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Great Auction of 2016/teasers

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Neat Loresong Item

#1 I Made A Neat Thing 3 Nov 2016 GM Tamuz I finished up a super duper neat loresong this morning. It is groundbreaking and maims the bard in new and inventive ways! Also does some other neat stuff when a bard loresings it. Besides maiming them, of course! Forum Ref

Fashionistas on Fire

#2 Hope You Fashionistas brought some silver 14 Nov 2016 GM Tamuz 'cause I'm working on a really neat thing with tons of messaging from GameMaster Xayle. Forum Ref
15 Nov 2016 GM Xayle And it's hawt 'cause I'm on fire, y'all. Forum Ref
Catching Fire 25 Nov 2016 GM Xayle >inven

You are wearing a deep sapphire crushed velvet gown embroidered with wisps of azure flame along the sleeves.

>l my gown

The stiffly boned bodice of this garment is paneled cobalt satin, with azure-threaded wisps of flame curling along the neckline and accented with slivers of dark lapis. Meanwhile, the remainder of the gown is crushed velvet in a deep sapphire hue, shifting from light to dark and back again with the merest touch. Waves of fire in shimmering, pale blue filament course along the pointed sleeves as well as the skirt hem, each curved finger of flame cradling a cabochon of lapis.

>prep 906 Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Minor Fire... Your spell is ready.

>cast my gown You gesture at a deep sapphire crushed velvet gown embroidered with wisps of azure flame along the sleeves.

As the flames break upon the crushed velvet gown, the fire is absorbed into the fabric, each thread subtly backlit by a fiery glow. In a rush that causes the air to distort, azure flames erupt and race to cover the garment in a cloak of living fire as a blazing sapphire velvet gown engulfed in a haze of azure flame is revealed.

>l my gown

Deep blue sapphire velvet is the canvas for a myriad ripples of azure flame that course in overlapping waves along the elegant lines of the gown from neck to hem. The tendrils of fire fitfully trail the neckline, pooling in small eddies amidst the lapis accents, then slowly trickle downward along the bodice to tease the pointed waistline with languid strokes. Inbetwixt the heavy falls of the velvet skirt, rivulets of pale blue flame writhe along the valleys to collect in roiling lagoons along the hem.

Thoughfully, your fingers skip along the bodice of your sapphire velvet gown, giving birth to tiny whorls of azure flame with each touch as your hand comes to rest on your waist. The staccato rhythm of your tapping finger sends those coils of fire down the folds of your skirt.

You stiffly smooth your hands over the bodice of your sapphire velvet gown, the azure flames darkening under your touch, before resting them firmly on your hips. Each irritated tap of your finger against your waist ignites a spark that streaks tendrils of flame long your skirt.

From the shoulders of your sapphire velvet gown, spirals of azure flame twine down your arms to coalesce about your wrists.

Cords of azure flame wind in and out of the fabric of your sapphire velvet gown, licking at the air around you.

~ X., Mocking Who?

Forum Ref

Greatest Runestaff in The World

Greatest Runestaff in The World 14 Nov 2016 GM Estild Long time ago me and my brother Wyrom here,

We was hitchhikin' down a long and lonesome road. All of a sudden, there shined a shiny demon.
In the middle of the road.
And he said:
"Give me the best runestaff in the world, or I'll eat your soul."

Well me and Wyrom, we looked at each other,
And we each said. "Okay."

And we reached into our backpack and the first thing that came to our hands,
Just so happened to be,
The Best Runestaff in the World, it was The Best Runestaff in the World.

Look into my eyes and it's easy to see
One and one make two, two and one make three,
It was destiny.
Once every hundred-thousand years or so,
When the sun doth shine and the moon doth glow
And the grass doth grow.

Needless to say, the beast was stunned.
Whip-crack went his whoopy tail,
And the beast was done.
He asked us: "Be you angels?"
And we said, "Nay. We are but men."
Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh-ah-ah,
Ohhh, whoah, ah-whoah-oh!

This is not The Greatest Runestaff in the World, no.
This is just a tribute.
Couldn't find The Greatest Runestaff in the World, no, no.
This is a tribute, oh, to The Greatest Runestaff in the World,
All right! It was The Greatest Runestaff in the World,
All right! It was the Greatest Runestaff in the World.

And the peculiar thing is this my friends:
The runestaff we wielded on that fateful night it didn't actually look
Anything like this runestaff.

This is just a tribute! You gotta believe it!
And I wish you were there! Just a matter of opinion.
Ah! Good God, God lovin',
So surprised to find you can't stop it.

All right! All right! |

Forum Ref
10 Dec GM Estild Let's see if you can identify all the hidden secrets...

GameMaster Estild

>incant 711
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Pain...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at an infernal lich.
CS: +512 - TD: +456 + CvA: +25 + d100: +33 == +114
Warding failed!
An infernal lich shudders in pain.
... 55 points of damage!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

>incant 713
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Balefire...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at an infernal lich.
You hurl a ball of greenish-black flame at an infernal lich!
AS: +426 vs DS: +360 with AvD: +65 + d100 roll: +18 = +149
... and hit for 36 points of damage!
Superheated arc of plasma traces blackened path across the infernal lich's belly!
The infernal lich is stunned!
The ball of greenish-black flame strikes an infernal lich, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 5 points of damage!
Searing strike to back causes the infernal lich to grunt in pain.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

>infuse runestaff with 50 mana
You bring your green ethereal runestaff to your lips, close your eyes, and begin chanting. Suddenly, a deep blue bolt of energy arcs between you and the runestaff as you infuse it with 50 mana.

>incant 711
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Pain...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at an infernal lich.
CS: +527 - TD: +456 + CvA: +25 + d100: +43 == +139
Warding failed!
An infernal lich twists in great pain!
... 62 points of damage!
Cast Roundtime 2 Seconds.

>incant 713
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Balefire...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at an infernal lich.
You hurl a ball of greenish-black flame at an infernal lich!
AS: +451 vs DS: +360 with AvD: +65 + d100 roll: +25 = +181
... and hit for 50 points of damage!
Dazzling arc of energy traces blackened path across the infernal lich's chest!
The infernal lich is stunned!
The ball of greenish-black flame strikes an infernal lich, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 10 points of damage!
Blistering strike to leg shrivels skin and causes excruciating pain.
Cast Roundtime 2 Seconds.

>prep 405
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Elemental Detection spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast radical
You gesture at a triton radical.
You detect the following spells on a triton radical:
Divine Shield with a lot of time remaining.
Spirit Warding I with a fair amount of time remaining.
Lesser Shroud with a great amount of time remaining.
Spirit Warding II with a fair amount of time remaining.
Elemental Defense II with a fair amount of time remaining.
Prayer of Protection with a lot of time remaining.
Heroism with a great amount of time remaining.
Fasthr's Reward with a fair amount of time remaining.
Mantle of Faith with a lot of time remaining.
Elemental Defense I with a fair amount of time remaining.
Elemental Defense III with a fair amount of time remaining.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>incant 711
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Pain...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a triton radical.
CS: +512 - TD: +445 + CvA: +20 + d100: +6 == +93
Warded off!
Nothing happens.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>infuse runestaff with 10 spirit
You bring your green ethereal runestaff to your lips, close your eyes, and begin chanting. Suddenly, a pure white bolt of energy arcs between you and the runestaff as you infuse it with 10 spirit. >
>tap runestaff
As you tap into your green ethereal runestaff's core, a powerful lightning bolt strikes it. The hum of the electricity rises to a fevered pitch as pure white energy crackles over its surface.
>incant 701
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Blood Burst...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a triton radical.

Your green ethereal runestaff pulses with an emerald green light!

CS: +542 - TD: +386 + CvA: +20 + d100: +81 == +257
Warding failed!
Blood gushes from the radical's neck!
The "blood gates" open wider.
Cast Roundtime 2 Seconds.

>incant 701
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Blood Burst...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a triton radical.

Your green ethereal runestaff pulses with an emerald green light!

CS: +542 - TD: +386 + CvA: +20 + d100: +54 == +230
Warding failed!
Blood gushes from the radical's neck!
Cast Roundtime 2 Seconds.

>incant 701
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Blood Burst...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a triton radical.

Your green ethereal runestaff pulses with an emerald green light!

CS: +542 - TD: +386 + CvA: +20 + d100: +78 == +254
Warding failed!
Blood gushes from the radical's neck!
Cast Roundtime 2 Seconds.

>incant 701
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Blood Burst...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a triton radical.

Your green ethereal runestaff pulses with an emerald green light!

CS: +542 - TD: +386 + CvA: +20 + d100: +99 == +275
Warding failed!
Blood gushes from the radical's neck!
Cast Roundtime 2 Seconds.

Pure white energy crackles over the surface of your green ethereal runestaff.

Like the quiet after a roiling storm, the crackling pure white energy surrounding your green ethereal runestaff calms, its hum becomes dulcet, and its color returns to normal.

Msg 10
10 Dec GM Estild This is also at the base 5x... :P Msg 12

The Pitcher

#4 I'll Drink To That 15 Nov 2016 GM Haliste Stay thirsty, my friends Forum Ref
17 Nov 2016 GM Haliste >look my pitcher

A koi-shaped handle with soft and pliable fins creates a fitting adornment to the elegant wavy lines that encircle the entire silver pitcher. Centered on the base is a small sapphire-faced dial that currently points to the word "mead". A small brass plate affixed next to the dial reads, "honey." The word "mana" illuminates and flows along the wavy lines encircling the pitcher.

You say, "Hmm."

>turn my pitcher You turn a sapphire-faced dial on the base of your silver pitcher and set the pointer to "rum".

You gasp.

>push my pitcher You push a small knob next to the sapphire-faced dial on the base of your silver pitcher. In elegant script, the word "spiced" begins to illuminate across a small brass plate.

You squeal.

>pour my pitcher You tip the silver pitcher slightly to pour out some liquid. Swirls of glittery light cascade...

