise you! AELOTOI FIRST PERSON - You close your eyes and listen intently to Person, faintly sensing her energy in the back of your mind. THIRD PERSON - Person closes her eyes and turns an ear towards (target), listening to him/her with a curious expression. STANDARD - You blink at Person. Self target: STANDARD - You close your eyes for a moment. AELOTOI FIRST PERSON - Shutting your eyes, you close off your mind to the world around you, grateful for the silence. THIRD PERSON - Person shuts her eyes for a brief moment. Object targets: STANDARD - You blink at (target). AELOTOI - You briefly shut your eyes and listen intently to (target). Creature targets: STANDARD - You blink at (target). AELOTOI FIRST PERSON - You steel your mind against any potentially threatening energy that might come from (target). THIRD PERSON - Person gazes narrowly at (target), smoothly maintaining her composure. No target: You blink. NOTE: ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions. Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging. Messaging without an option shown applies to all options. Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.
First | Third |
You blink. | Xeraphina blinks. |
Style | First | Second | Third |
Standard | You blink at XXX. | This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! | This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! |
Self | You close your eyes for a moment. | N/A | This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! |
Object/ Creature |
You blink at (target). | N/A | This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! |
Style | First | Second | Third |
Cathedral | You blink in amazement at XXX. Even though you're married, he/she can still surprise you! | Husband blinks in amazement at you. Marriage hasn't changed your ability to surprise him! | Husband blinks in amazement at Wife. |
Wavedancer Female |
You bat your eyelashes at XXXX in a persuasively coquettish fashion, pleading with him/her to see things your way. | Xeraphina bats her eyelashes at you in a persuasively coquettish fashion, pleading with you to see things her way. | Xeraphina bats her eyelashes at XXX in a persuasively coquettish fashion, blatantly attempting to wear down his/her resolve and win his/her approval. |
Wavedancer Male |
You blink at Wife with your best "puppy dog" eyes, pleading in an unspoken language for her to see things your way. | Husband blinks at you with his best "puppy dog" eyes, pleading in an unspoken language for you to see things his way. | Husband blinks at Wife with a pleading gaze in a blatant attempt to break down her resolve and win her approval. |
Chapel | You blink in disbelief at Wife. Even after all your time together, she still finds ways to surprise you! | Husband blinks in disbelief at you. Even after your time together, you still find ways to surprise him! | Husband blinks at Wife in obvious disbelief. |
Target | First | Second | Third |
Self | Shutting your eyes, you close off your mind to the world around you, | N/A | Xeraphina shuts her eyes for a brief moment. |
Person | You close your eyes and listen intently to XXX, faintly sensing his/her energy in the back of your mind. | This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! | Xeraphina closes her eyes and turns an ear towards (target), listening to him/her with a curious expression. |
Object | You briefly shut your eyes and listen intently to (target). | N/A | This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! |
Creature | You steel your mind against any potentially threatening energy that might come from (target). | N/A | Xeraphina gazes narrowly at (target), smoothly maintaining her composure. |