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LOOK is the most basic of commands. Almost everything can be the target of this verb, particularly locations, objects, creatures, and characters. Use this command to garner information about every piece of Elanthia.

  • LOOK : displays room description (what it looks like, what is there, who is there)
  • LOOK AT {character} : displays the description of the person, what they're carrying, what they're wearing, and any wounds or scars they may possess
  • LOOK AT {creature} : displays what a creature is carrying, what they're wearing, a picture of the creature if there is one, and any wounds or scars they may possess
  • LOOK {at|on|in|inside|into|under|behind|beneath} {object} : displays information pertaining to where you looked or what you looked at
  • LOOK {up|star|constellation|sky} : displays the night sky and any adverse weather condition (rain, snow, blood rain)

Some mechanics disable the use of the LOOK verb. For instance, when LOOK is attempted during a warrior's Berserk, All you can see is red.