[To be continued...]|

Forum Ref

Any Mularos Fans Out There?

& #6
Just Curious 16 Nov 2016 GM Haliste ... any Mularos fans out there?
Any Imaera fans?
Forum Ref
17 Nov 2016 GM Haliste >prod my robe

You prod your finger against your silk robe. An unusual feeling tugs at your mind, but you sense that you lack sufficient devotion to Mularos to understand much else.


You remove your robe and instead, wear a cloak.

>prod my cloak You prod your finger against your green velvet cloak. It ripples about you, seeming almost alive.

Time passes.

A melodic trill pierces the air, and you find yourself listening intently to the tranquilizing song. Within moments, a chorus of chirps responds in harmonious unison, and a group of mockingbirds flies overhead. A lone tri-toned brown mockingbird swoops down, lands on your shoulder, and pecks gently at your green velvet cloak. You reach to stroke its delicate wing, but it launches into the air and flies away.|

Forum Ref

The Assassin's Blade (Tanto)

#7 The Assassin's Blade 17 Nov 2016 GM Retser Deep within a dark place... where dark things are.. where bad guys lurk... a dark tanto was discovered that does dark things.

Do you want to feel like you are an assassin? DO YOU WANT TO? HUH? Well look no further I have just the thing for you!

Have you ever wanted to swing once but be such an AMAZING ninja assassin that you swing twice?

You swing a shadowy black ora tanto at an Ithzir adept! AS: +458 vs DS: +304 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +92 = +271 ... and hit for 73 points of damage! Strike punctures thigh and shatters femur! An Ithzir adept falls to the ground grasping her mangled right leg! You flip your black ora tanto in your hands after your strike and reverse directions towards your foe! You swing a shadowy black ora tanto at an Ithzir adept! AS: +458 vs DS: +262 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +53 = +274 ... and hit for 94 points of damage! Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the Ithzir adept clean through! The Ithzir adept vainly struggles to rise, then goes still. Roundtime: 3 sec.


Hmm, well, that was cool, BUT WHAT ELSE?

This blade is six times enchanted, WHAT? NOT FIVE? FOUR? BUT SIX!


What else?



Pls tell me more ok


What else does it do?

WELL LET ME TELL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This blade can remove fifteen points of crit weighting when waved at a target once every 30 minutes. This effect lasts for 5 minutes.

wave tanto at adept You deftly slice at the air in front of you with your black ora tanto, sending a wave of shadows towards an Ithzir adept! An Ithzir adept is suddenly encased in tendril-like shadows! Roundtime: 3 sec.



Pls tell me more ok


gaze tanto You spin your black ora tanto deftly in your hand, watching as the blade changes to a mix of sanguine and amber. The sanguine side pulses dimly and the amber side pulses dimly.


Well, let me show you what this issssss.

cover tanto You press your black ora tanto flat against your hand and gently turn it, causing the blade to glow sanguine. You feel drained! Roundtime: 3 sec.

pull tanto You pull the hilt of your black ora tanto against your chest and breathe deeply, causing the blade to glow amber. You clutch at your chest in pain! Roundtime: 3 sec.

I DON'T GET IT!!111!!!


When we cover our tanto, you can store health. When you pull on your tanto, you can store stamina. Both of these have a limit and can be reclaimed at any time.

raise tanto You flip your black ora tanto in your hand and hold it parallel to your eyes. The tanto pulses sanguine tendrils down your arm; you feel reinvigorated!

push tanto You flip your black ora tanto in your hand and push it out from your body. The tanto pulses amber tendrils down your arm; you feel reinvigorated!



A slender shadowy tendril slowly snakes its way up your body before seeping back into your black ora tanto.


This is a UNIQUE item and only one will be released EVER at your 2016 auction!|

Forum Ref
17 Nov 2016 GM Retser Essentially you remove padding on the creature, thereby increasing your weighting.

I zigged when I should have zagged.|

Msg 12
18 Nov 2016 GM Retser The double strike is a flare and is a random chance.

You would need a godly sorcerer ninja to ensorcell this blade.|

The Corasine Relic

#8 All Aboard the Hype Train - Coraesine Relic 17 Nov 2016 GM Wyrom You glance down to see a grey-swirled coraesine relic in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

You try to eat your coraesine relic.

You fasten your coraesine relic to your attire.

You unfasten your coraesine relic from your attire.

You ponder.

You remove a wide golvern band from in your grotesque wound. >put relic on band The coraesine relic can only be attached to a weapon.

You say, "Aha."

You remove a razern katana from in your grotesque wound. G>put relic on katana Attaching the coraesine relic to the razern katana is a permanent action, if you're sure you'd like to do it, put the relic on the katana again within 30 seconds. G>put relic on katana


Forum Ref
17 Nov 2016 GM Wyrom While I want to leave you all craving more on this item, I don't want it to build beyond what I want to hype. So with that said, it does not work with scripted items. So if we reference the...

That will answer a lot. Sonic weapons are scripted as well.

I did a lot with subscripting, but to do this justice, it needed more control.

Now...everything else? Speculate!!

Msg 7
17 Nov GM Wyrom It won't work wear wearable equipment either. So no gloves or boots. But a hook-knife or fist-scythe, sure Msg 11
28 Nov GM Wyrom ** The coraesine relic on your razern katana flares up with a blazing white-grey aura! Vicious winds curl around you in a spiraling vortex, increasing your momentum as you let loose a lightning-quick strike! **
    • The coraesine relic on your veil iron spikestar flares up with a blazing white-grey aura! Vicious winds curl around you in a spiraling vortex, increasing your momentum as you let loose a lightning-quick strike! **
Msg 17-18
29 Nov GM Wyrom >>You don't have to divulge what they are, but does this relic also give other properties aside from the amazing double strike flares?

This is concentrated sentient coraesine, but only a relic. Vague answer is vague.

Msg 20

Misted Misty Mist Ring

#9 Misted Misty Mist 18 Nov 2016 GM Haliste Long, long ago, in a land far away, a most unusual ring was discovered. Unlike family heirlooms that sometimes tarnish and deteriorate over the years, this piece was different, and aged like a fine wine...| Forum Ref
18 Nov 2016 GM Haliste ... she adds later, in response to a question about it being like fine wine:

>Sssooo... UNlike the relic--which could not be eaten--this one we CAN drink?!?

Well, not exactly. Though, if you look at my other teaser... |

Msg 3
21 Nov 2016 GM Haliste Ok, how about this?

>turn my ring
As you twist the top of your sapphire ring, it opens and flowers outward. Tendrils of black mist begin to flow out of the ring and swirl around you, and you begin to feel more burdened as the mist envelops your form. Finally, the tendrils cease emanating from the ring and settle down around you. Once quiescent, the tendrils merge together, creating a hazy black mist in the image of some hazy black mist armor around you.

Msg 4

Forage-Reset Watering Can

#10 Green Thumb 20 Nov 2016 GM Vanah >forage purple hydrangea

As you forage around, you notice that someone has been foraging here recently and you are unable to find anything useful.

You say, "Oh, bother."

>anal my can
You analyze your watering can and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

This watering can contains water that has magic properties. You could SPRINKLE water from the watering can to rejuvenate plantlife that has been recently foraged. You could also MEASURE or PONDER over the can.

Alterations are fine as long as it remains something that can hold and sprinkle water.

You get no sense of whether or not the can may be further lightened.

>ponder my can
You tap your fingers against your watering can as you survey the plantlife in the area. You think that the plantlife in the area could benefit from your watering can.

>sprinkle my can
You sprinkle water from your watering can onto the ground. The plantlife appears to perk up.

>forage purple hydrangea
You forage briefly and manage to find a purple hydrangea!
Roundtime: 5 sec.

>ponder my can
You tap your fingers against your watering can as you survey the plantlife in the area. You note that there are still things growing that do not need help from your watering can.

>measure my can
You gauge that there is enough water left in the watering can for nine fresh uses. You judge from the condensation trickling down the sides that there may be more water in 23 hours and 59 minutes.

Forum Ref

White Eonake Censer

#11 Bring Out Your Dead 21 Nov 2016 GM Estild Estild chants a quick prayer and slowly swings his white eonake censer over your corpse several times. The scent of brimstone fills the air as dark amber-hued smoke billows forth, then settles over your body. You get an increased feeling of well-being. Forum Ref

Language Thing?

#12 The Turkey Says 24 Nov 2016 GM Haliste Speaking in Gnomish, the turkey says, "Happy Thanksgiving!"

You blink.

Speaking in Gnomish, you say, "What the... What is going on?"

The turkey blinks.

Speaking in Gnomish, the turkey says, "Surprise! Thanksgiving is going on!"

You scream.

~ Haliste ~

Forum Ref

Ice Cream Churn

#14 I Scream, You Scream 26 Nov 2016 GM Vanah >put bar in churn

You grate dark chocolate shavings into the churn, which whirs softly. When the noise ceases, you check the churn's chamber and note the scent of dark chocolate.

>put caramel in churn
You feed all of your salted caramel into the churn, which whirs softly. When the noise ceases, you check the churn's chamber and note the scent of salted caramel and dark chocolate. That was the last of it!

>turn churn
As you turn the crank on a rhimar-lined churn, the rhimar lining in the churn grows cold, a faint rime spreading across the churn's surface. A faint whirring sound emits from the churn, and dark chocolate and salted caramel ice cream slowly oozes from the spigot. You fill a waffle cone with the ice cream and come away with some salted caramel and dark chocolate ice cream.

>spin churn
You spin the toppings carousel, bringing a bowl of whipped cream to the front.

>push churn
You take a bowl of whipped cream from the rhimar-lined churn's toppings carousel and spoon some of the whipped cream on top of some salted caramel and dark chocolate ice cream.

>lick my ice
You lick some of the whipped cream off your dark chocolate ice cream.

