Instant mind clearer
An instant mind clearer instantly moves 1000 current field experience into a character's absorbed experience total. If the character cannot hold 1000 unabsorbed experience, or if the character does not have 1000 experience to absorb, the character will absorb the maximum available. The instant mind clearer does not apply any RPA, Gift of Lumnis, or other modifier to this amount.
Instant mind clearers are granted on the 10th (1 for paying subscribers) and 20th days (3 for paying subscribers, 1 for F2P) of Login Rewards.
On the 10th day, F2P characters instead receive a lesser experience pass that lasts for 60 minutes.
Tips and Tricks
This reward is useful for those who hunt while saturated. If the character is saturated and the next bounty is done (and perhaps the 15 minutes between bounties is up or almost up), absorb the 1000 experience, hunt until fried again, and turn the bounty in to get re-saturated.