Announcement: Code Poetry Lore Doc

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Category: General
Subject: New Lore Document: From Subterfuge to Artistry
Date: 2024-02-14

Code Poetry, a longstanding artistic tradition of the aelotoi, was once used for relaying messages that the kiramon couldn't decipher. Now, it is so much more.

A lore doc covering a brief history of code poetry, and its current uses is now available to read!

  • Special thanks to GM Roxia who first presented Code Poetry at the Aelotoi Pageant in Ta'Vaalor during Hot Summer Nights 2004 and to GM Gyres for sharing a log of the event.
  • Additional thanks to all the players who have participated in prior Code Poetry events throughout the years.

Lore Document: From Subterfuge to Artistry Discord forum discussion


A lore doc covering a brief history of code poetry, and its current uses is now available to read!