A Visit from Redding (log)

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This is from Falvicar's perspective from January, 24th, 2015.


Redding initiated Mohrgan and Falvicar as members of the Order of the Night's Blade.


A shroud of shadows spins out from behind Regwen, and Redding bows and nods his head.

Speaking to Regwen, Evia says, "Enjoying a peaceful lovely night."

You think to yourself, "We are at your service."

The sword-shaped candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the surroundings.

Ichiko gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Turinrond gazes with interest at Redding.

You bow to Redding.

Mohrgan raises an eyebrow.

(Everybody else greets Redding)

Speaking quietly to Redding, you say, "Good evening Redding."

Redding quietly says, "Bold evening, to all of you."

Eshielle leans over and whispers, "Wasn't that similar to your... vision, from before?"

Mohrgan nods respectfully at Redding.

Avalera nods once.

A wisp of smoke rises from a silvery black sword-shaped candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.

You quietly whisper to Eshielle, "Maybe.. though I trust that one hath come true from fighting Althedeus."

The barn owl ruffles his feathers.

Redding bows to you.

Redding bows to Mohrgan.

You grasp the edge of your spidersilk cape and hold it out as you bow low.

Mohrgan raises an eyebrow.

Hadya leans against an elegant green marble arch.

Mohrgan faces Redding and smartly brings his right fist up to his chest. Holding it there, he bows deeply.

Redding says, "Thank you, for making yourselves available this evening, faithful servants of Ronan."

Regwen rubs her kelyn sword symbol.

Eshielle gazes with interest at Redding.

Greganth says, "And others."

Katiesa nods graciously at Redding.

Malmora rubs her Ronan symbol.

Greganth glances around the area.

Luxelle gulps.

Regwen nods.

Regwen grins at Sareyna.

With a graceful movement of her hands, Evia lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Redding.

Speaking quietly to Redding, Mohrgan asks, "I...we...it is our honor, sir. To what to we owe it?"

Ichiko glances at her faint silvery mark.

Speaking quietly to Redding, you say, "Most welcome. We are honored to serve him."

Geijon says, "All of Liabo deserves our respect."

Hadya frowns.

The barn owl hoots.

[Hearthstone, Front Porch]
Airy and open, the porch is enclosed by smooth, freshly painted white modwir up to a height of about four feet. As you ponder the sky-blue color of the ceiling and a lacework of deep green ivy that crisscrosses the open space between posts, the hubbub of the world beyond quickly fades away. Rocking chairs of various sizes are an inviting sight, and an elegant green marble arch provides a tantalizing view of the splendors inside the old manor. You also see an agitated wasteland spirit that is flying around, a reckless spring spirit that is flying around, a shadowy dire coyote, a large raven that is flying around, the Regwen disk, a gold-flecked grey brushwood wolf, a wedge of crusty peach pie, a barn owl, a silvery black sword-shaped candle, a green-eyed black cat, a tall scorched modwir bin, a doorman, a long oak sideboard with some stuff on it and the porch steps.
Also here: Ta'la'hai Azimar, Kembal, Malmora, Sareyna, Ilyeana, Sir Bristenn, Marroc, Hadya, Great Lady Ichiko who is sitting, Avalera, Redding, High Lady Evia, Geijon, Eshielle, High Lord Turinrond, Greganth, Ulani, Luxelle, Svantai, Katiesa, Magister Raelee, Great Lady Regwen, Goldtree, Mohrgan
Obvious paths: none

Greganth rubs his blue moonstone pendant, causing darkness to stream across its surface briefly.
Greganth gets an odd look on his face.

You stand back up.

You think to yourself, "silly me."

Redding smiles.

Eshielle shivers suddenly, her eyes glazing over briefly.

Eshielle shivers.

Katiesa rubs Eshielle gently.

Eshielle nods at Katiesa.

Redding says, "Your loyalty to the Lord of Night has been spoken of over the last months, and year, your faith and will unmatched."

Redding nods to you.

Redding nods at Mohrgan.

Goldtree nods slowly to you.

Ulani points at Redding.

Marroc removes an ironwood hafted barbed whip-blade from in his threaded war harness.

Regwen gazes lovingly at you.

Ulani nods at Azimar.

You think to yourself, "A lot of us our loyal to him."

