Rumor Woods/shop listing 2021

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< Rumor Woods
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Contributors: This shop listing is intended to be completed with the Festshop script. Previous users of this script need to update to the new version.

Entry at [p]

|       -=[  R U M O R     W O O D S  ]=-         | a Stones               |
|                                                 | b Path                 |
|   ~> Battle of the Coney & the Tortoise <~      | c Plum Yurt            |
|                                                 | d White Geteld         |
| * ASPEN GROVE * [a]                             | e Aspen Tavern Kitchen |
|                / |                              | f Sky Blue Tent        |
|     [b]-----[c]-[d]         [A]-[B]             | g Domed Enclosure      |
|      | \   / | / |         / | X | \            | h Dark Blue Yurt       |
|      |  [e]-[f]-[g]     [C]-[D]-[E]-[F]         | i Brown Tent           |
|      | / |   | / |     /               \        | j Aspen Tavern Commons |
|     [h]-[i]-[j]  |  [G]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[H]     | k Steps                |
|    / | / | /   \ | /                       \    | l Hunter Green Geteld  |
| [k]-[l]-[m]-----[I]   * JOUSTING FIELDS *   [J] | m Domed Shelter        |
|                /   \                       /    | n The Gallant Groom    |
|             [n]     [K]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[L]     |   The Spellsmith       |
|            /           \               /        |   What Remains         |
|         [o]             [M]-[N]-[O]-[P]         | o Poiret & Company     |
|        /                   \ | X | /            |   The Tartan Cloth     |
|     [p]                     [Q]-[R]        5120 |   Vaunt It & Flaunt It |
| A Flypaper Designers   | E Fanfare              | N Couturier's Retreat  |
|   Forge                |   Robes of Resistance  |   Roundabout Racers    |
|   Horsing Around       |   Sweetie Pies         | O Devout Alloy         |
|   Trim and Polish      | F In the Loop          |   Earthtones           |
| B Forge                |   Unfurling Battle     |   The Galloping Gait   |
|   The Knight Way       | G-H, K-L Viewing Stands| P Born to Adorn        |
|   Tourney Tents        | H Coney Lists          |   Braid & Mane         |
| C Container Yourself   | I Stump                |   Gifts Of Atan Irith  |
|   Horse Of A Different | K Tortoise Lists       | Q Grand Stable         |
|   Fashion              | L Mane & Tail Above    |   Quit Stallin         |
| D Irons In The Fire    |   Ostler's Den         |   Tortoise Enclosure   |
|   Mount'N'Cloak        | M Saddle Me Up         | R The Colorful Carapace|
|   Rollin In The Greens |  Stick Your Nose In It |   The Gift Horse       |
|                        |   Tourney Shells       |   Grand Stable         |

All prices in raikhen