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Whodoo Doll

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Revision as of 12:20, 18 January 2023 by HOST-GSKEBECHET (talk | contribs) (Removed "style" columns from verbtable templates. There are no verbs/demeanors that modify the style of how verb traps are expressed.)
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A whodoo doll is a scripted doll that can be temporarily linked to another character's "soul", allowing the the user to have some small measure of control of the individual. The doll does not control the individual's actions, it only allows for scripted reactions to stimuli.


  Whodoo Doll 


          Verbs: T1 = wave - clean - hug - pull - kiss 
                 T2 + prod - attend - twist
                 T3 + poke - cuddle - slap
                 T4 + punch - rub - snuggle - dance


This doll is currently Tier 1/5 and is currently not linked to another's soul.

  Any willing merchant may alter the 15/15/15, as long as the noun makes sense.
Dolls will always be soft-bodied but heads are flexible and can be cloth, porcelain, wood, or enamel.
All other inquiries must be to Dollmaker Hayleth, usually found within Goblin King Dolls Shop during Ebon Gate.

Tier 1

Includes the verbs WAVE, CLEAN, HUG, PULL, and KISS.


Verb First Third First (Target) Third (Target)
CLEAN You take out the hidden needle from within your doll and clean the bloodstain from it before sticking it back in your doll. XXX takes out a hidden needle from within her doll and cleans the bloodstain from it before sticking it back within the doll. You feel the little piece of your soul begin drifting back to you from its cloth prison. N/A
HUG You hug your doll warmly, nuzzling your face against the doll's face. XXX hugs her doll warmly, nuzzling her face against the doll's face. You feel a warm embrace suddenly wrap around you, the warmth caressing your face. XXX rubs his arms, a puzzled look playing across his features as he reaches up to touch the side of his face.
KISS You pull your doll's face closer and kiss its forehead. XXX places a kiss upon her little doll, a small smile on her lips. You smile at the feeling of lips caressing your forehead and a warm touch on your cheeks. XXX touches his forehead with his fingertips. XXX's cheeks turn a bright shade of pink.
PULL You jerk hard on the right leg of your doll. XXX jerks hard on the right leg of her doll. You suddenly trip and stumble around, a dull pain emanating from your right leg. XXX suddenly stumbles about before rubbing his right leg.
(at person)
You take out a hidden needle from within your doll and prepare to poke XXX with it!

Only proceed if XXX agrees or be subject to possible harassment penalties. Round time: 10 sec.

(WAVE a second time):

Consenting to the poke, you prick the tip of XXX's finger, soaking the needle in his blood. Sticking the needle back into your toy, you feel a subtle warmth emanate within it.

The toy begins to tremble and smoke, quickly absorbing the blood and shifting its form in the process.

This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! XXX takes out a hidden needle from within their doll and prepares to poke you with it!

If you DO NOT want this, then enter 'STOP XXX' or click NO within 10 seconds or your soul will be linked to the doll for up to two weeks!

(after owner WAVEs a second time):

XXX pricks the tip of your finger, soaking the needle in blood, then quickly returns the needle back within the toy.

The toy begins to tremble and smoke, quickly absorbing the blood and shifting its form in the process.

This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Tier 2

Adds the verbs PROD, ATTEND, and TWIST.


Verb First Third First (Target) Third (Target)
ATTEND You run your fingertips over your doll, straightening out any creases in the material. XXX fidgets with her doll, carefully attending to its appearance. You feel as though your clothes are being tugged and straightened. XXX seems to go into a small fit of convulsions before suddenly stopping.
PROD You prod the middle of your doll's back, hard. XXX prods the middle of her doll's back, hard. You suddenly feel the sharp pain of a knife being stuck in your back, causing you to reflexively reach for where it should be! XXX suddenly grabs at his back while looking around, clearly startled by something.
TWIST Grumbling angrily to yourself, you twist the doll harshly. The doll's eyes bulge, and the stitches pop in protest. XXX grumbles angrily to herself and twists her doll harshly. The doll's eyes bulge, and the stitches pop in protest. You feel a huge knot suddenly form in your gut. Oh, no! You feel sick! XXX suddenly doubles over, one hand clasping his mouth tightly while wrapping his other arm around his waist. XXX's eyes appear as if they may bulge out from his sockets.

Tier 3

Adds the verbs POKE, CUDDLE, and SLAP


Verb First Third First (Target) Third (Target)
CUDDLE You stroke the hair of the doll, admiring it. Tucking it into the crook of your arm, you cuddle the stuffed figure like an infant. XXX strokes the hair of her doll, admiringly. Tucking it into the crook of her arm, she cuddles the stuffed figure like an infant. A surge of familiarity washes over you as though you were being cradled like an infant in the crook of an arm. As the sensation fades away, you realize you are hugging yourself and quickly make yourself presentable once more. XXX's eyes go hazy for a brief moment, a small smile cracking across his gaping mouth as he begins hugging himself. Blinking, he quickly makes himself presentable once more.
POKE A devious smile curling across your face, you poke the doll's stomach. The doll gazes lifelessly back at you. XXX's face curls into a devious smile as she pokes her doll's stomach. The doll just stares lifelessly within her hand. Suddenly and without warning, you release the foulest belch you've ever expelled from your body. Horribly ashamed and completely embarrassed, you hide your face within your hands. Suddenly and without warning, XXX releases the loudest belch you've ever heard. XXX hides his face in his hands.
SLAP Anger and frustration consume you as you glare at your doll. Firmly grasping it, you unleash a violent backhand across its face as you snarl furiously at it. XXX's face turns a dark shade of red as she shakes angrily. Grasping her doll firmly, she unleashes a violent backhand across the doll's face, snarling furiously at it as she does so. A flush of heat rises within you as you reach up and slap yourself violently across the face. A welt in the shape of your hand rises against your cheek as tears well up in your eyes, leaving you baffled and confused. XXX's face becomes flushed as he reaches a hand up and violently slaps himself across the face. A bright red welt in the shape of his hand rises against his cheek while tears well up in his eyes.