>eat my ice
You take a bite of your dark chocolate ice cream. The cold ice cream melts across your tongue, allowing you to savor the dark chocolate flavor. As the ice cream melts, pockets of salted caramel are revealed. The soft texture is contrasted by the crisp crunch of the cone. The texture is contrasted against the light, airy whipped cream, which provides a soft sweetness.
The dark chocolate ice cream is melting, and you're making a mess!
You have 6 bites left.

>spin churn
You spin the toppings carousel, bringing a shaker of cinnamon to the front.

>push churn at my coffee
You take a shaker of cinnamon from the rhimar-lined churn's toppings carousel and sprinkle some cinnamon into a cup of rich black coffee.

>drink my coff
You take a drink from your black coffee. Dark, powerful, and confident, but of so high a quality that it is not truly bitter.
The coffee is very weak with a subtle hint of spice underlying its natural flavors, dusky and warm like a freshly baked gingersnap.
You have 4 quaffs left.

Forum Ref

Gosaena Wings

#15 On A Wing and A Prayer 27 Nov 2016 GM Mazreth Wings are great, wings are fun

Of these special wings, there can be only one.

A goddess to follow, there's no other way Choose another to your permanent dismay.

Do they shoot lightning or fire or ice, Pew Pew? Pfft, that's been done before and would not be new.

Zests and actions they include I will admit, but nothing more from me will you get.

"Want to know what they do," asks the soothsayer? Your only clue is in the words, "A wing and a prayer."

OOC NOTES: Special restrictions that should be clearly known and understood.

These attune and will be destroyed if removed.

They can only be worn by a follower of Gosaena, convert to any other deity (or none) and they are PERMANENTLY lost. (No really. I mean it. Deleted, gone, no amount of assisting, reporting, begging, or bribing will get them back)

They make use of your distinguishing mark field. Anything currently in it, or added via merchant (or any other method) will be overwritten.

Forum Ref

The massive black steel no-dachi

#16 A rusted broken no-dachi 27 Nov 2016 GM Retser get no-dachi

You pick up a rusted broken no-dachi. Speaking to your broken no-dachi, you say, "You look kind of worthless."

You hold your broken no-dachi up in offering and mutter some prayers to Lorminstra. After a moment of silence, a pure golden shaft of light springs forth from your broken no-dachi and bathes you in its glow. Images of the broken no-dachi from its moment of creation to the present flash before your eyes in quick succession. As the images and shaft of light fade away, you feel heavily drained but somehow more spiritually attuned to the broken no-dachi. A faint voice in your mind says, "So, you think you've the skill to wield me, do you? Eternity shall tell..."

What? What a creeper no-dachi.

Forum Ref
27 Nov 2016 GM Retser Who you follow does not matter.| Msg 12
29 Nov 2016 GM Retser Yes, Paladin or Warrior bonding works.

I would have gotten away with teasing only what I did if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!

But.. Since you identified that much, I'll show this.

Flecks of rusted steel fall from your broken no-dachi as you draw it in front of your body. Switching your grip to both hands, black veins appear down the length of the no-dachi as the remaining rust particles scatter. Suddenly, the blade flares with a void of black energy, doubling its length and size.

You are holding a massive black steel no-dachi in your right hand.

Msg 22

Intricately Etched Veniom Feather

#17 A Feather 28 Nov 2016 GM Ixix >glance

You glance down to see an intricately etched veniom feather in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

Here's a thing. It's something that everybody can use, but you might need to make friends with a well trained member of the Rogue Guild (if such a thing truly exists!) - at least for a few minutes. I wonder what it does!

Forum Ref

Grumpy Gremlin Servant Horn

#18 Lonely? 28 Nov GM Sindin A grumpy little gremlin darts up to you in a breathless hurry. Forum Ref
29 Nov GM Sindin The gremlin feels around under his arms, then smells his fingertips. He wobbles for a moment, dazed, but quickly recovers.

He's not just charming, he also does something pretty useful.

Msg 3
29 Nov GM Sindin >exhale horn

You blow into your horn, letting out a low, soft tone.

A grumpy little gremlin darts up to you in a breathless hurry.

>put coffer in gremlin You put an iron-bound fel coffer inside the little gremlin's loot sack.

>close gremlin You close a grumpy little gremlin's loot sack and secure its opening.

The little gremlin stomps around angrily in pursuit of a wily and elusive insect.

>dismiss gremlin You wave at a grumpy little gremlin in a dismissing gesture. The little gremlin huffs annoyedly, swings his sack over his shoulder, and scuttles away.

Msg 10

Aeia's Grace

#19 Aeia's Grace 30 Nov GM Vanah A subtle heat rises in your cheeks as you sing, a blush like that given as one basks in the glow of a roaring fire. You feel a subtle quickening in your heart as a vision plays before your eyes.

Though the sun had long since set, the sky was ablaze with a red-orange glow that would surely make the daylight jealous. Bonfires were lit along the river's edge and throughout the green, and myriad sparks filled the air overhead like a cloud of dancing fireflies. Though all about him the night was alive with the rhythmic pronouncements of drums and the airy laughter and singing of those nearby, he lingered just at the edge of the light alone. He watched the villagers, his friends, his neighbors, as they partook of the festivities, often linked arm in arm as they wove spirals around first one bonfire, then another. They beckoned to him as they passed. "Join us," he heard them call with the very breath of temptation. With a head shake, he declined the invitation, time and again, preferring instead to continue his solitary trek.

It was after such a renunciation that he caught sight of her, only a glimpse as he turned to avoid the revelers. Her pale skin was set alight by the glow of the bonfires, and her long, brown hair was gilded with a coppery red that rivaled any flame. He found himself drawn to her, and as he approached, she turned to meet his eyes with her own, a gaze painted by every green promise the earth had ever made.

Forum Ref

Puffy Grey Cloud Pin

#20 Foggy Inventory 1 Dec GM Estild As Estild puts on a puffy grey cloud pin, a dense fog gathers around him.

>look Estild
You see GameMaster Estild.
He appears to be a Forest Gnome from Basingstoke Bloodline.
He is tall and appears to be burdened with age. He has bright hazel eyes and tanned skin. He has very short, dark brown hair.
He is in good shape.
A dense fog swirls about him, concealing his clothing.

As Estild takes off a puffy grey cloud pin, the dense fog around him dissipates.

Forum Ref

Fluted Venion Wand of Everything Elemental

#21 Elemental Wand 2 Dec 2016 GM Estild >glance

You glance down to see a fluted veniom wand enveloped in a swirling white wind in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.
>snap wand
With a flick of your wrist, the swirling white wind enveloping your fluted veniom wand vanishes. Clusters of quartz-veined granite sprout from the wand itself, growing wildly along its length.
>snap wand
With a flick of your wrist, the clusters of quartz-veined granite encrusting your fluted gornar wand vanish, and a cascade of tiny flames materializes, dancing along its length.
>snap wand
With a flick of your wrist, the tiny flames dancing along the length of your fluted drakar wand vanish, and a frosty haze materializes, spilling from it in a long, misty trail.
>snap wand
With a flick of your wrist, the frosty haze spilling from your fluted rhimar wand vanishes, and a corona of crackling electricity flickers into existence around it.
>snap wand
With a flick of your wrist, the corona of crackling electricity surrounding your fluted feras wand vanishes, and a sphere of swirling water appears to adorn its crown.
>snap wand
With a flick of your wrist, the sphere of swirling water crowning your aquamarine wand vanishes, and great plumes of white steam spit from its length.
>snap wand
With a flick of your wrist, the plumes of white steam spitting from your fluted coral wand vanish, and a sickly green film coats the wand, bubbling and hissing along its length.
>snap wand
With a flick of your wrist, the bubbling green film coating your fluted crystal wand vanishes, and a swirling white wind envelops it.
>raise wand
You raise your fluted veniom wand skyward!
1d100: 100 + Modifiers: 262 == 362

You unleash a compact swirling vortex at a huge water elemental!
AS: +325 vs DS: +242 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +51 = +172
... and hit for 69 points of damage!
You unleash a compact swirling vortex at a huge fire elemental!
AS: +325 vs DS: +221 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +81 = +223
... and hit for 81 points of damage!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

Forum Ref

Topaz Crown Talisman Supercharger

#22 Supercharged Talisman 2 Dec GM Estild >rub talisman

As you rub your topaz crown talisman, you are momentarily bathed in a column of radiant golden light. [You have activated an Item Supercharger! The combat properties of your items will be super charged for 15 minutes.]

Forum Ref

Grumpy Dwarf Empath Tattoo

#23 The Grumpiest of Ink 3 Dec 2016 GM Keios The dwarf empath tattoo's chest rises and falls rhythmically in his sleep.

>glance tattoo
You glance at your dwarf empath tattoo.

>poke tattoo
You give the sleeping tattoo a sharp jab and he flails wildly, clutching at his cap as he scrambles back to his feet.

>look tattoo
The dwarf shifts uncomfortably and then furrows his bushy brows, folding his arms almost belligerently as he stares back at you.

>peer tattoo
You squint critically down at the dwarf empath tattoo.
The dwarf empath tattoo obligingly holds out his haversack for you to peer within.
You see that his haversack is empty.

>poke tattoo
You reach under your battered Pip-Boy 3000 and give the dwarf empath tattoo a sharp poke! The dwarf empath tattoo grouchily emerges and shuffles off, coming to rest on your neck.

>clean tattoo
The dwarf obligingly turns over his haversack and gives it a vigorous shake, but only a few bits of lint fall out. He tucks it back against himself and smirks at you.

>tap tattoo
You tap the dwarven empath tattoo and the dwarf stills, becoming simply an art rendering upon your skin.

Forum Ref

Slim Silver Disk of Darkness

#24 A slim silver disk 4 Dec GM Keios >glance

You glance down to see a slim silver disk in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

>turn disk
Letting the silver disk dangle from your fingertips, you twist it and shadows upon its surface rotate, sending it flashing like a tiny moon cycling through its various waxing and waning cycles.

>glance casual
You casually glance around the area.

>look stars
It is too bright out to see the stars.

