Dhe'nar Lexicon

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Dhe'nar Lexicon is an Official GemStone IV Document, and it is protected from editing.

A list of all Dhe'nar terms officially released for easy translation.

Dhe'nar Term Translation Roots Originating Documentation Date Introduced Other Info
Sai'ri Future life Unknown The Settlement of Eh'lah June 2022 Also the name of a river where Eh'lah is, and the Sai'ri monster is a type of lizard
Eh'lah Hope or rebirth n/a The Settlement of Eh'lah June 2022 The name of a river settlement of Dhe'nar
Tishi'qa the Handmaidens Unknown The Settlement of Eh'lah June 2022 The female warriors assigned to guard priestesses in Eh'lah
Nhil'mon Unknown Unknown Creatures of Eh'lah and Sharath June 2022 A lizard
Kish'enda Ash cat "Kish" (ash) and "enda" (a truncation of a term for cat) Creatures of Eh'lah and Sharath June 2022 A six-legged feline
Sha'rom Unknown Unknown Creatures of Eh'lah and Sharath June 2022 An unusual creature in Dhe'nar lands
Dhosa'nhil Little dragon/lizard From "nhil" (dragon) and "dhosa" (a term for small or little) Creatures of Eh'lah and Sharath June 2022 A small reptile
Dhe'nar First born From "dhe" (first) and "nar" (a truncation for a term for born) History of the Dhe'nar 2015? One of the dark elf cultures
Sharath Promised land Unknown History of the Dhe'nar 2015? A city of the Dhe'nar
Shialos du S'karli "Library of the Way From "shialos" (library), "du" (roughly 'of'), and "s'karli" (the way) History of the Dhe'nar 2015? A library in Sharath
Shialos Library n/a History of the Dhe'nar 2015?
Du of n/a History of the Dhe'nar 2015? One of several terms representing "of"
S'karli the Way n/a History of the Dhe'nar 2015?
Khanshael Unknown Unknown History of Dwarves 2015? The "dark dwarves" affiliated with the Dhe'nar
Misri su'gnosa Master of knowledge Clothing of the Firstborn June 2022 A caste position for the Dhe'nar
Misri Master n/a Clothing of the Firstborn June 2022 A term for master (as in a master of a particular skill, etc)
Gnosa Knowledge n/a Clothing of the Firstborn June 2022 A term for knowledge
Su of n/a Clothing of the Firstborn June 2022 One of several terms representing "of"
Szi'euk Unknown Unknown Clothing of the Firstborn June 2022 A type of loincloth
Szi'bai Unknown Unknown Clothing of the Firstborn June 2022 A chest-worn, wraparound garment
Su'chao'ani Unknown Unknown Clothing of the Firstborn June 2022 A type of caterpillar
Su'chao Unknown Unknown Clothing of the Firstborn June 2022 Su'chao silk is woven from the su'chao'ani's silk
Gu'hran Unknown Unknown Gu'hran September 2023 A Dhe'nar lap harp
Esleash Eldha'a "dark scout" From "esleash" (a term for dark) and "eldha'a (a term for scout) Hunt for History loresong forShimmering crimson Dhe'nar bastard-sword 2002ish A dark scout is a member of the Dhe'nar warrior caste
Esleash Dark n/a Hunt for History loresong forShimmering crimson Dhe'nar bastard-sword 2002ish A Dhe'nar term for dark
Eldha'a Scout n/a Hunt for History loresong forShimmering crimson Dhe'nar bastard-sword 2002ish A Dhe'nar term for a scout
Khadesh Liastha'a Shadow warrior From "Khadesh" (shadow) and "liastha'a" (warrior) Hunt for History loresong for Shimmering crimson Dhe'nar shield 2002ish A shadow warrior is a member of the Dhe'nar warrior caste
Khadesh Shadow n/a Hunt for History loresong for Shimmering crimson Dhe'nar shield 2002ish
Liastha'a Warrior n/a Hunt for History loresong for Shimmering crimson Dhe'nar shield 2002ish