Tier 4

Adds the verbs PUNCH, RUB, SNUGGLE, and DANCE.


Verb First Third First (Target) Third (Target)
DANCE With a gleeful smile, you gently tug on a hidden string on the back of your toy, causing it to bow towards you as you bow your head in return. With formalities out of the way and a spring in your step, you begin to sway and dance around in dizzying circles, all the while tossing your head back joyously. Out of breath, you finish your dance, bowing once more towards your toy. With a gleeful smile, XXX fidgets with her toy, pulling a hidden string and causing it to bow towards her, to which she then bows her head in return. Formalities out of the way and a spring in her step, XXX begins to sway and dance around in dizzying circles, all the while tossing her head back joyously. Out of breath, XXX finishes the dance and bows once more to her dance partner. A gleeful smile slowly creeps across your face as you hold out your arms and begin to sway and dance around the area. Your movements are jerky and unnatural as you twirl around in dizzying circles. As quickly as this fit comes on it stops, leaving you dizzy and confused. A creepy adaptation of a gleeful smile creeps across XXX's face as he holds out his arms and begins to sway and dance around the area. The movements are jerky and unnatural in style as he twirls around in dizzying circles. XXX finally comes to a stop and gazes about, baffled.
PUNCH You glance at your toy and decide to use it as a combat dummy. You hold it in one hand and punch the toy with the other, then quickly toss it into the air and do a one-two punch while the toy is in midair. The toy tumbles to the ground, its smiling face looking back at you as you go to retrieve it again. XXX glances at her toy and moves into an offensive stance. Holding the toy in one hand and punching the toy square in the gut, she quickly tosses it into the air and, with a one-two punch, the toy tumbles to the ground, its smiling face staring straight ahead. You keel over holding onto your stomach and begin panting as if the wind has just been knocked out of you. Just as you start catching your breath, you stumble about, lurching forward to hold back the sudden urge to vomit. The acidic bile burns your throat as you desperately swallow. You manage to compose yourself once more and return to as you were; hopefully no one noticed. XXX suddenly keels over holding onto his stomach while panting. Just as he seems to recover, he stumbles around only to lurch forward holding his mouth tightly. Eyes turning bloodshot, he frantically swallows. After several long moments, his seems to compose himself once more.
RUB You lick your right thumb pad and rub a smudge away from the face on your toy. You put some elbow grease into it until satisfied that the mark has been cleared away. XXX licks her right thumb and rubs it against the face of her toy. A look of determination appears in cleaning the toy's face until satisfied with her efforts. You get the uncontrollable urge to clean yourself, vigorously. You briefly plop down into a sitting position and start to lick the back of your hand and rub it against your head and face. You do this several times until you feel clean once more and you stand back up. XXX goes wide-eyed, staring off into the distance. Plopping down into a sitting position, he starts to lick the back of his hand and proceeds to rub it against his head and face, the gesture reminiscent of a cat cleaning itself. After doing this several times, he stands back up as if nothing happened.
SNUGGLE You gaze lovingly at your toy, admiring its features and reminiscing of simpler days. Enthralled by these thoughts, you hold your toy closely to your body, snuggling it into the curve of your neck. You sigh longingly before coming to your senses and gaze back down at your toy. XXX gazes lovingly at her toy, seeming to admire it. Her eyes go a bit hazy for a long moment, all the while pressing the toy closely to her body and snuggling it into the curve of her neck. XXX sighs longingly before her eyes clear up and gaze back down at her toy once more. Like a warm blanket enveloping you, a sense of extreme comfort washes over you. The sensation allows you to become calm and relaxed, so much so that you begin to feel drowsy. Nodding off to yourself as your eyes grow heavy, you snap back at attention immediately as the sensation leaves you. A sense of calm washes over XXX's features. So much so that he begins nodding off, eyes drooping closed before snapping back to attention, the look of calm leaving him.

Tier 5

Raffle Quality. Adds 2 completely custom verbs - the winner designs 1st and 3rd person messaging for both the owner and the target. The customization must go through QC. Custom verbs may not overwrite already existing T1-T4 verbs. Verbs available for T5 are: tickle, flip, toss, touch, raise, push, pinch, tilt, smell.


Verb First Third First (Target) Third (Target)
Verb This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Additional Information

These dolls are meant to be fun with a touch of mischieve and some naughty stuff, but at NO time will these dolls be used to harass any other player and will never put them in roundtime, knock them prone, put them in full offense, toss their gear, or any other of the sort.

A hidden cooldown exists after each verb/action is successfully performed on the target - the cooldown lasts approximately one minute. During the cooldown, the doll owner may still perform verbs/actions, but it will not actually do anything to the target. When the verb/action is successful on the target, the owner will see the phrase, "You feel as if the toy squirmed happily in reaction."

Whodoo Doll Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Miscellaneous
Item(s) Applied to Doll
Alterable Yes
Original Release Venue Evermore Hollow
Original Release Year 2022
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 5
How to Unlock Merchant
Restrictions Must be soft-bodied
No longs
Item Verbs