>wear disk
As you hang the silver disk around your neck, a gentle darkness floats out like a mantle from your shoulders, the disk twinkling where the folds of supple night meet like a clasp.

>tap disk
You gently rest a finger against the silver disk suspended around your neck and a sense of quiet fills your mind, stilling your thoughts. You close your eyes briefly in contemplation, and as you open them again, your surroundings are suffused with shadowed twilight.

>look stars
You gaze up into the sky and see a broad field of lights... Eight dimly glowing stars form the two scalloped wings of a bat soaring into the darkness as it fades away.

>pull disk
You drag your hand gently over the gauzy folds of the mantle shrouding your shoulders, watching wisps of darkness trail about your fingertips.

You adopt an agreeable expression.

>turn disk
You pivot sharply on your heel, sending the gauzy folds of night billowing around you like a storm-driven tempest.

>stride west
You stride away, moving west.

switching viewpoints
[Town Square, Garden Niche]
This small niche between two buildings has been neatly landscaped into a tiny garden, its careful mosaic of flagstones interspersed with patches of trimmed grass. A low stone bench rests along one vine-covered wall, and a patch of colorful violets surrounds a painted wooden barrel in one corner.
Obvious paths: east

>look lornon
You gaze up into the heavens scanning for the moon Lornon...
The fierce light of the sun drowns out any hope of seeing Lornon.

Keios just strode in. >
Night follows in Keios's wake, suffusing the surroundings in dusky twilight.

>look lornon
You gaze up into the heavens scanning for the moon Lornon...
Lornon continues her descent to the west as a thin sliver in the sky. Whorls of darker hue shift slowly across the icy disc, their rhythmic swirling nearly blending in completely with the blackness of the sky.

Forum Ref
14 Dec GM Keios One more teaser! For all you night owls awake during the day.

>rem disk
You place a hand against the silver disk around your neck, and the darkness shrouding you recedes like a wind-driven fog, coalescing back into the disk.

>glance disk
You glance at the silver disk in your hand.

>l stars
It is too bright out to see the stars.

>raise disk
You raise your silver disk into the air, and the area seems to grow still.

An uneasy hush falls upon the world.

You strike a heroic pose.

With a sickening ripple, the heavenly shape of Liabo flickers and then vanishes above you!

The rippling in the sky churns and boils and seemingly out of nowhere, Liabo reappears high in the sky, within kissing distance of the sun.

The looming shape of Liabo slides before the face of the sun, plunging the world into darkness!

You let out a cheer!

>l stars
You gaze up into the sky and see a broad field of lights...
Four glimmering white beacons of light form the pattern of a shield directly overhead, each bright star marking one corner of the protective rectangle.

A fiercely bright corona is all that is visible of the sun, blotted out by the looming shape of Liabo.

>sigh happily
You sigh happily.

>l liabo
You gaze up into the heavens scanning for the moon Liabo... Liabo floats high in the sky, a fierce corona of light surrounding her as she blots out the sun.

You adopt an agreeable expression.

Msg 7
14 Dec GM Keios >>Holy...did that just CHANGE THE SKY?

Yes. Yes it did. By making all of Elanthia night for the duration of the solar eclipse.

Msg 9
14 Dec GM Keios >>Would it would affect things that can only be done at night, such as (a) foraging some plants, (b) refracting moonlight or sunlight for alchemy, and (c) hunting critters that only come out at night (the liches in OTF)?

Yes. The eclipse version affects all of those, world-wide.

The one in my first teaser, the little night that follows you around, affects all that you listed except for (c) critters for everybody in the room with you.

Msg 14
14 Dec GM Keios >>So, out of curiosity, what happens if someone uses this disk that eclipses while, say, an alchemist is trying to refract sunlight in a recipe, or a forager is trying to get a daytime herb?

They should immediately switch to formulas that require night refraction! I should release some now that require both day AND night refractions, just to keep you all on your toes! And hey, the number of night only herbs are 2 more than daytime only herbs, so maybe grab those while they're out!

But, more seriously, the duration is long enough to get a few decent short hunts in, or maybe one longer marathon hunt. Refresh rate is listed in the days, not per day. The eclipse doesn't trigger immediately, there are world-wide messages about the imminent disaster and doom about to happen to warn people to finish up their alchemy or at the very least, not attempt a new one.

Msg 16

Glowbark Bark

#25 Glowbark Bark 4 Dec GM Estild Contains the spell Barkskin

>rub bark
You rub your glowbark bark.
1d100: 9 + Modifiers: 273 == 282

A knobby layer of bark swiftly forms on you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You notice the destroyer's claidhmore focus itself upon its foe, giving additional force to its strike!
A Vvrael destroyer swings a claidhmore at you!
The layer of bark on you hardens and absorbs the attack! The bark crackles as it crumbles to dust.

Forum Ref

Wyrom's Bloodlines Teaser

#26 Bloodlines 6 Dec GM Wyrom "What is a man? ...A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you!" Forum Ref
9 Dec GM Wyrom A Dracula-like ability was on my list, and may one day be something I have the time to code. But it's more a Belmont tool of destruction. I pondered the idea of the combat cross over the classic whip.

Anyway... It's pretty cool, and has some neat easter eggs.

Msg 13
10 Dec GM Wyrom You clench the handle of your whip, enshrouding the white ora in violet flames! Msg 16

The Runestaff With Dispell Flares

#27 Faltering Magic 7 Dec GM Estild >incant 711

You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Pain...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at an infernal lich.
CS: +584 - TD: +493 + CvA: +25 + d100: +85 == +201
Warding failed!
An infernal lich twists in great pain!
... 62 points of damage!

Your witchwood runestaff glows brightly for a moment, consuming the magical energies around the infernal lich!

An infernal lich appears somehow different.
A hazy film coats an infernal lich.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Forum Ref

Screams of the Banshee

#28 Banshees Within 7 Dec GM Estild An infernal lich assumes a wild-eyed expression as it points a finger at you!

CS: +452 - TD: +439 + CvA: +15 + d100: +83 == +111
Warding failed!
A strong strike for 15 points of damage!
A resplendent silver-hued robe edged with gold and blue ornamentation partially deflects the onslaught of the disruption attack.
... 10 points of damage!
You hear the tendons in your foot snap. That hurt!
You scream!
An infernal lich assumes a wild-eyed expression as it points a finger at you!
Your glowbark runestaff emits a deafening wail as a bright red glow erupts from its surface, surrounding you!
CS: +452 - TD: +489 + CvA: +15 + d100: +96 == +74
Warded off!

And for various armors:

An infernal lich assumes a wild-eyed expression as it points a finger at you!
Your flowing robes emits a deafening wail as a bright red glow erupts from its surface, surrounding you!
CS: +452 - TD: +489 + CvA: +15 + d100: +63 == +41
Warded off!

Forum Ref

Roll Yer Own THANG

#29 Custom Scripted Mechanical Item 10 Dec GM Finros We're going to try an experiment for one of the offerings in this auction: a completely new custom-scripted item designed by the winner which is allowed to have (significant) mechanical aspects. We've never done anything like this before, so I'm going to go beyond simple teasing and try to lay out the details, and answer questions as needed.

The broad outline is pretty simple. The winner will work with me to design an entirely new item concept. I will then go build that item and deliver it to them. The item is allowed to have significant mechanical benefits ("auction quality") comparable to the most powerful items in the game. There are obviously many caveats, which I will attempt to cover below, but there aren't meant to be any "gotchas".

- I am the sole authority over what is considered acceptable. Period. I will bend over backwards to work with someone on arriving at a reasonable design, and will field questions over the next week in order to help people understand what reasonable means, but if I reject something, there is no appeal.

- This offering is for a new scripted item. It is fine to steal partial ideas from old items where it makes sense, but "designs" of the sort "I want a copy of Kree's blade", "I want a Banthis elemental bow that also has crate whistle functionality" and "I want a 10x undead bane claidhmore with 10 extra points of weighting" are not going to fly. To be clear, a base item is part of the service, and I expect that many ideas will have a high-enchant special-ability weapon or armor piece as part of the design. That's fine; but this can't be used to cobble together some super-powered item out of existing components.

- The precise internal mechanics (such as formulas and costs) of the item are in my court. I will absolutely take input on those aspects and make sure that the winner isn't blindsided by anything unexpected, but they aren't chosen precisely by the winner. Messaging, subject to QC and basic standards, is up to the winner.

- The winner should have a reasonably detailed design by the end. I'll work with you to refine it from a broad concept to a fuller design, but if you try to leave it at "something like Sorrow but on a polearm", I'm not going to be terribly motivated to finish the design for you, and you'll probably be disappointed.

- The item is guaranteed unique for three years, by approval of the PM. I personally commit to not approving the release of another copy for as long as I remain on staff (so long as the item continues to exist in the game) and even after I leave staff, I'll leave a note behind discouraging re-release. However, I also note that there will be no exception to our general policy of items not standing in the way of releasing new system mechanics.

- If we are unable to reach agreement on the item concept, you will be refunded the auction price in full.

- The item will likely be attuned to the winning character for a period of one year, to discourage immediate transfer or resale. This isn't set in stone and is dependent on the item, but I suggest that it be assumed.

- There will be a time limit on designing the item. I realize that the auction is happening right at the holiday period, and I'll be flexible as needed, but barring unusual circumstances, we should start the design process by January 15. If it goes later than that without you establishing contact, the win is forfeit without refund.

I'll be taking the next week to answer questions on the process. That includes giving ballpark yes/no answers to item proposals for those who want to make them. This isn't the time to try and work out an exact design, but I want to answer in enough detail to make sure people have a good sense of what to expect, going in.

As a final note, we've never offered something like this before, and there are no guarantees that we'll ever offer it again. This is an experiment. The nature of this type of offering means that it can only be performed by a member of the development team senior staff. If it goes poorly, it will probably never be offered again. Even if it goes well, it is the sort of thing that will only be done every once in a great while, since it necessarily involves a great deal of work that ultimately goes to only one player.

