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Glare help:
>glare help Usage: GLARE - Glares GLARE {self} - Glares at everyone and everything GLARE {target} - Glares at a target GLARE {direction} - Glares in a particular direction GLARE SET [OPTION] - Shows or sets the GLARE verb options available.
There is a special setting available to Aelotoi.
Verb Info
People targets: CATHEDRAL WEDDING FIRST PERSON - You glare at (target), but your gaze meets and you find it difficult to remain mad. SECOND PERSON - Vanah glares at you, her gaze meeting yours, and then her lips twitch as she tries not to smile. THIRD PERSON - Vanah glares at (target) briefly, before looking away to hide her growing smile. WAVEDANCER WEDDING FIRST PERSON - You glare and cluck your tongue at (target), who will clearly be sleeping alone tonight. SECOND PERSON - Vanah shakes her head at you and clucks her tongue, and your face pales as you realize you are in trouble. THIRD PERSON - Vanah shakes her head at (target), and his/her face pales a little. STANDARD - You glare at (target). AELOTOI FIRST PERSON - You narrow your eyes, giving Vanah a stern look. THIRD PERSON - Vanah eyes (target) with a stern expression, her dark sclera reduced to mere slits. Self target: You glare at everyone and everything in the area. Object targets: STANDARD - You glare at (target). AELOTOI - You squint, trying to get a closer look at (target). Creature targets: STANDARD - You glare at (creature). AELOTOI - You narrow your eyes menacingly at (target), preparing to hold your ground. Directional targets: You glare (direction). No target: STANDARD - You glare. AELOTOI FIRST PERSON - You narrow your eyes to mere slits. THIRD PERSON - Vanah narrows her eyes, her dark sclera reduced to mere slits.