Sprytea's Window Shoppe

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Sprytea's Window Shoppe is the Premium Home Window shop in Wehnimer's Landing. It is located through the glaes door just inside the entrance to The Merchant's Emporium.

[Sprytea's Window Shoppe]
The pale, varnished wooden floors and whitewashed walls of Sprytea's store are designed to show off her merchandise to best advantage. Glinting window displays hang from white oak beams high in the lofty ceiling, lending the sophisticated air of an art gallery to the cool, quiet shop. Only the occasional murmured transaction or footstep on floorboard breaks the soft silence. You also see a number of assorted windows, a glaes door, a polished glaesine-topped counter with an elegantly engraved sign on it and Sprytea.


Item Price
a small square window 35000
a bronze-framed window 63000
a brass-framed window 73000
an oval bronze window 68000
an arched oak window 120000
a brass bowfront window 88000
an oak casement window 92000
a pine casement window 78000
a triangular fel-framed window 110000
a high lancet window 90000
a white lattice-work window 70000
a brass-trimmed oak window 85000
a roughly hewn oak window 55000
a large picture window 100000
an elegant bay window 140000
a dark modwir-framed window 65000
a small round window 40000
a tall narrow window 75000
a multi-paned haon window 130000