Forum Ref

The Branch of the Rowan Home

#30 Home, Sweet Home 10 Dec GM Haliste The adventurer traveled hurriedly, fighting off fierce beasts that materialized at every turn. Hands full of boxes, sacks full of treasure, and a full mind, what he needed was a rest--and perhaps a drink. A snack probably wouldn't be bad, either.

"If only my house was here, I'd be home right now."

>raise branch

A sudden burst of wind rushes through the area, and a ring of spectral sylvans manifest in a closed circle around you as they chant earnestly. One opens a golden pouch and gingerly empties its contents onto the ground as the chanting crescendos. Serpentine roots begin to sprout from tiny seeds scattered at your feet and within moments, a magnificent rowan tree rises from the ground.

The apparitions raise their hands in a display of reverence before slowly disappearing into thin air.

Forum Ref

Hair-Braiding Tool

#32 A 'Do A Day 11 Dec GM Vanah You select "half-crown" for the style to use in the braid design.

The image of a braid can be seen in the crystal. Its appearance is based on the currently selected design options, and it looks this:

a plethora of loose half-crown braids knotted with pallid grey enameled bells

>spin my braid at cupcake
You spin to face Cupcake, your twisted ladder braids whirling dramatically with the abrupt movement.

Forum Ref

The Pied Piper Flute

#33 Pied Piper 11 Dec GM Vanah As you begin to play a hateful, frenzied song on your white ivory flute, a symphony of spectral instruments join in. The music echoes through your mind and spills outward, and a vitriolic feeling begins to permeate the air around you. Forum Ref
11 Dec GM Aulis I'm SO EXCITED about this one. Msg 3
12 Dec GM Vanah >is this the music equivalent of 1235?

That's a BINGO!

Msg 5
12 Dec GM Vanah >Can any profession use it and would you get the boost from mental lore telepathy?

Any profession can use it, but there is no lore bonus. It does not stack with the Provoke spell effects.

Msg 7

The Urnon Chaos Runestaff

#34 Urnon Chaos 11 Dec GM Vanah You wrap your hands around the grip of your red fireleaf runestaff and gird your will against the presence emanating from the urnon clawed hand. You feel the obstinance of the urnon defer to your determination. Forum Ref
11 Dec GM Vanah Existing item properties wouldn't matter much here! It is attached. Hand not your thing?

>push my runes
You wrap your hands around your red fireleaf runestaff, and the clawed urnon hand capping the runestaff begins to slowly ripple. Tendrils begin to rise from the surface as the fingers flex and grasp, shrinking and writhing until the urnon reforms itself into a perfectly spherical orb.

You glance down to see a black-stained red fireleaf runestaff capped by a flickering grey urnon sphere in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

Msg 3

The Boots, The Cloak, The Gloves

#35 Three Items for the Price of Three Items 11 Dec GM Ixix For your enjoyment: a pair of fine leather boots, a deep green coarse wool cloak clasped with a tiny silver fist, and a pair of elegant black leather gloves stitched with black silk thread.

The won't help you fight, but they might help you get richer! Or stuck in the stocks. Either way sounds fun to me!

They each stand on their own as fine and stylish articles of clothing, but you'll be even classier if you can manage to wear more than one at a time!

Forum Ref

Nuts 'n Bolts Half Plate

#36 Nuts 'n Bolts 12 Dec 2016 GM Mikos Got a wrench-turning, gears 'n sprockets oil-lover on your Thrakmas list?

Serviceable, yet RP-enhanced.

You see Mikos.
He appears to be a Burghal Gnome.
He is short and appears to be advanced in years.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a riveted dragon's head burgonet formed of bronzed vultite plates, a pair of bronzed vultite gauntlets constructed of overlapping plates, an articulated breastplate of interlaced bronzed vultite plates, and a pair of bronzed vultite boots formed of overlapping plates.

>turn my plate
You turn the small knob on the right side of the breastplate and hear the "click, click, click" of the clockwork's pawl as the power spring is wound.
Roundtime: 2 sec.

>flip breastp

Your breastplate whirrs softly...
A series of whirrs and clicks emanate from your breastplate as hinged vanes unfold, struts extend, and a myriad of tiny metal plates and scales deploy to encase your arms and legs within a layer of bronzed vultite platemail.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

>tap my platemail
You tap a set of bronzed vultite platemail formed of interleaved plates that you are wearing.

>twist burgon
Aligning the bronze collar at the base of the burgonet with the neck of the platemail, you turn it a quarter-turn and hear a solid CLICK.

>twist gaunt
Aligning the bronze cuffs at the base of the gauntlets with the cuffs of the platemail, you turn them a quarter-turn and hear a solid CLICK.

>twist boot
Aligning the bronze collars at the tops of the boots with the bottom of the platemail's leggings, you turn them each a quarter-turn and hear a solid CLICK.

>push plate
Your platemail whirrs softly...
The whirring of tiny gears and the clicking of pawls emanates from your platemail as it comes to life.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

Your platemail begins to vibrate as hidden gears spin into action! Scores of the bronzed plates shift as others rise from beneath and click into place. Within seconds the platemail takes on a heftier, more rigid appearance.

>tap my platem
You tap a rigid set of bronzed platemail formed of interlocked plates that you are wearing.

>twist plate to left
Your platemail whirrs softly...
Whirrr-tck-tck-tck, your torso rotates from right to centered.

>clench plate
Your platemail whirrs softly...
Whirr-tck-whirr...whirr-tck-whirr, you rise from a crouch.
Roundtime: 2 sec.

Whirrr-kaCHUNK...whirrr-kaCHUNK...whirrr-kaCHUNK, you stalk north.

Whirrr-kaCHUNK...whirrr-kaCHUNK...whirrr-kaCHUNK, you stalk south.

Whirrr-kaCHUNK...whirrr-kaCHUNK...whirrr-kaCHUNK, Mikos just stalked in.

The jaws of Mikos's dragon's head burgonet open wide, and he lets loose with an ear-splitting, metal-on-metal shriek!

Forum Ref
12 Dec GM Mikos >Is it restricted to certain races?

Nope, it's not. A burghal just seemed the most natural to model it.

It is very much Half Plate, though. Even when it looks like a breastplate.

- Mikos

Msg 7

Various Runestaves

#37 Runestaff Love 12 Dec GM Sindin How about...

- A very nice enhancive returning runestaff for COL masters only?

- A runestaff that emparts Holy Bolt knowledge to wizards only... along with enough Religion Lore to allow a completely untrained mage to unlock the acid degeneration effect on undead?

- An enhancive teleport runestaff that transports the entire wizard's group?


Forum Ref

The Boots of Quaking

#38 These Boots Were Made For... 13 Dec GM Wyrom QUAKING! And kicking. Oooo!! Forum Ref

Captain Elanthia Shield

#39 Technically, it's the government's property 13 Dec GM Konacon [1]

(Really, that's all he left for the first teaser, go look at it first and then read what comes next.)

Forum Ref
13 Dec GM Konacon >get shield

You stomp down on the edge of the golvern target shield, sending it somersaulting upwards where you snatch it adroitly from midair.

>throw shield
Locking your left arm tightly around your golvern target shield, you coil backwards then pivot forward explosively, launching the shield into the air with devastating force!
[SMR result: 169 (d100: 42)]
Your shield heads straight for a golden brown sweet rat and hits!
... 35 points of damage!
Massive blow removes the brown sweet rat's right forearm at the elbow!
The brown sweet rat shrieks as it licks at its wounded right foreleg.

[SMR result: 108 (d100: 41)]
Your shield heads straight for a tangy melon rat and hits!
... 20 points of damage!
Blow to the eye swells it shut!
The melon rat is stunned!

[SMR result: 177 (d100: 72)]
Your shield heads straight for a golden brown sweet rat and hits!
... 45 points of damage!
Poke to the left eye continues into the brain!
Your shield makes a looping arc back in your direction and you expertly snag it out of the air, slotting it in one smooth motion back onto your arm.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

>wear shield
You toss the shield casually up in the air, turning with apparent nonchalance to let it land precisely on the center of your back.

Special thanks to GM Keios for all of the messaging! (The above is not all of the messaging)

Msg 4
14 Dec GM Konacon > Will the SMR changes be active with this shield? Will it change when the new SMR is coming out?

This shield is, in fact, using the new SMR. However, when it comes out, the shield will be the only live thing using the new SMR. Earthen Fury will be the next release to use it.

The new SMR isn't going to be a sweeping change that happens overnight. New maneuvers will probably use it, and while moving old maneuvers and/or spells to the new sytem is a goal, it isn't going to happen right away.

Msg 11

There is a second SMR 2.0 Auction item that MAY get released.

Msg 12
14 Dec GM Konacon > Does it use stamina to attack?

Nope. It has a short cooldown.

Msg 21
14 Dec GM Konacon > Can flares/spikes be added to the shield, and will it make it more effective?

Flares and spikes can be added to the shield, though it will not make the throw ability more effective.

> Are there any shield/combat maneuver training that play any direct/indirect role in adding success in attacks?

No. Only Shield Use training is used for the throw.

> What "script" slot does it take? (What other scripts will not play nicely with it, i.e. banshee, fusion, grobey, shield changing)

This is a heavily scripted item, so it takes that slot. Other scripts won't play nicely with it. Sorry!

> Does size of the shield matter?

The size of the shield doesn't matter to the effectiveness of the throw ability, but it definitely cannot be altered to be a tower shield. Again, sorry!

> Can you AIM the shield attack?

No. It doesn't take AIM into account. It just hits what it hits.

> Sorry for all the questions, thanks in advance!!

Not a problem! Sorry that the answers to some of these questions aren't going to be to everyone's liking. Even if it can't be a tower shield I still hope it finds a nice, loving home!
... And then gets kicked out of that home. Often.

