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MANA allows you to view your maximum mana, remaining mana points, and how much mana you'll recover both on node and off node. It can also be used by those with sufficient Mana Control training to either force a mana pulse to occur immediately or instantly cast all known defensive spells.


  • MANA
Shows information about currant mana capacity and amount of mana gains per pulse
Allows the caster to manually invoke a pulse as if they were off-node. Each rank in Mana Controls allows the caster to perform this action one second sooner then the natural pulse would have occurred. Once used, the next mana pulse will skip you and you cannot use the ability again until then.
Allows the caster to instantly cast all defensive spells known to them. This ability requires the caster have 75 ranks in Mana Controls and can only be used once per day. It also uses no mana to preform the spellup.

See Also