"Fishies" are a script introduced at Ebon Gate 5118 (2018) by GM Quilic, and are a scripted 'pet' distributed by an NPC named "Ambie".
Fishies have 4 unlockable tiers, and are sold off the shelf at Tier 0. At tier 1 the fishies learn to eat meat, tier 2 gets more verbs and 'interactions' with Dhu Kittens. Tier 3 allows customers to name their fishies, and unlocks more verbs. Tier 4 gets ambient scripts (which can be toggled off and on).
Fishies come in "a translucent sack", which cannot be altered in any way. When examined, the sack shows:
>exa my sack This translucent sack is a little more than half-filled with brackish water. Drifting in the sack is a relatively small piranha, with some decidedly unusual features. The fish's head is too large for its body, and its scales are a muddy brown color. Massively oversized teeth protrude from the fish's jawline, and its eyes are bloodshot, with one twice the size of the other. The translucent sack is held tightly shut with a length of strong wire.