>rem shield
With a cheeky grin, you give the bottom edge of your golvern target shield a swift backward kick, sending it launching up above your head. Competently, you snatch it out of the air on its way back down.
>kick shield
You toss your golvern target shield up into the air and immediately pivot into a smooth roundhouse kick, your foot connecting solidly with the spinning disk to send it flying!
[SMR result: 148 (d100: 61)]
Your shield heads straight for a tangy melon rat and hits!
... 20 points of damage!
Good blow to left arm!
The melon rat is stunned!

[SMR result: 122 (d100: 35)]
Your shield heads straight for a pumpkin rat and hits!
... 25 points of damage!
Strong blow breaks neck!
The pumpkin rat is stunned!

[SMR result: 89 (d100: 1)]
Your shield heads straight for a huge wedge of dark chocolate rat, but bounces harmlessly off of it.
Your shield makes a looping arc back in your direction and you expertly snag it out of the air, slotting it in one smooth motion back onto your arm.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>sigh dark rat
You sigh at a huge wedge of dark chocolate rat.
>pound shield at rat
You angle your golvern target shield toward a tangy melon rat, pounding it in a show of aggression!

Msg 26

Unlocked Ethereal Armor

#40 If you like etherealoladas 13 Dec GM Retser and getting caught in fully unlocked armor.

If you're not into complicated teasers, if you have half a brain.

Forum Ref

Retser's Greater Runestaves

#41 Come and buy my magnificent snake oil! (THE GREATER RUNESTAVES OF ALL TIME) 13 Dec GM Retser I lied, there are no snakes or oils.


There is an ugly runestaff that spews acid and gives you the spell knowledge of major acid!


The above runestaff has a HOT twin brother named mcsteamy, with steamy flares, and gives you the spell knowledge of minor steam!

Lets make it sssssteamyyyyyy, hisssssssssss.



Forum Ref

Wing-bladed Sea Glaes Harpoon

#42 Vee's Wake 13 Dec GM Wyrom You glance down to see a wing-bladed sea glaes harpoon in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

You spin your sea glaes harpoon overhead and victoriously pose!

Forum Ref
16 Dec GM Wyrom [Glatoph, Glacier]

This side of the mountain is covered with ice. The ice field is almost big enough to be called a glacier, except that the conditions are all wrong for a glacier. You suspect some sort of magic at work, and wonder at the wizard powerful enough to freeze half a mountain. You also see a hulking frost giant.
Obvious paths: southwest

You wheeze, trying to catch your breath.

You clutch your chest with an anguished expression.

You have the following injuries: moderate bleeding from your neck, deep gashes and serious bleeding from your chest, deep gashes and serious bleeding from your abdominal area and a blinded left eye.

Area Health per Round Bandaged Can Tend? Tend Time

Abdomen 6 No No
Neck 4 No Yes 29s
Chest 6 No No

Maximum Health Points: 168
Remaining Health Points: 28
You are feeling faint.

Maximum Spirit Points: 9
Remaining Spirit Points: 9

Maximum Stamina Points: 144
Remaining Stamina Points: 144

You thrust with a wing-bladed sea glaes harpoon at a hulking frost giant!
AS: +180 vs DS: +143 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +49 = +107
... and hit for 2 points of damage!
Thrust slides along the back.
Cuts a nagging itch.

Watery torrents cascade from the harpoon and engulf a hulking frost giant!

... 140 points of damage!
Cerulean tendrils sap the life from a hulking frost giant and retreat toward you, restoring some health. The frost giant falls to the ground motionless.
Roundtime: 8 sec.

You have the following injuries: moderate bleeding from your neck, deep gashes and serious bleeding from your chest, deep gashes and serious bleeding from your abdominal area and a blinded left eye.

Area Health per Round Bandaged Can Tend? Tend Time

Abdomen 6 No No
Neck 4 No Yes 29s
Chest 6 No No

Maximum Health Points: 168
Remaining Health Points: 98
You are feeling faint.

Maximum Spirit Points: 9
Remaining Spirit Points: 9

Maximum Stamina Points: 144
Remaining Stamina Points: 144

You raise your fist in a display of defiance.

You shamble southwest.
[Upper Trollfang, Glatoph]
A layer of frost covers everything, making the rocks slick and treacherous. A lonely hawk glides through the clear sky, searching vainly for prey. You also see a hulking frost giant. Obvious paths: northeast, southwest

Maximum Mana Points: 153
Remaining Mana Points: 153

You empower some mana into your sea glaes harpoon and it transforms into a jet of brackish water! With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a jet of brackish water into flight.
You throw a jet of brackish water at a hulking frost giant!
AS: +348 vs DS: +151 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +93 = +311
... and hit for 64 points of damage!
Strike pierces forearm!
The frost giant is stunned!
You command the water to return to your right hand, which reforms into a wing-bladed sea glaes harpoon!
Roundtime: 9 sec.

You thrust with a wing-bladed sea glaes harpoon at a hulking frost giant!
AS: +190 vs DS: +145 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +53 = +119
... and hit for 5 points of damage!
Thrust glances off the frost giant's knee without a lot of effect.

Your sea glaes harpoon releases a blast of water!

... 10 points of damage!
Torn muscle in the frost giant's right leg!

Watery torrents cascade from the harpoon and engulf a hulking frost giant!

... 114 points of damage!
Cerulean tendrils sap the life from a hulking frost giant and retreat toward you, restoring some health.
Roundtime: 8 sec.

Polearm/thrown users... Spruce up some knowledge on water lore!

Msg 3


#44 Thunder. Thunder! THUNDERCATS, HOOOOO! 7 Dec 2016 GM Tamuz Tamuz sings something in Guildspeak that you don't understand.

The veil iron maul seems to respond to the magic of Tamuz's song.
Slivers of blue-white lightning crackle across the veil iron maul in Tamuz's hands.

Tamuz sings something in Guildspeak that you don't understand.
The veil iron maul seems to respond to the magic of Tamuz's song.
Tamuz staggers as if struck by a huge object.
The surrounding air feels as though it is thickening, the sudden stillness only interrupted by a faint rumble echoing from the distance.

Tamuz sings something in Guildspeak that you don't understand.
The veil iron maul seems to respond to the magic of Tamuz's song.
As voluminous grey and black-colored clouds begin to engulf the once-clear sky, the swiftly forming storm blows in as if guided by unseen hands. Thunder rumbles in the distance and the scent of ozone fills the air.

Tamuz sings something in Guildspeak that you don't understand.
The veil iron maul seems to respond to the magic of Tamuz's song.
Strong gusts of wind whip about the area, the howling drowned out only by the guttural sounds of thunder. The incoming darkness is pierced by bolts of bright lightning, the sky opening to release a torrent of rain.

A sudden gust blows the rain at you in a stinging attack.

Forum Ref
Thunder. Thunder! Thundermaul, smash! 14 Dec 2016 GM Tamuz As you sing, an image forms in your mind...

You are high in the skies, looking down on the peaks of the Dragonspine Mountains, though they are not quite as they should be. Certain features are out of place as you realize these must be the Dragonspines of the distant past.

A grandfather storm is brewing in the skies around you as brilliant bolts of blue-white lightning strike through the air, lancing down to assault the rocky surface of the Dragonspines below you. Amid the raging storm, a singular column of azure light and lightning emits an eerie blue glow, casting the entire scene in a ghostly cobalt luminescence. Tens of thousands of lesser elementals storm toward what could only be the form of Veiki, Great Elemental of Lightning.

Roundtime: 10 sec.

The rest of the loresong it pretty fun too, and has a really neat effect that does not kill the bard. Promise!

As for mechanical functionality...

Tamuz raises his veil iron maul high in the air and then brings it down, slamming it on the ground A thunderous din rings in your ears as the maul makes contact with the ground, throwing up dirt and debris. A crackling shockwave of blue-white lightning emanates from the epicenter of the impact and ripples outward.
The ground around you seems to shake violently, making it hard to stand.
You lose your balance and fall over.
Roundtime: 11 sec.

Forum Ref

Dragonsib UAC

#45 Just a little UAC love 14 Dec GM Haliste Because, who doesn't love hand and foot wraps?!

a set of thick black leather handwraps with gornar rivets
a pair of thick black leather footwraps with zorchar rivets

These babies are six-times enchanted. If you're lucky enough to get your hands on these, they'll make a pretty lethal team! From flares to banes and enhancives, these guys definitely pack some punch and kick. I call them, "Dragonsib".

Forum Ref

Hand For Coins

#43 What are you doing with that thing? 14 Dec GM Retser Why are you putting your silvers in a dirty old hand!

Gross, bye.

Forum Ref

The Cloak of Traveling

#46 an elegantly long coraesine-threaded longcloak 14 Dec GM Keios You exclaim, "Time to go home!"

[Northern Slopes, Bluff]
Lichen mottles the surface of boulders forming the bluff, their surface sheared of snow by gusting winds blowing up from the gorge below. The flurries are buffered to the northwest by a dense forest of pines that stand dark and seemingly impenetrable. A trail forms and winds away to the northeast, as though fleeing the maw of the shadowy ravine. It soon disappears, lost in a vast expanse of blizzard-swept tundra. You also see some icy rocks.
Obvious paths: northeast, northwest

>stare rocks
You stare at some icy rocks.

Speaking to some icy rocks, you exclaim, "Nuh uh! Not today, evil rocks!"

>tickle longc
You shift your fingers between the shimmering threads lining the inside of your coraesine-threaded longcloak and the fifth thread slips easily into your fingers. As you gently bring it to the front of the others, it releases a snowy, arctic breath of air carrying the mild scent of some local coniferous forest.

>gaze longcl You pass your fingers over the shimmering threads lining the inside of your coraesine-threaded longcloak and they glimmer, sending tendrils of colors seeping into the fabric they weave through, imparting a picture on the inner fabric of your longcloak for you to see...
[Icemule Trace, Forest]
Snow crunches beneath your feet as you walk along the narrow path through the forest. The air is cold and crisp, and filled with the sharp scent of pine. Startled by your approach, an owl takes flight from the cover of a nearby tree. It passes so close you feel the rush of air from its wings. You also see a crystal gate.
Obvious paths: east, south
The mist-veiled scene provides an interesting counterpoint with the snowy, arctic climate of the mountainous terrain surrounding you.

