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Ethereal weapon/saved posts
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 8795
Author: GS4-Retser
Date: 10/05/2015 12:52 PM EDT
Subject: Teaser: Ethereal weapons, coming to an EG near you!
On a recent voyage of The Revenge, Captain Jorshan found something... a cache of ethereal weapons. When he reached for one it sunk into his flesh and allowed him the power to draw upon their might. After much research, he has learned how to manipulate these or transfer them to another person... if the price is right of course.
He did not disclose where or how he found these and their origin... but he is going to be offering two at the upcoming Ebon Gate festival.
One will be available for auction, and one will be available for raffle.
This is a permanent weapon, it can never be moved or traded. The base stats will be 4 times enchanted. It has a new flare type of ethereal chains. These will work with everything but Naginatas, Katanas, and Claidhmores at this time. This is a new weapon, and you cannot convert your existing weapon. The tattoo must be placed on your arm, no exceptions. When rubbed, the tattoo will spawn a replica of your weapon into your hand. These weapons last for 3 minutes. You can only have one out at a time, should you lose your weapon... you can draw another one after your tattoo resets in 3 minutes.
You see GameMaster Retser.
He has an ethereal longsword tattoo on his arm.
(RUB IT!) As you reach for your longsword tattoo, an ethereal hilt protrudes from its center. You grab the hilt and pull an ethereal longsword out.
Retser swings an ethereal longsword at an Illoke mystic!
An ethereal chain darts out from an ethereal longsword and strikes an Illoke mystic's left eye!
... 15 points of damage! Minor strike under the left eye, that was close!
(RETURN, Drop, Attempt to give it away) A series of ethereal chains lashes out from Retser's longsword tattoo, as his ethereal longsword seeps back into his tattoo.
The ambients shift between the weapon and the tattoo, depending which is active. You can PROD them to turn off the ambient should you wish it.
Weapon Ambients The ethereal chains hanging from Retser's ethereal longsword pulse with a purplish-white energy. The ethereal chains hanging from Retser's ethereal longsword clink together audibly. The ethereal chains hanging from Retser's ethereal longsword snake their way against his skin, clamoring to be closer to their master. The ethereal chains hanging from Retser's ethereal longsword writhe and contort with a mind all of their own. The ethereal chains hanging from Retser's ethereal longsword seem to flicker out of existence for a second
Tattoo ambients A soft, purplish-white light surrounds Retser's longsword tattoo. A slender ethereal chain wraps itself around Retser's arm from his longsword tattoo. The faint clinking of chains can be heard from Retser's longsword tattoo. Retser smiles slightly as he holds his arm.
VERBS, SO MANY VERBS. The verbs work on both the tattoo, and the weapon when drawn. There are 7 fluff verbs on the weapon and 5 on the tattoo.
As Retser waves his ethereal longsword high overhead, a trail of ethereal chains streams behind it.
As Retser reaches for his maul tattoo, an ethereal haft protrudes from its center. He grabs the haft and pulls an ethereal maul out.
RUNESTAVES? As Retser reaches for his rune staff tattoo, an ethereal haft protrudes from its center. He grabs the haft and pulls an ethereal rune staff out. YUP!
BOWS, CROSSBOWS? YUP! However, the flare does not work... this is a bring your own ammo party.
UNDEAD? You gesture at an ethereal longsword. A searing white light enfolds the ethereal longsword for a moment and then appears to become incorporated into it.
You have to bless every summoned weapon.
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 8812
Author: GS4-Retser
Date: 10/06/2015 10:57 PM EDT
Subject: Re: Teaser: Ethereal weapons, coming to an EG near you!
Further Enchanting: TBD
Addition of Flares/Weighting/Permablessing (ETC): TBD
Hurling: Yes, you can throw it.. but you have to pick it back up. (Standard weapon hurling)
Bonding(CMAN or 1625): I added in the ability for these to to be totally into bondage. You will need to pull the weapon out to bond to it. Please see the rulebook, 50 shades of Retser. You will also need to de-summon this to save what is done to it. I do not suggest ensorcelling this in combat.
Ensorcelling: These can be ensorcelled, but only by the sorcerer who gets it since they cannot be traded.
Customize?: Nope, not really. I may allow a tiny bit of wiggle room on the weapon. It has to remain an ethereal weaponname, but there is room for maybe one more word in there.
Shad0ws0ngs: Yes, you can draw the weapon and release it at will with no RT. If you manually release it you can summon another instantly. If you lose it, the tattoo is "Blackened" and on cooldown, it'll burn your skin and appear when it is ready again.
Sven2010: If you are a paladin you can bond it to sanctify it. Other means are TBD as noted above.
Half Life 3: Confirmed
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 8816
Author: GS4-Retser
Date: 10/06/2015 11:52 PM EDT
Subject: Re: Teaser: Ethereal weapons, coming to an EG near you!
