Armor Use

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The Armor Training skill is used to reduce the effects of wearing armor on one's actions, including attacking roundtime, spell casting hinderance, and maneuver hinderance. Depending on the armor, specific amounts of training are required to train off the hinderances of the armor, and certain hinderances can never be fully trained off. There are 17 armor types split into 5 classes of armor.

Classes of Armor

There are five basic classes of armor. Unarmored, soft leather, scale, chain, and plate. Unarmored does not have any further sub-groups, however all other armor classes have different armor types that cover specific parts of the body. The first armor in a class is usually torso armor, covering only the chest, stomach, and back. The second type will cover the arms and hands of the wearer, then the third type will cover the legs. The last type of armor in a class covers the entire body.

When a type of armor in a class doesn't cover a body part, the part counts as being covered by one class less when determining the critical rank of a strike. For example, when striking someone wearing torso plate, or metal breastplate, the weapon uses the damage factor of striking someone in plate, no matter where the strike lands. However, when striking an uncovered portion, the amount of raw damage required per critical rank is only 9 damage, vice 11 damage which is standard for plate armor (these numbers are called critical divisors). Therefore, a strike of 18 raw damage using a longsword (a +203 to +208 endroll) to an arm is a level 2 crit (+7 extra damage, for a total of 25 damage), but if the same strike were to hit the chest, it'd only be a level 1 crit (+1 extra damage, for a total of 19 damage).

Note: the endrolls noted will be much higher, depending on the redux value of the one being struck. For example, a character with 60% redux in the example given above would require a +358 endroll for the same result.

Training Required

AsG RT MnS MjS Cleric MnE MjE Ranger Sorcerer Wizard Bard Empath Paladin
Robes - - - - - - - - - - - -
Light Leather - - - - - - - - - - - -
Full Leather 2 - - - - - - - - - - -
Reinforced Leather 6 - - - - 6 - 2 6 - - -
Double Leather 6 - - - - 15 - 6 15 6 - -
Leather Breastplate 10 10 15 15 15 27 10 20 27 10 15 6
Cuirbouilli Leather 15 15 20 20 20 35 15 27 35 10 20 10
Studded Leather 20 20 27 27 27 70 20 50 70 10 27 15
Brigandine 27 27 35 35 35 130 27 110 130 35 35 20
Chainmail 35 35 50 50 40 210 35 210 210 50 50 27
Double Chainmail 50 50 70 70 70 290 50 250 290 50 70 35
Augmented Chainmail 50 70 110 110 90 390 70 330 390 50 110 50
Chain Hauberk 70 110 170 170 130 490 110 410 490 190 190 70
Metal Breastplate 70 210 390 390 210 590 310 470 590 310 390 90
Augmented Breastplate 90 230 450 450 250 690 370 550 690 310 450 110
Half Plate 110 250 530 530 290 790 430 570 790 310 530 130
Full Plate 130 290 850 850 330 890 490 850 890 890 790 150