You say, "Not quite the right place."

[Northern Mountains, Pine Forest]
A ring of tall modwirs surrounds an outcrop of granite that peeks from a mantle of snowdrifts like a recluse. At the stone's feet, the trail splits into tentative fingers in all directions, the remnants divided by tree trunks and obscured by snow.
Obvious paths: southeast, west

>gaze longcl
You pass your fingers over the shimmering threads lining the inside of your coraesine-threaded longcloak and they glimmer, sending tendrils of colors seeping into the fabric they weave through, imparting a picture on the inner fabric of your longcloak for you to see...
[Icemule Trace, Forest]
Snow crunches beneath your feet as you walk along the narrow path through the forest. The air is cold and crisp, and filled with the sharp scent of pine. Startled by your approach, an owl takes flight from the cover of a nearby tree. It passes so close you feel the rush of air from its wings. You also see a crystal gate.
Obvious paths: east, south
The mist-veiled scene melds almost seemlessly with the snowy, arctic climate of the coniferous forest surrounding you.

You let out a cheer!

You exclaim, "Here we are!"

>pinch longcl
You gently handle the shimmering threads lining the inside of your coraesine-threaded longcloak, easing the topmost one into your grasp and will its imprinted sensations into your awareness until they fill your mind with such perfect clarity that you feel that shining edge of separation between you and there to waver thinner than the edge of a blade. With a deep breath, you step over that edge and open your eyes.
[Icemule Trace, Forest]
Snow crunches beneath your feet as you walk along the narrow path through the forest. The air is cold and crisp, and filled with the sharp scent of pine. Startled by your approach, an owl takes flight from the cover of a nearby tree. It passes so close you feel the rush of air from its wings. You also see a crystal gate.
Obvious paths: east, south

>agree You adopt an agreeable expression.

>>>Far away... you hear Keios mocking you...

The world grows blurry and indistinct. After a moment everything becomes clear again. Looking about, you see...
[Gossamer Valley, North Valley]
Sturdy pines and spreading spruces dominate this part of the forest. Their branches hang heavily with the weight of accumulated snow, and clumps of snow drop constantly to the ground. The snowfall is thick, and the wind swirls it around. Southward, vision clears a bit, as does the forest. The trees are massed closest to the lake, and their abundance drops off drastically in direct proportion to their distance from the lakeshore.
Obvious paths: east, northwest

You gasp.
You stamp your feet.
>raise fist
You raise your fist in a display of defiance.

You exclaim, "You think the Dragonspine is going to stop me?!"

>gaze longcl
You pass your fingers over the shimmering threads lining the inside of your coraesine-threaded longcloak and they glimmer, sending tendrils of colors seeping into the fabric they weave through, imparting a picture on the inner fabric of your longcloak for you to see...
[Icemule Trace, Forest]
Snow crunches beneath your feet as you walk along the narrow path through the forest. The air is cold and crisp, and filled with the sharp scent of pine. Startled by your approach, an owl takes flight from the cover of a nearby tree. It passes so close you feel the rush of air from its wings. You also see a crystal gate.
Obvious paths: east, south
The fog-swirled scene melds almost seemlessly with the snowy, arctic climate of the coniferous forest surrounding you.

>pluck longcl
You gently handle the shimmering threads lining the inside of your coraesine-threaded longcloak and give the topmost one a sharp pluck. The thread shimmers sending a liquid cascade of color into the fabric of your longcloak that resolves into a rendered landscape so stunningly realistic, it could be mistaken as part of the existing area. You take a silent breath and step across the almost invisible seam separating one area from another, and with hardly any sense of movement at all, you find yourself in a new place.
[Icemule Trace, Forest]
Snow crunches beneath your feet as you walk along the narrow path through the forest. The air is cold and crisp, and filled with the sharp scent of pine. Startled by your approach, an owl takes flight from the cover of a nearby tree. It passes so close you feel the rush of air from its wings. You also see a crystal gate.
Obvious paths: east, south

You smirk.

A bolt of lightning streaks down from the sky and strikes you!
... 20 points of damage!
Heavy shock to right arm numbs elbow.
You are stunned for 2 rounds!

A tremendous crack of thunder follows instantly!

Forum Ref
15 Dec GM Keios Keios slings a hooded coraesine-threaded longcloak around her shoulders, the motion sending its fabric rippling in an almost fluid display of verdant greens, earthy browns and dusky greys. Quickly, though, the colors visibly shift to a close approximation of the surroundings, making Keios's body almost disappear from sight.

Keios rearranges the folds of her coraesine-threaded longcloak about her, the movements sending colors rippling throughout its length.

Keios carefully pulls the hood of her coraesine-threaded longcloak down over her face, obscuring her features and greatly increasing the difficulty of picking her out from her surroundings.

>look keios
With her coraesine-threaded longcloak closed and its hood pulled low over her face, the color shifting nature of the longcloak's fabric makes your eyes strain to simply pick Keios out from her surroundings, let alone discern any identifying features.

Speaking to Keios, you say, "OW, MY EYES."

Msg 4

Ronan's Kiss

#47 Ronan's Kiss 14 Dec GM Keios Keios indicates her silver mesh gauntlet with a smile.

A web of moonlight briefly surrounds a vaalin-chased silver mesh gauntlet as Keios slips it over her left hand. After a moment the webwork spreads out along her wrist and seeps into her skin.

Keios gently traces the back of a vaalin-chased silver mesh gauntlet and faint trails of moonlight spill down its sides to briefly illuminate the webwork along her skin.

Keios slides a vaalin-chased silver mesh gauntlet along her wrist, adjusting its fit.

Keios breathes deeply, and the webwork of moonlight limning her arm begins to pulse as if in tune with her heartbeat.

Keios winks at you.

Keios raises her hand to the sky and a webwork of moonlight flares to life along her wrist, spilling out into the air in arcing lines that twist and turn until they merge to form a gleaming moon silver bow which lands gently in her palm.

Keios gives her bow string a good pluck, testing it for tension.
The string makes a high pitched twang as she releases it.

As Keios draws back on her bow, a tendril of moonlight stretches between her hands, solidifying into a gleaming moonsilver arrow.
Keios fires a gleaming moonsilver arrow at a star-cut kiwi rat!
A hit!
The arrow evaporates into a fine mist.

>> It's not quite what you think it is. More teasers to come tomorrow!

Forum Ref
15 Dec GM Keios >> More teasers wanted? How about what happens after it's been unlocked once?

As Keios draws back on her bow, a tendril of moonlight stretches between her hands, solidifying into a gleaming moonsilver arrow.
Keios fires a gleaming moonsilver arrow at a pale scaled shaper!
A hit!
The scaled shaper is knocked to the ground!
The scaled shaper is stunned!

** Keios's arrow suddenly dissolves into moonlight, sinking and spreading like a wave across the shaper! **
The shaper's eyes roll up into its head as it slumps to the ground.

The scaled shaper slowly comes back to consciousness.

Keios glances at you.

As Keios draws back on her bow, a tendril of moonlight stretches between her hands, solidifying into a gleaming moonsilver arrow.
Keios fires a gleaming moonsilver arrow at you!
A hit!
You are stunned for 2 rounds!

** Keios's arrow suddenly dissolves into moonlight, sinking and spreading across your body like a wave! ** The cares of this world fade away, and you are momentarily transported to a place somewhere among the stars. In your mind's eye, you see the image of a young man astride a mighty white unicorn with a luminous silver horn. As the vision begins to fade, you are left with the memory of dark grey eyes that seemed to tug at your very soul with their hypnotic, haunting gaze.

Your thoughts slowly come back to you as you find yourself lying on the ground. You must have been sleeping.

Keios's moon silver bow almost completely unravels into tendrils of moonlight before quickly reweaving itself back to normal.

>> Unlocked once?!?! Did Keios just say this thing has ranks?

Yes, I did, and there will be more on that tonight.

Msg 5
15 Dec GM Keios >>But can the arrows hit undead?

Oh, did I fail to mention the bow is Undead Bane?

Msg 9
15 Dec GM Keios Last teaser!

>>>>... next you'll say it has undead bane fire flares.

So the long and short of it is that Ronan's Kiss doesn't have undead bane fire flares... but it COULD.

As you attune to the gauntlet, it will become more... amenable... to allowing you to make some general improvements to the bow it creates. Reaching the maximum level of attunement will also unlock the bow's full power.

Attunement will happen naturally as it stays with a single owner.

Need to know more? You'll have to come to the auction!

Msg 14

A gold-inked deed

#48 a gold-inked deed 14 Dec GM Valyrka Lady Gelynne walks down the var with a small parchment in her hand.

"It must be close, the address I was given is in this area. Ah, here it is."

The young lady walked up to a mistwood gate and gazed at the alabaster manor beyond.

"I often heard my mother remark that Architect Evelise was brilliant. It was much of her plans that we see in the city."

Slowly opening the gate, she comments, "Time to see her private home, perhaps I will have enough coins to purchase it."

Forum Ref

3 Sets of Witchhunter Talons

#49 Three sets of Witchhunter Talons (1 green, 1 yellow, 1 red) 14 Dec GM Mikos Looking for an item with some historical context?

Even witchhunters can end up on the short end of some confrontations, and when they do their trademark equipment can wind up for sale to the highest bidder.

>wear talon

You insert your fingers and thumbs into a set of green glaes talons in succession, taking care to seat them fully and firmly on both hands.

You say, "Hmmm, so they're not weapons."

You say, "Okay, I'm a green-leathered witchhunter! Fear my green lightning, you rogue wizard!"

You swing a silvery vultite longsword at Waldo1!
AS: +88 vs DS: +120 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +82 = +91
A clean miss.

You say, "No good, I gotta zap ya!"