Speaking haltingly to Redding, Mohrgan says, "Spoken of? I..."

Rowmi smiles at Evia.

Mohrgan fidgets.

Regwen smiles at Mohrgan.

Redding nods.

Redding asks, "You have heard, of the Order of the Night's Blade?"

Redding peers quizzically at you.

Redding peers quizzically at Mohrgan.

Speaking quietly to Redding, you say, "I'm afraid I know little other than what I have heard from Sir Bristenn."

Turinrond looks thoughtfully at Bristenn.

Redding nods.

You peer quizzically at Mohrgan.

Speaking to Redding, Mohrgan says, "Rumors and legend, sir. Far away here in the north, that is what reaches us."

Redding says, "Let me briefly tell you then, of our Order."

Bristenn rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Mohrgan nods politely.

A silvery black sword-shaped candle burns with a warm golden light.

You nod politely.

Redding asks, "You know of the Battles of Tyllan, and Skyreach?"

Redding furrows his brow.

Mohrgan quickly says, "Of course."

You ponder.

Mohrgan nods at Redding.

Regwen nods.

Redding says, "Two years following those battles, in 5022, our Order was born."

Regwen nods slowly at Redding.

Hadya runs her fingers over her sidewinder charm.

Golden light wells up within the depths of the charm.

Mohrgan traces the lines of his symbol of Voln.

Redding says, "Our ranks were small then, filled with many of the survivors from those battles, of those few that remained, and served our Lord Ronan."

Redding says, "After the horrors seen and suffered by the Horned Cabal, we were dedicted to cleansing the world from such terrors and nightmares."

Mohrgan nods knowingly.

You nod understandingly.

Redding says, "Because of this, our Order has been often fighting alongside the Order of Voln, near Immuron, as we have rose to defend against many horrors that surge from the Wizardwaste."

Redding says, "Recently, many of us were called to sections along the Demonwall, and we regret to hear of the loss at Barrett's Gorge."
You nod.

Redding says, "Your names have echoed among our ranks in the far south, and your service to the Lord's shrine here, has been observed."

(Mohrgan flushes slightly and inclines his head.)

Regwen nods approvingly.

Katiesa looks thoughtfully at Redding.

Rowmi whispers, "As well they should. You all have served as a beacon of good will."

You think to yourself, "I'm... speechless..."

Speaking to Goldtree, Hadya says, "Price of sacrifice."

Goldtree nods once at Hadya.

Goldtree frowns.

Speaking humbly to Redding, Mohrgan says, "That is...most surprising, and gratifying to learn, sir."

Regwen whispers, "I'm so proud of ye m'Lord. Our Lord smiles upon ye this eve."

Speaking quietly to Redding, you say, "Tis flattering to hear. I'm surprised and speechless."

Mohrgan glances between Redding and yourself.

Redding smiles.

Regwen smiles at you.

Rowmi smiles quietly to himself.

Redding says, "Our ranks have never reached this far North."

Redding says, "But in the wake of dark times recently..."

Redding says, "There has been a call for a change."

Mohrgan furrows his brow.

You ponder.

Redding says, "Because of your service and faith, I invite you Lord Falvicar, and Lord Mohrgan, to join the Order of the Night's Blade."

Redding says, "Your role will be to serve here in the North, to stand fast against the tide of darkness and evil, wherever it shall rise, and whomever it shall be born through."

Redding asks, "Do you accept?"

(Mohrgan stares for a moment, as if in shock...)

Speaking quietly to Redding, you say, "It's an honor to serve Lord Ronan. I accept."

Speaking abruptly to Redding, Mohrgan says, "I live to serve. Of course, I am honored to accept."

Redding bows to you.

Redding bows to Mohrgan.

You bow to Redding.

You quietly whisper to Avalera, "Thank you.. Certainly caught me off me off guard."

Redding says, "Then go forth now, Lord Falvicar and Lord Mohrgan, as Blades of the Night."

Mohrgan glances at you.

You nod at Mohrgan.

Mohrgan nods firmly.

You get the feeling you now have access to the title, Blade of the Night.

You nod at Redding.

Avalera says, "Well deserved, both of you."

Rowmi happily exclaims, "Absolutely deserved. Cheers for the Blades of the Night!"