Fjalar: No, the weapon is still "around" after you hurl it. So until it de-summons, or your tattoo comes off "cooldown" you cannot get another. If you are bonded to it though, it will return to your hand.
Lorddark: The ethereal semi-corporeal form can only be contained for a certain duration. Since these were found in an unknown area, and are from an unknown origin... not much else is known.
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 8818
Author: GS4-Retser
Date: 10/07/2015 12:01 AM EDT
Subject: Re: Teaser: Ethereal weapons, coming to an EG near you!
Okay, if you insist on the details...
The year was 4934, Gandalf was battling Harry Potter atop tower stark. They both casted kamekamehas at each other which created an ethereal mass that could only be contained for 3 minutes by rogue. Pacman ate rogue, who was smashed by Kate Upton, who was summoned during a commune around the GS3 days pre-implementation. GS3 - GS = 3.
The 3 minute duration on the weapon and cooldown on the tattoo is intended to prevent people from losing one (due to mechanics or whatever) and summoning another immediately. It is designed to be a minor limitation.
If you are not one to lose your weapons often, it will be more of an annoyance to draw another.
Think of a bandolier with a one weapon out at a time, limit.
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 8837
Author: GS4-Retser
Date: 10/07/2015 08:15 PM EDT
Subject: Re: Teaser: Ethereal weapons, coming to an EG near you!
Due to popular demand, I've added in a slight reminder to the wielder.
At 2m45s you will receive a message letting you know your weapon will expire soon. 15s after that it will vanish for a total of... 3m!
Shen1: Ethereal Kate Upton? IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES!
Lorddark:P1: The tattoo goes on cooldown at the same time as the weapon being drawn. You can DROP/release the weapon at any time and summon another. Example: Rub your tattoo Weapon in hand. 3 Minutes of fighting with the weapon until it returns and the tattoo instantly resets/refreshes so you can summon a new one. OR 2 Minutes of fighting you think, I'm going to refresh this, you DROP the weapon and it resets the tattoo... get another. OR You are fighting, you get disarmed, things get crazy.. you run away and leave it behind. Just beyond 3 minutes of having summoned your weapon, your tattoo resets itself and you summon another.
As far as the rest of your thoughts on market value and desirability, that is your opinion. :)
Kithus: I do not think wizard enchanting will ever be offered or on the table for this.
Lorddark:P2 Opinionate-Speculate Away. Just hope Liam Neeson doesn't show up and end you. He has a very particular set of skills.
VANKRASN39: 1 Auction, 1 Raffle.
Lorddark:P3 I happen to enjoy the cool factor of things! There are many things out there that are insanely mechanically powerful, it is tough!
LTLPRPRINCESS: I'm glad you like it, I love the concept. I am huge on themes and concepts!
FALAN: I'm not sure what you are asking here, the base weapon is a 4x with a new puncture based flare type of ethereal chains. It is just a weapon you pull from a tattoo and cannot lose. You would use this weapon so you can be like Auron from FF10 with only 1 arm swinging a huge sword. I mean, you gotta look bad ass too. There are also people like, omg what did that noob do to his arm? Why is his sword so big? THESE THINGS DO NOT MAKE SENSE! The RT per swing is based on the weapon type used, just like the standard system.
MERCEDES419: I crack me up sometimes.
Topic: The Settlement of Reim
Message #: 194
Author: GS4-Retser
Date: 08/02/2016 01:26 AM EDT
Subject: Reim raffle: A Wild Artifact Appears!
The Captain Jorshan has managed to recover a powerful artifact from within the depths of Reim. The raffle is for a four times enchanted, permablessed, chain flaring, ethereal tattoo weapon in the form of a warsword. This weapon can be wielded with one or two hands and will always return to the tattoo if lost. This weapon can never be transferred. The winner must be present within fifteen minutes and able to display their winning ticket within the time of allotted. A winner will be chosen on Feastday at noon as the elves tell time and there is no limit to the number of tickets you can buy.
The base cannot be changed and this particular weapon will have a very specific look.
After being summoned with RUB, the weapon will last for four minutes.
The weapon will warn you when it will be fading soon.
You can un-summon and re-summon the weapon with no penalty.
If lost, the weapon will vanish and the tattoo will reset itself after the cooldown is up. You will then be able to summon another.
As you drum your finger against your warsword tattoo, ripples of ethereal light shimmer on the surface.
As you reach for your warsword tattoo, an ethereal hilt protrudes from its center. You grab the hilt and pull an ethereal warsword out.
A pair of ethereal chains hanging from your ethereal warsword slithers across your body.
You toss your ethereal warsword forward then quickly grab an ethereal chain hanging from it to pull it back into your hand.
Good luck and Enjoy!
(Thanks to Wyrom, Coase, and Sleken)