>point talon at Waldo1

You bring the tips of the talons on one hand together, and a chain of green lightning erupts from their apex!

The raw energy fades as it arcs toward Waldo1, then magical energies ripple as the bolt of lightning strikes him squarely in the chest and vanishes!

Waldo1 says, "Huh. That tickled a little. I was expectin' a charred eye socket."

You shrug.

You swing a silvery vultite longsword at Waldo1!
AS: +95 vs DS: +121 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +61 = +76
A clean miss.

Twisted by your attack, Waldo1's warding energies realign themselves in a searing flash of lightning!

... 30 points of damage!
Stunning arc of electricity fuses left leg at knee.
Waldo1 is knocked to the ground!
Waldo1 is stunned for 6 rounds!

You say, "Well, it wasn't very green, but it did the job. The attack missed, but had a small increase."

Waldo1 stands up.

Waldo1 says, "It missed?"

AS: +88 vs DS: +101 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +96 = +124
... and hit for 20 points of damage!
Slash to Waldo1's chest!
That heart's not broken, it's only scratched.

You say, "...and the increase is gone."

Waldo says, "That boost was like a fourth of my defensive magics."

Forum Ref

Golden Ink - A Permanent Gold Ring

#50 Grumpy ink? Try golden ink! 15 Dec GM Tamuz Speaking to you, Tamuz says, "Great, my official guinea pig has arrived."

You ask, "Do I at least get Timothy hay?"

Speaking to you, Tamuz says, "No, but you get this instead."

Tamuz chooses a slender, thin-tipped needle and neatly dips it into a rune-carved jar of glowing golden ink. With quick, practiced movements, he pierces your skin, driving the ink into the flesh.

You point at your gold-inked band.

You squeal.

You brush your fingers over the surface of your gold-inked band and feel a little pulse in it.
[Wehnimer's, Exterior] The jagged shoreline of the bay becomes more evident here along the path as the cool waters of the Bay rush up almost to your feet. You also see a long wooden dock and a dark trail.
Obvious paths: east, southwest
>touch band
You place your hand on your gold-inked band.
Suddenly, your surroundings shift...

[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
You can hear the noisy bustle around the land gates to the west. Over the din, you can just barely hear the sound of the surf from the northeast. You also see a sun-bleached pine gate.
Also here: GameMaster Tamuz
Obvious paths: northeast, west
You remove your hand from your gold-inked band.

You look at yourself carefully in the steel-framed mirror...

You see GameMaster REDACTED.
He appears to be a Forest Gnome.
He appears to be wizened with age. He has REDACTED eyes and REDACTED skin. He has REDACTED, REDACTED hair.
He has an enruned gold-inked band on his arm.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a delicate teardrop ruby pendant, a leather baldric, a crystal amulet, a quilled deerskin backpack, a pair of wolfskin breeches, and a quilled leather tunic.

You preen.

You strut about.

This follows the normal range and usage restrictions of a gold ring. It is permanent, though! Due to its inky nature, it is non transferable and thus technically attuned to whoever wins it at the auction. Ink will be applied to the auction winner only, not someone else of their choosing.

Forum Ref

The Tally Axe

#51 Tally Ho! 16 Dec GM Zissu You glance at the iron woodsman's axe in your hand.

You assess the axe for structural weaknesses and strengths.
You heft the weapon a few times...but note nothing unusual about it.

Zissu mutters junk.

>att mino
You swing a crude iron woodsman's axe at a lesser minotaur!
AS: +363 vs DS: +239 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +95 = +256
... and hit for 93 points of damage!
Neck broken.
The lesser minotaur twitches several times before dying.
A low gurgling sound comes from deep within the chest of the lesser minotaur as he falls slack against the floor.
Pushing deeply with your fingernail, you notch another mark of victory into the haft of your axe.

>l at my axe
You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph. You see 1 crudely cut tally marks down the haft of your axe.


You swing a crude iron woodsman's axe at a lesser minotaur!
AS: +364 vs DS: +223 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +49 = +227
... and hit for 89 points of damage!
Whoosh! Several ribs driven into lungs.
The lesser minotaur is stunned!


<Insert much bloodshed>

You swing a crude iron woodsman's axe at a minotaur warrior!
AS: +463 vs DS: +111 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +2 = +391
... and hit for 195 points of damage!
Spectacular slash!
The minotaur warrior's left arm is neatly amputated!
With a surprised grunt, the minotaur warrior twitches one final time before falling still upon the floor.

You grunt in agreement.

Forum Ref
16 Dec GM Zissu >>But is it sharp enough to SHAVE with?!<<

Yes, with the added bonus of dying your skin 'rusty iron orange' in the process!

>> long do these notches in the haft last, and does it cost anything (see string returners) for the extra AS boost, or is it entirely based off of kills?<<
All it costs is BLOODSHED! As long as your landing the killing blow on a like-level creature every 3 minutes, you get to keep your marks. Feed the beast!

>>oh...also! Does this hit undead naturally? If not, can it be blessed? Undeadbane on this would be really cool. <hint hint, grin><<
Nope and nope! Mostly because of this:

>l at my axe
You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph. You see 100 crudely cut tally marks down the haft of your axe.

>assess my axe
You assess the axe for structural weaknesses and strengths.
Careful examination indicates the iron woodsman's axe has a base strength of 60 and a base durability of 150. You also determine the current integrity of the iron woodsman's axe to be at 100.0%.
Checking out the axe, it looks like it is phenomenally weighted to inflict more damage.

Msg 8

Witchwood Serpent Staff of Luukos

#52 Do you like dead bodies?! 16 Dec GM Zissu ...Really? Well, that's pretty gross. But if they are going to be scattered around taking up space, may as well have them do some work.

You tighten the grip on your witchwood staff, causing it to pulse as sickly green light. Green mists emerge from the wood, coiling up your arm and clinging tightly to your body.

You gesture at an Ithzir scout.
CS: +513 - TD: +351 + CvA: +9 + d100: +14 == +185
Warding failed!
An Ithzir scout contorts in excruciating agony!
... 105 points of damage!
The Ithzir scout falls to the ground in a crumpled heap.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

<Zissu pulls up his lawn chair and pours himself a nice tall glass of lemonade>

Necrotic haze lingering around you drifts down to your feet, collecting into the shape of an ethereal serpent. It slithers towards the corpse of an Ithzir scout, surrounding it with noxious obscurity.

The eyes of an Ithzir scout corpse flare green as the body rises to an twisted standing position. With unnatural speed, the corpse lunges at an Ithzir adept, clawing and biting at any flesh it can find as it slides to the ground.
... 25 points of damage!
Feint to the Ithzir adept's head!
Quick flick at her weapon hand!
Nasty cut to right hand!

Fine Print - OwnersmustbeveryproficientinNecromancyand/orbebffswithLuukos. Deadthingsarelazyanddonotalwaysdowhatyouwant. VolnandLorminstraworshipersmayseesignificantbodilyharmfromholdingthisstaff. Wyromhasbeengivenatinfoilhatforprotection.

Forum Ref
16 Dec GM Zissu A war griffin slowly turns its head as the sound of cracking vertebrae rattles in your ears, stopping with a empty gaze focused directly at Zissu. The griffin hisses, "He hungers..." before falling lifelessly back to the ground. Msg 8

Bracer of Death

#53 Super Mega Ninja Elite Laser Dragon BRACER of Death and Destruction!11! 16 Dec GM Retser Newly acquired from Jorshan's trip to the Reim Vault (THE SEKERET ONE).

You glance down to see a blackened marred bracer fastened by a single burnt buckle in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

Blackened is so 5114, oh well, lets wear it.

As you slide your marred bracer on, it glows with cobalt ethereal light. Several runes on the surface come to life from within the bracer, then sink back into the surface.

Oh, that is new.

Heatless, cobalt flames appear on the surface of your ethereal bracer.

Ohhhhhh, that is newer.

point brac at wiz
You point your ethereal bracer directly at a shan wizard, and the runes covering the surface start to glow. Suddenly, a single rune lights up cobalt as it shifts to the center of the the bracer. Your arm recoils as an ethereal bolt is fired from within!
[SMR result: 195 (d100: 34)]

An ethereal bolt darts out from the ethereal bracer and strikes a shan wizard's chest!

... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the shan wizard clean through!
The shan wizard yips in pain as she falls to the ground motionless.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

That is even newer!!

You glance down at your ethereal bracer and see 4 runes on its surface lit up.


raise brac
You lift your ethereal bracer high overhead, causing the ethereal runes covering your ethereal bracer to glow. Changing directions, you spin your body around, ready to fire as your bracer pulses cobalt.
[SMR result: 240 (d100: 79)]

An ethereal bolt darts out from the ethereal bracer and strikes a shan wizard's left arm!

... 55 points of damage!
Shot shatters shoulder and severs left arm!
The shan wizard is stunned!
[SMR result: 260 (d100: 99)]

An ethereal bolt darts out from the ethereal bracer and strikes a shan wizard's left leg!

... 70 points of damage!
Shot shatters hip and severs left leg!
A shan wizard falls to the ground grasping her mangled left leg!
The shan wizard is stunned!
[SMR result: 205 (d100: 44)]

An ethereal bolt darts out from the ethereal bracer and strikes a shan wizard's abdomen!

... 60 points of damage!
Perfect strike to abdomen. The shan wizard howls in pain and drops quite dead!
The shan wizard yips in pain as he falls to the ground motionless.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

You glance down at your ethereal bracer and see a single rune on its surface lit up.


One of the colorless ethereal runes on the surface of your ethereal bracer glows slightly before turning cobalt.

You glance down at your ethereal bracer and see 2 runes on its surface lit up.

.... OHHHH, I GET IT. IT IS A Super Mega Ninja Elite Laser Dragon Bracer of Death and Destruction!11!!!

Forum Ref
16 Dec GM Retser >> The best of ranged or spell aim or does knowing both help?

The greater of the two

Msg 11-13