Speaking to Redding, Mohrgan says, "Thank you, indeed. We will honor your faith in us, through action, and through continued service, in His name."

Redding says, "Stand vigilant against the enemies of Lord Ronan, defend against the nightmares of shadows and darkness."

(OOC) Bristenn's player whispers, "Good work, Koboldicar!"

Mohrgan reverently vows, "Always."

You quietly say, "Always."

You nod.

You bow to Redding.

Avalera smiles.

Your postname title has been set to Blade of the Night.

J>title show
Your current TITLE display is:
High Lord Falvicar Jalcon the Blade of the Night.

You see Mohrgan Leyah the Blade of the Night.
He appears to be a Human from Highmount.
He is tall and appears to have come of age. He has sparkling brownish green eyes and tanned skin. He has longish, roughly-cut midnight-hued hair which is worn pulled back into a ponytail, then looped back on itself one time and tied off with a twisted argent cord so that the frayed ends stick upward and sidewise at an unruly angle. He has an unshaven face and broad shoulders. He has the almost imperceptible lines of a faded jackal-shaped scar on the side of his neck.
He has a silver-edged black sword tattoo on his wrist, a blue and gold sunburst tattoo on his wrist, a tackling dummy tattoo on his wrist, a tattooed symbol of Voln on his finger, a tattooed symbol of Ronan on his finger, a tattoo of the Blacksmiths guild on his ankle, and a spike of dark grey-green jade in his left nostril.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, a mirror-finished kroderine pavis edged in blackened steel, an intricate gold ring, a misshapen elongated ethereal silvery pod, a silver-edged obsidian sword symbol, a silver-strung golvern rowel pendant, a black-rippled enveloping dark cloak, a glossy obsidian nose ring, a rolaren-bound fireleaf badge, an obsidian and silver shoulder sash, a silvery puma earcuff, a White Haven bear head pin with four rat hairs tied around it, some deep black silver-swirled gloves, a matte black kelyn sword symbol edged in silver, an ebon suede-covered weapon harness whipstitched with drawn argent threading, a silver spidersilk backpack, a cracked black leather bandolier, some midnight hued kroderine platemail, a silver-set wristlet of sword-shaped jet links, a princess-cut golden topaz bracelet, a blue imflass band inlaid with a silver oak tree, a dingy gold ring, a midnight-hued scroll case, a midnight-hued leather bag, a perfect steel-handled mithril forging-hammer, and some centaur hide boots.

Evia says, "I for one will rest, on the occasion that I do...with greater ease knowing the night is that much more secure."

Evia smiles at you.

Hadya settles her gaze on Redding, watching him intently.

Raelee surreptitiously glances at Hadya.

The barn owl hoots at Mohrgan.

You think to yourself, "Oh Boy."

The barn owl hoots at you.

You pet the barn owl, which nuzzles your hand softly.

Mohrgan humbly says, "Thank you, all."

You quietly whisper to Mohrgan, "Congratulations my Brother."

Roelaren pets a barn owl, which nuzzles her hand softly.

Mohrgan whispers, "And congratulations to you, Blade."

Redding says, "Serve our Lord Ronan, protect the innocent, rebuke the terrors of nightmares. Be bold not only in your words, but in your actions, let your faith cast a net, to bring others into service to our Lord."

Redding nods to you.

Redding nods at Mohrgan.

You nod at Redding.

Mohrgan surreptitiously glances at Hadya.

Hadya smirks.

Roblar draws a woven salt-encrusted net with polished mithril weights from one of the sinew-bound dark oilskin loops sewn inside of his bear hide greatcloak.

Roblar offers Mohrgan a woven salt-encrusted net with polished mithril weights.

Roblar grins slowly.

Roblar glances at Hadya.

Mohrgan glances at Roblar.

Eshielle snickers at Roblar.

Redding says, "This, is but the beginning for the Order, here in the North."

Speaking quietly to Roblar, Mohrgan mumbles, "Figure of speech."

Roblar slowly says, "Ohhh."

Redding nods to you.

Redding nods at Mohrgan.

You quietly whisper to Redding, "I do feel like I need to tell you that since I've returned from the Realm of the Shadows that I have not been myself. My symptoms are getting worse though I am fighting it."

Redding spins, his robe twirling out like a mantle of shadows, enveloping him as he disappears behind Marroc.