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FAME is used to access a character's fame. The Fame system is an antiquated relic from GemStone III, when fame grew at an even faster rate. Players can opt their character in or out of the fame lists using the SET verb. SET FAME ON to join the lists, SET FAME OFF to remove from the lists. After turning fame on, players must CHECK IN at the local inn to be counted or to update their fame total. Fame will not update on the lists automatically.

Usage: FAME {player|filter|stats} [rank]

{filter} can be the name of a race, profession, or "ALL".
[rank] is at what rank to start viewing the list.
25 ranks are displayed at a time.


FAME Despil Would show Despil's fame.
FAME ALL 100 Would show an unfiltered list of rank 100-124.
FAME DARKELF 1 Would show the first 25 dark elves starting at rank 1.
FAME ROGUE 500 Would show the first 25 rogues starting at rank 500.
FAME STATS Would show statistics based on the fame list.